385 resultados para Shim Coils
Introdução: A neurofibromatose tipo I (NF1), também designada doença de Von Recklinghausen, é causada por uma anormalidade no cromossoma 17, de transmissão autossómica dominante, responsável pela produção deficiente de neurofibromina. Caracteriza-se por displasia nos tecidos mesodérmicos e neuroectodérmicos, e tem uma incidência de um para 2.500-3.300 nascimentos. A presença de manchas café-au-lait, neurofibromas cutâneos e hamartomas da íris são sinais cardinais da doença. Primeiramente descrita por Ruebi em 1945, a patologia vascular é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A ocorrência de hemorragia fatal ou quase fatal está reportada ocasionalmente nas cavidades pleural, abdominal, retroperitoneu, tecidos moles do tronco e extremidades. Esta hemorragia massiva é causada pela rutura de vasos sanguíneos friáveis, característicos pelos níveis reduzidos de neurofibromina e consequente proliferação endotelial e de músculo liso nas artérias e veias. Uma das consequências clínicas mais sérias descritas na NF1 é a ocorrência de hemorragia severa e dificuldade em alcançar controlo hemostático. Objetivo: Exposição de caso clínico de extenso hematoma cervical e hemotórax espontâneos por rutura troncos venosos braquiocefálico, veia subclávia e junção subclávio-jugular em doente com NF1. Caso clínico: Relata-se caso clínico de mulher de 51 anos, com antecedentes conhecidos de NF1 e hipertensão arterial. Foi admitida no serviço de urgência em choque hipovolémico hemorrágico, no contexto de dor súbita no ombro direito e volumosa tumefação cervical direita. Em angioTC foi objetivado volumoso hematoma, envolvendo a região cervical direita, a região retrofaríngea-prevertebral, escavado supraclavicular direito, mediastino, associando a importante hemotórax direito. Procedeu-se a abordagem supraclavicular com drenagem do hematoma e identificação de fontes hemorrágicas, nomeadamente: tronco venoso braquicefálico, veia subclávia e confluência subclávio-jugular. Foi necessária secção da clavícula para controlo hemorrágico e realização de rafias dos troncos venosos com prolene. Intraoperatoriamente, foi evidente a fragilidade e friabilidade excessiva dos vasos sanguíneos. Após controlo hemorrágico, foi realizada videotoracoscopia para drenagem de hemotórax e evacuação de coágulos, confirmando-se a ausência de hemorragia ativa. No pós-operatório a doente recuperou estabilidade hemodinâmica, sem evidência analítica de queda de hemoglobina. Realizou-se angioTC, onde se confirmou franca melhoria do hematoma cervical direito e retrofaríngeo em critérios quantitativos, e ausência de extravasamento de contraste. Objetivou-se adicionalmente aneurismas acular da artéria vertebral direita, corrigido ulteriormente através de embolização com coils. Conclusão: A NF1 é uma doença genética que raramente se pode associar a hemorragia life- -threatening. A vasculopatia é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A existência de friabilidade vascular excessiva com consequente hemorragia espontânea na NF1 é rara e pode ser fatal, exigindo um diagnóstico rápido e tratamento atempado.
Purpose. The present report describes a full endovascular treatment of a multiple anomalous (Splenic artery aneurysms) SAA with combination of coils embolization and proximal occlusion of the splenic artery with the Amplatzer vascular plug. Case report. A 53-year-old Jehovah witness woman presented with multiple aneurysms arising from an anomalous splenic artery. An endovascular treatment was performed by implantation of multiple coils and an Amplatzer Vascular Plug. A CT scan 2 months after the procedure showed complete thrombosis of the aneurysms. Discussion. Aneurysms involving an anomalous or aberrant splenic artery are rarely reported in the literature. Their surgical treatment involves potential difficulties as a consequence of anatomical position and vascular anomalies. A fully endovascular technique can be much more attractive compared to any surgical management, providing an effective and minimally invasive option. Splenic artery - Aberrant splenic artery - Aneurysm - Endovascular treatment - Jehovah witness.
