975 resultados para Sidney, Algernon, 1623-1683.
•The 2013 Inter-sessional Science Board Meeting: A Note from the Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-4) •ICES/PICES Workshop on Global Assessment of the Implications of Climate Change on the Spatial Distribution of Fish and Fisheries (pp. 5-8) •PICES participates in a Convention on Biological Diversity Regional Workshop (pp. 9-11) •Social and Economic Indicators for Status and Change within North Pacific Ecosystems (pp. 12-13) •The Fourth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium (pp. 14-15) •Workshop on Radionuclide Science and Environmental Quality in the North Pacific (pp. 16-17) •PICES-MAFF Project on Marine Ecosystem Health and Human Well-Being: Indonesia Workshop (pp. 18-19) •Socioeconomic Indicators for United States Fisheries and Fishing Communities (pp. 20-23) •Harmful Algal Blooms in a Changing World (pp. 24-25, 27) •Enhancing Scientific Cooperation between PICES and NPAFC (pp. 26-27) •Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Protected Areas in the Northwest Pacific (pp. 28-29) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the Second Half of 2012 (pp. 30-31) •Stuck in Neutral in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (pp. 32-33) •The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Trends (pp. 34-36) •For your Bookshelf (p. 37) •Howard Freeland takes home Canadian awards (p. 38)
Esta tese parte da demonstração da existência de um conceito genérico de seguridade social incorporado ao ordenamento jurídico internacional - a ser interpretado conforme sua função socioeconômica e construção histórica no direito comparado o qual garante direitos subjetivos a medidas protetivas. Passa a averiguar então o desenvolvimento de um padrão ou receituário rudimentar previsto naquele ordenamento para implementação progressiva de sistemas de seguridade social com contornos protetivos cada vez mais precisos e abrangentes, inclusive no tocante ao tratamento do problema das migrações. Detecta então as insuficiências desse aparato normativo para oferecer atualmente uma cobertura efetiva à maioria da população mundial e aponta estratégias jurídicas internacionalizadas empregadas para fomentar ao menos a expansão imediata de uma cobertura mínima em seguridade social às populações mais vulneráveis do globo. Enfoca, por fim, a cooperação financeira internacional como solução viável para suprir as carências emergenciais das populações dos países em situação de maior déficit de cobertura em seguridade social, notadamente quanto a prestações de saúde. Expõe, em seu conjunto, caminhos para estruturação de sistemas de seguridade social harmônicos, coordenados e eficazes em prol da segurança econômica de todos.
◾PICES Science in 2007 (pdf, 0.1 Mb) ◾2007 Wooster Award (pdf, 0.1 Mb) ◾FUTURE - A milestone reached but our task is not done (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) ◾International symposium on "Reproductive and Recruitment Processes of Exploited Marine Fish Stocks" (pdf, 0.1 Mb) ◾Recent results of the micronekton sampling inter-calibration experiment (pdf, 0.1 Mb) ◾2007 PICES workshop on "Measuring and monitoring primary productivity in the North Pacific" (pdf, 0.1 Mb) ◾2007 Harmful Algal Bloom Section annual workshop events (pdf, 0.1 Mb) ◾A global approach for recovery and sustainability of marine resources in Large Marine Ecosystems (pdf, 0.3 Mb) ◾Highlights of the PICES Sixteenth Annual Meeting (pdf, 0.4 Mb) ◾Ocean acidification of the North Pacific Ocean (pdf, 0.3 Mb) ◾Workshop on NE Pacific Coastal Ecosystems (2008 Call for Salmon Survival Forecasts) (pdf, 0.1 Mb) ◾The state of the western North Pacific in the first half of 2007 (pdf, 0.4 Mb) ◾PICES Calendar (pdf, 0.4 Mb) ◾The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events (pdf, 0.3 Mb) ◾PICES Interns (pdf, 0.3 Mb) ◾Recent trends in waters of the subarctic NE Pacific (pdf, 0.3 Mb) ◾Election results at PICES (pdf, 0.2 Mb) ◾A new PICES award for monitoring and data management activities (pdf, < 0.1 Mb)
