735 resultados para She who remembers survives


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This brochure provides general information about relocation assistance provided by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) for those individuals who may be required to move as a result of a highway project. It is not intended to be a legal document that comprehensively explains every right or obligation you have as established by Chapter 316, Code of Iowa; Federal Public Laws 91-646 and 100-17; and 49 CFR. Your relocation advisor will provide the assistance you need to successfully relocate to a suitable replacement property. Your first contact with your relocation advisor will usually occur during the early stages of the appraisal process, and he or she will continue to work with you until you have moved and become established at a new location. Do not hesitate to ask questions so you are sure you understand the process, your rights and the benefits available to you. Please let your DOT relocation advisor know your needs and preferences. If your relocation advisor is unable to help you with a specific problem or concern, he or she may know of another person or an organization that can help you.


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This guide is intended to serve as the fi rst step in your journey toward understanding your child’s hearing loss and the resources available for your child and your family. Research provides clear evidence that if a child with hearing loss is to succeed in both language and educational development, the involvement of parents is crucial. This guide will equip you with the basic knowledge and resources you need to navigate Iowa’s service system. Here you will find: • information about the professionals who will work with your child • information about family support • your child’s education and communication options • your rights and responsibilities as the parent of child who is deaf or hard of hearing • links to other important resources • a glossary of new words you may encounter


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This guide is intended to serve as the fi rst step in your journey toward understanding your child’s hearing loss and the resources available for your child and your family. Research provides clear evidence that if a child with hearing loss is to succeed in both language and educational development, the involvement of parents is crucial. This guide will equip you with the basic knowledge and resources you need to navigate Iowa’s service system. Here you will find: • information about the professionals who will work with your child • information about family support • your child’s education and communication options • your rights and responsibilities as the parent of child who is deaf or hard of hearing • links to other important resources • a glossary of new words you may encounter Esta guía tiene por objeto ayudarle a dar el primer paso para comprender la pérdida auditiva de su hijo/a y los recursos disponibles para él/ella y su familia. Las investigaciones demuestran claramente que la participación de los padres es fundamental para que los niños con pérdida auditiva tengan éxito tanto en su desarrollo lingüístico como educacional. Esta guía le entregará los conocimientos y recursos básicos que necesitará para navegar por el sistema de servicios de Iowa. En esta guía encontrará: • información sobre los profesionales que trabajarán con su hijo/a • información sobre apoyo familiar • opciones de educación y comunicación de su hijo/a • sus derechos y responsabilidades como padre o madre de un niño con sordera o con difi cultades auditivas • vínculos a otros recursos importantes • un glosario de nuevas palabras que necesita conocer


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Background: Chronic disease management initiatives emphasize patient-centered care, and quality of life (QoL) is increasingly considered a representative outcome in that context. In this study we evaluated the association between receipt of processes of diabetic care and QoL. Methods: This cross-sectional population-based study (2011) used self-reported data from non-institutionalized, adult diabetics, recruited from randomly selected community pharmacies in Vaud. Outcomes included the physical and mental composites of the SF-36 (PCS, MCS) and the disease-specific Audit of Diabetes-Dependent QoL (ADDQoL). Main exposure variables were receipt of six diabetes processes-of care in the past 12 months. We also evaluated whether the association between care received and QoL was congruent with the chronic care model, when assessed by the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC). We used linear regressions to examine the association between process measures and the three composites of health-related QoL. Analyses were adjusted for age, gender, socioeconomic status, living companion, BMI, alcohol, smoking, physical activity, co-morbidities and diabetes mellitus (DM) characteristics (type, insulin use, complications, duration). Results: Mean age of the 519 diabetic patients was 64.4 years (SD 11.3), 60% were male and 73% had a living companion; 87% reported type 2 DM, half of respondents required insulin treatment, 48% had at least one DM complication, and 48% had DM over 10 years. Crude overall mean QoL scores were PCS: 43.4 (SD 10.5), MCS: 47.0 (SD 11.2) and ADDQoL: -1.56 (SD 1.6). In bivariate analyses, patients who received the influenza vaccine versus those who did not, had lower ADDQoL and PCS scores; there were no other indicator differences. In adjusted models including all processes, receipt of influenza vaccine was associated with lower ADDQoL (β= - 0.41, p=.01); there were no other associations between process indicators and QoL composites. There was no process association even when these were reported as combined measures of processes of care. PACIC score was associated only with the MCS (β= 1.57, p=.004). Conclusions: Process indicators for diabetes care did not show an association with QoL. This may represent an effect lag time between time of process received and quality of life; or that treatment may be related with inconvenience and patient worry. Further research is needed to explore these unexpected findings.