The interaction of magnetic fields generated by large superconducting coils has multiple applications in space, including actuation of spacecraft or spacecraft components, wireless power transfer, and shielding of spacecraft from radiation and high energy particles. These applications require coils with major diameters as large as 20 meters and a thermal management system to maintain the superconducting material of the coil below its critical temperature. Since a rigid thermal management system, such as a heat pipe, is unsuitable for compact stowage inside a 5 meter payload fairing, a thin-walled thermal enclosure is proposed. A 1.85 meter diameter test article consisting of a bladder layer for containing chilled nitrogen vapor, a restraint layer, and multilayer insulation was tested in a custom toroidal vacuum chamber. The material properties found during laboratory testing are used to predict the performance of the test article in low Earth orbit. Deployment motion of the same test article was measured using a motion capture system and the results are used to predict the deployment in space. A 20 meter major diameter and coil current of 6.7 MA is selected as a point design case. This design point represents a single coil in a high energy particle shielding system. Sizing of the thermal and structural components of the enclosure is completed. The thermal and deployment performance is predicted.
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been studied as a prominent class of high performance electronic materials for next generation electronics. Their geometry dependent electronic structure, ballistic transport and low power dissipation due to quasi one dimensional transport, and their capability of carrying high current densities are some of the main reasons for the optimistic expectations on SWNTs. However, device applications of individual SWNTs have been hindered by uncontrolled variations in characteristics and lack of scalable methods to integrate SWNTs into electronic devices. One relatively new direction in SWNT electronics, which avoids these issues, is using arrays of SWNTs, where the ensemble average may provide uniformity from device to device, and this new breed of electronic material can be integrated into electronic devices in a scalable fashion. This dissertation describes (1) methods for characterization of SWNT arrays, (2) how the electrical transport in these two-dimensional arrays depend on length scales and spatial anisotropy, (3) the interaction of aligned SWNTs with the underlying substrate, and (4) methods for scalable integration of SWNT arrays into electronic devices. The electrical characterization of SWNT arrays have been realized by polymer electrolyte-gated SWNT thin film transistors (TFTs). Polymer electrolyte-gating addresses many technical difficulties inherent to electrical characterization by gating through oxide-dielectrics. Having shown polymer electrolyte-gating can be successfully applied on SWNT arrays, we have studied the length scaling dependence of electrical transport in SWNT arrays. Ultrathin films formed by sub-monolayer surface coverage of SWNT arrays are very interesting systems in terms of the physics of two-dimensional electronic transport. We have observed that they behave qualitatively different than the classical conducting films, which obey the Ohm’s law. The resistance of an ultrathin film of SWNT arrays is indeed non-linear with the length of the film, across which the transport occurs. More interestingly, a transition between conducting and insulating states is observed at a critical surface coverage, which is called percolation limit. The surface coverage of conducting SWNTs can be manipulated by turning on and off the semiconductors in the SWNT array, leading to the operation principle of SWNT TFTs. The percolation limit depends also on the length and the spatial orientation of SWNTs. We have also observed that the percolation limit increases abruptly for aligned arrays of SWNTs, which are grown on single crystal quartz substrates. In this dissertation, we also compare our experimental results with a two-dimensional stick network model, which gives a good qualitative picture of the electrical transport in SWNT arrays in terms of surface coverage, length scaling, and spatial orientation, and briefly discuss the validity of this model. However, the electronic properties of SWNT arrays are not only determined by geometrical arguments. The contact resistances at the nanotube-nanotube and nanotube-electrode (bulk metal) interfaces, and interactions with the local chemical groups and the underlying substrates are among other issues related to the electronic transport in SWNT arrays. Different aspects of these factors have been studied in detail by many groups. In fact, I have also included a brief discussion about electron injection onto semiconducting SWNTs by polymer dopants. On the other hand, we have compared the substrate-SWNT interactions for isotropic (in two dimensions) arrays of SWNTs grown on Si/SiO2 substrates and horizontally (on substrate) aligned arrays of SWNTs grown on single crystal quartz substrates. The anisotropic interactions associated with the quartz lattice between quartz and SWNTs that allow near perfect horizontal alignment on substrate along a particular crystallographic direction is examined by Raman spectroscopy, and shown to lead to uniaxial compressive strain in as-grown SWNTs on single crystal quartz. This is the first experimental demonstration of the hard-to-achieve uniaxial compression of SWNTs. Temperature dependence of Raman G-band spectra along the length of individual nanotubes reveals that the compressive strain is non-uniform and can be larger than 1% locally at room temperature. Effects of device fabrication steps on the non-uniform strain are also examined and implications on electrical performance are discussed. Based on our findings, there are discussions about device performances and designs included in this dissertation. The channel length dependences of device mobilities and on/off ratios are included for SWNT TFTs. Time response of polymer-electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs has been measured to be ~300 Hz, and a proof-of-concept logic inverter has been fabricated by using polymer electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs for macroelectronic applications. Finally, I dedicated a chapter on scalable device designs based on aligned arrays of SWNTs, including a design for SWNT memory devices.
