941 resultados para Ski resort
Este relatório foi desenvolvido após um longo período de estágio profissional realizado no Resort Hotel Foya Branca, com uma carga horária de 480 horas sob a supervisão da assistente de direcção do F&B do Hotel. Com o principal objectivo de ver na prática o funcionamento do departamento de Alimentos e Bebidas dentro de uma empresa hoteleira. Isso com o intuito de conclusão do curso de Gestão Hoteleira e Turismo na Universidade do Mindelo. Fazendo uso de bibliografias adequadas, relacionadas com a hotelaria para projectar o que foi observado e realizado durante estágio profissional. O estágio foi dividido em três partes, a primeira fase onde se inteirou-se do Restaurante do hotel, passando pela Cozinha e por fim o Economato. Fazendo uso dos softwares do hotel, dos arquivos documentais, pasta de procedimentos de serviços, relatórios e documentos informativos inerentes ao funcionamento do departamento. Permitindo assim, desenvolver a capacidade prática do formando, bem como o ajustamento da teoria com a realidade laboral.
Para a conclusão do curso de Gestão Hoteleira e Turismo na Universidade do Mindelo são conferidas duas opções ao aluno finalista do curso: três meses de estágio profissional numa área em que o aluno manifeste interesse em aprofundar os conhecimentos ou desenvolvimento de uma monografia e um mês de estágio profissional numa área de interesse para o aluno. O estágio profissional foi o percurso escolhido. O objetivo principal deste é o aprofundamento de todas as questões operacionais relacionadas com o funcionamento do departamento, que neste caso é o Departamento de Food and Beverage (F&B), que abrange as seguintes áreas: Bar/ Restaurante, Economato, Cozinha. Permitiu também obter conhecimentos práticos de Planeamento e Gestão de Eventos, Gestão e Administração dos Recursos Humanos, Controlo de Vendas e as Políticas Comerciais/ Marketing. O estágio teve lugar no Resort Hotel Foya Branca, com uma carga horária de 480h, em que durante este tempo foram desenvolvidas certas atividades onde tivemos como suporte um Plano de Estágio elaborado pelo antigo orientador e supervisionada pela Assistente de Direção de F&B. No decorrer do estágio em cada área houve o reconhecimento físico das secções, staff, equipamento e organização, coordenação das práticas operacionais, ou seja, o conhecimento detalhado das áreas já mencionadas, através da realização de todas as tarefas.
O estágio profissional ocorreu no Resort Foya Branca, com uma duração de 3 meses, com uma carga horária de 480 horas, ocorrido no departamento de Alimentos e Bebidas. O estágio abrangeu as áreas inerentes ao F&B tais como cozinha, restaurante, bar, copa, economato, compras, mas também áreas de extrema importância não relacionados directamente com a restauração mas que o gestor hoteleiro deve dominar como, planeamento e gestão de eventos, gestão e administração dos recursos humanos, políticas comerciais e de marketing. A metodologia utilizada foi essencialmente a pesquisa descritiva, utilizando as técnicas mais comuns numa investigação científica tais como pesquisa bibliográfica e observação directa participante, fazendo uso de todo e qualquer documento, software, arquivos existentes na empresa, bem como pesquisa de internet. O estágio permitiu aperfeiçoar o desempenho e o comportamento profissional através de uma observação crítica da própria imagem, sentindo – se assim preparado para as exigências e desafios que serão impostos pelo contexto laboral.
Este relatório de estágio foi desenvolvido com o intuito de descrever as diversas atividades desenvolvidas durante o período de estágio profissional realizado no Resort Hotel Foya Branca, com a duração de três meses e com uma carga horária de 480hs. Optou-se pelo departamento de F&B, sob a orientação da assistente de direção para essa mesma área. O estágio abrangeu as áreas de Restaurante, Bares, Cozinha, Economato, Compras, e permitiu conhecer as políticas de planeamento e gestão de eventos, administração dos recursos humanos, marketing comercial e de vendas. Fez-se um reconhecimento físico de todas as secções, equipamentos, staff bem como a coordenação das práticas operacionais. Fazendo o uso de arquivos documentais, softwares, pastas de procedimentos de serviços, relatórios informativos inerentes ao funcionamento do departamento com o objetivo de desenvolver a capacidade prática do formando, bem como oajustamento das teorias com a realidade do mercado de trabalho.
