921 resultados para Skin-Friction
RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE Introduction : dans la présente étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à la vasodilatation cutanée induite par le réchauffement local (hyperémie thermique). Il est établi, qu'une partie de cette réponse vasculaire est médiée par l'oxyde nitrique (NO). De manière générale, les effets du NO peuvent être sujets à une désensibilisation, comme nous le démontre le phénomène bien connu de tolérance aux dérivés nitrés. Le but du présent travail était d'évaluer si une telle désensibilisation existe dans le cas de l'hyperémie thermique. Méthodes : nous avons donc examiné si une première stimulation thermique pouvait en atténuer une deuxième, induite plus tard sur le même site cutané à une intervalle de 2h ou 4h. Pour vérifier directement l'effet du réchauffement local sur la sensibilité de la microcirculation cutanée au NO, nous avons de plus appliqué un donneur de NO (nitroprussiate de sodium, SNP) par la technique d' iontophorèse, sur des sites cutanés préalablement soumis à un échauffement local 2h ou 4h auparavant. Nous avons examinés 12 sujets en bonne santé habituelle, de sexe masculin, non fumeurs, âgés de 18 à 30 ans, ne prenant aucune médication. Le flux sanguin dermique a été mesuré par imagerie laser Doppler (LDI, Moor Instruments) sur la face antérieur de l'avant-bras. Le réchauffement local de la peau a été effectué grâce a des petits anneaux métalliques thermo-contrôlés contenant de l'eau. La température était initialement de 34°C. Elle a été augmentée à 41 °C en une minute et maintenue à cette valeur durant 30 minutes. Cette manoeuvre a été répétée sur le même site cutané soit 2 h, soit 4h plus tard. Quant à l'iontophorèse de SNP, elle a été effectuée sur des sites ayant préalablement subi, 2h ou 4h auparavant, un échauffement unique appliqué selon la technique qui vient d'être décrite. Résultats : nous avons observé une atténuation de l'hyperémie thermique lorsque celleci était examinée 2h après un premier échauffement local. Lorsque l'intervalle était de 4h la réponse vasodilatatrice n'était pas réduite. Nous avons également observé une atténuation de la réponse vasodilatatrice au SNP lorsque celui-ci a était appliqué 2h, mais non 4h après un premier échauffement local. Conclusion :cette étude démontre que la réponse vasodilatatrice cutanée induite par l'échauffement local est bien sujette à désensibilisation, comme nous en avions formulé l'hypothèse. Ce phénomène est transitoire. Il est lié, au moins en partie, à une baisse de sensibilité de la microcirculation cutanée aux effets vasodilatateurs du NO.
BACKGROUND: Peeling skin disease (PSD), a generalized inflammatory form of peeling skin syndrome, is caused by autosomal recessive nonsense mutations in the corneodesmosin gene (CDSN). OBJECTIVES: To investigate a novel mutation in CDSN. METHODS: A 50-year-old white woman showed widespread peeling with erythema and elevated serum IgE. DNA sequencing, immunohistochemistry, Western blot and real-time polymerase chain reaction analyses of skin biopsies were performed in order to study the genetics and to characterize the molecular profile of the disease. RESULTS: Histology showed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the epidermis, and inflammatory infiltrates in the dermis. DNA sequencing revealed a homozygous mutation leading to a premature termination codon in CDSN: p.Gly142*. Protein analyses showed reduced expression of a 16-kDa corneodesmosin mutant in the upper epidermal layers, whereas the full-length protein was absent. CONCLUSIONS: These results are interesting regarding the genotype-phenotype correlations in diseases caused by CDSN mutations. The PSD-causing CDSN mutations identified heretofore result in total corneodesmosin loss, suggesting that PSD is due to full corneodesmosin deficiency. Here, we show for the first time that a mutant corneodesmosin can be stably expressed in some patients with PSD, and that this truncated protein is very probably nonfunctional.
