885 resultados para Septic wastewater


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Xu and colleagues evaluated the impact of increasing mean arterial blood pressure levels through norepinephrine administration on systemic hemodynamics, tissue perfusion, and sublingual microcirculation of septic shock patients with chronic hypertension. The authors concluded that, although increasing arterial blood pressure improved sublingual microcirculation parameters, no concomitant improvement in systemic tissue perfusion indicators was found. Here, we discuss why resuscitation targets may need to be individualized, taking into account the patient's baseline condition, and present directions for future research in this field.


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This article is one of ten reviews selected from the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2015 and co-published as a series in Critical Care. Other articles in the series can be found online at http://ccforum.com/series/annualupdate2015. Further information about the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine is available from http://www.springer.com/series/8901.


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A 6-month-long, bench-scale simulation of an industrial wastewater stabilization pond (WSP) system was conducted to evaluate responses to several potential performance-enhancing treatments. The industrial WSP system consists of an anaerobic primary (1ry) WSP treating high-strength wastewater, followed by facultative secondary (2ry) and aerobic tertiary (3ry) WSPs in series treating lower-strength wastewater. The 1ry WSP was simulated with four glass aquaria which were fed with wastewater from the actual WSP system. The treatments examined were phosphorus supplementation (PHOS), phosphorus supplementation with pH control (PHOS+ALK), and phosphorus supplementation with pH control and effluent recycle (PHOS+ALK+RCY). The supplementary phosphorus treatment alone did not yield any significant change versus the CONTROL 1ry model pond. The average carbon to phosphorus ratio of the feed wastewater received from the WSP system was already 100:0.019 (i.e., 2,100 mg/l: 0.4 mg/l). The pH-control treatments (PHOS+ALK and PHOS+ALK+RCY) produced significant results, with 9 to 12 percent more total organic carbon (TOC) removal, 43 percent more volatile organic acid (VOA) generation, 78 percent more 2-ethoxyethanol and 14 percent more bis(2-chloroethyl)ether removal, and from 100- to 10,000-fold increases in bacterial enzyme activity and heterotrophic bacterial numbers. Recycling a 10-percent portion of the effluent yielded less variability for certain physicochemical parameters in the PHOS+ALK+RCY 1ry model pond, but overall there was no statistically-detectable improvement in performance versus no recycle. The 2ry and 3ry WSPs were also simulated in the laboratory to monitor the effect and fate of increased phosphorus loadings, as might occur if supplemental phosphorus were added to the 1ry WSP. Noticeable increases in algal growth were observed at feed phosphorus concentrations of 0.5 mg/l; however, there were no significant changes in the monitored physicochemical parameters. The effluent phosphorus concentrations from both the 2ry and 3ry model ponds did increase notably when feed phosphorus concentrations were increased from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l. ^


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A bench-scale treatability study was conducted on a high-strength wastewater from a chemical plant to develop an alternative for the existing waste stabilization pond treatment system. The objective of this study was to determine the treatability of the wastewater by the activated sludge process and, if treatable, to determine appropriate operating conditions, and to evaluate the degradability of bis(2-chloroethyl)ether (Chlorex) and benzene in the activated sludge system. Four 4-L Plexi-glass, complete mixing, continuous flow activated sludge reactors were operated in parallel under different operating conditions over a 6-month period. The operating conditions examined were hydraulic retention time (HRT), sludge retention time (SRT), nutrient supplement, and Chlorex/benzene spikes. Generally the activated sludge system treating high-strength wastewater was stable under large variations of organic loading and operating conditions. At an HRT of 2 days, more than 90% removal efficiency with good sludge settleability was achieved when the organic loading was less than 0.4 g BOD$\sb5$/g MLVSS/d or 0.8 g COD/g MLVSS/d. At least 20 days of SRT was required to maintain steady operation. Phosphorus addition enhanced the performance of the system especially during stressed operation. On the average, removals of benzene and Chlorex were 73-86% and 37-65%, respectively. In addition, the low-strength wastewater was treatable by activated sludge process, showing more than 90% BOD removal at a HRT of 0.5 days. In general, the sludge had poor settling characteristics. The aerated lagoon process treating high-strength wastewater also provided significant organic reduction, but did not produce an acceptable effluent concentration. ^


