911 resultados para Solar PV energy


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais


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Dissertação de mestrado em sustentabilidade do ambiente construido


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El objeto de estudio de este proyecto son los sistemas de calentamiento de agua mediante energía solar que funcionan termosifónicamente. En particular se tratará con dos diseños particulares generados por fabricantes de la Provincia de Córdoba y que han solicitado el asesoramiento del Grupo de Energía Solar (GES) para el mejoramiento de la performance térmica de dichos equipos. Se trata de dos sistemas que tienen materiales no tradicionales y se diferencian además por tener una distinta disposición del tanque de almacenamiento: uno es en forma vertical y el otro en forma horizontal. Basados en los resultados de un ensayo bajo norma internacional, donde se detectaron algunas puntos factibles de mejora, se propone en este proyecto el análisis en detalle de los equipos, para lo cual se les debe desarmar completos, para realizar un estudio analítico y experimental de los mismos con el objeto de hacer un planteo teórico-analítico del comportamiento de los mismos, con la implementación de propuestas de mejora y chequeo de los resultados. Se propone entonces como objetivo lograr un mejoramiento de la performance térmica de los citados equipos a partir de un estudio experimental y analítico. Asumiendo esta posibilidad de mejora, se plantea la hipótesis de que es posible representar el funcionamiento de estos equipos mediante modelos físico-matemáticos desarrollados a partir de ecuaciones y correlaciones conocidas y procesos a interpretar mediante resoluciones numéricas y softwares específicos de simulación. De esta manera, se plantea el despieze completo de los equipos para estudiar en detalle su estructura y conexiones internas y a partir de la geometría, dimensiones y propiedades termofísicas de materiales constructivos y fluidos de trabajo, realizar modelos físico-matemáticos que permitan realizar variaciones de propiedades y geometría y así buscar las mejores combinaciones que produzcan equipos más eficientes térmicamente. Los modelos físico-matemáticos serán codificados en lenguajes de alto nivel para poder luego de una validación de los modelos, correr simulaciones en un software de reconocimiento internacional que permite sumar dichos modelos mediante un protocolo de comunicación, haciendo que las poderosas prestaciones del software se puedan aplicar a nuestros modelos. Se complementará el estudio con un análisis exergético para identificar los puntos críticos en que se producen las pérdidas de oportunidad de aprovechar la energía disponible, para así analizar cómo solucionar los problemas en dichos puntos. Los materiales a utilizar serán los propios equipos provistos por los fabricantes, que serán modificados convenientemente para operarlos como prototipos Se espera obtener un conocimiento acabado de los procesos y principios de funcionamiento de los equipos, que permita plantear las mejoras, las cuales se implementarán en los prototipos, realizándose una medición mediante norma igual a la inicial para ver en que magnitud se logran las mejoras esperadas. Se pretende además que las mejoras a implementar, en la etapa de transferencia a las empresas involucradas, redunden no sólo en un beneficio técnico, sino que también los sea desde el punto de vista económico. Para ello se trabajará también sobre los procesos y métodos de fabricación para que los equipos mejorados no sean mas caros que los originales y de ser posible sean aún más económicos, todo esto apuntando a la difusión de la energía solar térmica y poner al alcance de todos estos equipos tan convenientes para la propagación de las energías limpias. El proyecto redundará también en un importante beneficio para el conocimiento de la comunidad científica en general, con el aporte de nuevos resultados en diseños novedosos y con nuevos materiales. Además, la institución se beneficiará con la formación que obtendrán los integrantes del proyecto, muchos de ellos en etapa de realización de sus estudios de posgrado y en una etapa importante de su vida como investigadores. The main goal of this project is the improvement of two thermosyphonic solar water heating systems, made of non conventional materials and with different arrangement of their storage tanks: one is vertical and the other one horizontal. The thermosyphonic systems are provided by manufacturers of the Córdoba Province, who came to the Solar Energy Group (GES) of the National University of Río Cuarto looking for help for the design of their products. In an agreement with these manufacturers, it was proposed this project in order to work analytically and experimentally in order to obtain physical-mathematical models of these two systems, which allow for changes to look by means of simulations the best changes to implement on the equipments for the improvement of their thermal performance. Then, the materials to be used are the proper systems provided by the manufacturers, which will be disarmed to be studied in detail. After the analytical study the proposals of improvement will be implemented in a high level language of programming to perform simulations in the environment of a well-known software for energy simulations (TRNSYS). After the simulations, the best modifications will be physically implemented in the prototypes to perform finally the same normalized test of the beginning and check the magnitude of the implemented improvements. The importance of this project is based on the offer of better systems the companies would make, which would benefit the deployment of the thermal solar energy. Another relevant point is to make the new equipments at the same cost of the previous ones or cheaper, in order to achieve a good deployment of the solar water heating systems; then, the manufacture processes and methods must be studied to obtain not only good technical solutions, but also economical equipments. In addition, this project will contribute to the increasing of the knowledge in the area of thermosyphonic solar systems and the training of postgraduate students.