BACKGROUND: In humans, local heating increases skin perfusion by mechanisms dependent on nitric oxide (NO). Because the vascular effects of NO may be subject to desensitization, we examined whether a first local thermal stimulus would attenuate the hyperemic response to a second one applied later. METHODS: Twelve healthy young men were studied. Skin blood flow (SkBF) was measured on forearm skin with laser Doppler imaging. Local thermal stimuli (temperature step from 34 to 41 degrees C maintained for 30 minutes) were applied with temperature-controlled chambers. We also tested the influence of prior local heating on the vasodilation induced by sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a donor of NO. RESULTS: On reheating the same spot after two hours, the response of SkBF (i.e., plateau SkBF at 30 minutes minus SkBF at 34 degrees C) was lower than during the first stimulation (mean+/-SD 404+/-212 perfusion units [PU] vs. 635+/-100 PU; P<0.001). There was no such difference when reheating after four hours (654+/-153 vs. 645+/-103 PU; P=NS). Two, but not four, hours after local heating, the response of SkBF to SNP was reduced. CONCLUSION: The NO-dependent hyperemic response induced by local heating in human skin is subject to desensitization. At least one part of the mechanism implicated consists of a desensitization to the effects of NO itself.
Calcineurin inhibitors such as cyclosporin A (CsA) are the mainstay of immunosuppressive treatment for organ transplant recipients. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is a major complication of treatment with these drugs, with a 65 to 100-fold higher risk than in the normal population. By contrast, the incidence of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the other major keratinocyte-derived tumour of the skin, of melanoma and of internal malignancies increases to a significantly lesser extent. Here we report that genetic and pharmacological suppression of calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) function promotes tumour formation in mouse skin and in xenografts, in immune compromised mice, of H-ras(V12) (also known as Hras1)-expressing primary human keratinocytes or keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Calcineurin/NFAT inhibition counteracts p53 (also known as TRP53)-dependent cancer cell senescence, thereby increasing tumorigenic potential. ATF3, a member of the 'enlarged' AP-1 family, is selectively induced by calcineurin/NFAT inhibition, both under experimental conditions and in clinically occurring tumours, and increased ATF3 expression accounts for suppression of p53-dependent senescence and enhanced tumorigenic potential. Thus, intact calcineurin/NFAT signalling is critically required for p53 and senescence-associated mechanisms that protect against skin squamous cancer development.
Summary : The skin is a complex organ that protects the body against entry of pathogens and supplies a relatively dry and impermeable barrier to water loss. This barrier function is mainly provided by the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin. Serine proteases are involved in skin physiology and it is known that mutations or alterations in their expression can lead to skin diseases. In order to investigate the importance of the regulated expression of CAPI/Prss8, a membrane bound serine protease expressed in the epidermis, we developed transgenic mice ectopically expressing CAPI/Prss8 in the skin. These animals exhibited a phenotype characterized by scaly skin, epidermal hypertrophy, inflammation and scratching behavior. This phenotype could be completely abolished in mice lacking the proteinase activated receptor 2 (PAR2) revealing PAR2 as a potential in vivo downstream target of CAP 1 /Prss8. We could also provide evidence of a CAP1 /Prss8 function independent of its catalytic activity. Additionally, mice ectopically expressing PAR2 in the skin developed a skin phenotype very similar to CAPI/Prss8 transgenic animals, supporting the hypothesis of PAR2 activation by CAPI/Prss8. We could furthermore demonstrate an inhibitory effect of the serine protease inhibitor nexin-I on CAPI/Prss8, since nexin-1 transgenic expression negated the skin phenotype observed in CAPI/Prss8 transgenic mice. CAP1/Prss8 and PAR2 transgenic animals, and the understanding of the interaction between CAPl/Prss8 and PAR2, can be helpful in developing potential CAPI/Prss8 and PAR2 inhibitory molecules that may be used as drugs to treat ichthyoses-like skin diseases. Résumé : La peau est un organe complexe qui protège le corps contre l'entrée des pathogènes et