949 resultados para Signaling Pathways


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During bone development and repair, angiogenesis, osteogenesis and bone remodelling are closely associated processes that share some common mediators. In the present study non-adherent human bone marrow mononuclear cells under the induction of sRANKL and M-CSF, differentiated into osteoclasts with TRAP positive staining, VNR expression, and Ca-P resorptive activity. The effects of various combinations of rhBMP-2 (0, 3, 30, 300 ng/ml) and rhVEGF (0, 25 ng/ml) on osteoclastogenesis potentials were examined in this experimental system. The percentages of TRAP-positive multiple nucleated cells represent osteoclast differentiation potential and the percentages of resorptive areas in the Ca-P coated plates resemble osteoclast resorption capability. The presence of rhBMP-2 at 30 and 300 ng/ml showed inhibitory effects on osteoclast differentiation and their resorptive capability in the human osteoclast culture system. rhVEGF (25 ng/ml) enhanced the resorptive function of osteoclast whenever it was used alone or combined with 3 ng/ml rhBMP-2. However, rhVEGF induced resorptive function was inhibited by 30 ng/ml and 300 ng/ml rhBMP-2 at a dose-dependent manner. Statistical analysis demonstrated that an interactive effect exists between rhBMP-2 and rhVEGF on human osteoclastogenesis. These findings suggested that an interactive regulation may exist between BMPs and VEGF signaling pathways during osteoclastogenesis, exact mechanisms are yet to be elucidated.


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The Fes protein tyrosine kinase is abundantly expressed in phagocytic immune cells, including tumor associated macrophages. Fes knockout mice (fes-/-) display enhanced sensitivity to LPS, and this was shown to be associated with increased NF-κB signaling and TNFα production from fes-/- macrophages. Interestingly, tumor onset in the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV-Neu) transgenic mouse model of breast cancer is significantly delayed in fes-/- mice, and this was associated with increased frequency of CD11b+ myeloid and CD3+ T cells in the premalignant mammary glands. Recent studies have also implicated Fes in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in macrophages. Signal 3, the production of inflammatory cytokines and Type I interferons downstream of NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in antigen presenting cells, is considered an important component of T-cell activation, after engagement of T cell receptor by MHC presented antigen (Signal 1) and co-receptors by their ligands (Signal 2). Using a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) model of immune activation, I show that LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages promote more robust activation of LCMV antigenspecific CD8+ T cells than wild type macrophages (fes+/+). Furthermore, LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages showed increased phosphorylation of NF-B and IRF-3. I also showed that Fes colocalizes with MHC-I in dynamic vesicular structures within macrophages. These observations are consistent with a model where Fes regulates Signal 3 in antigen presenting cells through roles in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-kB and IRF-3 signaling pathways. This suggests that Fes plays an immune checkpoint role at the level of Signal 3, and that Fes inhibition could promote tumor immunity through increased Signal 3 driven T cell activation.


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Tissue destruction characterizes infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Type I collagen provides the lung's tensile strength, is extremely resistant to degradation, but is cleaved by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1. Fibroblasts potentially secrete quantitatively more MMP-1 than other lung cells. We investigated mechanisms regulating Mtb-induced collagenolytic activity in fibroblasts in vitro and in patients. Lung fibroblasts were stimulated with conditioned media from Mtb-infected monocytes (CoMTb). CoMTb induced sustained increased MMP-1 (74 versus 16 ng/ml) and decreased tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 (8.6 versus 22.3 ng/ml) protein secretion. CoMTb induced a 2.7-fold increase in MMP-1 promoter activation and a 2.5-fold reduction in TIMP-1 promoter activation at 24 hours (P = 0.01). Consistent with this, TIMP-1 did not co-localize with fibroblasts in patient granulomas. MMP-1 up-regulation and TIMP-1 down-regulation were p38 (but not extracellular signal–regulated kinase or c-Jun N-terminal kinase) mitogen-activated protein kinase–dependent. STAT3 phosphorylation was detected in fibroblasts in vitro and in tuberculous granulomas.STAT3 inhibition reduced fibroblast MMP-1 secretion by 60% (P = 0.046). Deletion of the MMP-1 promoter NF-B–binding site abrogated promoter induction in response to CoMTb. TNF-, IL-1ß, or Oncostatin M inhibition in CoMTb decreased MMP-1 secretion by 65, 63, and 25%, respectively. This cytokine cocktail activated the same signaling pathways in fibroblasts and induced MMP-1 secretion similar to that induced by CoMTb. This study demonstrates in a cellular model and in patients with tuberculosis that in addition to p38 and NF-B, STAT3 has a key role in driving fibroblast-dependent unopposed MMP-1 production that may be key in tissue destruction in patients.


