997 resultados para Summa Genera
Two new genera and five new species of feather mites of the family Proctophyllodidae are described from passerine birds from Brazil: Tyranniphyllodes pitangi gen. n., sp. n. from Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae); Atrichophyllodes delalandi gen. n., sp. n. from Corythopis delalandi (Tyrannidae); A. mentalis gen. n., sp. n. from Dysithamnus mentalis (Thamnophilidae); Anisophyllodes candango sp. n. from Elaenia chiriquensis (Tyrannidae); and Platyacarus sittasomi sp. n. from Sittasomus griseicapillus (Dendrocolaptidae). The discovery of these taxa might give data for a better understanding of the evolution of the family Proctophyllodidae in general and the dispersion of these mites on passerines in South America in paricular.
Two new genera and two new spec ies of Chrysopini (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) are described from Brazil. The main characteristics of Cryptochrysa chloros are: a sheath of long setae in the oral cavity; slender forewing; triangular intramedian cell; antennal scape longer than wide; and lines of strong setae ventral to the arcessus. Characteristics of Furcochrysa allata are: large gonocornua; presence of a pseudopenis; arcessus absent; and basal marginal vein of forewing forked.
Cytogenetic studies involving conventional Giemsa staining, C-banding analysis and silver staining of NORs were performed on nine species belonging to six genera of the family Callichthyidae. The diploid number ranged from 2n = 44 to 2n = 100, the number of chromosomal pairs with NORs ranged from 1 to 4 and constitutive heterochromatin was mainly distributed in the centromeric and/or pericentromeric position of the chromosomes. The DNA content of erythrocytes from six species studied ranged from 1.18 +/- 0.07 to 2.77 +/- 0.22 pg/nucleus. The extensive variability in karyotypes and in nuclear DNA content detected are in accordance with the initial hypothesis that chromosome rearrangements and polyploidy have played a significant role in the evolutionary history of Callichthyidae.
Internal larval oral anatomy was used to explore morphological diversity and its contribution to the systematics of the genera Aplastodiscus, Bokerinannohyla, and Hypsiboas, belonging to the tribe Cophomantini. Internal oral morphology was examined for tadpoles of 12 species. All species have a large pair of infralabial papillae on the buccal floor and other papillae on the prelingual region. In Aplastodiscus and Bokerinannohyla, the large infralabial papillae have digitiform secondary projections. The number and arrangement of the buccal floor papillae varies among species, but they are more numerous in Aplastodiscus and Bokerinannohyla. The arrangement of the postnarial papillae is variable, but in Aplastodiscus and Bokerinannohyla, they show a definite, inverted V-shape pattern. The lateral ridge papillae are more complex in larvae of Bokertnannohyla with long digitiform secondary projections. Tadpoles of only Aplastodiscus albofrenatus, Aplastodiscus eugenioi, and Bokerinannohyla luctuosa have papillae on the buccal roof arena and larvae of all species have lateral roof papillae except Hypsiboas albomarginatus and Hypsiboas cinerascens. Larvae of Aplastodiscus, Bokermannohyla, and Hypsiboas presumably share the presence of vacuities anterior to the internal nares; although this character state is clearly synapomorphic within hylids, it is still uncertain whether it is exclusive of these three genera or whether it is present in the other genera of the tribe Cophomantini (Hyloscirtus and Myersiohyla). The inclusion of internal oral anatomy characters, such as the narial vacuities, in systematic studies is certainly valuable because it will provide additional information toward the understanding of phylogenetic relationships.
Seven new genera of the Neotropical Lauxaniidae are described; all the type-species are also new and described here: Bacilloflagellomera gen. n. (type-species B. pectinicornis sp. n.), Baliopteridion gen. n. (type-species B. brevitarsus sp. n.), Gibbolauxania gen. n. (type-species G. elegans sp. n.), Minilauxania gen. n. (type-species M. bulbifacies sp. n.), Paraphysoclypeus gen. n. (type-species P. nigropleura sp. n.), Pseudominettia gen. n. (type-species P. platypeza sp. n.), Tauridion gen. n. (type-species T. shewelli sp. n.). With 37 original figures.
