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A retrospective study of 24 cases of papillomas in dogs was performed from January 2001 to March 2011. Additionally, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used to characterize and evaluate the samples. We found that disease was observed more in mixed breed dogs, ages ranging from 6 months to 10 years (mean 3.1 years), and there was no gender predilection. The main lesion sites were the skin (75%), lips (16.7%), and eyelids (8.3%). Upon histological evaluation, we observed papillary exophytic proliferation of squamous epithelium and papillary endophytic proliferation (inverted) in 87.5% and 12.5% of cases, respectively. The tumors were characterized by spinous layer hyperplasia (87.5%) with koilocytes (70.8%) and intranuclear pale basophilic inclusions bodies (8.3%), prominent granular layer with large amounts of keratohyalin granules (95.8%), and hyperkeratosis in the stratum corneum (100%). Positive immunostaining for Papillomavirus was found in 83.3% of cases, which were distributed between the granular layer and the stratum corneum. These findings indicate the following: that papillomas in dogs are caused by Papillomavirus, the viral cytopathic effect induces epithelial lesions, viral particles are found inside the cell nuclei, and inclusions bodies are rare.
This paper describes the use of a panel of antibodies (CD117, CD3, CD79a, CD45, cytokeratin, vimentin and E-cadherin) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of canine cutaneous round cell tumours. Neoplastic tumours were diagnosed by histology and histochemical stains and included 107 mast cell tumours, 31 cutaneous histiocytomas, two localized histiocytic sarcomas, 21 cutaneous lymphomas, three plasma cell tumours, one transmissible venereal tumour and seven unclassified round cell tumours. The histologic diagnosis was modified in 39.5% of the total 172 neoplasms. The staining for CD45 and Ecadherin were variable, and therefore, the final diagnoses of cutaneous histiocytoma and localized histiocytic sarcoma were made based on histology in association with negative results for CD3, CD79a, CD117 and cytokeratin. The cellular origin of unclassified round cell tumours was defined in all cases. Cutaneous B-cell lymphoma and plasma cell tumours were CD79a-positive and could be distinguished from each other by the morphological characteristics. Mast cell tumours and T cell lymphoma were CD117 and CD3 positive, respectively. The positive staining for vimentin and the negative staining for CD3, CD79a, CD117 and cytokeratin favoured the diagnosis of transmissible venereal tumours. Thus, the final diagnosis of cutaneous round cell tumours should be based on the interpretation of immunohistochemical results together with the cellular morphology observed by histology. Therefore, more studies to optimize the specific markers in formalin-fixed, paraffinembedded tissues (especially for histiocytes) are required for definitive diagnosis of round cell tumours in dogs.
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7 represents the major Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) strain related to large outbreaks and severe diseases such as hemorrhagic colitis (HC) and the potentially lethal hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). The aim of this study was to report the occurrence and molecular characterization of O157:H7 isolates obtained by rectal swab from 52 healthy dairy cattle belonging to 21 farms in Mid-West of Brazil. Detection of 16SrRNA, stx1, stx2, rfbO157, fliCh7, eae, ehxA, saa, cnf1, chuA, yjaA and TSPE4.C2 genes was performed by PCR. The isolates were further characterized by serotyping. Two hundred and sixty E. coli isolates were obtained, of which 126 were characterized as STEC. Two isolates from the same cow were identified as serotype O157:H7. Both isolates presented the stx2, eae, ehxA, saa and cnf1 virulence factor genes and the chuA gene in the phylogenetic classification (virulent group D), suggesting that they were clones. The prevalence of O157:H7 was found to be 1.92% (1/52 animals), demonstrating that healthy dairy cattle from farms in the Mid-West of Brazil are an important reservoir for highly pathogenic E. coli O157:H7.
Cryptococcosis is an infection that affects humans and animals, the etiology is attributed to Cryptococcus neoformans variety neoformans, C. neoformans var. grubii and Cryptococcus gattii. The infection is common in dogs and cats, causing respiratory, neurological, cutaneous and ocular infections. Aiming to better understand the epidemiology of cryptococcosis in animals in the region, this paper describe the occurrence and characterization of the Cryptococcus species involved in this illness in pet animals at Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Clinical samples of four cases, two in cats and two dogs, were submitted for pathological, microbiological and molecular analysis. Microscopically, in three cases, tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin had absence to severe granulomatous reaction composed by histiocytes, multinucleated cells and lymphocytes infiltration. In one case, citological imprint analysis showed similar inflammatory mainly mononuclear and lymphocyte cells infiltration. All cases had variable amounts of intracellular and extracellular fungal structures compatible with Cryptococcus sp. on Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. All clinical samples were positive for culture on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and morphologically classified as Cryptococcus sp. The isolates were PCR positive for C. gatti, being confirmed by sequencing technique. The findings characterize the molecular species involved in animal infections in the region, and may contribute to future studies of the epidemiology of C. gattii.