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Diabetic retinopathy is a major diabetic complication with a highly complex etiology. Although there are many pathways involved, it has become established that chronic exposure of the retina to hyperglycemia gives rise to accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that play an important role in retinopathy. In addition, the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) is ubiquitously expressed in various retinal cells and is upregulated in the retinas of diabetic patients, resulting in activation of pro-oxidant and proinflammatory signaling pathways. This AGE-RAGE axis appears to play a central role in the sustained inflammation, neurodegeneration, and retinal microvascular dysfunction occurring during diabetic retinopathy. The nature of AGE formation and RAGE signaling bring forward possibilities for therapeutic intervention. The multiple components of the AGE-RAGE axis, including signal transduction, formation of ligands, and the end-point effectors, may be promising targets for strategies to treat diabetic retinopathy.


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The guanine nucleotide exchange factor C3G, along with the CrkII adaptor protein, mediates GTP activation of the small GTPase proteins Rap1 and R-Ras, facilitating their activation of downstream signaling pathways, which had been found to be important in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis. We found that expression of C3G protein was upregulated in glomerular epithelial cells in an experimental model of accelerated anti-GBM antibody-induced glomerulonephritis expression. To determine the consequence of its increased expression, we transfected C3G (using adenoviral constructs) into cultured glomerular epithelial cells and measured the activated forms (i.e., GTP-bound) forms of Rap1 and R-Ras. Activation of Rap1 was not affected by C3G; however, the basal level of GTP-bound R-Ras was decreased. Further, C3G over-expression enhanced the activation of R-Ras in response to endothelin. Overexpression of C3G also led to a significant reduction in glomerular epithelial cell spreading and decreased the cells' E-cadherin expression and augmented their migration. We found that C3G was overexpressed in accelerated anti-GBM antibody-induced glomerulonephritis and suggest that this modulates glomerular epithelial cell morphology and behavior.


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Phagocytosis and activation of the NADPH oxidase are important mechanisms by which neutrophils and macrophages engulf and kill microbial pathogens. We investigated the role of PI3K signaling pathways in the regulation of the oxidase during phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by mouse and human neutrophils, a mouse macrophage-like cell line and a human myeloid-like cell line. Phagocytosis of these bacteria was promoted by serum, independent of serum-derived antibodies, and effectively abolished in mouse neutrophils lacking the beta(2)-integrin common chain, CD18. A combination of PI3K isoform-selective inhibitors, mouse knock-outs, and RNA-interference indicated CD18-dependent activation of the oxidase was independent of class I and II PI3Ks, but substantially dependent on the single class III isoform (Vps34). Class III PI3K was responsible for the synthesis of PtdIns( 3) P on phagosomes containing either bacteria. The use of mouse neutrophils carrying an appropriate knock-in mutation indicated that PtdIns(3) P binding to the PX domain of their p40(phox) oxidase subunit is important for oxidase activation in response to both S aureus and E coli. This interaction does not, however, account for all the PI3K sensitivity of these responses, particularly the oxidase response to E coli, suggesting that additional mechanisms for PtdIns( 3) P-regulation of the oxidase must exist. ( Blood. 2008; 112: 5202-5211)


