965 resultados para Special libraries--Management
In the late year 2013 events started to unfold in Ukraine’s capital city Kiev that would change the political and economic environment of the EU and Russia. The tension had been building for years between the two parties with Ukraine in the middle and during 2014 the tension blew up and events started to escalate into a crisis, which we now know as the 2014 Ukraine crisis. The crisis would include political, economic, and even military actions by all the parties involved with Ukraine slipping close to civil war. Both political and economic hardships followed for others as well with both the EU and Russia placing heavy political and economic sanctions on each other. Most notably in terms of this paper, the Russian federation placed total import embargo sanctions on food imports from the EU and some other countries. This meant that a Finnish dairy company, Valio, had to engage in corporate crisis management as almost a fifth of its total revenue was cut in a heartbeat. Valio had been prepared for some kind of complications with their Russian market as events started to unfold in Ukraine in the beginning of 2014 but never did they suspect that a complete shutdown of the Russian market would follow. The company is still recovering after more than a year after the sanctions were posed and have not been able to supplement the lost revenue streams. This research is a qualitative research aiming to find answers to the main questions: 1) What is the 2014 Ukraine crisis and what kind of special implications does it have and 2) How did the crisis affect Valio and how did Valio fare in its crisis management efforts. The data has been collected both from secondary document sources and primary sources. The main findings of this research are that the political and economic environment of the EU and Russia has gone through a profound change during the years 2013-2015. The companies and governments should re-evaluate what kind of environment they are now facing and what kinds of risks the new situation poses. This also calls for a deep academic analysis from the academic community. In corporate crisis management of Valio the main findings are that the former literature has looked into crisis management as one-time occurrence but the new crises and global events would call for a more on-going crisis analysis and active crisis management. Thus, corporate crisis management should be viewed as a cycle. Valio specifically handled the situation surprisingly well, considering that their revenue was indeed cut by a fifth. The main aspects of crisis management, which Valio did not handle as well, concern the learning curve of crisis management. They could be doing more in order to prepare for future crises better by learning from this experience. The situation is then still on-going in the autumn 2015 both in Ukraine and within Valio.
After sales business is an effective way to create profit and increase customer satisfaction in manufacturing companies. Despite this, some special business characteristics that are linked to these functions, make it exceptionally challenging in its own way. This Master’s Thesis examines the current situation of the data and inventory management in the case company regarding possibilities and challenges related to the consolidation of current business operations. The research examines process steps, procedures, data requirements, data mining practices and data storage management of spare part sales process, whereas the part focusing on inventory management is reviewing the current stock value and examining current practices and operational principles. There are two global after sales units which supply spare parts and issues reviewed in this study are examined from both units’ perspective. The analysis is focused on the operations of that unit where functions would be centralized by default, if change decisions are carried out. It was discovered that both data and inventory management include clear shortcomings, which result from lack of internal instructions and established processes as well as lack of cooperation with other stakeholders related to product’s lifecycle. The main product of data management was a guideline for consolidating the functions, tailored for the company’s needs. Additionally, potentially scrapped spare part were listed and a proposal of inventory management instructions was drafted. If the suggested spare part materials will be scrapped, stock value will decrease 46 percent. A guideline which was reviewed and commented in this thesis was chosen as the basis of the inventory management instructions.
The present study reveals that there are enormous opportunities for forging closer economic relations among SAARC countries. These opportunities could be fully utilized through the twin processes of trade liberalization and industrial restructuring which are complementary to each other. The SAARC Preferential Trade Arrangement (SAPTA) is the first step in trade liberalization. However, the scope of SAPTA has to be sufficiently widened in order to derive substantial benefits from preferential trading agreements. It is suggested that the SAARC countries adopt a combined approach for tariff elimination, tariff reduction and preferential or concessional tariffs. This process will help in moving quickly towards the creation of a Free Trade Area in the SAARC region. It is necessary to emphasis that, in any regional organization, smaller countries may feel that greater trade co-operation with their larger neighbors may result in larger countries taking over their economies. India occupies 70% of the SAARC region, both geographically and economically, and the remaining 6 nations of the SAARC borders only with India and not with each other. As the biggest, and the most industrialized trading partner among the SAARC countries, India has to recognize that a special responsibility devolves on her and take a lead in making the Regional Economic Co-operation a reality in South Asia.