Fatal Human herpesvirus 1 (HHV-1) was diagnosed in 12 captive marmosets (Callithrix jacchus and Callithrix penicillata) from metropolitan region of São Paulo, São Paulo State. Clinical signs were variable among the cases, but most affected marmosets presented signs associated with viral epithelial replication: oral, lingual and facial skin ulcers and hypersalivation, and viral replication in the central nervous system: prostration, seizure and aggressive behavior. Consistent microscopic findings were diffuse mild to severe nonsuppurative necrotizing meningoencephalitis with gliosis, vasculitis and neuronal necrosis. Additionally, in the brain, oral cavity, skin, adrenal gland and myoenteric plexus intranuclear inclusion bodies were present. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of the HHV-1 antigen in association with lesions in the brain, oral and lingual mucosa, facial skin, adrenal gland and myoenteric plexus. HHV-1-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the brain was carried out and the virus was detected in 7/8 infected marmosets. It is concluded that HHV-1 causes widespread fatal infection in marmosets.
Morphological and immunohistochemical characterization of angiogenic and apoptotic factors and the expression of thyroid receptors in the ovary of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in captivity were studied. The morphological evaluation of the ovaries was performed by histological paraffin embedded and stained with HE. The immunohistochemical expressions of CDC47, VEGF, Flk-1, angiopoietin, Tie-2 and thyroid receptor (TRα) were performed by the technique of streptavidein-biotin-peroxidase. Apoptosis was assessed using the TUNEL kit. The relative expression of thyroid hormone receptors (TRα and TRβ) was assessed by RT-PCR real time. The nuclear expression of CDC47 increased with the stage of maturation of the oocyte and was observed in the follicle cells. Apoptotic bodies were observed in the follicular cells of atretic follicles and postovulatory follicles from the ovaries of 150g and 350g fish. Expression of VEGF and its receptor Flk-1 was also observed in the follicular cells, and the expression of both increased with the maturity of the oocyte, with a higher intensity observed in the full-grown follicle. The expression of angiopoietin and of its receptor (Tie 2) was discrete and moderate respectively. TRα expression was independent of follicular development. However, the 350 g tilapia exhibited higher expression of TRβ compared with the 50 g tilapia. We conclude that the proliferative activity and the expression of VEGF and its receptor increase with follicular maturation and that the TRs expression increases with ovarian maturity in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
Abstract: Rotaviruses are etiological agents of diarrhea both in humans and in several animal species. Data on avian Group D rotaviruses (RVD) are scarce, especially in Brazil. We detected RVD in 4 pools of intestinal contents of broilers, layer and broiler breeders out of a total of 111 pools from 8 Brazilian states, representing an occurrence of 3.6%, by a specific RVD RT-PCR targeting the VP6 gene. Phylogenetic tree confirmed that the Brazilian strains belong to group D and 3 of the sequences were identical in terms of amino acid whereas one showed 99.5% identity with the others. The sequences described in this study are similar to other sequences previously detected in Brazil, confirming the conserved nature of the VP6 protein.
The present work examined the germination and morphology of the fruits and seeds of the cactus Pilosocereus gounellei (xique-xique) and describeb the different stages of seedling growth. Germination tests examined the effects of combinations of two illumination regimes (a 12 hour photoperiod and total darkness) and three temperature regimes (25, 30, and 20-30 ºC) on the seeds of this species. Germination counts were made daily until the 16th day after sowing and the germination percentage and velocity index, and average germination time were evaluated. Descriptions of seed morphology considered both their external and internal aspects. The processes of germination and seedling growth were evaluated during 150 days and eight developmental stages were identified based on morphological changes. The fruits of the xique-xique cactus are 40.67 ± 4.40 mm long and 48.09 ± 3.23 mm in diameter, weigh 53.85 ± 10.03 g, and contain 3713 ± 689.50 seeds. Alternating temperatures of 20-30 ºC together with a photoperiod of 12 hours of light resulted in the highest seed germination rate. The seeds are positively photoblastic and germination is epigeal and fanerocotyledonary. Seedling growth is slow, but at 150 days after sowing the plants had developed epicotyls, large numbers of thorns, and the whole plant averaged 59.56 mm in height.
