948 resultados para Sight-reading (Music)


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Digitoitu 31. 12. 2008


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Aquest treball de final de carrera tracta sobre l’aplicació de les modernes tècniques de reflexió estratègica aplicades al sector de la cultura popular catalana, concretament la cultura popular catalana que engloba les manifestacions on el vincle comú és la formació musical pròpia: la cobla. Aprofitar aquest sector, a priori tant complex i tant allunyat en principi del món d’estratègia d’empresa com aquest, és l’excusa per veure el comportament d’aquestes eines i teories, i comprovar-ne la seva eficàcia i adaptabilitat als diferents casos de la realitat, a més de poder treballar un tema tant nou com la valoració d’intangibles. A la vegada, es produeix una síntesi de treballs orientats a l’organització d’entitats sense ànim de lucre existents en la bibliografia especialitzada, i que han tingut un inexistent ressò pràctic. Això pot ser un contrasentit en un país on l’associacionisme és tan arrelat i un dels pilars socials que ens vertebren i diferencien. En el cas de la música per a cobla, especialment destacable en un moment molt important i crític per estar en un temps de transició social molt fort. També, cal destacar vivament que té una sèrie de valors afegits de qualitat i complexitat que la situen en un interessant camí entre la cultura popular i les propostes de caràcter més comercial, en unes condicions actuals de gran desconeixement social. Les vinculacions entre estratègia, innovació, responsabilitat social i cultura del coneixement, donen a aquest treball un fort caràcter actual i adaptat a la realitat en les consideracions sobre el management en general.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen niitä merkityksiä, joita afrikkalaisamerikkalainen musiikillinen esitystraditio saa Nobel-kirjailija Toni Morrisonin romaanissa Jazz (1992).Morrison on toistuvasti löytänyt vertailukohdan omalle kirjoittamiselleen mustasta musiikkitraditiosta. Kuvaillessaan Jazz-romaanin luomisprosessia hän on kertonut pyrkineensä rakentamaan teoksen improvisatorisen jazz-performanssin muotoon. Tutkielmassa kysyn, millä tavalla tämä jazz-improvisatorinen kerrontamuoto ilmenee Jazz-romaanissa ja miksi musiikki ja kerronnan musiikillisuus on saanut niin merkittävän roolin afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden traditiossa. Keskeiselle sijalle tutkielmassani nousee ajatus improvisatorisesta jazz-performanssista sekä romaania ohjaavana kerronnallisena periaatteena että mustan diasporisen kulttuurin ja identiteetin rakentamisen välineenä. Tukeutumalla muun muassa Ralph Ellisonin, James Baldwinin, Albert Murrayn, Henry Louis Gates Jr:n, Houston A. Baker Jr:n, Paul Gilroyn, Kimberly W. Benstonin ja Nathaniel Mackeyn kirjoituksiin mustasta esitystraditiosta tarkastelen, mitä eri merkityksiä jazz- ja blues-musiikille on annettu afrikkalaisamerikkalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Jazzissa musiikki toimii ensisijaisesti keinona työstää menneisyyttä: musiikillinen improvisaatio avaa tien ihmisen henkilökohtaisten muistojen ja menneisyyden konfliktien tarkastelulle. Kyse on identiteettiprosessista, joka ohjaa toistuvasti määrittelemään uudelleen ne rakenteet, joissa ihmisen minuus kehittyy. Samalla musiikillisuuden taustalta voidaan löytää pyrkimys vapauttaa teos kertovuudesta ja kohdistaa lukijan huomio tekstin tuottamaan liikkeeseen, romaaniin performanssina. Tämä ohjaa kirjallisuuden kohti rituaalista: musiikillisuuden funktiona on tuoda tarina voimakkaammin osaksi lukijan kokemuksellista nykyhetkeä. Morrisonin romaanikirjoittamista ohjaa halu kehittää jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia ymmärtää ja lähestyä menneisyyttä sekä rakentaa kriittinen suhde afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuuria määrittäneisiin historiallisiin narratiiveihin. Jazzromaanin tapahtumat sijoittuvat keskelle afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen urbaanin kulttuurin ja amerikkalaisen modernismin kehityksen keskeisintä vuosikymmentä, 1920-lukua. Romaanin sisällön analyysissa tarkastelen muun muassa romaanin kaupunkitilan kuvausta ja sen kiinnittymistä urbaanin kulutuskulttuurin tuottamaan visuaaliseen spektaakkeliin. Jazzissa Morrisonin voidaan nähdä työstävän suhdetta tiettyyn historialliseen aikakauteen, joka on merkittävällä tavalla muokannut sekä afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuurista yhteisöllisyyttä että tiettyjä ”mustan” tai ”mustuuden” representaatioita osana amerikkalaista urbaania ympäristöä.