◾ Report of Opening Session (p. 1) ◾ Report of Governing Council (p. 15) ◾ Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (p. 47) ◾ Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board Inter-sessional Meeting (p. 63); Science Board (p. 73); Biological Oceanography Committee (p. 87); Fishery Science Committee (p. 95); Marine Environmental Quality Committee (p. 105); MONITOR Technical Committee (p. 115); Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (p. 125); Technical Committee on Data Exchange (p. 133) ◾ Reports of Sections, Working and Study Groups: Section on Carbon and Climate (p. 139); Section on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms in the North Pacific (p. 143); Working Group 18 on Mariculture in the 21st Century - The Intersection Between Ecology, Socio-economics and Production (p. 147); Working Group 19 on Ecosystem-Based Management Science and its Application to the North Pacific (p. 151); Working Group 20 on Evaluations of Climate Change Projections (p. 157); Working Group 21 on Non-indigenous Aquatic Species (p. 159); Study Group to Develop a Strategy for GOOS (p. 165) ◾ Reports of the Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Scientific Program: Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (p. 169); CFAME Task Team (p. 175); MODEL Task Team (p. 181) ◾ Reports of Advisory Panels: Advisory Panel for a CREAMS/PICES Program in East Asian Marginal Seas (p. 187); Advisory Panel on Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey in the North Pacific (p. 193); Advisory Panel on Iron Fertilization Experiment in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean (p. 197); Advisory Panel on Marine Birds and Mammals (p. 201); Advisory Panel on Micronekton Sampling Inter-calibration Experiment (p. 205) ◾ Summary of Scientific Sessions and Workshops (p. 209) ◾ Membership List (p. 259) ◾ List of Participants (p. 277) ◾ List of PICES Acronyms (p. 301) ◾ List of Acronyms (p. 303)
Report of Opening Session (p. 1). Report of Governing Council (p. 15). Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (p. 65). Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board Inter-Sessional Meeting (p. 83); Science Board (p. 93); Biological Oceanography Committee (p. 105); Fishery Science Committee (p. 117); Marine Environmental Quality Committee (p. 129); Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (p. 139); Technical Committee on Data Exchange (p. 145); Technical Committee on Monitoring (p. 153). Reports of Sections, Working and Study Groups: Section on Carbon and Climate (p. 161); Section on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms in the North Pacific (p. 167); Working Group 19 on Ecosystem-based Management Science and its Application to the North Pacific (p. 173); Working Group 20 on Evaluations of Climate Change Projections (p. 179); Working Group 21 on Non-indigenous Aquatic Species (p. 183); Study Group to Develop a Strategy for GOOS (p. 193); Study Group on Ecosystem Status Reporting (p. 203); Study Group on Marine Aquaculture and Ranching in the PICES Region (p. 213); Study Group on Scientific Cooperation between PICES and Non-member Countries (p. 225). Reports of the Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program: Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (p. 229); CFAME Task Team (p. 235); MODEL Task Team (p. 241). Reports of Advisory Panels: Advisory Panel for a CREAMS/PICES Program in East Asian Marginal Seas (p. 249); Advisory Panel on Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey in the North Pacific (p. 253); Advisory Panel on Iron Fertilization Experiment in the Subarctic Pacific Ocean (p. 255); Advisory Panel on Marine Birds and Mammals (p. 261); Advisory Panel on Micronekton Sampling Inter-calibration Experiment (p. 265). 2007 Review of PICES Publication Program (p. 269). Guidelines for PICES Temporary Expert Groups (p. 297). Summary of Scientific Sessions and Workshops (p. 313). Report of the ICES/PICES Conference for Early Career Scientists (p. 355). Membership (p. 367). Participants (p. 387). PICES Acronyms (p. 413). Acronyms (p. 415).