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Phenotypic studies of mice lacking metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 (mGluR7) suggest that antagonists of this receptor may be promising for the treatment of central nervous system disorders such as anxiety and depression. Suzuki et al. (J Pharmacol Exp Ther 323: 147-156, 2007) recently reported the in vitro characterization of a novel mGluR7 antagonist called 6-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-methyl-3-(4-pyridinyl)-isoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-4(5H)-one (MMPIP), which noncompetitively inhibited the activity of orthosteric and allosteric agonists at mGluR7. We describe that MMPIP acts as a noncompetitive antagonist in calcium mobilization assays in cells coexpressing mGluR7 and the promiscuous G protein G alpha(15). Assessment of the activity of a small library of MMPIP-derived compounds using this assay reveals that, despite similar potencies, compounds exhibit differences in negative co-operativity for agonist-mediated calcium mobilization. Examination of the inhibitory activity of MMPIP and analogs using endogenous G(i/o)-coupled assay readouts indicates that the pharmacology of these ligands seems to be context-dependent, and MMPIP exhibits differences in negative cooperativity in certain cellular backgrounds. Electrophysiological studies reveal that, in contrast to the orthosteric antagonist (2S)-2-amino-2-[(1S,2S)-2-carboxyclycloprop-1-yl]-3-(xanth-9-yl) propanoic acid (LY341495), MMPIP is unable to block agonist-mediated responses at the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse, a location at which neurotransmission has been shown to be modulated by mGluR7 activity. Thus, MMPIP and related compounds differentially inhibit coupling of mGluR7 in different cellular backgrounds and may not antagonize the coupling of this receptor to native G(i/o) signaling pathways in all cellular contexts. The pharmacology of this compound represents a striking example of the potential for context-dependent blockade of receptor responses by negative allosteric modulators.


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of radiation on the endothelial cytoskeleton and endothelial monolayer permeability and to evaluate associated signaling pathways, which could reveal potential mechanisms of known vascular effects of radiation.


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The physical periphery of a biological cell is mainly described by signaling pathways which are triggered by transmembrane proteins and receptors that are sentinels to control the whole gene regulatory network of a cell. However, our current knowledge about the gene regulatory mechanisms that are governed by extracellular signals is severely limited.Results: The purpose of this paper is three fold. First, we infer a gene regulatory network from a large-scale B-cell lymphoma expression data set using the C3NET algorithm. Second, we provide a functional and structural analysis of the largest connected component of this network, revealing that this network component corresponds to the peripheral region of a cell. Third, we analyze the hierarchical organization of network components of the whole inferred B-cell gene regulatory network by introducing a new approach which exploits the variability within the data as well as the inferential characteristics of C3NET. As a result, we find a functional bisection of the network corresponding to different cellular components.

Overall, our study allows to highlight the peripheral gene regulatory network of B-cells and shows that it is centered around hub transmembrane proteins located at the physical periphery of the cell. In addition, we identify a variety of novel pathological transmembrane proteins such as ion channel complexes and signaling receptors in B-cell lymphoma. © 2012 Simoes et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The DNA damage response encompasses a complex series of signaling pathways that function to regulate and facilitate the repair of damaged DNA. Recent studies have shown that the repair of transcriptionally inactive chromatin, named heterochromatin, is dependent upon the phosphorylation of the co-repressor, Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-associated protein (KAP-1), by the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase. Co-repressors, such as KAP-1, function to regulate the rigid structure of heterochromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes, such HDAC1/2, SETDB1, and nucleosome-remodeling complexes such as CHD3. Here, we have characterized a phosphorylation site in the HP1-binding domain of KAP-1, Ser-473, which is phosphorylated by the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk2. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable S473A mutant conferred cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and led to defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks in heterochromatin. In addition, cells expressing S473A also displayed defective mobilization of the HP1-ß chromodomain protein. The DNA repair defect observed in cells expressing S473A was alleviated by depletion of HP1-ß, suggesting that phosphorylation of KAP-1 on Ser-473 promotes the mobilization of HP1-ß from heterochromatin and subsequent DNA repair. These results suggest a novel mechanism of KAP-1-mediated chromatin restructuring via Chk2-regulated HP1-ß exchange from heterochromatin, promoting DNA repair.