This thesis is devoted to the development, synthesis, properties, and applications of nano materials for critical technologies, including three areas: (1) Microbial contamination of drinking water is a serious problem of global significance. About 51% of the waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States can be attributed to contaminated ground water. Development of metal oxide nanoparticles, as viricidal materials is of technological and fundamental scientific importance. Nanoparticles with high surface areas and ultra small particle sizes have dramatically enhanced efficiency and capacity of virus inactivation, which cannot be achieved by their bulk counterparts. A series of metal oxide nanoparticles, such as iron oxide nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles and iron oxide-silver nanoparticles, coated on fiber substrates was developed in this research for evaluation of their viricidal activity. We also carried out XRD, TEM, SEM, XPS, surface area measurements, and zeta potential of these nanoparticles. MS2 virus inactivation experiments showed that these metal oxide nanoparticle coated fibers were extremely powerful viricidal materials. Results from this research suggest that zinc oxide nanoparticles with diameter of 3.5 nm, showing an isoelectric point (IEP) at 9.0, were well dispersed on fiberglass. These fibers offer an increase in capacity by orders of magnitude over all other materials. Compared to iron oxide nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles didn’t show an improvement in inactivation kinetics but inactivation capacities did increase by two orders of magnitude to 99.99%. Furthermore, zinc oxide nanoparticles have higher affinity to viruses than the iron oxide nanoparticles in presence of competing ions. The advantages of zinc oxide depend on high surface charge density, small nanoparticle sizes and capabilities of generating reactive oxygen species. The research at its present stage of development appears to offer the best avenue to remove viruses from water. Without additional chemicals and energy input, this system can be implemented by both points of use (POU) and large-scale use water treatment technology, which will have a significant impact on the water purification industry. (2) A new family of aliphatic polyester lubricants has been developed for use in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), specifically for hard disk drives that operate at high spindle speeds (>15000rpm). Our program was initiated to address current problems with spin-off of the perfluoroether (PFPE) lubricants. The new polyester lubricant appears to alleviate spin-off problems and at the same time improves the chemical and thermal stability. This new system provides a low cost alternative to PFPE along with improved adhesion to the substrates. In addition, it displays a much lower viscosity, which may be of importance to stiction related problems. The synthetic route is readily scalable in case additional interest emerges in other areas including small motors. (3) The demand for increased signal transmission speed and device density for the next generation of multilevel integrated circuits has placed stringent demands on materials performance. Currently, integration of the ultra low-k materials in dual Damascene processing requires chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) to planarize the copper. Unfortunately, none of the commercially proposed dielectric candidates display the desired mechanical and thermal properties for successful CMP. A new polydiacetylene thermosetting polymer (DEB-TEB), which displays a low dielectric constant (low-k) of 2.7, was recently developed. This novel material appears to offer the only avenue for designing an ultra low k dielectric (1.85k), which can still display the desired modulus (7.7Gpa) and hardness (2.0Gpa) sufficient to withstand the process of CMP. We focused on further characterization of the thermal properties of spin-on poly (DEB-TEB) ultra-thin film. These include the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), biaxial thermal stress, and thermal conductivity. Thus the CTE is 2.0*10-5K-1 in the perpendicular direction and 8.0*10-6 K-1 in the planar direction. The low CTE provides a better match to the Si substrate which minimizes interfacial stress and greatly enhances the reliability of the microprocessors. Initial experiments with oxygen plasma etching suggest a high probability of success for achieving vertical profiles.