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Music is one of the most pleasant human experiences, even though it has no direct biological advantage. However little is known about individual differences in how people experience reward in music-related activities. The goal of the present study was to describe the main facets of music experience that could explain the variance observed in how people experience reward associated with music. To this end we developed the Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ), which was administrated to three large samples. Our results showed that the musical reward experience can be decomposed into five reliable factors: Musical Seeking, Emotion Evocation, Mood Regulation, Social Reward, and Sensory-Motor. These factors were correlated with socio-demographic factors and measures of general sensitivity to reward and hedonic experience. We propose that the five-factor structure of musical reward experience might be very relevant in the study of psychological and neural bases of emotion and pleasure associated to music.


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En el marco de las competencias profesionales del educador musical, la creatividad ocupa una posición que a menudo ha sido definida como sistémica. La labor del educador y/o formador en el aula de música requiere, de forma genérica, el despliegue de competencias que incorporen la creatividad. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un trabajo realizado con dos muestras de alumnos, de tercer curso de magisterio y de un curso postgrado. Se ofrecen y se analizan los datos recogidos con la finalidad de desplegar un mapa que integre competencias creativas genéricas, específicas y disciplinares


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En les següents pàgines s’intenta mostrar la gran quantitat i qualitat de música hongaresa per viola del segle XX disponible, el perquè de tant material en comparació amb altres èpoques i el grau de coneixement que es té d’aquest repertori. El treball està realitzat a través de la recopilació d’informació de tots els aspectes en relació, i d’enquestes a estudiants de viola que permeten conèixer altres aspectes com el contacte d’aquests amb la música hongaresa. Amb la seva lectura es pot descobrir una infinitat d’obres molt desconegudes, de noms importants per la història de l’instrument i del poc coneixement que es té d’alguns d’aquests aspectes.


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This project addresses methodological and technological challenges in the development of multi-modal data acquisition and analysis methods for the representation of instrumental playing technique in music performance through auditory-motor patterning models. The case study is violin playing: a multi-modal database of violin performances has been constructed by recording different musicians while playing short exercises on different violins. The exercise set and recording protocol have been designed to sample the space defined by dynamics (from piano to forte) and tone (from sul tasto to sul ponticello), for each bow stroke type being played on each of the four strings (three different pitches per string) at two different tempi. The data, containing audio, video, and motion capture streams, has been processed and segmented to facilitate upcoming analyses. From the acquired motion data, the positions of the instrument string ends and the bow hair ribbon ends are tracked and processed to obtain a number of bowing descriptors suited for a detailed description and analysis of the bow motion patterns taking place during performance. Likewise, a number of sound perceptual attributes are computed from the audio streams. Besides the methodology and the implementation of a number of data acquisition tools, this project introduces preliminary results from analyzing bowing technique on a multi-modal violin performance database that is unique in its class. A further contribution of this project is the data itself, which will be made available to the scientific community through the repovizz platform.


