914 resultados para Sporadic Colorectal-cancer
Background: Care for patients with colon and rectal cancer has improved in the last twenty years however still considerable variation exists in cancer management and outcome between European countries. Therefore, EURECCA, which is the acronym of European Registration of cancer care, is aiming at defining core treatment strategies and developing a European audit structure in order to improve the quality of care for all patients with colon and rectal cancer. In December 2012 the first multidisciplinary consensus conference about colon and rectum was held looking for multidisciplinary consensus. The expert panel consisted of representatives of European scientific organisations involved in cancer care of patients with colon and rectal cancer and representatives of national colorectal registries. Methods: The expert panel had delegates of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), European Society of Pathology (ESP), European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), European Society of Radiology (ESR), European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP), European CanCer Organisation (ECCO), European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) and the European Colorectal Cancer Patient Organisation (EuropaColon), as well as delegates from national registries or audits. Experts commented and voted on the two web-based online voting rounds before the meeting (between 4th and 25th October and between the 20th November and 3rd December 2012) as well as one online round after the meeting (4th-20th March 2013) and were invited to lecture on the subjects during the meeting (13th-15th December 2012). The sentences in the consensus document were available during the meeting and a televoting round during the conference by all participants was performed. All sentences that were voted on are available on the EURECCA website www.canceraudit.eu. The consensus document was divided in sections describing evidence based algorithms of diagnostics, pathology, surgery, medical oncology, radiotherapy, and follow-up where applicable for treatment of colon cancer, rectal cancer and stage IV separately. Consensus was achieved using the Delphi method. Results: The total number of the voted sentences was 465. All chapters were voted on by at least 75% of the experts. Of the 465 sentences, 84% achieved large consensus, 6% achieved moderate consensus, and 7% resulted in minimum consensus. Only 3% was disagreed by more than 50% of the members. Conclusions: It is feasible to achieve European Consensus on key diagnostic and treatment issues using the Delphi method. This consensus embodies the expertise of professionals from all disciplines involved in the care for patients with colon and rectal cancer. Diagnostic and treatment algorithms were developed to implement the current evidence and to define core treatment guidance for multidisciplinary team management of colon and rectal cancer throughout Europe.
Une dérégulation de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 est observée dans plus de 30% des cancers et des mutations activatrices de RAS sont observées dans 30% à 50% des adénomes colorectaux. À la suite d’une analyse extensive de biopsies de tumeurs colorectales humaines par micromatrices tissulaires (TMA), nous avons observé que 44% des tissus cancéreux exprimaient MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 10% des tissus normaux. L'analyse des TMA a également révélé que 79% des tumeurs arboraient un marquage nucléaire de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 4 % pour les tissus normaux. Bien que la voie MEK/ERK1/2 soit fréquemment activée dans les cancers, le rôle précis des isoformes de MEK1 et de MEK2 n'a jamais été clairement établie. De même, l'impact de cette localisation nucléaire aberrante de phospho-MEK1/2, dans l'initiation et la progression des cancers colorectaux, est inconnu. Lors d'un premier projet, nous avons démontré, que l’expression de MEK1 ou MEK2 activé est suffisante pour transformer in vitro des cellules intestinales épithéliales de rat (IEC-6). L'expression des mutants actifs de MEK1 ou MEK2 est suffisante pour induire une dérégulation de la prolifération cellulaire et engendrer la formation d'adénocarcinomes invasifs dans un modèle de greffe orthotopique du côlon chez la souris. Nous avons également démontré que l'inhibition de MEK2 par shRNA supprime complètement la prolifération des lignées humaines de cancer du côlon, alors que la suppression de MEK1 a peu d'effet sur la capacité de prolifération. Le deuxième projet, nous a permis d'observer que l'expression d'un mutant nucléaire de MEK1 dans les cellules IEC-6 transforme drastiquement