Magnetically-induced forces on the inertial masses on-board LISA Path finder are expected to be one of the dominant contributions to the mission noise budget, accounting for up to 40%. The origin of this disturbance is the coupling of the residual magnetization and susceptibility of the test masses with the environmental magnetic field. In order to fully understand this important part of the noise model, a set of coils and magnetometers are integrated as a part of the diagnostics subsystem. During operations a sequence of magnetic excitations will be applied to precisely determine the coupling of the magnetic environment to the test mass displacement using the on-board magnetometers. Since no direct measurement of the magnetic field in the test mass position will be available, an extrapolation of the magnetic measurements to the test mass position will be carried out as a part of the data analysis activities. In this paper we show the first results on the magnetic experiments during an end-to-end LISA Path finder simulation, and we describe the methods under development to map the magnetic field on-board.
The recently discovered abilities to synthesize single-walled carbon nanotubes and prepare single layer graphene have spurred interest in these sp2-bonded carbon nanostructures. In particular, studies of their potential use in electronic devices are many as silicon integrated circuits are encountering processing limitations, quantum effects, and thermal management issues due to rapid device scaling. Nanotube and graphene implementation in devices does come with significant hurdles itself. Among these issues are the ability to dope these materials and understanding what influences defects have on expected properties. Because these nanostructures are entirely all-surface, with every atom exposed to ambient, introduction of defects and doping by chemical means is expected to be an effective route for addressing these issues. Raman spectroscopy has been a proven characterization method for understanding vibrational and even electronic structure of graphene, nanotubes, and graphite, especially when combined with electrical measurements, due to a wealth of information contained in each spectrum. In Chapter 1, a discussion of the electronic structure of graphene is presented. This outlines the foundation for all sp2-bonded carbon electronic properties and is easily extended to carbon nanotubes. Motivation for why these materials are of interest is readily gained. Chapter 2 presents various synthesis/preparation methods for both nanotubes and graphene, discusses fabrication techniques for making devices, and describes characterization methods such as electrical measurements as well as static and time-resolved Raman spectroscopy. Chapter 3 outlines changes in the Raman spectra of individual metallic single-walled carbon nantoubes (SWNTs) upon sidewall covalent bond formation. It is observed that the initial degree of disorder has a strong influence on covalent sidewall functionalization which has implications on developing electronically selective covalent chemistries and assessing their selectivity in separating metallic and semiconducting SWNTs. Chapter 4 describes how optical phonon population extinction lifetime is affected by covalent functionalization and doping and includes discussions on static Raman linewidths. Increasing defect concentration is shown to decrease G-band phonon population lifetime and increase G-band linewidth. Doping only increases G-band linewidth, leaving non-equilibrium population decay rate unaffected. Phonon mediated electron scattering is especially strong in nanotubes making optical phonon decay of interest for device applications. Optical phonon decay also has implications on device thermal management. Chapter 5 treats doping of graphene showing ambient air can lead to inadvertent Fermi level shifts which exemplifies the sensitivity that sp2-bonded carbon nanostructures have to chemical doping through sidewall adsorption. Removal of this doping allows for an investigation of electron-phonon coupling dependence on temperature, also of interest for devices operating above room temperature. Finally, in Chapter 6, utilizing the information obtained in previous chapters, single carbon nanotube diodes are fabricated and characterized. Electrical performance shows these diodes are nearly ideal and photovoltaic response yields 1.4 nA and 205 mV of short circuit current and open circuit voltage from a single nanotube device. A summary and discussion of future directions in Chapter 7 concludes my work.