Sperm-surface glycopeptides were obtained from intact sperm membranes after proteolytic release by different enzymatic treatments such as autoproteolysis, trypsin, papain and pronase. Glycopeptides were isolated, their properties and composition were examined, and their monosaccharide and amino acid constituents were characterized. The monosaccharides identified were fucose, mannose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, and N-acetylgalactosamine, which form part of more than one type of oligosaccharide units. Autoproteolytic treatment mainly provided O-glycosidic type oligosaccharides, while a mixture of O- and N-glycosidic oligosaccharides was obtained in variable proportions when treated with trypsin, papain or pronase. The highest degree of peptide cleavage was obtained with pronase. Despite the higher yields reached with trypsin, these glycopeptides contain the lowest percentage of oligosaccharide chains. Proteolytic treatment provides a simple, rapid procedure for the isolation of glycopeptides from the sperm surface
Genomic DNA from 23 patients with isolated growth hormone (GH) deficiency (12 males and 11 females: heights -4.9 ± 1.4 SDS) was screened for GH gene deletions by restriction endonuclease analysis of polymerase chain reaction amplification products. Three unrelated patients had typical features of severe GH deficiency and deletions (6.7 kb in two and 7.6 kb in one) of the GH gene. The two patients with 6.7-kb deletions developed growth-attenuating anti-GH antibodies whereas the patient with the 7.6-kb deletion continued to grow with GH replacement therapy. Our finding that 3/23 (~13%) Brazilian subjects had GH gene deletions agrees with previous studies of severe isolated GH deficiency subjects in other populations. Two of three subjects (67%) with deletions developed blocking antibodies despite administration of exogenous GH at low doses. Interestingly, only 1/10 of cases with affected relatives or parental consanguinity had GH-1 gene deletions
The aminopeptidase activity of Phaseolus vulgaris seeds was measured using L-Leu-p-nitroanilide and the L-aminoacyl-ß-naphthylamides of Leu, Ala, Arg and Met. A single peak of aminopeptidase activity on Leu-ß-naphthylamide was eluted at 750 µS after gradient elution chromatography on DEAE-cellulose of the supernatant of a crude seed extract. The effluent containing enzyme activity was applied to a Superdex 200 column and only one peak of aminopeptidase activity was obtained. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (10%) presented only one protein band with molecular mass of 31 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions. The aminopeptidase has an optimum pH of 7.0 for activity on all substrates tested and the highest Vmax/KM ratio for L-Leu-ß-naphthylamide. The enzyme activity was increased 40% by 0.15 M NaCl, inhibited 94% by 2.0 mM Zn2+, inhibited 91% by sodium p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and inhibited 45% by 0.7 mM o-phenanthroline and 30 µM EDTA. Mercaptoethanol (3.3 mM), dithioerythritol (1.7 mM), Ala, Arg, Leu and Met (70 µM), p-nitroaniline (0.25 mM) and ß-naphthylamine (0.53 mM) had no effect on enzyme activity when assayed with 0.56 mM of substrate. Bestatin (20 µM) inhibited 18% the enzyme activity. The aminopeptidase activity in the seeds decayed 50% after two months when stored at 4oC and room temperature. The enzyme is leucyl aminopeptidase metal- and thiol group-dependent.