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El creciente desarrollo de la industria del cuero y textil en nuestro país, y específicamente en la provincia de Córdoba, ha hecho resurgir en los ultimos años una problemática aún no resuelta que es la elevada contaminación de los recursos hídricos. En ambas industrias, la operación de teñido involucra principalmente colorantes de tipo azoico los cuales son "no biodegradables" y se fragmentan liberando aminas aromáticas cancerígenas. Para abordar esta problemática, la fotocatálisis heterogénea aparece como una nueva tecnología que permitiría la completa mineralización de estos colorantes. A través de radiación y un fotocatalizador sólido adecuado se pueden generan radicales libres eficientes para la oxidación de materia orgánica (colorantes) en medio acuoso. En este sentido, se proponen tamices moleculares mesoporosos modificados con metales de transición (MT) como fotocatalizadores potencialmente aptos para la degradación de estos contaminantes. El propósito principal de este proyecto es el diseño, síntesis, caracterización y evaluación de materiales mesoporosos que presenten actividad fotocatalítica ya sea mediante la modificación de su estructura con diversos metales fotosensibles y/o empleándolos como soporte de óxido de titanio. Se pretende evaluar estos materiales en la degradación de colorantes intentando desplazar su fotosensibilidad hacia la radiación visible para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías con menor impacto ambiental y mayor aprovechamiento de la energía solar. Para ello se sintetizarán materiales del tipo MCM-41 modificados con distintos MT tales como Fe, Cr, Co, Ni y Zn mediante incorporación directa del ión metálico o impregnación. Al mismo tiempo, tanto estos últimos materiales como el MCM-41 silíceo serán empleados como soporte de TiO2. Sus propiedades fisicoquímicas se caracterizarán mediante distintas técnicas instrumentales y su actividad fotocatalítica se evaluará en la degradación de colorantes azoicos bajo radiación visible. Se seleccionará el catalizador más eficiente y se estudiarán los diversos factores que afectan el proceso de fotodegradación. Así mismo, el análisis de la concentración del colorante y los productos presentes en el medio en función del tiempo de reacción permitirá inferir sobre la cinética de la decoloración y postular posibles mecanismos de fotodegradación. Con esta propuesta se espera contribuír al desarrollo de un sector industrial importante en nuestra provincia como es el de las industrias del cuero y textil, mediante la generación de nuevas tecnologías que empleen la energía solar para la degradación de sus efluentes (colorantes). En este sentido, se espera desarrollar nuevos materiales optimizados para lograr la mayor eficiencia fotocatalítica. Esto conduciría entonces hacia la remediación de un problema ambiental de alto impacto tanto para nuestra provincia y nuestro país como para la población mundial, como es la contaminación de los recursos hídricos. Finalmente, con este proyecto se contribuirá a la formación de dos doctorandos y un maestrando, cuyos temas de tesis están vinculados con nuestro objeto de estudio. The increasing development of the textile and leather industries in our country, and specifically in Córdoba, has revived an unresolved problem that is the high contamination of water resources. In both industries, the dyeing involves mainly type azoic dyes which are not biodegradable and break releasing carcinogenic aromatic amines. Heterogeneous photocatalysis appears as a new technology that would allow the complete mineralization of these pollutants. Through radiation and a suitable solid it is possible to generate free radicals for efficient oxidation of organic matter (dyes) in aqueous medium. In this respect, mesoporous molecular sieves modified with transition metals are proposed as potential photocatalysts. The main purpose of this project is the synthesis of mesoporous materials having photocatalytic activity for the degradation of dyes. We will try to move their photosensitivity to visible radiation to develop new technologies with lower environmental impact and greater use of solar energy. Materials MCM-41 modified with metals (Fe, Cr, Co, Ni and Zn) will be synthesized by direct incorporation or impregnation. These materials and the siliceous MCM-41 will be then employed as support of TiO2. The materials will be evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of azoic dyes under visible radiation. The influence of different factors on the photodegradation proccess will be studied. Kinetic studies will be carried out and a possible reaction way will be proposed. Thus, this work will contribute to the advancement of an important industrial sector and the remediation of an environmental problem with high impact for our province and our country. Moreover, this proyect will contribute to the development of two doctoral tesis and one magister tesis which are vinculated with our study subject.