Current space exploration has transpired through the use of chemical rockets, and they have served us well, but they have their limitations. Exploration of the outer solar system, Jupiter and beyond will most likely require a new generation of propulsion system. One potential technology class to provide spacecraft propulsion and power systems involve thermonuclear fusion plasma systems. In this class it is well accepted that d-He3 fusion is the most promising of the fuel candidates for spacecraft applications as the 14.7 MeV protons carry up to 80% of the total fusion power while ‘s have energies less than 4 MeV. The other minor fusion products from secondary d-d reactions consisting of 3He, n, p, and 3H also have energies less than 4 MeV. Furthermore there are two main fusion subsets namely, Magnetic Confinement Fusion devices and Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (or IEC) Fusion devices. Magnetic Confinement Fusion devices are characterized by complex geometries and prohibitive structural mass compromising spacecraft use at this stage of exploration. While generating energy from a lightweight and reliable fusion source is important, another critical issue is harnessing this energy into usable power and/or propulsion. IEC fusion is a method of fusion plasma confinement that uses a series of biased electrodes that accelerate a uniform spherical beam of ions into a hollow cathode typically comprised of a gridded structure with high transparency. The inertia of the imploding ion beam compresses the ions at the center of the cathode increasing the density to the point where fusion occurs. Since the velocity distributions of fusion particles in an IEC are essentially isotropic and carry no net momentum, a means of redirecting the velocity of the particles is necessary to efficiently extract energy and provide power or create thrust. There are classes of advanced fuel fusion reactions where direct-energy conversion based on electrostatically-biased collector plates is impossible due to potential limits, material structure limitations, and IEC geometry. Thermal conversion systems are also inefficient for this application. A method of converting the isotropic IEC into a collimated flow of fusion products solves these issues and allows direct energy conversion. An efficient traveling wave direct energy converter has been proposed and studied by Momota , Shu and further studied by evaluated with numerical simulations by Ishikawa and others. One of the conventional methods of collimating charged particles is to surround the particle source with an applied magnetic channel. Charged particles are trapped and move along the lines of flux. By introducing expanding lines of force gradually along the magnetic channel, the velocity component perpendicular to the lines of force is transferred to the parallel one. However, efficient operation of the IEC requires a null magnetic field at the core of the device. In order to achieve this, Momota and Miley have proposed a pair of magnetic coils anti-parallel to the magnetic channel creating a null hexapole magnetic field region necessary for the IEC fusion core. Numerically, collimation of 300 eV electrons without a stabilization coil was demonstrated to approach 95% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 20.0V, Ifloating = 2.78A, Isolenoid = 4.05A while collimation of electrons with stabilization coil present was demonstrated to reach 69% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 7.0V, Istab = 1.1A, Ifloating = 1.1A, Isolenoid = 1.45A. Experimentally, collimation of electrons with stabilization coil present was demonstrated experimentally to be 35% at 100 eV and reach a peak of 39.6% at 50eV with a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 7.0V, Istab = 1.1A, Ifloating = 1.1A, Isolenoid = 1.45A and collimation of 300 eV electrons without a stabilization coil was demonstrated to approach 49% at a profile corresponding to Vsolenoid = 20.0V, Ifloating = 2.78A, Isolenoid = 4.05A 6.4% of the 300eV electrons’ initial velocity is directed to the collector plates. The remaining electrons are trapped by the collimator’s magnetic field. These particles oscillate around the null field region several hundred times and eventually escape to the collector plates. At a solenoid voltage profile of 7 Volts, 100 eV electrons are collimated with wall and perpendicular component losses of 31%. Increasing the electron energy beyond 100 eV increases the wall losses by 25% at 300 eV. Ultimately it was determined that a field strength deriving from 9.5 MAT/m would be required to collimate 14.7 MeV fusion protons from d-3He fueled IEC fusion core. The concept of the proton collimator has been proven to be effective to transform an isotropic source into a collimated flow of particles ripe for direct energy conversion.