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INTRODUCTION: Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease characterized by fluctuating muscle weakness. It is often associated with other autoimmune disorders, such as thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and antiphospholipid syndrome. Many aspects of autoimmune diseases are not completely understood, particularly when they occur in association, which suggests a common pathogenetic mechanism. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of a 42-year-old Caucasian woman with antiphospholipid syndrome, in whom myasthenia gravis developed years later. She tested negative for both antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor and against muscle-specific receptor tyrosine-kinase, but had typical decremental responses at the repetitive nerve stimulation testing, so that a generalized myasthenia gravis was diagnosed. Her thromboplastin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were high, anticardiolipin and anti-β2 glycoprotein-I antibodies were slightly elevated, as a manifestation of the antiphospholipid syndrome. She had a good clinical response when treated with a combination of pyridostigmine, prednisone and azathioprine. CONCLUSIONS: Many patients with myasthenia gravis test positive for a large variety of auto-antibodies, testifying of an immune dysregulation, and some display mild T-cell lymphopenia associated with hypergammaglobulinemia and B-cell hyper-reactivity. Both of these mechanisms could explain the occurrence of another autoimmune condition, such as antiphospholipid syndrome, but further studies are necessary to shed light on this matter.Clinicians should be aware that patients with an autoimmune diagnosis such as antiphospholipid syndrome who develop signs and neurological symptoms suggestive of myasthenia gravis are at risk and should prompt an emergent evaluation by a specialist.


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In June 2011, Lettie Prell released a report entitled Iowa Recidivism Report: Prison Return Rates (FY2007 Releases Tracked for 3 Years), in which she finds that those prison inmates who are paroled are less likely to return to prison due to a new conviction than are inmates who leave prison due to expiration ofsentence.


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Background: there is little information regarding the health status of migrants compared to subjects who remained in their country of origin. The aim was to compare Portuguese living in Porto (Portugal) with Portuguese migrants living in Lausanne (Switzerland). Design: cross-sectional studies conducted in Porto (EpiPorto, n=1150) and Lausanne (CoLaus, n=388) among Portuguese subjects aged between 35 and 65 years. Methods: body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels were assessed using standardized procedures. Educational level, antihypertensive, hypocholesterolemic and antidiabetic treatments were collected using questionnaires. Results: Portuguese living in Lausanne were younger, more frequently male and had a lower education than Portuguese living in Porto. After multivariate adjustment, Portuguese living in Porto had a higher likelihood of being obese [Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval: 1.40 (1.01-1.94)] or abdominal obese [OR: 1.40 (1.02-1.93)] than Portuguese living in Lausanne. Portuguese living in Porto had a higher likelihood of being hypertensive than Portuguese living in Lausanne [OR: 1.38 (1.01-1.90)], while no differences were found regarding hypertension management and control. Portuguese living in Porto had a higher likelihood of being hypercholesterolemic [OR: 1.40 (1.06-1.85)] and were less likely to be treated [OR: 0.47 (0.27-0.83)] and controlled [OR: 0.47 (0.27-0.83)] than Portuguese living in Lausanne. Finally, no differences were found regarding smoking, prevalence and management of diabetes. Conclusion: Portuguese living in Lausanne, Switzerland, present a better cardiovascular risk profile and tend to be better managed regarding their cardiovascular risk factors than Portuguese living in Porto, Portugal.