This makes a thorough study of Role of Academic Bodies with Special Reference to the Academic Programmes in the Universities in Kerala. The present study has dealt with the constitution, powers and functions of the authorities of the universities in Kerala, especially the academic bodies which have well-defined powers and function. This thesis gives in detail the role and functions of the academic bodies in the four universities in Kerala, under study: and examines the role-effectiveness of these bodies. To sum up, it can be concluded that the academic bodies in the universities in Kerala do not function as effectively as envisaged in the laws of the universities. They have a maintenance-oriented approach rather than a dynamic one, without thinking in terms of introducing innovations. They need improvement in the various aspects of their constitution, selection of members and their mode of functioning
The study clearly brings out the role of commission agents in the traditional marine fisheries sector and thereby goes to set at rest the controversy regarding their role. The findings of the study has important implications for formulation of policies and development strategies related to the traditional marine fisheries sector. The study points out the need for a thorough review and reformulation of the policies and development strategies for efficiently achieving the development potential of the traditional marine fisheries sector and for improving the economic conditions of the fishermen. The study is based mostly on Alappuzha District of Kerala, covering all the 30 marine fishing villages, spread over the three coastal taluks, namely, Karthikappally, Ambalappuzha and Cherthala
The study is designed to gather, record, analyse and critically evaluate data on natural rubber production, consumption and marketing in Kerala. The scope of the study also covers the processing of natural rubber by rubber growers, especially small growers. Taking into consideration Kerala’s supremacy in natural rubber cultivation, a detailed study of marketing channels of natural rubber in Kerala, by giving special reference to co-operative rubber marketing has been given importance. Attempt has also been made to collect secondary data of the last 15 years
In this study of workers of the two industrial units, it has been found that the women workers are more committed to the organization than the men workers. The organizational commitment has been a popular research topic among organizational sociologists, industrial psychologists and labour relations specialists. Much of the early research was directed on organizational commitment of men workers and studies on organizational commitment of women workers were less when compared to that of men workers. The results of this study is partially supported by the findings of Aranya and Jacobson (1975) who found that parental responsibility is linked with maintaining stable patterns of employment.
The term 'organisation' is used in different contexts. In this study, organisation is considered as a 'socio—technical system. Alienation, as a term and as a theme, are found in many writings from very early times. But the concept and emphasis differ. The writers who have explained alienation includes theologians, philosophers, anthropologists, economists, political scientists, historians, psychologists and sociologists
The present study focuses attention on the social phenomenon of environmental protection pressure groups in Kerala. A detailed historical background of environmental protection pressure groups at international and national scenes as background for this study .Emphirical studies of environmental protection pressure groups in Kerala with special reference to industrial pollution is dicussed in detail . The main objective of the study is to identify the factors that make pressure groups succeed or fail in achieving their set objectives.The factors include the structure and strategies of social pressure groups and the support they receive from the environment.
The present study focuses on vibrios especially Vibrio harveyi isolated from shrimp (P. monodon) larval production systems from both east and west coasts during times of mortality. A comprehensive approach has been made to work out their systematics through numerical taxonomy and group them based on RAPD profiling and to segregate the virulent from non- virulent isolates based on the presence of virulent genes as well as their phenotypic expression. The information gathered has helped to develop a simple scheme of identification based on phenotypic characters and segregate the virulent from non virulent strains of V. harveyi.
Rapid changes in the technological environment of marine logistics and the increasing integration of waterborne, air and land transport systems have fostered a revolution in the design and operations of transport vehicles, cargo handling technology, and terminal facilities. This in turn has caused major changes in the functions of and uses of ports. From literature, it was found that these changes were very slow in case of Indian ports and the performances of port operations were poor when compared with similar ports in the same region. It was also found that a very few studies were conducted to identify the reasons for slow improvements in the performances of Indian major ports. In this thesis, an attempt is made to find out the operational problems of Indian major ports and to analyze the reasons for it. Some solutions have also been found out using management tools
This paper describes the current information dynamics and its effect in higher education and research in science and technology. Open access movement ,Institutional repositories ,Digital libraries,Knowledge gateways,Blogs,Wikis,and social bookmark tools have rapidly emerged on the web creating a new scenerio that radically changes the knowledge production process such as the creation of information,formats and sources of information,coding and processing ,accessing managing sharing and dissemination of information.The management of knowledge created by academia of Cochin University Of Science And Technology is examined in this challenging context of information dynamics.
Scholarly communication over the past 10 to 15 years has gained a tremendous momentum with the advent of Internet and the World Wide Web. The web has transformed the ways by which people search, find, use and communicate information. Innovations in web technology since 2005 have brought out an array of new services and facilities and an enhanced version of the web named Web 2.0. Web 2.0 facilitates a collaborative environment in which the information users can interact with the information. Web 2.0 enables its users to create, annotate, review, share re-use and represent the information in new ways thereby optimizing the information dissemination
Academic libraries worldwide have witnessed a number of trends and paradigm shifts over the last decade. It is vital for university libraries to develop a collection of high standards to satisfy academics and researchers for supporting the vision and mission of a university. The area of collection development and management is the most important part of any library. This paper reports on the problems and prospects of collection and asset management of the University Library of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). The insight for the paper comes from the authors’ first-hand experience supported by literature review. Detailed information regarding the purchase of books, serials, policies regarding the acquisition, and changing trends and problems were collected from the official records with the help of a structured data sheet. The study discovers the current trends in collection and asset management in CUSAT and point out the changes likely to be adopted in future.