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The complement system functions as a major effector for both the innate and adaptive immune response. Activation of the complement cascade by either the classical, alternative, or lectin pathway promotes the proteolysis of C3 and C5 thereby generating C3a and C5a. Referred to as anaphylatoxins, the C3a and C5a peptides mediate biological effects upon binding to their respective receptors; C3a binds to the C3a receptor (C3aR) while C5a binds to the C5a receptor (C5aR, CD88). Both C3a and C5a are known for their broad proinflammatory effects. Elevated levels of both peptides have been isolated from patients with a variety of inflammatory diseases such as COPD, asthma, RA, SLE, and sepsis. Recent studies suggest that C5a is a critical component in the acquired neutrophil dysfunction, coagulopathy, and progressive multi-organ dysfunction characteristic of sepsis. The primary hypothesis of this dissertation was that preventing C3a-C3aR and C5a-C5aR mediated pro-inflammatory effects would improve survival in endotoxic, bacteremic and septic shock. To test this hypothesis, the murine C3aR and C5aR genes were disrupted. Following disruption of both the C3aR and C5aR genes, no abnormalities were identified other than the absence of their respective mRNA and protein. In models of both endotoxic and bacteremic shock, C3aR deficient mice suffered increased mortality when compared to their wild type littermates. C3aR deficient mice also had elevated circulating IL-1β levels. Using a model of sepsis, C3aR deficient mice had a higher circulating concentration of IL-6 and decreased peritoneal inflammatory infiltration. While these results were unexpected, they support an emerging role for C3a in immunomodulation. In contrast, following endotoxic or bacteremic shock, C5aR deficient mice experienced increased survival, less hemoconcentration and less thrombocytopenia. It was later determined that C5a mediated histamine release significantly contributes to host morbidity and mortality in bacteremic shock. These studies provide evidence that C5a functions primarily as a proinflammatory molecule in models of endotoxic and bacteremic shock. In the same models, C3a-C3aR interactions suppress the inflammatory response and protect the host. Collectively, these results present in vivo evidence that C3a and C5a have divergent biological functions. ^


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The hydroxamic acid siderophore ferrioxamine B [FeIII(HDFB)+] and the iron complex of diethylenetri-aminepentaacetic acid [FeIII(DTPA)2-] protected mice against death by septic shock induced by Corynebacterium parvum + lipopolysaccharide. Although FeIII(DTPA)2- was somewhat more effective than FeIII(HDFB)+, the iron-free ligand H4DFB+ was significantly more effective than DTPA. The hydroxamic acid chelator has a much higher iron affinity than the amine carboxylate, allowing for more efficient formation of the FeIII(HDFB)+ complex upon administration of the iron-free ligand. Electrochemical studies show that FeIII(DTPA)2- binds NO stoichiometrically upon reduction to iron(II) at biologically relevant potentials to form a stable NO adduct. In contrast, FeIII(HDFB)+ is a stable and efficient electrocatalyst for the reduction of NO to N2O at biologically relevant potentials. These results suggest that the mechanism of protection against death by septic shock involves NO scavenging and that particularly effective drugs that operate a low dosages may be designed based on the principle of redox catalysis. These complexes constitute a new family of drugs that rely on the special ability of transition metals to activate small molecules. In addition, the wealth of information available on siderophore chemistry and biology provides an intellectual platform for further development.