les cellules. Une augmentation de prolifération, une résistance à l'anoikose, un dérèglement du cycle cellulaire, de l'instabilité chromosomique (CIN), de la tétra/aneuploïdie sont observés. La caractérisation des mécanismes responsables de cette localisation aberrante de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, a permis d'identifier la protéine Sef, un régulateur de la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK/ERK1/2. Nous avons démontré que l'expression d'une forme oncogénique de Ras (H-RasV12) inhibe l'expression de Sef, engendrant alors une accumulation nucléaire de MEK1/2 activés. Plus encore, la réexpression de Sef restaure la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK1/2 et renverse les propriétés tumorigéniques ainsi que l'aneuploïdie induite par Ras activé. Un troisième projet, visant la caractérisation des mécanismes associés à la CIN et à l'aneuploïde engendrés par l'activation aberrante de la voie de Ras-ERK1/2, a permis d'observer que l'hyperactivation de ERK1/2 induit des anomalies mitotiques menant à la binucléation. Une localisation erronée et une surexpression de la kinase Aurora A, de même que des protéines de passage du complexe chromosomique (CPC), Aurora B, Survivine et INCENP, sont observées. L'inhibition partielle de l'activation de ERK1/2 par de faible dose de PD184352, un inhibiteur de MEK1/2, est suffisante pour renverser la surexpression de ces régulateurs mitotiques, de même que corriger les anomalies de la mitose et réduire la tétra/aneuploïdie engendrée par Ras oncogénique. Ainsi, nous avons démontré, pour la première fois, que la voie des MAP kinases ERK1/2 est impliquée dans la CIN, la tétraploïdie et l'aneuploïdie. Nos résultats suggèrent que la perte de Sef est un événement oncogénique précoce, qui contribue à la localisation nucléaire aberrante de MEK1/2 qui est observée dans les tumeurs colorectales. Cette localisation anormale de MEK1/2 est associée à l'initiation de la transformation, la progression tumorale et la CIN, via l'activité soutenue de ERK1/2. Ces informations sont capitales et démontrent l’importance de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 dans le processus de tumorigénèse colorectale.
Introduction: Le cancer colorectal (CCR) demeure un véritable fardeau de santé publique au Canada. Malgré les énormes avancés scientifiques, l’étiologie du CCR n’est pas encore clairement définie. La prévention du CCR nécessite l’identification de nouveaux facteurs de risque. Durant ces dernières années, des études épidémiologiques ont rapporté l’association entre la santé buccodentaire et le cancer colorectal. Cependant, aucune étude n’a été conçue spécifiquement pour vérifier cette association. Objectifs : L’objectif principal de l’étude était de tester la faisabilité d’une grande étude épidémiologique ultérieure, conçue pour vérifier l’association entre la santé buccodentaire compromise et le risque de CCR. Les objectifs secondaires étaient de standardiser les procédures de l’étude, d’évaluer le taux de participation et le succès des approches proposées pour le recrutement, d’évaluer la faisabilité et la validité des méthodes de la collecte des données sur la santé buccodentaire et de produire des données préliminaires concernant l’association entre la santé buccodentaire compromise et le risque de CCR. Méthodologie: Il s’agit d’une étude de faisabilité, de devis cas-témoins à base populationnelle. Les participants dans le groupe de cas (n=30) ont été recrutés dans deux hôpitaux de Montréal. Les témoins (n=39) ont été recrutés dans la population générale de Montréal. Les données sur la santé buccodentaire ont été collectées aussi bien par un questionnaire sur la santé buccodentaire que par un examen clinique. Les données sur plusieurs facteurs de risque du CCR ont été collectées par des questionnaires validés. Résultats: L’étude de faisabilité a rencontré un taux de participation de 73% (30) chez les cas et de 32,5% (39) chez les témoins. Seulement 26% (7) des participants dans le groupe des cas et 79% (26) des participants dans le groupe de témoins ont complété l’examen dentaire. La santé buccodentaire compromise était associée au risque de CCR chez les participants plus âgés que 59 ans (OR=8,4 ; IC à 95% : 0,94 – 389,4; p=0,036). Les mesures de santé buccodentaire auto-rapportées par les participants par l’utilisation du questionnaire ont montré une bonne validité par rapport aux mesures de l’examen clinique. Conclusion: L’étude épidémiologique ultérieure est jugée faisable en apportant des modifications. Les résultats préliminaires plaident pour une association possible entre la santé buccodentaire compromise par la maladie parodontale et/ou l’édentement et le risque du CCR.