forme une barrière imperméable qui empêche la déshydratation. Cette fonction de barrière est surtout fournie par l'épiderme, la couche la plus superficielle de la peau. Le bon fonctionnement de cet organe est permis, entre autres, par les protéases à sérine qui sont des enzymes dont l'altération peut causer des maladies de la peau. Pour étudier l'importance de la régulation de CAP1/Prss8, une protéase à sérine exprimée au niveau de l'épiderme, des souris génétiquement modifiées, dans lesquelles CAP1/Prss8 est exprimé d'une manière ectopique dans la peau, ont été générées. Les animaux transgéniques pour CAP1/Prss8 présentent une peau squameuse, un épiderme hypertrophique, des processus inflammatoires et se grattent. Ce phénotype a pu être complètement guéri lorsque le gène de PAR2, un récepteur qui règle l'activité des cellules de l'épiderme, est inactivé chez la souris. Ceci montre que PAR2 est une cible de CAP1/Prss8 dans le système étudié. Des études expérimentales suggèrent de plus que l'effet de CAP1/Prss8 dans ce modèle ne dépend pas de son activité enzymatique. En dernière analyse, il a été démontré que l'expression transgénique de nexin-1, un inhibiteur des protéases à sérine exprimé dans la peau, a la capacité d'améliorer la peau squameuse et l'épiderme hypertrophique causés par CAP1/Prss8 transgénique. Les animaux transgéniques pour CAP1/Prss8 et PAR2, et la compréhension du mécanisme d'interaction entre eux, pourraient aider à développer et à tester des molécules inhibitrices de CAP1 /Prss8 et PARI qui pourraient alors être utilisées comme médicaments pour traiter des maladies de la peau comme les ichthyoses.
OBJECTIVES: Capillary rarefaction is a hallmark of untreated hypertension. Recent data indicate that rarefaction may be reversed by antihypertensive treatment in nondiabetic hypertensive patients. Despite the frequent association of diabetes with hypertension, nothing is known on the capillary density of treated diabetic patients with hypertension. METHODS: We enrolled 21 normotensive healthy, 25 hypertensive only, and 21 diabetic (type 2) hypertensive subjects. All hypertensive patients were treated with a blocker of the renin-angiotensin system, and a majority had a home blood pressure ≤135/85 mmHg. Capillary density was assessed with videomicroscopy on dorsal finger skin and with laser Doppler imaging on forearm skin (maximal vasodilation elicited by local heating). RESULTS: There was no difference between any of the study groups in either dorsal finger skin capillary density (controls 101 ± 11 capillaries/mm(2) , nondiabetic hypertensive 99 ± 16, diabetic hypertensive 96 ± 18, p > 0.5) or maximal blood flow in forearm skin (controls 666 ± 114 perfusion units, nondiabetic hypertensive 612 ± 126, diabetic hypertensive 620 ± 103, p > 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Irrespective of the presence or not of type 2 diabetes, capillary density is normal in hypertensive patients with reasonable control of blood pressure achieved with a blocker of the renin-angiotensin system.
We study whether the neutron skin thickness Δrnp of 208Pb originates from the bulk or from the surface of the nucleon density distributions, according to the mean-field models of nuclear structure, and find that it depends on the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy. The bulk contribution to Δrnp arises from an extended sharp radius of neutrons, whereas the surface contribution arises from different widths of the neutron and proton surfaces. Nuclear models where the symmetry energy is stiff, as typical of relativistic models, predict a bulk contribution in Δrnp of 208Pb about twice as large as the surface contribution. In contrast, models with a soft symmetry energy like common nonrelativistic models predict that Δrnp of 208Pb is divided similarly into bulk and surface parts. Indeed, if the symmetry energy is supersoft, the surface contribution becomes dominant. We note that the linear correlation of Δrnp of 208Pb with the density derivative of the nuclear symmetry energy arises from the bulk part of Δrnp. We also note that most models predict a mixed-type (between halo and skin) neutron distribution for 208Pb. Although the halo-type limit is actually found in the models with a supersoft symmetry energy, the skin-type limit is not supported by any mean-field model. Finally, we compute parity-violating electron scattering in the conditions of the 208Pb parity radius experiment (PREX) and obtain a pocket formula for the parity-violating asymmetry in terms of the parameters that characterize the shape of the 208Pb nucleon densities.
