700 resultados para Simetrias de Lorentz e CPT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The sol-gel method combined with a spin-coating technique has been successfully applied for the preparation of rare-earth doped silica:germania films used for the fabrication of erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers (EDWA), presenting several advantages over other methods for the preparation of thin films. As with other methods, the sol-gel route also shows some drawbacks, such as cracks related to the thickness of silica films and high hydrolysis rate of certain precursors such as germanium alkoxides. This article describes the preparation and optical characterization of erbium and ytterbium co-doped SiO2:GeO2 crack-free thick films prepared by the sol-gel route combined with a spin-coating technique using a chemically stable non-aqueous germanium oxide solution as an alternative precursor. The non-crystalline films obtained are planar waveguides exhibiting a single mode at 1,550 nm with an average thickness of 3.9 mu m presenting low percentages of porosity evaluated by the Lorentz-Lorenz Effective Medium Approximation, and low stress, according to the refractive index values measured in both transversal electric and magnetic polarizations. Weakly confining core layers (0.3% < Delta n < 0.75%) were obtained according to the refractive index difference between the core and buffer layers, suggesting that low-loss coupling EDWA may be obtained. The life time of the erbium I-4(13/2) metastable state was measured as a function of erbium concentration in different systems and based on these values it is possible to infer that the hydroxyl group was reduced and the formation of rare-earth clusters was avoided.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este artigo se propõe a analisar as memórias de pequenos produtores rurais do assentamento Camucim (litoral sul da Paraíba) sobre um conflito de terra ocorrido no final dos anos 70 e início dos anos 80, do século XX. Essas memórias foram obtidas através de entrevistas de história de vida, que foram submetidas à Análise de Discurso. A partir da história oral, pretende-se analisar o sentido subjetivo construído pelos narradores, através de suas memórias. Nesse sentido, o conflito é relembrado como uma luta legítima, abençoada por Deus, o que nos remete para o papel fundamental da Igreja nesse processo, através da Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT). Além disso, os narradores constroem uma imagem de lutadores corajosos e vitoriosos.
O peso do peito possui grande importância econômica na indústria de frangos, podendo estar associado a outras variáveis passíveis de seleção. Estimaram-se correlações fenotípicas entre características de desempenho (peso vivo aos 7, 28 dias e ao abate e profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia), carcaça (peso eviscerado e de pernas) e composição corporal (peso do coração, do fígado e da gordura abdominal), em uma linhagem de frangos, e quantificou-se a influência direta e indireta destas variáveis sobre o peso do peito. Para tanto, utilizou-se a análise de trilha, desdobrando-se a matriz de correlações parciais em coeficientes que forneceram a influência direta de uma variável sobre a outra, independentemente das demais. A manutenção das variáveis peso vivo ao abate e peso eviscerado na matriz de correlações pode ser prejudicial à análise estatística que envolve os sistemas de equações normais, como a análise de trilha, devido à multicolinearidade observada. O peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade do músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia apresentaram efeitos diretos importantes sobre o peso de peito e foram identificadas como as principais responsáveis pela magnitude dos coeficientes de correlação obtidos. Assim, uma pré-seleção individual para estas características pode favorecer um aumento no peso de peito nesta linhagem, se mantidas as condições ambientais de criação dos frangos, uma vez que o peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia afetam fenotipicamente e diretamente o peso de peito.
An analytical method is proposed to study the attitude stability of a triaxial spacecraft moving in a circular Keplerian orbit in the geomagnetic field. The method is developed based on the electrodynamics effect of the influence of the Lorentz force acting on the charged spacecraft's surface. We assume that the rigid spacecraft is equipped with an electrostatic charged protective shield, having an intrinsic magnetic moment. The main elements of this shield are an electrostatic charged cylindrical screen surrounding the protected volume of the spacecraft. The rotational motion of the spacecraft about its centre of mass due to torques from gravitational force, as well Lorentz and magnetic forces is investigated. The equilibrium positions of the spacecraft in the orbital coordinate system are obtained. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of the spacecraft's equilibrium positions are constructed using Lyapunov's direct method. The numerical results have shown that the Lorentz force has a significant influence on the stability of the equilibrium positions, which can affect the attitude stabilization of the spacecraft. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The free action for massless Ramond-Ramond fields is derived from closed superstring field theory using the techniques of Siegel and Zwiebach. For the uncompactified Type IIB superstring, this gives a manifestly Lorentz-covariant action for a self-dual five-form field strength. Upon compactification to four dimensions, the action depends on a U(1) field strength from 4D N = 2 supergravity. However, unlike the standard Maxwell action, this action is manifestly invariant under the electromagnetic duality transformation which rotates F-mn into epsilon(mnpq)F(pq).
In the usual and current understanding of planar gauge choices for Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields, the external defining vector n(mu), can either be space-like (n(2) < 0) or time-like (n(2) > 0) but not light-like (n(2) = 0). In this work we propose a light-like planar gauge that consists of defining a modified gauge-fixing term, L-GF, whose main characteristic is a two-degree violation of Lorentz covariance arising from the fact that four-dimensional space-time spanned entirely by null vectors as basis necessitates two light-like vectors, namely n(mu) and its dual m(mu), with n(2) = m(2) = 0, n . m not equal 0, say, e.g. normalized to n . m = 2.
We study the problem of covariant separation between first and second class constraints for the D = 10 Brink-Schwarz superparticle. Opposite to the supersymmetric light-cone frame separation, we show here that there is a Lorentz covariant way to identify the second class constraints such that, however, supersymmetry is broken. Consequences for the D = 10 superstring are briefly discussed.
Using the Unruh-DeWitt detector, it is shown that a universal and continuous Lorentz transformation of temperature cannot exist for black-body radiation. Since any valid Lorentz transformation of temperature must be able to deal with black-body radiation, it is concluded that a universal and continuous temperature transformation does not exist.
We derive the Wess-Zumino scalar term of the generalized Schwinger model both in the singular and nonsingular cases by using BRST-BFV framework. The photon propagators are also computed in the extended Lorentz gauge.
Considering the Conservative Power Theory (CPT), this paper proposes some novel compensation strategies for shunt passive or active devices. The CPT current decompositions result in several current terms (associated with specific physical phenomena), which were used for the definition of different selective current compensators, in terms of minimizing particular disturbing effects. Simulation results have been demonstrated in order to validate the possibilities and performance of the proposed strategies for single and three-phase four wired circuits.