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Populärkulturen har i dagens läge kommit att utgöra en allt mer viktig och central inspirationskälla för allt fler människors konstruktion av den egna religiösa identiteten även inom traditionella och institutionella kristna sammanhang. Denna avhandling belyser denna utveckling i ljuset av den finländska kristna metallmusik-kulturen - en sällsynt stark sammanblanding av protestantisk kristendom och en utpräglad och kontroversiell populärmusikform och dess kultur. Fokus riktas framför allt på hur den kristna metallmusik-kulturen blir meningsfull för sina medlemmar genom de sätt på vilka den konstrueras diskursivt, dvs. genom de sätt på vilka den representeras och talas om bland sina egna anhängare. Den diskursiva konstruktionen av den kristna metallmusik-kulturen utforskas på ett såväl bredare transnationellt som ett finländskt nationellt plan. Studien redogör även för den kristna metalmusikens och -kulturens huvudsakliga verbala, visuella och estetiska kännetecken. Uppbyggnaden och spridningen av dagens transnationella kristna metallmusik-kultur undersöks även i ljuset av det teoretiska konceptet scene. Avhandlingens centrala argument är att den kristna metallmusikscenen erbjuder sina medlemmar en mängd resurser för skapandet av ett alternativt och komplementärt religiöst uttrycksätt, religiös praxis och en alternativ kristen identitet.


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A district heating system comprises production facilities, a distribution network, and heat consumers. The utilization of new energy metering and reading system (AMR) is increasing constantly in district heating systems. This heuristic study shows how the AMR system can be exploited in finding optimization opportunities in district heating system. In this study, the district heating system is mainly considered from the viewpoint of operational optimization. The focus is on the core processes, heat production and distribution. Three objectives were set to this study. The first one was to examine general optimization opportunities in district heating systems. Second, to figure out the benefits of AMR for general optimization opportunities. Finally, to define a methodology for process improvement endeavors. This study shows, through a case study, the usefulness of AMR in specifying current deficiencies in a district heating system. Based on a literature review, the methodology for the improvement of business processes is presented. Additionally, some issues related to future competitiveness of district heating are concerned. As a conclusion, some optimization objectives are considered more desirable than others. Study shows that AMR is useful in the specification of optimization targets in the district heating system. Further steps in optimization process were not examined in detail. That would seem to be interesting topic for further studies.


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The present dissertation examined reading development during elementary school years by means of eye movement tracking. Three different but related issues in this field were assessed. First of all, the development of parafoveal processing skills in reading was investigated. Second, it was assessed whether and to what extent sublexical units such as syllables and morphemes are used in processing Finnish words and whether the use of these sublexical units changes as a function of reading proficiency. Finally, the developmental trend in the speed of visual information extraction during reading was examined. With regard to parafoveal processing skills, it was shown that 2nd graders extract letter identity information approx. 5 characters to the right of fixation, 4th graders approx. 7 characters to the right of fixation, and 6th graders and adults approx. 9 characters to the right of fixation. Furthermore, it was shown that all age groups extract more parafoveal information within compound words than across adjectivenoun pairs of similar length. In compounds, parafoveal word information can be extracted in parallel with foveal word information, if the compound in question is of high frequency. With regard to the use of sublexical units in Finnish word processing, it was shown that less proficient 2nd graders use both syllables and morphemes in the course of lexical access. More proficient 2nd graders as well as older readers seem to process words more holistically. Finally, it was shown that 60 ms is enough for 4th graders and adults to extract visual information from both 4-letter and 8-letter words, whereas 2nd graders clearly needed more than 60 ms to extract all information from 8- letter words for processing to proceed smoothly. The present dissertation demonstrates that Finnish 2nd graders develop their reading skills rapidly and are already at an adult level in some aspects of reading. This is not to say that there are no differences between less proficient (e.g., 2nd graders) and more proficient readers (e.g., adults) but in some respects it seems that the visual system used in extracting information from the text is matured by the 2nd grade. Furthermore, the present dissertation demonstrates that the allocation of attention in reading depends much on textual properties such as word frequency and whether words are spatially unified (as in compounds) or not. This flexibility of the attentional system naturally needs to be captured in word processing models. Finally, individual differences within age groups are quite substantial but it seems that by the end of the 2nd grade practically all Finnish children have reached a reasonable level of reading proficiency.