Este relatório pretende abordar as rotinas organizacionais do sistema hoteleiro, mais precisamente no Resort Hotel Foya Branca, buscando analisar os processos inerentes ao gerenciamento do Departamento de Alimentos e Bebidas, sendo um dos mais rentáveis e importante departamento da hotelaria. É necessário realçar a sua importância, uma vez que é um dos departamentos mais completo, tanto a sua estrutura física, quanto organizacional e também por possuir um contacto directo com o cliente/hóspede, sendo assim responsável pela permanência e retorno dos clientes e consequentemente uma rentabilidade estável do empreendimento hoteleiro. Para realizar este trabalho, foi feita uma análise bibliográfica e documental, a internet também foi um dos instrumentos de busca das informações, assim como, informações obtidas no Resort Hotel Foya Branca, onde foi cumprido 480 horas de estágio. Durante este período, foi ganho uma vasta gama de experiencia, de forma a estar capacitado a lidar e gerir este departamento, onde foi abrangido áreas como economato, cozinha, bar, restaurante, bem como foi possível conhecer as práticas de planeamento e gestão de eventos, gestão e administração dos recursos humanos, controlo de vendas e as políticas comerciais/marketing, fazendo uso dos softwares do hotel, dos arquivos documentais, pasta de procedimentos de serviços, relatórios e documentos informativos inerentes ao funcionamento do departamento.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki
Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common condition frequently associated with a high mortality worldwide. It can be classified into non-massive, sub-massive and massive, based on the degree of haemodynamic compromise. Surgical pulmonary embolectomy, despite having been in existence for over 100 years, is generally regarded as an option of last resort, with expectedly high mortality rates. Recent advances in diagnosis and recognition of key qualitative predictors of mortality, such as right ventricular stress on echocardiography, have enabled the re-exploration of surgical pulmonary embolectomy for use in patients prior to the development of significant circulatory collapse, with promising results. We aim to review the literature and discuss the indications, perioperative workup and outcomes of surgical pulmonary embolectomy in the management of acute PE.
This manual summarizes the roadside tree and brush control methods used by all of Iowa's 99 counties. It is based on interviews conducted in Spring 2002 with county engineers, roadside managers and others. The target audience of this manual is the novice county engineer or roadside manager. Iowa law is nearly silent on roadside tree and brush control, so individual counties have been left to decide on the level of control they want to achieve and maintain. Different solutions have been developed but the goal of every county remains the same: to provide safe roads for the traveling public. Counties in eastern and southern Iowa appear to face the greatest brush control challenge. Most control efforts can be divided into two categories: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical control includes cutting tools and supporting equipment. A chain saw is the most widely used cutting tool. Tractor mounted boom mowers and brush cutters are used to prune miles of brush but have significant safety and aesthetic limitations and boom mowers are easily broken by inexperienced operators. The advent of tree shears and hydraulic thumbs offer unprecedented versatility. Bulldozers are often considered a method of last resort since they reduce large areas to bare ground. Any chipper that violently grabs brush should not be used. Chemical control is the application of herbicide to different parts of a plant: foliar spray is applied to leaves; basal bark spray is applied to the tree trunk; a cut stump treatment is applied to the cambium ring of a cut surface. There is reluctance by many to apply herbicide into the air due to drift concerns. One-third of Iowa counties do not use foliar spray. By contrast, several accepted control methods are directed toward the ground. Freshly cut stumps should be treated to prevent resprouting. Basal bark spray is highly effective in sensitive areas such as near houses. Interest in chemical control is slowly increasing as herbicides and application methods are refined. Fall burning, a third, distinctly separate technique is underused as a brush control method and can be effective if timed correctly. In all, control methods tend to reflect agricultural patterns in a county. The use of chain saws and foliar sprays tends to increase in counties where row crops predominate, and boom mowing tends to increase in counties where grassland predominates. For counties with light to moderate roadside brush, rotational maintenance is the key to effective control. The most comprehensive approach to control is to implement an integrated roadside vegetation management (IRVM) program. An IRVM program is usually directed by a Roadside Manager whose duties may be shared with another position. Funding for control programs comes from the Rural Services Basic portion of a county's budget. The average annual county brush control budget is about $76,000. That figure is thought not to include shared expenses such as fuel and buildings. Start up costs for an IRVM program are less if an existing control program is converted. In addition, IRVM budgets from three different northeastern Iowa counties are offered for comparison in this manual. The manual also includes a chapter on temporary traffic control in rural work zones, a summary of the Iowa Code as it relates to brush control, and rules on avoiding seasonal disturbance of the endangered Indiana bat. Appendices summarize survey and forest cover data, an equipment inventory, sample forms for record keeping, a sample brush control policy, a few legal opinions, a literature search, and a glossary.