Carboxypeptidase M (CPM) is an extracellular glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol-anchored membrane glycoprotein, which removes the C-terminal basic residues, lysine and arginine, from peptides and proteins at neutral pH. CPM plays an important role in the control of peptide hormones and growth factor activity on the cell surface. The present study was carried out to clone and express human CPM in the yeast Pichia pastoris in order to evaluate the importance of this enzyme in physiological and pathological processes. The cDNA for the enzyme was amplified from total placental RNA by RT-PCR and cloned in the vector pPIC9, which uses the methanol oxidase promoter and drives the expression of high levels of heterologous proteins in P. pastoris. The cpm gene, after cloning and transfection, was integrated into the yeast genome, which produced the active protein. The recombinant protein was secreted into the medium and the enzymatic activity was measured using the fluorescent substrate dansyl-Ala-Arg. The enzyme was purified by a two-step protocol including gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography, resulting in a 1753-fold purified active protein (16474 RFU mg protein-1 min-1). This purification protocol permitted us to obtain 410 mg of the purified protein per liter of fermentation medium. SDS-PAGE showed that recombinant CPM migrated as a single band with a molecular mass similar to that of native placental enzyme (62 kDa), suggesting that the expression of a glycosylated protein had occurred. These results demonstrate for the first time the establishment of a method using P. pastoris to express human CPM necessary to the development of specific antibodies and antagonists, and the analysis of the involvement of this peptidase in different physiological and pathological processes
cDNA coding for two digestive lysozymes (MdL1 and MdL2) of the Musca domestica housefly was cloned and sequenced. MdL2 is a novel minor lysozyme, whereas MdL1 is the major lysozyme thus far purified from M. domestica midgut. MdL1 and MdL2 were expressed as recombinant proteins in Pichia pastoris, purified and characterized. The lytic activities of MdL1 and MdL2 upon Micrococcus lysodeikticus have an acidic pH optimum (4.8) at low ionic strength (μ = 0.02), which shifts towards an even more acidic value, pH 3.8, at a high ionic strength (μ = 0.2). However, the pH optimum of their activities upon 4-methylumbelliferyl N-acetylchitotrioside (4.9) is not affected by ionic strength. These results suggest that the acidic pH optimum is an intrinsic property of MdL1 and MdL2, whereas pH optimum shifts are an effect of the ionic strength on the negatively charged bacterial wall. MdL2 affinity for bacterial cell wall is lower than that of MdL1. Differences in isoelectric point (pI) indicate that MdL2 (pI = 6.7) is less positively charged than MdL1 (pI = 7.7) at their pH optima, which suggests that electrostatic interactions might be involved in substrate binding. In agreement with that finding, MdL1 and MdL2 affinities for bacterial cell wall decrease as ionic strength increases.
The growing interest in lipase production is related to the potential biotechnological applications that these enzymes present. Current studies on lipase production by submerged fermentation involve the use of agro-industrial residues aiming at increasing economic attractiveness. Based on these aspects, the objective of this work was to investigate lipase production by Penicillium verrucosum in submerged fermentation using a conventional medium based on peptone, yeast extract, NaCl and olive oil, and an industrial medium based on corn steep liquor, Prodex Lac (yeast hydrolysate), NaCl and olive oil, as well as to characterize the crude enzymatic extracts obtained. Kinetics of lipase production was evaluated and the highest enzymatic activities, of 3.15 and 2.22 U.mL-1, were observed when conventional and industrial media were used, respectively. The enzymatic extract showed optimal activity in the range from 30 to 40 °C and at pH 7.0. Although the industrial medium presents economical advantages over the conventional medium, the presence of agro-industrial residues rich in nitrogen and other important nutrients seemed to contribute to a reduction in lipase activity.
Brazil is the second soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) producer and exporter in the world. In 2005, soybean cultivated in the southeastern region of the country suffered drought stress imposed by adverse high temperatures and low humidity during its reproductive stage. Little information is available regarding the effect of drought stress on the quality of grains. In this study chemical and biochemical characteristics of five soybean samples belonging to three different cultivars grown under drought stress were evaluated. The samples did not meet standards for marketing and contained high amounts of green seeds. Grains were analyzed for appearance, 100 seed weight, humidity, water activity, proteins, lipids, lipoxygenase 1 activity, peroxides, and pigment contents after harvest and after 20 months of storage at room temperature. Acidity was measured also after 30 months of storage. The values of water activity and humidity were 0.6-0.7 and 8.7-11.9%, respectively, and they did not change during storage time, but there was an increase in acidity, which alludes to lipase activity. The activity of lipoxygenase 1 was greatly affected. Immediately after harvest, the green pigments were represented mainly by pheophytin a, followed by pheophytin b, small quantities of chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a, and traces of other chlorophyll derivatives. After 20 months of storage almost all green pigments had disappeared. Drought stress probably enhanced membrane permeability, which led to a lower pH and promoted transformation of chlorophylls to pheophytins.