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A concentração demográfica e de sistemas coletivos de esgotamento sanitário dentro do perímetro urbano da maioria dos municípios brasileiros, dificulta a viabilização do fornecimento de serviços de tratamento de esgotos domésticos à habitações e núcleos habitacionais isolados situados em áreas periurbanas e rurais, intensificando os danos provocados pela poluição de origem antrópica ao meio ambiente e à preservação da saúde pública. Para contribuir no equacionamento deste problema, o presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar uma wetland construída híbrida em escala real, composta por uma unidade com fluxo contínuo subsuperficial vertical seguida por uma unidade de fluxo contínuo subsuperficial horizontal, cultivadas com capim Vetiver, para o tratamento de efluente proveniente de tanque séptico. A presente configuração experimental busca uma solução de baixo custo e simplificada para o tratamento descentralizado de esgotos domésticos. A estação experimental de tratamento de esgotos, parte integrante e um dos produtos da Rede Nacional de Tratamento de Esgotos Descentralizados RENTED, foi construída no Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica CTH / Escola Politécnica EPUSP, campus Butantã da USP, em São Paulo. O esgoto bruto foi proveniente do Conjunto Residencial da USP e do restaurante central da Cidade Universitária. As vazões média e máxima de esgoto bruto, respectivamente, de 640L.d-1 e 1600L.d-1, foram aplicadas à entrada do TS de 5.000L e deste escoaram por gravidade à entrada da wetland construída híbrida, com TDH total de 2,8d e 1,1d, respectivamente, sob aplicação das vazões média e máxima de projeto. O monitoramento do experimento em campo, incluindo o período inicial de partida, durou 6 meses consecutivos. Foram avaliados os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos do esgoto bruto e do efluente do tanque séptico e das câmaras da wetland construída híbrida durante 97 dias consecutivos. Os resultados indicaram que tanto as mudas jovens quanto as adultas de capim Vetiver adaptaram-se bem às condições ambientais. As eficiências médias de remoção no efluente tratado final quanto à matéria orgânica carbonácea foram de 96 por cento para DBO5,20 e 90 por cento para DQO, 40 por cento para N-total, 23 por cento para N-amoniacal total, 60 por cento para P-total, 52 por cento para P-PO4, 74 por cento para SST, 96 por cento para SSV, 75 por cento para sólidos sedimentáveis, 44 por cento para SDV, 88 por cento para sulfeto total, e 97 por cento para óleos e graxas totais, variando entre 73 por cento a 100 por cento . Cerca de 80 por cento da fração orgânica da matéria nitrogenada presente no esgoto bruto foi removida. A remoção de coliformes termotolerantes foi, em média, de 2 e 3 unidades log, e de Escherichia Coli, média de 1 e 3 unidades log, respectivamente, sob aplicação das vazões máxima e média, Giardia sp, média de 99,995 por cento , Cryptosporidium sp, média de 98,7 por cento , Enterovírus, média de 99,6 por cento , e Ascaris sp, média de 0,10 ovo/L. A remoção de sulfetos propiciou a geração de efluente tratado sem odores desagradáveis. A diminuição da vazão aplicada e a elevação do TDH influenciaram positivamente no desempenho do sistema com relação às remoções dos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Com base no presente estudo, ficou evidente o benefício da associação de wetlands construídas com fluxo vertical e horizontal no tratamento de efluente de tanque séptico. O capim Vetiver apresentou bom potencial de utilização em wetlands 8 construídas para tratamento de esgotos domésticos. O sistema experimental de tratamento apresentou flexibilidade operacional, mantendo bom desempenho inclusive nos períodos de sobrecarga. A qualidade do efluente tratado final obtido no presente estudo atende às exigências de lançamento e aos padrões de emissão de efluentes líquidos em corpos dágua e em sistemas públicos de esgotamento sanitário definidos na legislação ambiental federal e do Estado de São Paulo. A tecnologia de wetlands construídas híbridas associada ao tratamento de efluentes de tanque séptico apresentou bom potencial para o tratamento descentralizado de esgotos domésticos, inclusive em regiões com pouca disponibilidade de área livre.


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The ubiquitous occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic environments has raised concerns about potential adverse effects on aquatic ecology and human health. Certain pharmaceuticals have recently become a major focus of research to better understand the routes and persistence of these compounds once they enter into aquatic system. In this research, two model compounds were selected to represent pharmaceuticals that have been identified by recent research as being persistent; specifically, these compounds were trimethoprim (TMP, a basic antibiotic) and gemfibrozil (GEM, an acidic lipid regulator). Treatment of synthetic wastewater that contained these drugs was accomplished using wet-air oxidation (WAO). Pre- and post-treatment drug concentrations were determined by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The influences of different operational conditions on removal efficiency of the drugs by WAO were evaluated, namely reaction time, initial drug concentration, oxygen concentration, and the amount and composition of additional organic matter used during WAO. The optimum removal efficiencies were found to be 91.9 % for TMP and 95.5 % for GEM.


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Póster presentado en 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic August 28th-September 1st, 2010.


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The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to assess levels of compliance with the intervention bundles contained in a clinical pathway used in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, and to analyze the pathway’s impact on survival and duration of hospital stays. We used data on 125 patients in an Intensive Care Unit, divided into a control group (N=84) and an intervention group (N=41). Levels of compliance increased from 13.1% to 29.3% in 5 resuscitation bundle interventions and from 14.3% to 22% in 3 monitoring bundle interventions. In-hospital mortality at 28 days decreased by 11.2% and the duration of hospital stay was reduced by 5 days. Although compliance was low, the intervention enhanced adherence to the instructions given in the clinical pathway and we observed a decline in mortality at 28 days and shorter hospital stays.