Summary : International comparisons in the area of victimization, particularly in the field of violence against women, are fraught with methodological problems that previous research has not systematically addressed, and whose answer does not seem to be agreed up~n. For obvious logistic and financial reasons, international studies on violence against women (i.e. studies that administer the same instrument in different countries). are seldom; therefore, researchers are bound to resort to secondary comparisons. Many studies simply juxtapose their results to the ones of previous wòrk or to findings obtained in different contexts, in order to offer an allegedly comparative perspective to their conclusions. If, most of the time, researchers indicate the methodological limitations of a direct comparison, it is not rare that these do not result in concrete methodological controls. Yet, many studies have shown the influence of surveys methodological parameters on findings, listing recommendations fora «best practice» of research. Although, over the past decades, violence against women surveys have become more and more similar -tending towards a sort of uniformization that could be interpreted as a passive consensus -these instruments retain more or less subtle differences that are still susceptible to influence the validity of a comparison. Yet, only a small number of studies have directly worked on the comparability of violence against women data, striving to control the methodological parameters of the surveys in order to guarantee the validity of their comparisons. The goal of this work is to compare data from two national surveys on violence against women: the Swiss component of the International Violence Against Women Survey [CH-IVAWS] and the National Violence Against Women Survey [NVAWS] administered in the United States. The choice of these studies certainly ensues from the author's affiliations; however, it is far from being trivial. Indeed, the criminological field currently endows American and Anglo-Saxon literature with a predominant space, compelling researchers from other countries to almost do the splits to interpret their results in the light of previous work or to develop effective interventions in their own context. Turning to hypotheses or concepts developed in a specific framework inevitably raises the issue of their applicability to another context, i.e. the Swiss context, if not at least European. This problematic then takes on an interest that goes beyond the particular topic of violence against women, adding to its relevance. This work articulates around three axes. First, it shows the way survey characteristics influence estimates. The comparability of the nature of the CH-IVAWS and NVAWS, their sampling design and the characteristics of their administration are discussed. The definitions used, the operationalization of variables based on comparable items, the control of reference periods, as well as the nature of the victim-offender relationship are included among controlled factors. This study establishes content validity within and across studies, presenting a systematic process destined to maximize the comparability of secondary data. Implications of the process are illustrated with the successive presentation of comparable and non-comparable operationalizations of computed variables. Measuring violence against. women in Switzerland and the United-States, this work compares the prevalence of different forms (threats, physical violence and sexual violence) and types of violence (partner and nonpartner violence). Second, it endeavors to analyze concepts of multivictimization (i.e. experiencing different forms of victimization), repeat victimization (i.e. experiencing the same form of violence more than once), and revictimization (i.e. the link between childhood and adulthood victimization) in a comparative -and comparable -approach. Third, aiming at understanding why partner violence appears higher in the United States, while victims of nonpartners are more frequent in Switzerland, as well as in other European countries, different victimization correlates are examined. This research contributes to a better understanding of the relevance of controlling methodological parameters in comparisons across studies, as it illustrates, systematically, the imposed controls and their implications on quantitative data. Moreover, it details how ignoring these parameters might lead to erroneous conclusions, statistically as well as theoretically. The conclusion of the study puts into a wider perspective the discussion of differences and similarities of violence against women in Switzerland and the United States, and integrates recommendations as to the relevance and validity of international comparisons, whatever the'field they are conducted in. Résumé: Les comparaisons internationales dans le domaine de la victimisation, et plus particulièrement en ce qui concerne les violences envers les femmes, se caractérisent par des problèmes méthodologiques que les recherches antérieures n'ont pas systématiquement adressés, et dont la réponse ne semble pas connaître de consensus. Pour des raisons logistiques et financières évidentes, les études internationales sur les violences envers les femmes (c.