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Psychotic patients to not access easily to psychiatric care. First, psychotic disorders are difficult to identify among a great number of non psychotic depressive and anxious disorders. Second, inpatient care has shortened and now focus on acute care rather than long stay. For some psychotic patients, desinstitutionalization means exclusion and marginalization. Intensive case management can answer these needs in collaboration with relatives and professionals of patient's social network. Results and care's steps of intensive case management as practiced in Lausanne are described and illustrated with cases vignettes.


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Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a potentially fatal complication of solid organ transplantation. The majority of PTLD is of B-cell origin, and 90% are associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LG) is a rare, EBV-associated systemic angiodestructive lymphoproliferative disorder, which has rarely been described in patients with renal transplantation. We report the case of a patient with renal transplantation for SLE, who presented, 9 months after renal transplantation, an EBV-associated LG limited to the intracranial structures that recovered completely after adjustment of her immunosuppressive treatment. Nine years later, she developed a second PTLD disorder with central nervous system initial manifestation. Workup revealed an EBV-positive PTLD Burkitt lymphoma, widely disseminated in most organs. In summary, the reported patient presented two lymphoproliferative disorders (LG and Burkitt's lymphoma), both with initial neurological manifestation, at 9 years interval. With careful reduction of the immunosuppression after the first manifestation and with the use of chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy after the second manifestation, our patient showed complete disappearance of neurologic symptoms and she is clinically well with good kidney function. No recurrence has been observed by radiological imaging until now.


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Background: Mortality among patients who complete tuberculosis (TB) treatment is still high among vulnerable populations. The objective of the study was to identify the probability of death and its predictive factors in a cohort of successfully treated TB patients. Methods: A population-based retrospective longitudinal study was performed in Barcelona, Spain. All patients who successfully completed TB treatment with culture-confirmation and available drug susceptibility testing between 1995 1997 were retrospectively followed-up until December 31, 2005 by the Barcelona TB Control Program. Socio-demographic, clinical, microbiological and treatment variables were examined. Mortality, TB Program and AIDS registries were reviewed. Kaplan-Meier and a Cox regression methods with time-dependent covariates were used for the survival analysis, calculating the hazard ratio (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Among the 762 included patients, the median age was 36 years, 520 (68.2%) were male, 178 (23.4%) HIV-infected, and 208 (27.3%) were alcohol abusers. Of the 134 (17.6%) injecting drug users (IDU), 123 (91.8%) were HIV-infected. A total of 30 (3.9%) recurrences and 173 deaths (22.7%) occurred (mortality rate: 3.4/100 person-years of follow-up). The predictors of death were: age between 4160 years old (HR: 3.5; CI:2.15.7), age greater than 60 years (HR: 14.6; CI:8.924), alcohol abuse (HR: 1.7; CI:1.22.4) and HIV-infected IDU (HR: 7.9; CI:4.713.3). Conclusions: The mortality rate among TB patients who completed treatment is associated with vulnerable populations such as the elderly, alcohol abusers, and HIV-infected IDU. We therefore need to fight against poverty, and promote and develop interventions and social policies directed towards these populations to improve their survival.


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The Iowa Department of Education completed two studies in 2011-2012. The studies addressed several areas of need: (a) identifying students likely on the Autism Spectrum, (b) examining where large numbers of students on the Autism Spectrum are attending school, (c) evaluating the services being provided to students and the location of those services, (d) determining the extent to which services are evidence-based, (e) determining if services are sufficient to effect change needed to reach performance levels needed to access life opportunity, (f) understanding the kinds of problems being addressed through the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for the students identified, (g) examining the severity of behavior problems in the sample, and (h) examining academic proficiency and growth for students likely to be on the Autism Spectrum.