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BACKGROUND - : Vascular endothelial cell growth factor plays a pivotal role in angiogenesis via regulating endothelial cell proliferation. The X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) is believed to be a signal transducer in the endoplasmic reticulum stress response. It is unknown whether there is crosstalk between vascular endothelial cell growth factor signaling and XBP1 pathway. 

METHODS AND RESULTS - : We found that vascular endothelial cell growth factor induced the kinase insert domain receptor internalization and interaction through C-terminal domain with the unspliced XBP1 and the inositol requiring enzyme 1 α in the endoplasmic reticulum, leading to inositol requiring enzyme 1 α phosphorylation and XBP1 mRNA splicing, which was abolished by siRNA-mediated knockdown of kinase insert domain receptor. Spliced XBP1 regulated endothelial cell proliferation in a PI3K/Akt/GSK3β/β- catenin/E2F2-dependent manner and modulated the cell size increase in a PI3K/Akt/GSK3β/β-catenin/E2F2-independent manner. Knockdown of XBP1 or inositol requiring enzyme 1 α decreased endothelial cell proliferation via suppression of Akt/GSK3β phosphorylation, β-catenin nuclear translocation, and E2F2 expression. Endothelial cell-specific knockout of XBP1 (XBP1ecko) in mice retarded the retinal vasculogenesis in the first 2 postnatal weeks and impaired the angiogenesis triggered by ischemia. Reconstitution of XBP1 by Ad-XBP1s gene transfer significantly improved angiogenesis in ischemic tissue in XBP1ecko mice. Transplantation of bone marrow from wild-type o XBP1ecko mice could also slightly improve the foot blood reperfusion in ischemic XBP1ecko mice. 

CONCLUSIONS - : These results suggest that XBP1 can function via growth factor signaling pathways to regulate endothelial proliferation and angiogenesis. 


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Understanding the molecular etiology of cancer and increasing the number of drugs and their targets are critical to cancer management. In our attempt to unravel novel breast-cancer associated proteins, we previously conducted protein expression profiling of the MCF10AT model, which comprises a series of isogenic cell lines that mimic different stages of breast cancer progression. NRD1 expression was found to increase during breast cancer progression. Here, we attempted to confirm the relevance of NRD1 in clinical breast cancer and understand the functional role and mechanism of NRD1 in breast cancer cells. Immunohistochemistry data show that NRD1 expression was elevated in ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive ductal carcinomas compared with normal tissues in 30% of the 26 matched cases studied. Examination of NRD1 expression in tissue microarray comprising >100 carcinomas and subsequent correlation with clinical data revealed that NRD1 expression was significantly associated with tumor size, grade, and nodal status (P <0.05). Silencing of NRD1 reduced MCF10CA1h and MDA-MD-231 breast-cancer-cell proliferation and growth. Probing the oncogenic EGF signaling pathways revealed that NRD1 knock down did not affect overall downstream tyrosine phosphorylation cascades including AKT and MAPK activation. Instead, silencing of NRD1 resulted in a reduction of overall cyclin D1 expression, a reduction of EGF-induced increase in cyclin D1 expression and an increase in apoptotic cell population compared with control cells.