The spring-mass model is able to accurately represent hopping spring-like behavior (leg and joint stiffness), and leg and joint stiffness changes can reveal overall motor control responses to neural and muscular contributors of neuromuscular fatigue. By understanding leg stiffness modulation, we can determine which variables the nervous system targets to maintain motor performance and stability. The purpose of this study was to determine how neuromuscular fatigue affects hopping behavior by examining leg and joint stiffness before and after a single-leg calf raise fatiguing protocol. Post-fatigue, leg stiffness decreased for the exercised leg, but not for the non-exercised leg. Ankle and knee joint stiffness did not significantly change for either leg. This indicates that leg stiffness decreases primarily from muscular fatigue, but was not explained by ankle and knee joint stiffness. The decrease in leg stiffness may be an attempt to soften landing impact, while at the same time maintaining performance.
In this work, was studied the formation of a composite of the refractory metal niobium with copper, through the process of high-energy milling and liquid phase sintering. The HEM can be used to synthesize composite powders with high homogeneity and fine size particle distribution. It may also produce the solid solubility in immiscible systems such as Nb-Cu, or extend the solubility of systems with limited solubility. Therefore, in the immiscible system Cu-Nb, the high-energy milling was successfully used to obtain the composite powder particles. Initially, the formation of composite particles during the HEM and the effect of preparation technique on the microstructure of the material was evaluated. Four loads of Nb and Cu powders containing 20%wt Cu were synthesized by MAE in a planetary type ball mill under different periods of grinding. The influence of grinding time on the metal particles is evaluated during the process by the withdrawal of samples at intermediate times of milling. After compaction under different forces, the samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The liquid phase sintering of these samples prepared by HEM produced a homogeneous and fine grained. The composite particles forming the sintered samples are the addition of a hard phase (Nb) with a high melting point, and a ductile phase (Cu) with low melting point and high thermal and electrical conductivities. Based on these properties, the Nb-Cu system is a potential material for many applications, such as electrical contacts, welding electrodes, coils for generating high magnetic fields, heat sinks and microwave absorbers, which are coupled to electronic devices. The characterization techniques used in this study, were laser granulometry, used to evaluate the homogeneity and particle size, and the X-ray diffraction, in the phase identification and to analyze the crystalline structure of the powders during milling. The morphology and dispersion of the phases in the composite powder particles, as well the microstructures of the sintered samples, were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Subsequently, the sintered samples are evaluated for density and densification. And finally, they were characterized by techniques of measuring the electrical conductivity and microhardness, whose properties are analyzed as a function of the parameters for obtaining the composite
This document introduces the planned new search for the neutron Electric Dipole Moment at the Spallation Neutron Source at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A spin precession measurement is to be carried out using Ultracold neutrons diluted in a superfluid Helium bath at T = 0.5 K, where spin polarized 3He atoms act as detector of the neutron spin polarization. This manuscript describes some of the key aspects of the planned experiment with the contributions from Caltech to the development of the project.
Techniques used in the design of magnet coils for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance were adapted to the geometry of the experiment. Described is an initial design approach using a pair of coils tuned to shield outer conductive elements from resistive heat loads, while inducing an oscillating field in the measurement volume. A small prototype was constructed to test the model of the field at room temperature.
A large scale test of the high voltage system was carried out in a collaborative effort at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The application and amplification of high voltage to polished steel electrodes immersed in a superfluid Helium bath was studied, as well as the electrical breakdown properties of the electrodes at low temperatures. A suite of Monte Carlo simulation software tools to model the interaction of neutrons, 3He atoms, and their spins with the experimental magnetic and electric fields was developed and implemented to further the study of expected systematic effects of the measurement, with particular focus on the false Electric Dipole Moment induced by a Geometric Phase akin to Berry’s phase.
An analysis framework was developed and implemented using unbinned likelihood to fit the time modulated signal expected from the measurement data. A collaborative Monte Carlo data set was used to test the analysis methods.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.