Les prostaglandines modulent d’importants rôles physiologiques. Elles sont aussi impliquées dans le développement d’une variété de conditions pathologiques telles l’inflammation, la douleur et le cancer. La prostaglandine PGF2α et son récepteur (récepteur FP) se trouvent impliqué dans la modulation de nombreuses pathologies tels lors de l’accouchement préterme et le cancer colorectal. Récemment, nous avons fait partie d’un groupe de recherche ayant développé des modulateurs allostériques du récepteur FP. Dans une première étude, l’action du PGF2α sur le déclenchement des contractions myométriales a été évaluée, car peu d’information est connue sur la signalisation de cette prostaglandine lors de l’accouchement. Ainsi, nous avons utilisé un peptidomimétique de la deuxième boucle extracellulaire, dénommée PDC113.824. Nos résultats ont démontré que le PDC113.824 permettait de retarder la mise bas chez des souris gestantes, mais agissait de manière différente sur les multiples voies de signalisation de la PGF2α. Ainsi, le PDC113.824 inhibait la voie RhoA-ROCK, dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gα12 par le. Les protéines RhoA-ROCK sont des acteurs clés dans le remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et des contractions myométriales lors de l’accouchement. De plus, le PDC113.824 en présence de PGF2α agit comme un modulateur positif sur la voie dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gαq. Le PDC113.824 serait donc un modulateur allostérique non compétitif possédant des actions à la fois de modulateurs positifs et négatifs sur la signalisation du récepteur FP Dans une seconde étude, des analogues du PDC113.824 ont été conçus et analysés dans un second modèle pathologique, le cancer colorectal. Ce cancer possède de hauts niveaux de récepteur FP. Nous avons donc étudié le rôle du récepteur FP dans le développement et la progression du cancer colorectal et l’effet de modulateurs allostériques. Il est généralement accepté que dans le cancer colorectal, la prostaglandine PGE2 permet la croissance et l’invasion tumorale, ainsi que l’angiogenèse. Toutefois, peu d’informations sont connues sur le rôle du PGF2α dans le cancer colorectal. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons décidé d’examiner la contribution de ce récepteur dans la progression du cancer colorectal et cherché à déterminer si la modulation des fonctions du récepteur FP a un impact sur la croissance de tumeurs colorectales. Nos recherches ont révélé que l’activation du récepteur FP permet la migration et la prolifération de plusieurs lignées cellulaires humaines et murines d’adénocarcinomes colorectaux. Dans ce contexte, nos expériences ont démontré que la migration des cellules cancéreuses était dépendante de l’activation de la voie Rho. Nos résultats démontrent qu’en effet, l’activation de RhoA, une petite GTPase clé de la voie Gα12, est inhibée de façon sélective par nos composés. De plus, nos molécules allostériques sont également efficaces pour inhiber la voie de signalisation de la ß-caténine, une protéine impliquée dans la genèse du cancer colorectal. In vivo, le traitement de souris avec un des ces modulateurs a permis une inhibition effective de la croissance tumorale. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent donc que les modulateurs allostériques des récepteurs FP pourraient constituer une nouvelle classe de médicaments utilisés pour le traitement du cancer colorectal.
Position du problème: La parodontite chronique et l’édentement sont des affections buccodentaires chroniques qui, depuis quelques décennies, sont incriminées dans la survenue de différents types de cancers. Cette revue de littérature avait pour but d’examiner l’association entre le cancer colorectal et ces affections buccodentaires. Résultats: Les études épidémiologiques évaluant une association potentielle entre la parodontite, l’édentement et le cancer colorectal sont peu nombreuses. Cependant, plusieurs mécanismes plaident en faveur de cette association, notamment l’inflammation, la nutrition et possiblement l’infection par certains pathogènes, comme le suggère cette revue de la littérature.
Background: The characterization of phytoestrogen intake and cancer risk has been hindered by the absence of accurate dietary phytoestrogen values. Objective: We examined the risk of breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers relative to phytoestrogen intake on the basis of a comprehensive database. Design: Demographic and anthropometric characteristics, a medical history, and 7-d records of diet were collected prospectively from participants (aged 40–79 y) in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition–Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk). Five hundred nine food items were analyzed by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry, and 13C3-labeled internal standards were analyzed for isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, glycitein, biochanin A, and formononetin), lignans (secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol), and enterolignans from gut microbial metabolism in animal food sources (equol and enterolactone). From the direct analysis, values for 10,708 foods were calculated. Odds ratios (ORs) for breast (244 cases, 941 controls), colorectal (221 cases, 886 controls), and prostate (204 cases, 812 controls) cancers were calculated relative to phytoestrogen intake. Results: Phytoestrogen intake was not associated with breast cancer among women or colorectal cancer among men. Among women, colorectal cancer risk was inversely associated with enterolactone (OR: 0.33; 95% CI: 0.14, 0.74) and total enterolignans (OR: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.13, 0.79), with a positive trend detected for secoisolariciresinol (OR: 1.60; 95% CI: 0.96, 2.69). A positive trend between enterolignan intake and prostate cancer risk (OR: 1.27; 95% CI: 0.97, 1.66) was attenuated after adjustment for dairy intake (OR: 1.19; 95% CI: 0.77, 1.82). Conclusion: Dietary phytoestrogens may contribute to the risk of colorectal cancer among women and prostate cancer among men.