-à-d. les études utilisant un même instrument dans différents pays) sont rares, aussi les chercheurs sont-ils contraints de se tourner vers des comparaisons secondaires. Beaucoup de recherches juxtaposent alors simplement leurs résultats à ceux de travaux antérieurs ou à des résultats obtenus dans d'autres contextes, afin d'offrir à leurs conclusions une perspective prétendument comparative. Si, le plus souvent, les auteurs indiquent les limites méthodologiques d'une comparaison directe, il est fréquent que ces dernières ne se traduisent pas par des contrôles méthodologiques concrets. Et pourtant, quantité de travaux ont mis en évidence l'influence des paramètres méthodologiques des enquêtes sur les résultats obtenus, érigeant des listes de recommandations pour une «meilleure pratique» de la recherche. Bien que, ces dernières décennies, les sondages sur les violences envers les femmes soient devenus de plus en plus similaires -tendant, vers une certaine uniformisation que l'on peut interpréter comme un consensus passif-, il n'en demeure pas moins que ces instruments possèdent des différences plus ou moins subtiles, mais toujours susceptibles d'influencer la validité d'une comparaison. Pourtant, seules quelques recherches ont directement travaillé sur la comparabilité des données sur les violences envers les femmes, ayant à coeur de contrôler les paramètres méthodologiques des études utilisées afin de garantir la validité de leurs comparaisons. L'objectif de ce travail est la comparaison des données de deux sondages nationaux sur les violences envers les femmes: le composant suisse de l'International Violence Against Women Survey [CHIVAWSj et le National Violence Against Women Survey [NVAWS) administré aux États-Unis. Le choix de ces deux études découle certes des affiliations de l'auteure, cependant il est loin d'être anodin. Le champ criminologique actuel confère, en effet, une place prépondérante à la littérature américaine et anglo-saxonne, contraignant ainsi les chercheurs d'autres pays à un exercice proche du grand écart pour interpréter leurs résultats à la lumière des travaux antérieurs ou développer des interventions efficaces dans leur propre contexte. Le fait de recourir à des hypothèses et des concepts développés dans un cadre spécifique pose inévitablement la question de leur applicabilité à un autre contexte, soit ici le contexte suisse, sinon du moins européen. Cette problématique revêt alors un intérêt qui dépasse la thématique spécifique des violences envers les femmes, ce qui ajoute à sa pertinence. Ce travail s'articule autour de trois axes. Premièrement, il met en évidence la manière dont les caractéristiques d'un sondage influencent les estimations qui en découlent. La comparabilité de la nature du CH-IVAWS et du NVAWS, de leur processus d'échantillonnage et des caractéristiques de leur administration est discutée. Les définitions utilisées, l'opérationnalisation des variables sur la base d'items comparables, le contrôle des périodes de référence, ainsi que la nature de la relation victime-auteur figurent également parmi les facteurs contrôlés. Ce travail établit ainsi la validité de contenu intra- et inter-études, offrant un processus systématique destiné à maximiser la comparabilité des données secondaires. Les implications de cette démarche sont illustrées avec la présentation successive d'opérationnalisations comparables et non-comparables des variables construites. Mesurant les violences envers les femmes en Suisse et aux États-Unis, ce travail compare la prévalence de plusieurs formes (menaces, violences physiques et violences sexuelles) et types de violence (violences partenaires et non-partenaires). 11 s'attache également à analyser les concepts de multivictimisation (c.-à-d. le fait de subir plusieurs formes de victimisation), victimisation répétée (c.-à.-d. le fait de subir plusieurs incidents de même forme) et revictimisation (c.-à-d. le lien entre la victimisation dans l'enfance et à l'âge adulte) dans une approche comparative - et comparable. Dans un troisième temps, cherchant à comprendre pourquoi la violence des partenaires apparaît plus fréquente aux États-Unis, tandis que les victimes de non-partenaires sont plus nombreuses en Suisse, et dans d'autres pays européens, différents facteurs associés à la victimisation sont évalués. Cette recherche participe d'une meilleure compréhension de la pertinence du contrôle des paramètres méthodologiques dans les comparaisons entre études puisqu'elle illustre, pas à pas, les contrôles imposés et leurs effets sur les données quantitatives, et surtout comment l'ignorance de ces paramètres peut conduire à des conclusions erronées, tant statistiquement que théoriquement. La conclusion replace, dans un contexte plus large, la discussion des différences et des similitudes observées quant à la prévalence des violences envers les femmes en Suisse et aux États-Unis, et intègre des recommandations quant à la pertinence et à la validité des comparaisons internationales, cela quel que soit le domaine considéré.