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Early identification of beginning readers at risk of developing reading and writing difficulties plays an important role in the prevention and provision of appropriate intervention. In Tanzania, as in other countries, there are children in schools who are at risk of developing reading and writing difficulties. Many of these children complete school without being identified and without proper and relevant support. The main language in Tanzania is Kiswahili, a transparent language. Contextually relevant, reliable and valid instruments of identification are needed in Tanzanian schools. This study aimed at the construction and validation of a group-based screening instrument in the Kiswahili language for identifying beginning readers at risk of reading and writing difficulties. In studying the function of the test there was special interest in analyzing the explanatory power of certain contextual factors related to the home and school. Halfway through grade one, 337 children from four purposively selected primary schools in Morogoro municipality were screened with a group test consisting of 7 subscales measuring phonological awareness, word and letter knowledge and spelling. A questionnaire about background factors and the home and school environments related to literacy was also used. The schools were chosen based on performance status (i.e. high, good, average and low performing schools) in order to include variation. For validation, 64 children were chosen from the original sample to take an individual test measuring nonsense word reading, word reading, actual text reading, one-minute reading and writing. School marks from grade one and a follow-up test half way through grade two were also used for validation. The correlations between the results from the group test and the three measures used for validation were very high (.83-.95). Content validity of the group test was established by using items drawn from authorized text books for reading in grade one. Construct validity was analyzed through item analysis and principal component analysis. The difficulty level of most items in both the group test and the follow-up test was good. The items also discriminated well. Principal component analysis revealed one powerful latent dimension (initial literacy factor), accounting for 93% of the variance. This implies that it could be possible to use any set of the subtests of the group test for screening and prediction. The K-Means cluster analysis revealed four clusters: at-risk children, strugglers, readers and good readers. The main concern in this study was with the groups of at-risk children (24%) and strugglers (22%), who need the most assistance. The predictive validity of the group test was analyzed by correlating the measures from the two school years and by cross tabulating grade one and grade two clusters. All the correlations were positive and very high, and 94% of the at-risk children in grade two were already identified in the group test in grade one. The explanatory power of some of the home and school factors was very strong. The number of books at home accounted for 38% of the variance in reading and writing ability measured by the group test. Parents´ reading ability and the support children received at home for schoolwork were also influential factors. Among the studied school factors school attendance had the strongest explanatory power, accounting for 21% of the variance in reading and writing ability. Having been in nursery school was also of importance. Based on the findings in the study a short version of the group test was created. It is suggested for use in the screening processes in grade one aiming at identifying children at risk of reading and writing difficulties in the Tanzanian context. Suggestions for further research as well as for actions for improving the literacy skills of Tanzanian children are presented.


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The aim of the study was to create and evaluate an intervention programme for Tanzanian children from a low-income area who are at risk of reading and writing difficulties. The learning difficulties, including reading and writing difficulties, are likely to be behind many of the common school problems in Tanzania, but they are not well understood, and research is needed. The design of the study included an identification and intervention phase with follow-up. A group based dynamic assessment approach was used in identifying children at risk of difficulties in reading and writing. The same approach was used in the intervention. The study was a randomized experiment with one experimental and two control groups. For the experimental and the control groups, a total of 96 (46 girls and 50 boys) children from grade one were screened out of 301 children from two schools in a low income urban area of Dar-es-Salaam. One third of the children, the experimental group, participated in an intensive training programme in literacy skills for five weeks, six hours per week, aimed at promoting reading and writing ability, while the children in the control groups had a mathematics and art programme. Follow-up was performed five months after the intervention. The intervention programme and the tests were based on the Zambian BASAT (Basic Skill Assessment Tool, Ketonen & Mulenga, 2003), but the content was drawn from the Kiswahili school curriculum in Tanzania. The main components of the training and testing programme were the same, only differing in content. The training process was different from traditional training in Tanzanian schools in that principles of teaching and training in dynamic assessment were followed. Feedback was the cornerstone of the training and the focus was on supporting the children in exploring knowledge and strategies in performing the tasks. The experimental group improved significantly more (p = .000) than the control groups during the intervention from pre-test to follow-up (repeated measures ANOVA). No differences between the control groups were noticed. The effect was significant on all the measures: phonological awareness, reading skills, writing skills and overall literacy skills. A transfer effect on school marks in Kiswahili and English was found. Following a discussion of the results, suggestions for further research and adaptation of the programme are presented.