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Energy management is the process of monitoring, controlling and conserving energy in a building or organisation. The main reasons for this are for cost purposes and benefit to the environment. Through various techniques and solutions for lighting, heating, office equipment, the building fabric etc along with a change in people’s attitudes there can be a substantial saving in the amount spent on energy. A good example o f energy waste in GMIT is the lighting situation in the library. All the lights are switched on all day on even in places where that is adequate daylighting, which is a big waste o f energy. Also the lights for book shelves are left on. Surely all these books won’t be searched for all at the one time. It would make much more sense to have local switches that the users can control when they are searching for a particular book. Heating controls for the older parts o f the college are badly needed. A room like 834 needs a TRV to prevent it from overheating as temperatures often reach the high twenties due to the heat from the radiators, computers, solar gains and heat from users o f the room. Also in the old part o f the college it is missing vital insulation, along with not being air tight due to the era when it was built. Pumped bonded bead insulation and sealant around services and gaps can greatly improve the thermal performance o f the building and help achieve a higher BER cert. GMIT should also look at the possibility o f installing a CHP plant to meet the base heating loads. It would meet the requirement o f running 4500 hours a year and would receive some financial support from the Accelerated Capital Allowance. I f people’s attitudes are changed through energy awareness campaigns and a few changes made for more energy efficient equipment, substantial savings can be made in the energy expenditure.


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A composting Heat Extraction Unit (HEU) was designed to utilise waste heat from decaying organic matter for a variety of heating application The aim was to construct an insulated small scale, sealed, organic matter filled container. In this vessel a process fluid within embedded pipes would absorb thermal energy from the hot compost and transport it to an external heat exchanger. Experiments were conducted on the constituent parts and the final design comprised of a 2046 litre container insulated with polyurethane foam and kingspan with two arrays of qualpex piping embedded in the compost to extract heat. The thermal energy was used in horticultural trials by heating polytunnels using a radiator system during a winter/spring period. The compost derived energy was compared with conventional and renewable energy in the form of an electric fan heater and solar panel. The compost derived energy was able to raise polytunnel temperatures to 2-3°C above the control, with the solar panel contributing no thermal energy during the winter trial and the electric heater the most efficient maintaining temperature at its preset temperature of 10°C. Plants that were cultivated as performance indicators showed no significant difference in growth rates between the heat sources. A follow on experiment conducted using special growing mats for distributing compost thermal energy directly under the plants (Radish, Cabbage, Spinach and Lettuce) displayed more successful growth patterns than those in the control. The compost HEU was also used for more traditional space heating and hot water heating applications. A test space was successfully heated over two trials with varying insulation levels. Maximum internal temperature increases of 7°C and 13°C were recorded for building U-values of 1.6 and 0.53 W/m2K respectively using the HEU. The HEU successfully heated a 60 litre hot water cylinder for 32 days with maximum water temperature increases of 36.5°C recorded. Total energy recovered from the 435 Kg of compost within the HEU during the polytunnel growth trial was 76 kWh which is 3 kWh/day for the 25 days when the HEU was activated. With a mean coefficient of performance level of 6.8 calculated for the HEU the technology is energy efficient. Therefore the compost HEU developed here could be a useful renewable energy technology particularly for small scale rural dwellers and growers with access to significant quantities of organic matter


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Driven by concerns about rising energy costs, security of supply and climate change a new wave of Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET’s) have been embraced by the Irish consumer. Such systems as solar collectors, heat pumps and biomass boilers have become common due to government backed financial incentives and revisions of the building regulations. However, there is a deficit of knowledge and understanding of how these technologies operate and perform under Ireland’s maritime climate. This AQ-WBL project was designed to address both these needs by developing a Data Acquisition (DAQ) system to monitor the performance of such technologies and a web-based learning environment to disseminate performance characteristics and supplementary information about these systems. A DAQ system consisting of 108 sensors was developed as part of Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology’s (GMIT’s) Centre for the Integration of Sustainable EnergyTechnologies (CiSET) in an effort to benchmark the performance of solar thermal collectors and Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP’s) under Irish maritime climate, research new methods of integrating these systems within the built environment and raise awareness of SET’s. It has operated reliably for over 2 years and has acquired over 25 million data points. Raising awareness of these SET’s is carried out through the dissemination of the performance data through an online learning environment. A learning environment was created to provide different user groups with a basic understanding of a SET’s with the support of performance data, through a novel 5 step learning process and two examples were developed for the solar thermal collectors and the weather station which can be viewed at http://www.kdp 1 .aquaculture.ie/index.aspx. This online learning environment has been demonstrated to and well received by different groups of GMIT’s undergraduate students and plans have been made to develop it further to support education, awareness, research and regional development.