Over the past few years, technological breakthroughs have helpedcompetitive sports to attain new levels. Training techniques, athletes' management and methods to analyse specific technique and performancehave sharpened, leading to performance improvement. Alpine skiing is not different. The objective of the present work was to study the technique of highy skilled alpine skiers performing giant slalom, in order to determine the quantity of energy that can be produced by skiers to increase their speed. To reach this goal, several tools have been developed to allow field testing on ski slopes; a multi cameras system, a wireless synchronization system, an aerodynamic drag model and force plateforms have especially been designed and built. The analyses performed using the different tools highlighted the possibility for several athletes to increase their energy by approximately 1.5 % using muscular work. Nevertheless, the athletes were in average not able to use their muscular work in an efficient way. By offering functional tools such as drift analysis using combined data from GPS and inertial sensors, or trajectory analysis based on tracking morphological points, this research makes possible the analysis of alpine skiers technique and performance in real training conditions. The author wishes for this work to be used as a basis for continued knowledge and understanding of alpine skiing technique. - Le sport de compétition bénéficie depuis quelques années des progrès technologiques apportés par la science. Les techniques d'entraînement, le suivi des athlètes et les méthodes d'analyse deviennent plus pointus, induisant une nette amélioration des performances. Le ski alpin ne dérogeant pas à cette règle, l'objectif de ce travail était d'analyser la technique de skieurs de haut niveau en slalom géant afin de déterminer la quantité d'énergie fournie par les skieurs pour augmenter leur vitesse. Pour ce faire, il a été nécessaire de developer différents outils d'analyse adaptés aux contraintes inhérentes aux tests sur les pistes de skis; un système multi caméras, un système de synchronisation, un modèle aérodynamique et des plateformes de force ont notamment été développés. Les analyses effectuées grâce à ces différents outils ont montré qu'il était possible pour certains skieur d'augmenter leur énergie d'environ 1.5 % grâce au travail musculaire. Cependant, les athlètes n'ont en moyenne pas réussi à utiliser leur travail musculaire de manière efficace. Ce projet a également rendu possible des analyses adaptées aux conditions d'entraînement des skieurs en proposant des outils fonctionnels tels que l'analyse du drift grâce à des capteurs inertiels et GPS, ainsi que l'analyse simplifiée de trajectoires grâce au suivi de points morphologiques. L'auteur espère que ce travail servira de base pour approfondir les connaissances de la technique en ski alpin.
We know very little about the importance of history and physical examination compared to the importance of paraclinical tests in the diagnostic process in primary care. To answer this question, we examined prospectively 672 consecutive patients with chest pain in primary care. We recorded the timing and the clinical characteristics of the most frequent diagnosis. The resort to laboratory or other clinical tests and reference to specialist were influenced by: emergency consultation, potentially life-threatening aetiology, personal characteristics of the general practitioners' (GP) and patients' anxiety. GPs attributed the diagnosis to history and physical examination alone in 66% and to the association of history, physical examination and tests in 31% cases. This, clinical strategy remains the most important factor in the diagnostic process; even when they are insufficient, they allowed to generate hypotheses and guide investigations.