The aim of this article is to show how, throughout M. A. Riera's poetry, an evident anti-metaphysical sensibility can be easily detected, which in its turn makes the poet to praise concrete person's skin, flesh and bodies, thus avoiding any personal Platonic or idealistic experience of human love. In the author's opinion, an accurate reading of his poems makes us discover Plato and Platonism as one of the great responsible thinkers for the contempt of carnal love, which has been undoubtedly the origin of a real human pain as a result of denying the somatic side of eros.
In order to gain insight into the biology of fetal skin during culture, cellular proteins were studied during four culture passages (P00, P01, P04 as well as P10) using high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (MS). Bioinformatic analyses were focused on a region of each gel corresponding to pI between 4 and 8 and M(r) from 8000 to 35 000. In this area, 373 +/- 42 spots were detected (N = 18). Twenty-six spots presented an integrated intensity that increased in the higher passages, whereas five spots showed a progressively lower intensity in subsequent passaging. MS analysis was performed on spots that were unambiguously identified on preparative 2-D gels. Among the 26 spots showing an increased size between P00 and P10, 9 were identified, and corresponded to 3 proteins: (i) peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (P05092; cyclophilin A or cyclosporin A-binding protein), (ii) triosephosphate isomerase (P00938), and (iii) enoyl-CoA hydratase (P30084). Among these nine identified spots, three were absent at P00, but were present at P10. They corresponded to isoforms of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase and triosephosphate isomerase, respectively. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses of the acidic isoforms of triosephosphate isomerase showed modifications of cysteine residues to cysteic acid. All these isoforms were clearly present in the skin cells of a 4-year-old child, as well as in skin cells from a 80-year-old man, at P00. These observations probably reflect either an oxidative stress related to cell culture, or, alternatively, maturation, differentiation and the aging of the cells.
The management of lymph nodes in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients is currently still debated. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma (PEM), and other rare skin neoplasms have a well-known risk to spread to regional lymph nodes. The use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) could be a promising procedure to assess this risk in clinically N0 patients. Metastatic SNs have been observed in 4.5-28% SCC (according to risk factors), in 9-42% MCC, and in 14-57% PEM. We observed overall 30.8% positive SNs in 13 consecutive patients operated for high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer between 2002 and 2011 in our institution. These high rates support recommendation to implement SLNB for nonmelanoma skin cancer especially for SCC patients. Completion lymph node dissection following positive SNs is also a matter of discussion especially in PEM. It must be remembered that a definitive survival benefit of SLNB in melanoma patients has not been proven yet. However, because of its low morbidity when compared to empiric elective lymph node dissection or radiation therapy of lymphatic basins, SLNB has allowed sparing a lot of morbidity and could therefore be used in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients, even though a significant impact on survival has not been demonstrated.
Ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation represents an important oxidative stress to human skin and certain forms of oxidative stress have been shown to modulate intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression. ICAM-1 has been shown to play an important part in many immune reactions and the perturbations of this molecule by ultraviolet radiation could have implications in many inflammatory responses. An enhancement immunohistochemical method with avidin/biotin was used for analysing the early effects of UVA radiation on human cell cultures and human skin (340-400 nm). Both in vitro and in vivo data show that ICAM-1 staining in epidermal keratinocytes, which was expressed constitutively, decreased in a UVA dose-dependent manner. The decrease was most noted at 3-6 h following UVA radiation with some ICAM-1 staining returning by 48 h post-UVA. ICAM-1 positive staining in the dermis was specific for vascular structures and was increased 24 h after UVA radiation. Cultured dermal fibroblasts exhibited ICAM-1 staining which increased slightly within 6-48 h post-UVA radiation. As epidermal ICAM-1 expression is depleted following UVA radiation and dermal expression increases due to an increase in the vascular structures, ICAM-1 provides a valuable marker following UVA radiation in human skin that can be readily measured in situ.