This research investigated annular field reversed configuration (AFRC)devices for high power electric propulsion by demonstrating the acceleration of these plasmoids using an experimental prototype and measuring the plasmoid's velocity, impulse, and energy efficiency. The AFRC plasmoid translation experiment was design and constructed with the aid of a dynamic circuit model. Two versions of the experiment were built, using underdamped RLC circuits at 10 kHz and 20 kHz. Input energies were varied from 100 J/pulse to 1000 J/pulse for the 10 kHz bank and 100 J/pulse for the 20 kHz bank. The plasmoids were formed in static gas fill of argon, from 1 mTorr to 50 mTorr. The translation of the plasmoid was accomplished by incorporating a small taper into the outer coil, with a half angle of 2°. Magnetic field diagnostics, plasma probes, and single-frame imaging were used to measure the plasmoid's velocity and to diagnose plasmoid behavior. Full details of the device design, construction, and diagnostics are provided in this dissertation. The results from the experiment demonstrated that a repeatable AFRC plasmoid was produced between the coils, yet failed to translate for all tested conditions. The data revealed the plasmoid was limited in lifetime to only a few (4-10) μs, too short for translation at low energy. A global stability study showed that the plasma suffered a radial collapse onto the inner wall early in its lifecycle. The radial collapse was traced to a magnetic pressure imbalance. A correction made to the circuit was successful in restoring an equilibrium pressure balance and prolonging radial stability by an additional 2.5 μs. The equilibrium state was sufficient to confirm that the plasmoid current in an AFRC reaches a steady-state prior to the peak of the coil currents. This implies that the plasmoid will always be driven to the inner wall, unless it translates from the coils prior to peak coil currents. However, ejection of the plasmoid before the peak coil currents results in severe efficiency losses. These results demonstrate the difficulty in designing an AFRC experiment for translation as balancing the different requirements for stability, balance, and efficient translation can have competing consequences.
Ambient mechanical vibrations offer an attractive solution for powering the wireless sensor nodes of the emerging "Internet-of-Things". However, the wide-ranging variability of the ambient vibration frequencies pose a significant challenge to the efficient transduction of vibration into usable electrical energy. This work reports the development of a MEMS electromagnetic vibration energy harvester where the resonance frequency of the oscillator can be adjusted or tuned to adapt to the ambient vibrational frequency. Micro-fabricated silicon spring and double layer planar micro-coils along with sintered NdFeB micro-magnets are used to construct the electromagnetic transduction mechanism. Furthermore, another NdFeB magnet is adjustably assembled to induce variable magnetic interaction with the transducing magnet, leading to significant change in the spring stiffness and resonance frequency. Finite element analysis and numerical simulations exhibit substantial frequency tuning range (25% of natural resonance frequency) by appropriate adjustment of the repulsive magnetic interaction between the tuning and transducing magnet pair. This demonstrated method of frequency adjustment or tuning have potential applications in other MEMS vibration energy harvesters and micromechanical oscillators.
La tuberculosis TB es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo en individuos con infección por VIH. En Colombia esta coinfección soporta una carga importante en la población general convirtiéndose en un problema de salud pública. En estos pacientes las pruebas diagnósticas tienen sensibilidad inferior y la enfermedad evoluciona con mayor frecuencia hacia formas diseminadas y rápidamente progresivas y su diagnóstico oportuno representa un reto en Salud. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar el desempeño de las pruebas diagnósticas convencionales y moleculares, para la detección de TB latente y activa pacientes con VIH, en dos hospitales públicos de Bogotá. Para TB latente se evaluó la concordancia entre las pruebas QuantiFERON-TB (QTF) y Tuberculina (PPD), sugiriendo superioridad del QTF sobre la PPD. Se evaluaron tres pruebas diagnósticas por su sensibilidad y especificidad, baciloscopia (BK), GenoType®MTBDR plus (Genotype) y PCR IS6110 teniendo como estándar de oro el cultivo. Los resultados de sensibilidad (S) y especificidad (E) de cada prueba con una prevalencia del 19,4 % de TB pulmonar y extrapulmonar en los pacientes que participaron del estudio fue: BK S: 64% E: 99,1%; Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 73% E: 95,5%, de la misma forma se determinaron los valores predictivos positivos y negativos (VPP y VPN) BK: 88,9% y 94,8%, Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 90% y 95,7%. Se concluyó bajo análisis de curva ROC que las pruebas muestran un rendimiento diagnóstico similar por separado en el diagnóstico de TB en pacientes con VIH, aumentando su rendimiento diagnostico cuando se combinan