The traditional Mediterranean diet is thought to represent a healthy lifestyle; especially given the incidence of several cancers including colorectal cancer is lower in Mediterranean countries compared to Northern Europe. Olive oil, a central component of the Mediterranean diet, is believed to beneficially affect numerous biological processes. We used phenols extracted from virgin olive oil on a series of in vitro systems that model important stages of colon carcinogenesis. The effect the extract on DNA damage induced by hydrogen peroxide was measured in HT29 cells using single cell microgel-electrophoresis. A significant anti-genotoxic linear trend (p=0.011) was observed when HT29 cells were pre-incubated with olive oil phenols (0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 microg/ml) for 24 hr, then challenged with hydrogen peroxide. The olive oil phenols (50, 100 microg/ml) significantly (p=0.004, p=0.002) improved barrier function of CACO2 cells after 48 hr as measured by trans-epithelial resistance. Significant inhibition of HT115 invasion (p<0.01) was observed at olive oil phenols concentrations of 25, 50, 75, 100 microg/ml using the matrigel invasion assay. No effect was observed on HT115 viability over the concentration range 0, 25, 50 75, 100 microg/ml after 24 hr, although 75 and 100 microg/ml olive oil phenols significantly inhibited HT115 cell attachment (p=0.011, p=0.006). Olive oil phenols had no significant effect on metastasis-related gene expression in HT115 cells. We have demonstrated that phenols extracted from virgin olive oil are capable of inhibiting several stages in colon carcinogenesis in vitro.
CONTEXT: Liver metastases are a common event in the clinical outcome of patients with colorectal cancer and account for 2/3 of deaths from this disease. There is considerable controversy among the data in the literature regarding the results of surgical treatment and prognostic factors of survival, and no analysis have been done in a large cohort of patients in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: To characterize the results of surgical treatment of patients with colorectal liver metastases, and to establish prognostic factors of survival in a Brazilian population. METHOD: This was a retrospective study of patients undergoing liver resection for colorectal metastases in a tertiary cancer hospital from 1998 to 2009. We analyzed epidemiologic variables and the clinical characteristics of primary tumors, metastatic disease and its treatment, surgical procedures and follow-up, and survival results. Survival analyzes were done by the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test was applied to determine the influence of variables on overall and disease-free survival. All variables associated with survival with P<0.20 in univariate analysis, were included in multivariate analysis using a Cox proportional hazard regression model. RESULTS: During the period analyzed, 209 procedures were performed on 170 patients. Postope-rative mortality in 90 days was 2.9% and 5-year overall survival was 64.9%. Its independent prognostic factors were the presence of extrahepatic disease at diagnosis of liver metastases, bilateral nodules and the occurrence of major complications after liver surgery. The estimated 5-year disease-free survival was 39.1% and its prognostic factors included R1 resection, extrahepatic disease, bilateral nodules, lymph node involvement in the primary tumor and primary tumors located in the rectum. CONCLUSION: Liver resection for colorectal metastases is safe and effective and the analysis of prognostic factors of survival in a large cohort of Brazilian patients showed similar results to those pointed in international series. The occurrence of major postoperative complications appears to be able to compromise overall survival and further investigation in needed in this topic.