八楞海棠是我国华北地区重要的苹果砧木,河南海棠是选育苹果矮化砧木的良好材料,进行八楞海棠和河南海棠胺芽茎尖培养具有重要的生产实际意义。主要结论如下;1)细胞分裂素和生长素的种类及浓度配比影响分化与增殖; 2)不同物候期的芽对分化增殖也有影响; 3)IBA促进八楞海棠生根。IAA促进河南海棠生根4)不定根起源于维管形成层细胞,其发生、形成与生长素种类。浓度密切相关。结合实验与文献,对蔗糖的作用.PZ和PG的作用,以及试管苗玻璃化现象作了讨论。
丁香属Syringa是木樨科Oleaceae中一个中等大小的属,大多数种类花形美丽,具有很高的园林观赏价值。本文以标本检查为主,结合形态学、孢粉学、细胞学和植物地理学几个方面对丁香属进行了分类研究。 一.形态学:丁香属分类的主要性状为:单叶或复叶、圆锥花序的着生位置、花冠管的长短。这些性状的演化趋势为:单叶--羽状深裂--羽状复叶,圆锥花序由顶芽抽生--圆锥花序由侧芽抽生,长花冠管,雄蕊不伸出花冠管--短花冠管,雄蕊伸出花冠管。 二.孢粉学:本文首次对丁香属的花粉形态作了较为全面而系统的研究。所取材料为各组、系、亚系的代表种。孢粉学的研究表明,本属花粉形态一致。均为近球形,极面观3裂圆形,三(拟)孔沟,沟边缘不加厚,外壁分层明显,外层厚于内层,半覆盖层,粗网状纹饰。扫描电镜观察结果表明,本属花粉的表面纹饰可区分为6种类型:1).网眼小,网脊细、较直而使网眼呈多边形,网脊下小柱不明显,2).网眼稍大,网脊细、直,网脊下小柱不明显,3),网眼较大,网脊细、稍弯曲,网脊下小柱可见,4).网眼大,网脊细而弯曲, 网脊下小明显,5).网眼小,网脊细、弯曲而使网眼呈不规则扁长形,6).网眼较大,网脊粗、直,网脊下小柱不明显。顶生花序系Ser. Villosae (Schneid.) Rehd. 以1型为主,侧生花序系Ser. Syringa从2-4型,羽叶丁香系Ser, Pinnatifolia Rehd,为5型,短花冠管组Sect.Ligustrina Rupr.为6型。其变化规律与形态学上的系统演化关系相—致。 三,细胞学:本文对丁香属部分种进行了染色体数目的观察,初步的结果显示,本属的染色体基数为n=23或24,这两种情况在不同的组、系都存在。本属为异源多倍体起源,由陵花目中染色体基数为n=ll和n=12的祖先类群通过杂交形成,并由于染色体组在减数分裂过程中非整倍性变异,而产生n 2或n=24的变化。 四,分类修订及系统位置和演化趋势: 本文在查看了本所标本馆全部丁香属的标本、考证了约22个种的原始描述以及部分模式标本和模式照片的基础上,对该属分类作下列修订:1.将华丁香Syringa protolaciniata、花叶丁香S.x persica、 裂叶丁香S.x laciniata、阿富汗丁香S.afghanica 四个种从欧丁香亚系中移出,置于羽叶丁香系Ser. Pinnatifolia,2.改欧丁香系Set. Vulgares和巧铃花系Ser. Pubescentes为亚系等级,均置于侧生花序系Ser. Syringa中,3.恢复山丁香Syringa potaninii Schneid.、小叶丁香S.micropylla Diels、关东丁香s.patula (Palibin) Nakai、光萼丁香S.juliana Schneid.、朝鲜丁香S.dilatata Nakai,并作为种的等级,毛萼云南丁香S.yunanensis Franch.f.pubicalyx (Jien ex P.Y. Bai) M.C. Chang仍作变种处理。在此基础上,本文将丁香属分为2组3系2亚系: 组1.长花冠管组Sect.l. Syringa:系1.顶生花序系Ser.1.Villosae(Sch- neid.)Rehd.;系2.侧生花序系Ser.2. Syringa,亚系1.欧丁香亚系Subser.1.Syring,亚系2.巧铃花亚系Pubescentes(Schneid.)Rehd.;系3.羽叶丁香系Ser.3. Pinnatifoliae Rehd. 组2.短花冠管组Sect.2. Ligustrina Rupr. 各分类单元的命名,仍沿用已有的名称。 结合各方面的研究成果,表明丁香属是一个十分自然的类群。在木樨科中,本属与女贞属的关系密切,由女贞属裂果女贞组Sect. Sarcocarpion (Franch.)Mansf.衍生而来。属内演化趋势始为长花冠管组的顶生花序系,而后是侧生花序系、羽叶丁香系,短花冠管组为本属中进化程度较高的类群。 五.植物地理学:丁香属为旧世界温带分布型属,分布区连续。约28种5变种9变型。除2种产于欧洲,1种产于阿富汗、巴基斯坦,1种产于朝鲜,1种产于日本外,其余种类均分布于中国。其中,中国西南地区丁香属的种类、原始类型及其在该地区所占比例均显示是丁香属现代分布中心和起源演化中心,并由此沿三条主线向周围扩散。
Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci were characterized for the endangered conifer Taxus yunnanensis. Eight loci were isolated through SSR-anchored PCR, one locus was developed by cross-species amplification tests, while the last two loci were obtained
2003年3月-2004年3月对无量山大寨子3群西黑冠长臂猿的二重唱的时间特征进行了监测。于2007年3月和2008年3月利用Sony TC-D5Pro2录音机、Sony C-76指向性话筒和Sony录音磁带对其二重唱进行了录音,对录音效果最好的5个声音用Signal/RTS4.0软件进行声谱分析。对无量山西黑冠长臂猿二重唱的声谱结构和时间特征的研究结果表明,雄性西黑冠长臂猿的声音由起始音节、简单的重复音节和调节音节组成。根据频率变化的强度,可以将调节音节分为弱调节音节和强调节音节。强调节音节的特征是第二个音节具有非常明显的频率变化,有时第三个音节有类似变化,变频时的最高频率可达到5828Hz。雌性长臂猿一般只会发出一种类型的声音,即固定而刻板的激动鸣叫。根据激动鸣叫是否完整可以分为成功的激动鸣叫和失败的激动鸣叫。典型的西黑冠长臂猿二重唱通常由成年雄性发起,并占主导地位,且一般由雄性结束。雌性激动鸣叫结束后,雄性马上发出调节音节与之配合,雄性调节音节与雌性激动鸣叫的时间间隔平均为2.7s。平均每个群体的鸣叫频次为53%。如果发生鸣叫,一个群体平均每天鸣叫1.09次。91.5%的鸣叫发生在日出前0.5h至日出后...
Seaweed farming is the top foreign exchange earner for the Philippines. Kappaphycus constitutes 80% of the Philippine seaweed export. It is sold in both fresh and dried forms; although dried seaweed has a greater demand, fresh seaweed is highly prices in restaurants. The 3 main seaweed products marketed are agar, alginate and carrageenan. A brief outline is given of farming operations and investment costs and returns.
The tandem organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with an effective charge-generation connection structure of Mg-doped tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq(3))/Molybdenum oxide (MoO3)-doped 3, 4, 9, 10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) were presented. At a current density of 50 mA/cm(2), the current efficiency of the tandem OLED with two standard NPB/Alq(3) emitting units is 4.2 cd/A, which is 1.7 times greater than that of the single EL device. The tandem OLED with the similar connection structure of Mg-doped PTCDA/MoO3-doped PTCDA was also fabricated and the influences of the different connection units on the current efficiency of the tandem OLED were discussed as well.