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The host genotype has been proposed to contribute to individually composed bacterial communities in the gut. To provide deeper insight into interactions between gut bacteria and host, we associated germ-free C3H and C57BL/10 mice with intestinal bacteria from a C57BL/10 donor mouse. Analysis of microbiota similarity between the animals with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed the development of a mouse strain-specific microbiota. Microarray-based gene expression analysis in the colonic mucosa identified 202 genes whose expression differed significantly by a factor of more than 2. Application of bioinformatics tools demonstrated that functional terms including signaling/secretion, lipid degradation/catabolism, guanine nucleotide/guanylate binding and immune response were significantly enriched in differentially expressed genes. We had a closer look at the 56 genes with expression differences of more than 4 and observed a higher expression in C57BL/10 mice of the genes coding for Tlr1 and Ang4 which are involved in the recognition and response to gut bacteria. A higher expression of Pla2g2a was detected in C3H mice. In addition, a number of interferon-inducible genes were higher expressed in C3H than in C57BL/10 mice including Gbp1, Mal, Oasl2, Ifi202b, Rtp4, Ly6g6c, Ifi27l2a, Usp18, Ifit1, Ifi44, and Ly6g indicating that interferons may play an essential role in microbiota regulation. However, genes coding for interferons, their receptors, factors involved in interferon expression regulation or signaling pathways were not differentially expressed between the two mouse strains. Taken together, our study confirms that the host genotype is involved in the establishment of host-specific bacterial communities in the gut. Based on expression differences after colonization with the same bacterial inoculum, we propose that Pla2g2a and interferon-dependent genes may contribute to this phenomenon.


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A high concentration of circulating low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis. Native LDL and LDL modified by glycation and/or oxidation are increased in diabetic individuals. LDL directly stimulate vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation; however, the mechanisms remain undefined. The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway mediates changes in cell function and growth. Therefore, we examined the cellular effects of native and modified LDL on ERK phosphorylation in VSMC. Addition of native, mildly modified (oxidized, glycated, glycoxidized) and highly modified (highly oxidized, highly glycoxidized) LDL at 25 microg/ml to rat VSMC for 5 min induced a fivefold increase in ERK phosphorylation. To elucidate the signal transduction pathway by which LDL phosphorylate ERK, we examined the roles of the Ca(2+)/calmodulin pathway, protein kinase C (PKC), src kinase, and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK). Treatment of VSMC with the intracellular Ca(2+) chelator EGTA-AM (50 micromol/l) significantly increased ERK phosphorylation induced by native and mildly modified LDL, whereas chelation of extracellular Ca(2+) by EGTA (3 mmol/l) significantly reduced LDL-induced ERK phosphorylation. The calmodulin inhibitor N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (40 micromol/l) significantly decreased ERK phosphorylation induced by all types of LDL. Downregulation of PKC with phorbol myristate acetate (5 micromol/l) markedly reduced LDL-induced ERK phosphorylation. Pretreatment of VSMC with a cell-permeable MEK inhibitor (PD-98059, 40 micromol/l) significantly decreased ERK phosphorylation in response to native and modified LDL. These findings indicate that native and mildly and highly modified LDL utilize similar signaling pathways to phosphorylate ERK and implicate a role for Ca(2+)/calmodulin, PKC, and MEK. These results suggest a potential link between modified LDL, vascular function, and the development of atherosclerosis in diabetes.


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Identifying differential expression of genes in psoriatic and healthy skin by microarray data analysis is a key approach to understand the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Analysis of more than one dataset to identify genes commonly upregulated reduces the likelihood of false positives and narrows down the possible signature genes. Genes controlling the critical balance between T helper 17 and regulatory T cells are of special interest in psoriasis. Our objectives were to identify genes that are consistently upregulated in lesional skin from three published microarray datasets. We carried out a reanalysis of gene expression data extracted from three experiments on samples from psoriatic and nonlesional skin using the same stringency threshold and software and further compared the expression levels of 92 genes related to the T helper 17 and regulatory T cell signaling pathways. We found 73 probe sets representing 57 genes commonly upregulated in lesional skin from all datasets. These included 26 probe sets representing 20 genes that have no previous link to the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis. These genes may represent novel therapeutic targets and surely need more rigorous experimental testing to be validated. Our analysis also identified 12 of 92 genes known to be related to the T helper 17 and regulatory T cell signaling pathways, and these were found to be differentially expressed in the lesional skin samples.