In this paper the genus Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, 1948, as delimited by Den Heyer (1979a, 1981b), is revised and divided into five genera, viz. Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, Bunaxella gen. nov., Dunaxeus gen. nov., Funaxopsis gen. nov. and Qunaxella gen. nov.. Two new Neotropical species, Dunaxoides duosetosus and Qunaxella triasetosa are described and figured. Additional southern African material is reported. A key to the genera and species of the new genera of the subfamily Cunaxoidinae is provided.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Phylogenetio relationships between Eucalyptus species, subgenus Symphyomyrtus (sections Adnataria, Exsertaria, Maldenaria, and Transversaria), and Corymbia species (sections Politaria and Ocharia) were established based on the sequence of Internal transcribed rDNA spacers (ITS1 and ITS2). The species analyzed were obtained from a collection kept in Brazil. Fragments obtained using primers ITS1 and ITS2 were sequenced and part of the sequence of ITS1 and ITS2 and the complete sequence of 5.8S rDNA were used in the analysis. ITSs and 5.8S rDNA sequences from E. globulus ssp. globulus and A. bakeri (Genus Angophora) were downloaded from the Genbank database and included in the analysis. Psidlum guajava was the selected outgroup used. The sequence alignment and a Neighbor-joining tree were obtained using Clustal X. Few variations were detected in the 5.8S rDNA sequences obtained, occurring mainly between Eucalyptus and Corymbia, thus defining these genera. Variations in ITS sequences occurred in all investigated species. Phylogenetic analysis showed a clear separation between the genera Corymbia and Eucalyptus. A bakeri was more closely related to species belonging to genus Corymbia. Regarding the subgenus Symphyomyrtus (Genus Eucalyptus), only species from section Maidenaria grouped together according to their common section. This could have been caused by the removal of natural reproductive barriers when these species were introduced In Brazil, with a consequent Increase in the rate of interspecific crossings and Introgression events.
In the present study the karyotypes and the number and position of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) of four species of Characiformes are described. The analyses showed that Acestrorhynchus lacustris had 2n=50 chromosomes (8M+34SM+6ST+2A), Oligosarcus longirostris had 2n=50 chromosomes (2M+20SM+10ST+18A), Oligosarcus cf. paranensis from Keller and Mourão rivers had 2n=50 chromosomes (2M+26SM+8ST+14A), and Rhaphiodon vulpinus had 2n=54 chromosomes (32M+12SM+8ST+2A). The number of NOR-bearing chromosome pairs ranged from one to three among the species studied. The results available show that there is no variation in the diploid number within the genera analyzed. However, clear differences related to the karyotypic formulae and the number and position of Ag-NORs were found even in the comparison between populations. The possible relationships between the genera analyzed and other Characiformes are discussed.
The Cyphomyrmex rimosus Spinola and Mycetarotes parallelus Emery species of ants, considered basal, and Acromyrmex disciger Mayr and Atta laevigata Smith, considered derived, have fat bodies specially distributed on their gaster, around their organs and right below the cuticle. The fat body is formed by trophocytes, which are characterized by their pronounced vacuolization of the cytoplasm and the irregular morphology of their nuclei caused by the pressure exerted by cytoplasmic vacuoles. In C. rimosus, the nuclei are more regular, presenting an oval or a star form. In A. disciger and A. laevigata the nuclei present chromatin in a cord form, while in C. rimosus and M. paralellus the chromatin is uniformly distributed in the nucleoplasm, very condensed in the latter species. The parietal trophocytes of A. disciger show cytoplasm with a smaller quantity and smaller sizes of vacuoles compared to ones from the perivisceral region, the opposite is observed in C. rimosus. In A. laevigata and M. parallelus there were no differences observed in their cytoplasm between both regions of cells. In the trophocytes of C. rimosus, A. disciger, A. laevigata, there was a reticular aspect of the cytoplasm observed in the region between vacuoles, not seen on M. parallelus. Another cellular type, oenocyte, was found associated with the fat body cells, and is dispersed between trophocytes with an inner contact to them, but no membrane fusion with them. The oenocytes have a spherical form and are smaller than the trophocytes; they have acidophilic cytoplasm with a small quantity of small vacuoles, and round nuclei.
Two new species of Zetzellia Oudemans, Z. agistzellia sp. n. and Z. quasagistemas sp. n., are described from rubber trees of northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil. Females have clear features of Zetzellia, whereas males resemble Agistemus in some characters. Immatures are also described. The discovery of these species raises some problems concerning generic concepts in Stigmaeidae. Since features of different genera are present in the same species, the authors suggest that the scope of those genera should be reviewed. Copyright © 2005 Magnolia Press.
A review of the Neotropical Lauxaniidae genus Paracestrotus Hendel, 1925 is presented with redescription of P. gibbosus Hendel, 1925 and the description of a new species, P. pulchripennis sp. n., from Brazil, Pará, including illustrations and a key. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.