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Stand alone solar powered refrigeration and water desalination, two of the most popular and sought after applications of solar energy systems, have been selected as the topic of research for the works presented in this thesis. The water desalination system based on evaporation and condensation was found to be the most suitable one to be powered by solar energy. It has been established that highoutput fast-response solar heat collectors used to achieve high rates of evaporation and reliable solar powered cooling system for faster rates of condensation are the most important factors in achieving increased outputs in solar powered desalination systems. Comprehensive reviews of Solar powered cooling/refrigeration and also water desalination techniques have been presented. In view of the fact that the Institute of Technology, Sligo has a well-established long history of research and development in the production of state of the art high-efficiency fast-response evacuated solar heat collectors it was decided to use this know how in the work described in this thesis. For this reason achieving high rates of evaporation was not a problem. It was, therefore, the question of the solar powered refrigeration that was envisaged to be used in the solar powered desalination tofacilitate rapid condensation of the evaporated water that had to be addressed first. The principles of various solar powered refrigeration techniques have also been reviewed. The first step in work on solar powered refrigeration was to successfully modify a conventional refrigerator working on Platen-Munters design to be powered by highoutput fast-response evacuated solar heat collectors. In this work, which was the first ever successful attempt in the field, temperatures as low as —19°C were achieved in the icebox. A new approach in the use of photovoltaic technology to power a conventional domestic refrigerator was also attempted. This was done by modifying a conventional domestic refrigerator to be powered by photovoltaic panels in the most efficient way. In the system developed and successfully tested in this approach, the power demand has been reduced phenomenally and it is possible to achieve 48 hours of cooling power with exposure to just 7 hours of sunshine. The successful development of the first ever multi-cycle intermittent solar powered icemaker is without doubt the most exciting breakthrough in the work described in this thesis. Output of 74.3kg of ice per module with total exposure area of 2.88 m2, or 25.73kg per m2, per day is a major improvement in comparison to about 5-6kg of ice per m2 per day reported for all the single cycle intermittent systems. This system has then become the basis for the development of a new solar powered refrigeration system with even higher output, named the “composite” system described in this thesis. Another major breakthrough associated with the works described in this thesis is the successful development and testing of the high-output water desalination system. This system that uses a combination of the high-output fast-response evacuated solar heat collectors and the multi-cycle icemaker. The system is capable of producing a maximum of 141 litres of distilled water per day per module which has an exposure area of 3.24m2, or a production rate of 43.5 litres per m2 per day. Once again when this result is compared to the reported daily output of 5 litres of desalinated water per m per day the significance of this piece of work becomes apparent. In the presentation of many of the components and systems described in this thesis CAD parametric solid modelling has been used instead of photographs to illustrate them more clearly. The multi-cycle icemaker and the high-output desalination systems are the subject of two patent applications.


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In this article, a real-world case- study is presented with two general objectives: to give a clear and simple illustrative example of application of social multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) in the field of rural renewable energy policies, and to help in understanding to what extent and under which circumstances solar energy is suitable for electrifying isolated farmhouses. In this sense, this study might offer public decision- makers some insight on the conditions that favour the diffusion of renewable energy, in order to help them to design more effective energy policies for rural communities.