Colorectal cancer is a complex disease that is thought to arise when cells accumulate mutations that allow for uncontrolled growth. There are several recognized mechanisms for generating such mutations in sporadic colon cancer; one of which is chromosomal instability (CIN). One hypothesized driver of CIN in cancer is the improper repair of dysfunctional telomeres. Telomeres comprise the linear ends of chromosomes and play a dual role in cancer. Its length is maintained by the ribonucleoprotein, telomerase, which is not a normally expressed in somatic cells and as cells divide, telomeres continuously shorten. Critically shortened telomeres are considered dysfunctional as they are recognized as sites of DNA damage and cells respond by entering into replicative senescence or apoptosis, a process that is p53-dependent and the mechanism for telomere-induced tumor suppression. Loss of this checkpoint and improper repair of dysfunctional telomeres can initiate a cycle of fusion, bridge and breakage that can lead to chromosomal changes and genomic instability, a process that can lead to transformation of normal cells to cancer cells. Mouse models of telomere dysfunction are currently based on knocking out the telomerase protein or RNA component; however, the naturally long telomeres of mice require multiple generational crosses of telomerase null mice to achieve critically short telomeres. Shelterin is a complex of six core proteins that bind to telomeres specifically. Pot1a is a highly conserved member of this complex that specifically binds to the telomeric single-stranded 3’ G-rich overhang. Previous work in our lab has shown that Pot1a is essential for chromosomal end protection as deletion of Pot1a in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) leads to open telomere ends that initiate a DNA damage response mediated by ATR, resulting in p53-dependent cellular senescence. Loss of Pot1a in the background of p53 deficiency results in increased aberrant homologous recombination at telomeres and elevated genomic instability, which allows Pot1a-/-, p53-/- MEFs to form tumors when injected into SCID mice. These phenotypes are similar to those seen in cells with critically shortened telomeres. In this work, we created a mouse model of telomere ysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract through the conditional deletion of Pot1a that recapitulates the microscopic features seen in severe telomere attrition. Combined intestinal loss of Pot1a and p53 lead to formation of invasive adenocarcinomas in the small and large intestines. The tumors formed with long latency, low multiplicity and had complex genomes due to chromosomal instability, features similar to those seen in sporadic human colorectal cancers. Taken together, we have developed a novel mouse model of intestinal tumorigenesis based on genomic instability driven by telomere dysfunction.
High-resolution microarray analysis of chromosome 20q in human colon cancer metastasis model systems
Amplification of human chromosome 20q DNA is the most frequently occurring chromosomal abnormality detected in sporadic colorectal carcinomas and shows significant correlation with liver metastases. Through comprehensive high-resolution microarray comparative genomic hybridization and microarray gene expression profiling, we have characterized chromosome 20q amplicon genes associated with human colorectal cancer metastasis in two in vitro metastasis model systems. The results revealed increasing complexity of the 20q genomic profile from the primary tumor-derived cell lines to the lymph node and liver metastasis derived cell lines. Expression analysis of chromosome 20q revealed a subset of over expressed genes residing within the regions of genomic copy number gain in all the tumor cell lines, suggesting these are Chromosome 20q copy number responsive genes. Bases on their preferential expression levels in the model system cell lines and known biological function, four of the over expressed genes mapping to the common intervals of genomic copy gain were considered the most promising candidate colorectal metastasis-associated genes. Validation of genomic copy number and expression array data was carried out on these genes, with one gene, DNMT3B, standing out as expressed at a relatively higher levels in the metastasis-derived cell lines compared with their primary-derived counterparts in both the models systems analyzed. The data provide evidence for the role of chromosome 20q genes with low copy gain and elevated expression in the clonal evolution of metastatic cells and suggests that such genes may serve as early biomarkers of metastatic potential. The data also support the utility of the combined microarray comparative genomic hybridization and expression array analysis for identifying copy number responsive genes in areas of low DNA copy gain in cancer cells. ^
Introduction. Cancer registries provide information about treatment initiation but not the full course of treatment. In an effort to identify patient reported reasons for discontinuing cancer treatment, patients with prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer were identified from Alabama State Cancer Registry (ASCR) -Alabama Medicare linked database for interview. This study has two specific aims: (1) determine whether the ASCR-Medicare database accurately reflects patients’ treatment experiences in terms of whether they started and completed treatment when compared to patient self-report and (2) determine which patient demographic and health care system factors are related to treatment completion as defined by patient self-report. ^ Methods. The ASCR-Medicare claims dataset supplemented patient interview responses to identify treatment initiation and completion among prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer patients in Alabama from 1999-2003. Kappa statistic was used to test for