PURPOSE: Multi-hour ski mountaineering energy balance may be negative and intake below recommendations. METHODS: Athletes on the 'Patrouille des Glaciers' racecourses (17 on course Z, 27 km, +2,113 m; 11 on course A, 26 km, +1,881 m) volunteered. Pre-race measurements included body mass, stature, VO2max, and heart rate (HR) vs VO2 at simulated altitude; race measurements HR, altitude, incline, location, and food and drink intake (A). Energy expenditure (EE) was calculated from altitude corrected HR derived VO2. RESULTS: Race time was 5 h 7 min ± 44 min (mean ± SD, Z) and 5 h 51 min ± 53 min (A). Subjects spent 19.2 ± 3.2 MJ (Z), respectively, 22.6 ± 2.9 MJ (A) during the race. Energy deficit was -15.5 ± 3.9 MJ (A); intake covered 20 ± 7 % (A). Overall energy cost of locomotion (EC) was 9.9 ± 1.3 J m(-1) kg(-1) (Z), 8.0 ± 1.0 J m(-1) kg(-1) (A). Uphill EC was 11.7 ± 1 J m(-1) kg(-1) (Z, 13 % slope) and 15.7 ± 2.3 J m(-1) kg(-1) (A, 19 % slope). Race A subjects lost -1.5 ± 1.1 kg, indicating near euhydration. Age, body mass, gear mass, VO2max and EC were significantly correlated with performance; energy deficit was not. CONCLUSIONS: Energy expenditure and energy deficit of a multi-hour ski mountaineering race are very high and energy intake is below recommendations.
The identification of hypothermia as the cause of death has always been somewhat problematic in forensic pathology because of unspecific, inconstant, or even negative macroscopic and microscopic findings. Though the simultaneous presence of frost erythema, Wischnewski spots, hemorrhages into the synovial membrane, bloody discoloration of synovial fluid of the knee, and basal vacuolization of the renal tubular epithelial cells has been indicated as strongly supportive of fatal hypothermia, their absence does not allow the diagnosis of hypothermia to be ruled out. Postmortem biochemical investigations are valuable in detecting adaptation responses to cold stress and metabolic changes that occur following cold exposure. However, ethanol intoxication prevents appearance of adaptation responses to cold, rendering the diagnosis less obvious. Immunohistochemistry, postmortem imaging, and molecular pathology have shown promising results, although at present, they do not provide pathognomonic signs of fatal hypothermia. The aim of this article is to present a review of the literature covering the significance of different postmortem investigations that are associated with hypothermia fatalities.
A crucial step in the arenavirus life cycle is the proteolytic processing of the viral envelope glycoprotein precursor (GPC) by the cellular proprotein convertase (PC) subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-1)/site-1 protease (S1P). Here we conducted a systematic and quantitative analysis of SKI-1/S1P processing of peptides derived from the recognition sites of GPCs of different Old World and New World arenaviruses. We found that SKI-1/S1P showed a strong preference for arenaviral sequences resembling its autoprocessing sites, which are recurrent motifs in arenaviral GPCs. The African arenaviruses Lassa, Mobala, and Mopeia resemble the SKI-1/S1P autoprocessing C-site, whereas sequences derived from Clade B New World viruses Junin and Tacaribe have similarities to the autoprocessing B-site. In contrast, analogous peptides derived from cellular SKI-1/S1P substrates were remarkably poor substrates. The data suggest that arenavirus GPCs evolved to mimic SKI-1/S1P autoprocessing sites, likely ensuring efficient cleavage and perhaps avoiding competition with SKI-1/S1P's cellular substrates.
Musculoskeletal disorders are a crossroad among diverse specialties: neurology, rehabilitation, orthopedics, occupational medicine and psycho-traumatology. They are integrated into occupational medicine and encompass overuse syndromes, repeated micro-trauma and focal compressive neuropathies linked with professional or sports' activity. Neurological manifestations are omnipresent. Yet, their importance is not always recognized despite frequent resort to neurologists specialized in peripheral nervous system disorders and neurophysiology, as well as, to behavioral cognition specialists. Therapeutic approaches require preventive and work organization measures, neurophysiologic investigations and imaging in expert hands, and conservative treatment with physiotherapy, with or without paraneural and intra-articular injections.