993 resultados para Source-sink
A new algorithm based on signal subspace approach is proposed for localizing a sound source in shallow water. In the first instance we assumed an ideal channel with plane parallel boundaries and known reflection properties. The sound source is assumed to emit a broadband stationary stochastic signal. The algorithm takes into account the spatial distribution of all images and reflection characteristics of the sea bottom. It is shown that both range and depth of a source can be measured accurately with the help of a vertical array of sensors. For good results the number of sensors should be greater than the number of significant images; however, localization is possible even with a smaller array but at the cost of higher side lobes. Next, we allowed the channel to be stochastically perturbed; this resulted in random phase errors in the reflection coefficients. The most singular effect of the phase errors is to introduce into the spectral matrix an extra term which may be looked upon as a signal generated coloured noise. It is shown through computer simulations that the signal peak height is reduced considerably as a consequence of random phase errors.
The principle of operation of a dual current source converter is briefly explained. The combination of two single current source converters (SCSC) to form a ``dual (duplex) current source converter'' (DCSC) is proposed. The DCSC is shown to have the following merits: 1) it retains all the advantages of the SCSC; 2) it reduces the harmonic content of the current waveform considerably; and 3) since the load current is shared equally between two current source converters, ratings of the individual components employed in the circuit are considerably lowered. A DCSC can be an attractive choice for sophisticated large horsepower drives where a good performance of the drive rather than cost is a prime factor. An open-loop control scheme employing the DCSC for an ac motor drive has been successfully implemented in the laboratory. Oscillograms of the improved load current waveforms are shown.
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Higher order LCL filters are essential in meeting the interconnection standard requirement for grid-connected voltage source converters. LCL filters offer better harmonic attenuation and better efficiency at a smaller size when compared to the traditional L filters. The focus of this paper is to analyze the LCL filter design procedure from the point of view of power loss and efficiency. The IEEE 1547-2008 specifications for high-frequency current ripple are used as a major constraint early in the design to ensure that all subsequent optimizations are still compliant with the standards. Power loss in each individual filter component is calculated on a per-phase basis. The total inductance per unit of the LCL filter is varied, and LCL parameter values which give the highest efficiency while simultaneously meeting the stringent standard requirements are identified. The power loss and harmonic output spectrum of the grid-connected LCL filter is experimentally verified, and measurements confirm the predicted trends.
Kasvit ottavat vettä parhaiten kasteluravinneliuoksesta, jonka ravinnepitoisuus on pieni. Intensiivisessä kasvihuonetuotannossa käytetään silti kastelulannoituksessa usein korkeita ravinnepitoisuuksia ravinnepuutosten ja satotappioiden välttämiseksi. Jakojuuriviljelyssä kasvin juuriston annetaan kasvaa kahteen erilliseen kasvualustaosioon. Tällöin toiselle puolelle annetaan johtokyvyltään väkevää ja toiselle puolelle laimeaa ravinneliuosta. Erityisesti kasvihuonekurkun, joka on herkkä kasvualustan suolaisuuden aiheuttamille vedensaantiongelmille, on todettu hyötyvän tästä tekniikasta, mikä näkyy kasvaneina satoina. Tämän MTT Piikkiössä toteutetun kasvihuonekurkun jakojuuriviljelytutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkentaa tekniikkaa erityisesti kasteluliuosten johtokyvyn osalta. Yhtenäisjuuriviljelyn ja perinteisen jakojuuriviljelyn lisäksi kokeessa oli kaksi jakojuuriviljelykäsittelyä, joissa ravinneliuosväkevyyksiä vaihdettiin väliajoin juuriston toimintakyvyn parantamiseksi. Erillisessä osakokeessa tutkittiin erilaisten johtokyky-yhdistelmien vaikutusta kasvihuonekurkun vegetatiiviseen kasvuun maanpäällisten ja -alaisten kasvinosien välillä sekä juurten morfologiaan ja anatomiaan. Tulokset osoittivat, että jakojuuriviljely lisäsi kasvihuonekurkun sadontuottoa jopa 16 %, mutta ei vaikuttanut koko viljelykauden veden tai ravinteiden ottoon. Yhtenäisjuuriviljelyssä muodostui eniten piikkikärkisiä hedelmiä, mikä viittaa vedensaantiongelmiin haihdutustarpeen ollessa suurin. Viljelytekniikalla ei ollut vaikutusta kasvien vegetatiiviseen kasvuun tai kasvuston rakenteeseen. Lehtiruodeista