concordance of treatment initiation and completion between patient self-report and Medicare claims data. Patients who reported not completing treatment were asked questions to ascertain reasons for treatment discontinuation. Logistic regression models were constructed to explore the association of patient and tumor characteristics with discontinuation of radiation and chemotherapy. ^ Results. Overall, there was a fair agreement across all cancer sites about whether one had surgery (Kappa=.382). There was fair agreement between self-report and Medicare claims data for starting radiation treatment (Kappa=.278). For starting chemotherapy there was moderate agreement (Kappa=.414). There was no agreement for completing treatment for radiation and chemotherapy between the self-report and claims data. Patients most often reported doctor’s recommendation (40% for radiation treatment and 21.4% for chemotherapy) and side effects (30% for radiation treatment and 42.8% for chemotherapy) for discontinuing treatment. Females were less likely to complete radiation than males (OR=.24, 95% CI=.11–.50). Stage I patients were more likely to drop radiation treatment than stage III patients (OR=3.34, 95% CI=1.12–9.95). Younger patients were more likely to discontinue chemotherapy than older patients (OR=2.84 95%, CI=1.08–7.69) and breast cancer patients were less likely to discontinue chemotherapy than colorectal patients (OR=.13, 95% CI=.04–.46). ^ Conclusion. This study reveals that patients recall starting treatment more accurately than completing treatment and that there are several demographic and tumor characteristics that influence treatment discontinuation. Providing patients with treatment summaries and survivorship plans can help patients their follow-up care when there are gaps in treatment recall and discontinuation of treatment.^
Background: Lynch Syndrome (LS) is a familial cancer syndrome with a high prevalence of colorectal and endometrial carcinomas among affected family members. Clinical criteria, developed from information obtained from familial colorectal cancer registries, have been generated to identify individuals at elevated risk for having LS. In 2007, the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) codified criteria to assist in identifying women presenting with gynecologic cancers at elevated risk for having LS. These criteria have not been validated in a population-based setting. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively identified 412, unselected endometrial cancer cases. Clinical and pathologic information were obtained from the electronic medical record, and all tumors were tested for expression of the DNA mismatch repair proteins through immunohistochemistry. Tumors exhibiting loss of MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 were designated as probable Lynch Syndrome (PLS). For tumors exhibiting immunohistochemical loss of MLH1, we used the PCR-based MLH1 methylation assay to delineate PLS tumors from sporadic tumors. Samples lacking methylation of the MLH1 promoter were also designated as PLS. The sensitivity and specificity for SGO criteria for detecting PLS tumors was calculated. We compared clinical and pathologic features of sporadic tumors and PLS tumors. A simplified cost-effectiveness analysis was also performed comparing the direct costs of utilizing SGO criteria vs. universal tumor testing. Results: In our cohort, 43/408 (10.5%) of endometrial carcinomas were designated as PLS. The sensitivity and specificity of SGO criteria to identify PLS cases were 32.7 and 77%, respectively. Multivariate analysis of clinical and pathologic parameters failed to identify statistically significant differences between sporadic and PLS tumors with the exception of tumors arising from the lower uterine segment. These tumors were more likely to occur in PLS tumors. Cost-effectiveness analysis showed clinical criteria and universal testing strategies cost $6,235.27/PLS case identified and $5,970.38/PLS case identified, respectively. Conclusions: SGO 5-10% criteria successfully identify PLS cases among women who are young or have significant family history of LS related tumors. However, a larger proportion of PLS cases occurring at older ages with less significant family history are not detected by this screening strategy. Compared to SGO clinical criteria, universal tumor testing is a cost effective strategy to identify women presenting with endometrial cancer who are at elevated risk for having LS.
Aberrant DNA methylation is a common phenomenon in human cancer, but its patterns, causes, and consequences are poorly defined. Promoter methylation of the DNA mismatch repair gene MutL homologue (MLH1) has been implicated in the subset of colorectal cancers that shows microsatellite instability (MSI). The present analysis of four MspI/HpaII sites at the MLH1 promoter region in a series of 89 sporadic colorectal cancers revealed two main methylation patterns that closely correlated with the MSI status of the tumors. These sites were hypermethylated in tumor tissue relative to normal mucosa in most MSI(+) cases (31/51, 61%). By contrast, in the majority of MSI(−) cases (20/38, 53%) the same sites showed methylation in normal mucosa and hypomethylation in tumor tissue. Hypermethylation displayed a direct correlation with increasing age and proximal location in the bowel and was accompanied by immunohistochemically documented loss of MLH1 protein both in tumors and in normal tissue. Similar patterns of methylation were observed in the promoter region of the calcitonin gene that does not have a known functional role in tumorigenesis. We propose a model of carcinogenesis where different epigenetic phenotypes distinguish the colonic mucosa in individuals who develop MSI(+) and MSI(−) tumors. These phenotypes may underlie the different developmental pathways that are known to occur in these tumors.