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Estudi realitzat per avaluar la possibilitat i viabilitat d’instal·lació de panells solar fotovoltaics als terrats de les comunitats de veïns del Districte de l’Eixample de Barcelona. La seva finalitat és conscienciar a la població sobre la problemàtica actual del canvi climàtic fent ús de la ciutat com a element clau per a fomentar l’estalvi de consum energètic i la reducció d’emissions de diòxid de carboni (CO2). Els resultats obtinguts ens donen un valor aproximat de la superfície i potència necessària pels habitants de la ciutat de Barcelona i Catalunya, per tal de cobrir el seu consum d’electricitat d’ús domèstic amb energia solar fotovoltaica, així com una comparativa amb els resultats obtinguts en el Districte de l’Eixample en les dimensions: socio-econòmica, mediambiental i política.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí­fic del Jovent l'any 2009. Després d'una breu introducció sobre l'energia solar, l'estudi analitza quin és el procés de fabricació que se segueix per fer les plaques solars fotovoltaiques policristal·lines i monocristal·lines i quin és el seu funcionament. És a dir, com és possible obtenir energia elèctrica gràcies a la llum del Sol. També es descriuen les instal·lacions autònomes i les connectades a la xarxa, així com els elements que les integren. S'inclou, a més, un punt explicant quins són els factors que condicionen l'obtenció d'energia i els avenços més recents en aquest camp de la tecnologia. Per finalitzar la part teòrica, s'analitza una instal·lació fotovoltaica situada a Cervera i la seva producció. Pel que fa al treball de camp, es va construir un seguidor solar.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí­fic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball intenta resoldre la qüestió de si l'energia solar arribarà a ser una energia alternativa que esdevingui un substitut del petroli en el futur. Aquest projecte informa de totes les característiques i propietats de les plaques solars, explicant els avantatges que fan que sigui un recurs energètic molt net, segur i, encara que en un principi es pugui veure car, finalment arriba a amortitzar el preu inicial fins aconseguir un estalvi monetari, que és el que atreu al màxim de compradors. El projecte parla de les característiques de les plaques solars fotovoltaiques explicant així tots els materials pels quals és formada, la seva estructura per capes i el procés de transformació de llum en electricitat. Conté, també, una part pràctica extensa i elaborada: s'ha demanat a diversos ciutadans, sobretot de Cerdanyola del Vallès i també de Barcelona, sobre el tipus de contacte que tenen amb aquesta energia renovable i si no és així, saber quin altre tipus de font energètica utilitzen. També conté una entrevista a un professional del món de l'energia solar. I, finalment, s'ha realitzat el disseny, muntatge i funcionament d'un cotxe elèctric solar.


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En el present estudi s’ha analitzat si és possible l’autosuficiència energètica al barri projectat de La Plana de Sitges a partir de fonts renovables d’energia. S’ha realitzat un anàlisi de l’oferta potencial del barri de La Plana, format per habitatges unifamiliars i plurifamiliars, serveis i equipaments i s’ha comparat el potencial de producció energètica dels recursos renovables locals a cada subsistema i pel sistema de La Plana. Diferenciant si són una Oferta estàndard (4.000 MWh/a) seguint la Normativa d’ecoeficiència de Sitges o bé una Oferta renovable (19.000 MWh/a) segons un Ecobarri proposat en aquest projecte a partir d’energia solar fotovoltaica i tèrmica. En l’estudi de la demanda, diferenciant entre una Demanda estàndard (39.000 MWh/a), respon al total de La Plana seguint el consum d’un habitatge tipus de la mitjana catalana (ICAEN, 2002) i una Demanda eficient (20.800 MWh/a) seguint un model de baix consum projectat en un Ecobarri de Barcelona. (Vallbona, 2009). Per analitzar de forma detallada les variables d’oferta i demanda, s’han proposat quatre escenaris diferents on es valoren l’autosuficiència energètica del sistema de la Plana i aspectes ambientals d’emissions derivades de la utilització de l’energia. El primer escenari és l’estàndard i és el resultat d’analitzar conjuntament una oferta i una demanda estàndard. Al segon escenari conflueixen una Oferta Estàndard i una Demanda Eficient. En el tercer escenari coincideixen una Oferta Renovable i una Demanda Estàndard. El quart i últim escenari respon a la proposta d’Ecobarri on l’Oferta és renovable i la Demanda eficient. Tanmateix, s’ha realitzat un estudi sobre els aspectes econòmics de La Plana que s’estimen en uns beneficis per la venda de l’energia d’uns 5 milions d’euros anuals i uns costos d’instal·lació de 80 milions d’euros. Finalment s’ha constatat que és possible assolir una autosuficiència del 90% a l’escenari Ecobarri (oferta renovable - demanda eficient). Mitjançant la instal·lació de sistemes de captació solar a les cobertes, cobrint el 100% de la demanda d’ACS, i captadors solars FV, ambdues estratègies són viables i representen beneficis econòmics i una reducció d’emissions de l’ordre de 13.700 Tn CO2 equivalents anuals que suposen un estalvi del 88% respecte un escenari d’oferta i demanda estàndard.