tehdyt nitraatti- ja kaliummittaukset osoittivat, ettei kasteluliuosten ravinnepitoisuuksilla ollut vaikutusta juurten ravinteiden ottoon. Erilaisilla johtokyky-yhdistelmillä oli huomattavampi vaikutus kasvihuonekurkun juurten painoon kuin verson painoon tai varren pituuskasvuun. Lehtiruotianalyysit viittasivat ravinteiden erilaiseen allokointiin eri johtokyky-yhdistelmissä. Korkeiden johtokykyjen aiheuttama osmoottinen stressi johti muutoksiin juurten morfologiassa ja anatomiassa. Tulosten perusteella jakojuuriviljely paransi kehittyvien hedelmien kohdevahvuutta suhteessa muihin kohteisiin vaikuttamatta vegetatiiviseen kasvuun. Kun laimean ja väkevän ravinneliuoksen puolia vaihdettiin, juuristo otti joustavasti vettä ja ravinteita olosuhteiden määräämästä edullisemmasta johtokyvystä, jolloin kasvihuonekurkun viljelyssä saavutettiin merkittävä satoetu. Juuriston jakaminen vaikuttanee kasvien hormoniaineenvaihduntaan ja voi heikentää juuriston kasvua heikentämättä sen toimintakykyä, jolloin yhteyttämistuotteita kohdennetaan tehokkaammin maanpäällisten osien kasvuun.
This paper proposes a compact electric discharge plasma source for controlling NOX emission in diesel engine exhaust. An automobile ignition coil was used to generate the high voltage pulse using flyback topology. This design is aimed at retrofitting the existing catalytic converters with pulse assisted cleaning technique. In this paper we bring out a relative comparison of discharge plasma and plasma-adsorbent process at different gas flow rates. Activated alumina was used as adsorbent. The main emphasis is laid on the development of a compact pulse source from a DC supply for the removal of NOX from the filtered diesel engine exhaust.
The source localization algorithms in the earlier works, mostly used non-planar arrays. If we consider scenarios like human-computer communication, or human-television communication where the microphones need to be placed on the computer monitor or television front panel, i.e we need to use the planar arrays. The algorithm proposed in 1], is a Linear Closed Form source localization algorithm (LCF algorithm) which is based on Time Difference of Arrivals (TDOAs) that are obtained from the data collected using the microphones. It assumes non-planar arrays. The LCF algorithm is applied to planar arrays in the current work. The relationship between the error in the source location estimate and the perturbation in the TDOAs is derived using first order perturbation analysis and validated using simulations. If the TDOAs are erroneous, both the coefficient matrix and the data matrix used for obtaining source location will be perturbed. So, the Total least squares solution for source localization is proposed in the current work. The sensitivity analysis of the source localization algorithm for planar arrays and non-planar arrays is done by introducing perturbation in the TDOAs and the microphone locations. It is shown that the error in the source location estimate is less when we use planar array instead of the particular non-planar array considered for same perturbation in the TDOAs or microphone location. The location of the reference microphone is proved to be important for getting an accurate source location estimate if we are using the LCF algorithm.
The present paper aims at studying the performance characteristics of a subspace based algorithm for source localization in shallow water such as coastal water. Specifically, we study the performance of Multi Image Subspace Algorithm (MISA). Through first-order perturbation analysis and computer simulation it is shown that MISA is unbiased and statistically efficient. Further, we bring out the role of multipaths (or images) in reducing the error in the localization. It is shown that the presence of multipaths is found to improve the range and depth estimates. This may be attributed to the increased curvature of the wavefront caused by interference from many coherent multipaths.
The source localization in shallow water is beset with problems arising from the presence of a large number of correlated multipaths. Nevertheless, given a complete knowledge of the water channel it is definitely possible to localize a source. A complete knowledge of the channel, however, is rarely available under most practical conditions. A new approach is proposed wherein the bottom reflection coefficients are not required; hence the bottom conditions need not be known. Further, because of the use of signal subspace for localization, the proposed approach is robust against the background noise (-20 dB) and channel depth uncertainty (10 lambda). All these nice features of the proposed approach are possible only when the array size is large (>40 sensors). (C) 1995 Acoustical Society of America.