Les prostaglandines modulent d’importants rôles physiologiques. Elles sont aussi impliquées dans le développement d’une variété de conditions pathologiques telles l’inflammation, la douleur et le cancer. La prostaglandine PGF2α et son récepteur (récepteur FP) se trouvent impliqué dans la modulation de nombreuses pathologies tels lors de l’accouchement préterme et le cancer colorectal. Récemment, nous avons fait partie d’un groupe de recherche ayant développé des modulateurs allostériques du récepteur FP. Dans une première étude, l’action du PGF2α sur le déclenchement des contractions myométriales a été évaluée, car peu d’information est connue sur la signalisation de cette prostaglandine lors de l’accouchement. Ainsi, nous avons utilisé un peptidomimétique de la deuxième boucle extracellulaire, dénommée PDC113.824. Nos résultats ont démontré que le PDC113.824 permettait de retarder la mise bas chez des souris gestantes, mais agissait de manière différente sur les multiples voies de signalisation de la PGF2α. Ainsi, le PDC113.824 inhibait la voie RhoA-ROCK, dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gα12 par le. Les protéines RhoA-ROCK sont des acteurs clés dans le remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et des contractions myométriales lors de l’accouchement. De plus, le PDC113.824 en présence de PGF2α agit comme un modulateur positif sur la voie dépendante de l’activation de la protéine Gαq. Le PDC113.824 serait donc un modulateur allostérique non compétitif possédant des actions à la fois de modulateurs positifs et négatifs sur la signalisation du récepteur FP Dans une seconde étude, des analogues du PDC113.824 ont été conçus et analysés dans un second modèle pathologique, le cancer colorectal. Ce cancer possède de hauts niveaux de récepteur FP. Nous avons donc étudié le rôle du récepteur FP dans le développement et la progression du cancer colorectal et l’effet de modulateurs allostériques. Il est généralement accepté que dans le cancer colorectal, la prostaglandine PGE2 permet la croissance et l’invasion tumorale, ainsi que l’angiogenèse. Toutefois, peu d’informations sont connues sur le rôle du PGF2α dans le cancer colorectal. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons décidé d’examiner la contribution de ce récepteur dans la progression du cancer colorectal et cherché à déterminer si la modulation des fonctions du récepteur FP a un impact sur la croissance de tumeurs colorectales. Nos recherches ont révélé que l’activation du récepteur FP permet la migration et la prolifération de plusieurs lignées cellulaires humaines et murines d’adénocarcinomes colorectaux. Dans ce contexte, nos expériences ont démontré que la migration des cellules cancéreuses était dépendante de l’activation de la voie Rho. Nos résultats démontrent qu’en effet, l’activation de RhoA, une petite GTPase clé de la voie Gα12, est inhibée de façon sélective par nos composés. De plus, nos molécules allostériques sont également efficaces pour inhiber la voie de signalisation de la ß-caténine, une protéine impliquée dans la genèse du cancer colorectal. In vivo, le traitement de souris avec un des ces modulateurs a permis une inhibition effective de la croissance tumorale. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent donc que les modulateurs allostériques des récepteurs FP pourraient constituer une nouvelle classe de médicaments utilisés pour le traitement du cancer colorectal.
Cancer remains an undetermined question for modern medicine. Every year millions of people ranging from children to adult die since the modern treatment is unable to meet the challenge. Research must continue in the area of new biomarkers for tumors. Molecular biology has evolved during last years; however, this knowledge has not been applied into the medicine. Biological findings should be used to improve diagnostics and treatment modalities. In this thesis, human formalin-fixed paraffin embedded colorectal and breast cancer samples were used to optimize the double immunofluorescence staining protocol. Also, immunohistochemistry was performed in order to visualize expression patterns of each biomarker. Concerning double immunofluorescence, feasibility of primary antibodies raised in different and same host species was also tested. Finally, established methods for simultaneous multicolor immunofluorescence imaging of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded specimens were applied for the detection of pairs of potential biomarkers of colorectal cancer (EGFR, pmTOR, pAKT, Vimentin, Cytokeratin Pan, Ezrin, E-cadherin) and breast cancer (Securin, PTTG1IP, Cleaved caspase 3, ki67).