Purpose - There are many library automation packages available as open-source software, comprising two modules: staff-client module and online public access catalogue (OPAC). Although the OPAC of these library automation packages provides advanced features of searching and retrieval of bibliographic records, none of them facilitate full-text searching. Most of the available open-source digital library software facilitates indexing and searching of full-text documents in different formats. This paper makes an effort to enable full-text search features in the widely used open-source library automation package Koha, by integrating it with two open-source digital library software packages, Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL) and Fedora Generic Search Service (FGSS), independently. Design/methodology/approach - The implementation is done by making use of the Search and Retrieval by URL (SRU) feature available in Koha, GSDL and FGSS. The full-text documents are indexed both in Koha and GSDL and FGSS. Findings - Full-text searching capability in Koha is achieved by integrating either GSDL or FGSS into Koha and by passing an SRU request to GSDL or FGSS from Koha. The full-text documents are indexed both in the library automation package (Koha) and digital library software (GSDL, FGSS) Originality/value - This is the first implementation enabling the full-text search feature in a library automation software by integrating it into digital library software.
We consider the problem of compression via homomorphic encoding of a source having a group alphabet. This is motivated by the problem of distributed function computation, where it is known that if one is only interested in computing a function of several sources, then one can at times improve upon the compression rate required by the Slepian-Wolf bound. The functions of interest are those which could be represented by the binary operation in the group. We first consider the case when the source alphabet is the cyclic Abelian group, Zpr. In this scenario, we show that the set of achievable rates provided by Krithivasan and Pradhan [1], is indeed the best possible. In addition to that, we provide a simpler proof of their achievability result. In the case of a general Abelian group, an improved achievable rate region is presented than what was obtained by Krithivasan and Pradhan. We then consider the case when the source alphabet is a non-Abelian group. We show that if all the source symbols have non-zero probability and the center of the group is trivial, then it is impossible to compress such a source if one employs a homomorphic encoder. Finally, we present certain non-homomorphic encoders, which also are suitable in the context of function computation over non-Abelian group sources and provide rate regions achieved by these encoders.
Some basic results that help in determining the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT) of cooperative multihop networks are first identified. As examples, the maximum achievable diversity gain is shown to equal the min-cut between source and sink, whereas the maximal multiplexing gain is shown to equal the minimum rank of the matrix characterizing the MIMO channel appearing across a cut in the network. Two multi-hop generalizations of the two-hop network are then considered, namely layered networks as well as a class of networks introduced here and termed as K-parallel-path (KPP) networks. The DMT of KPP networks is characterized for K > 3. It is shown that a linear DMT between the maximum diversity dmax and the maximum multiplexing gain of 1 is achievable for fully-connected, layered networks. Explicit coding schemes achieving the DMT that make use of cyclic-division-algebra-based distributed space-time codes underlie the above results. Two key implications of the results in the paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not entail any rate loss for a large class of cooperative networks and that simple, amplify-and-forward protocols are often sufficient to attain the optimal DMT.
Hepatitis C virus infection is a major health problem worldwide. Developing effective antiviral therapy for HCV is the need of the hour. The viral enzymes NS3 protease and NS5B RNA dependent RNA polymerase are essential enzymes for polyprotein processing and viral RNA replication and thus can be potential targets for screening anti-HCV compounds. A large number of phytochemicals are present in plants, which are found to be promising antiviral agents. In this study, we have screened inhibitory effect of different plant extracts against the NS3 and NS5B enzymes of hepatitis C virus. Methanolic extracts were prepared from various plant materials and their inhibitory effects on the viral enzymes were determined by in vitro enzyme assays. Effect on viral RNA replication was investigated by using TaqMan Real time RT-PCR. Interestingly, Phyllanthus amarus root (PAR) extract showed significant inhibition of HCV-NS3 protease enzyme; whereas P. amarus leaf (PAL) extract showed considerable inhibition of NS5B in the in vitro assays. Further, the PAR and PAL extracts significantly inhibited replication of HCV monocistronic replicon RNA and HCV H77S viral RNA in HCV cell culture system. However, both PAR and PAL extracts did not show cytotoxicity in Huh7 cells in the MTT assay. Furthermore, addition of PAR together with IFN-alpha showed additive effect in the inhibition of HCV RNA replication. Results suggest the possible molecular basis of the inhibitory activity of PA extract against HCV which would help in optimization and subsequent development of specific antiviral agent using P. amarus as potent natural source. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.