994 resultados para Scherer, Johann Jakob, 1721-72.


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Lavataltiointi Brühler Schlosskonzerte -festivaaleilta 1978.


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Modern research on literacy, the scriptualization of the administration and the interaction between the governing and the governed as part of the political culture, has brought to the fore the issue of different scripts and their terms. The present dissertation focuses on the parish scribes in the county of Ostrobothnia during the period 1721–1868. The peasantry had been given the right to pay parish scribes in 1624. The parish scribes who were to assist the peasants in connection with the collection of taxes simultaneously supervised the bailiffs who collected the taxes. Their writing skills made the scribes indispensable also in many other contexts. In Ostrobothnia, the peasantry had use for parish scribes, who worked as mediators between Swedish and Finnish, between the oral and the written and vice versa. The aim of this dissertation is on the one hand to explore the recruitment of parish scribes, and on the other to examine the parish scribes as a professional and social group. The parish scribes’ significance for the peasantry in everyday life, local decision-making and in connection with political processes will be analyzed by examining their work and professional activities. The recruitment of parish scribes and has been analyzed as a decision process where different actors were able to influence the election. The parish scribes’ competence requirements and terms of employment have been analyzed. The parish scribes as a professional body or a social group has not previously been explored. The examination of the 154 parish scribes as a professional and social group has been carried out in the form of a collective biography. Parish scribes’ tasks originally consisted of the collection of taxes, but the duties within the parish administration increased in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The private writing assignments consisted of many different documents: bills of sale, probate inventories and estate distributions, wills, land tenancy agreements, life annuity and crofter agreements, promissory notes, auction records and different survey documents. The interaction with state power has been analyzed by examining five political decision-making processes that the peasants actively participated in.


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Johan Jakob Nervander f. 23.2.1805 i Nystad d. 15.3.1848 i Helsingfors Johan Jakob Nervander var finländsk diktare, fysiker och meteorolog, samt en nyckelfigur i Lördagssällskapet. Hans inflytande inom den finländska kultureliten var som störst på 1820-40-talen. Fast den vetenskapliga forskningen krävde största delen av Nervanders uppmärksamhet, drogs han också till diktandet. Nervanders viktigaste verk som poet är Jephtas Bok, En Minnes-Sång i Israel, som belönades med Svenska Akademiens andra pris år 1832 och trycktes åtta år senare. Nervanders lyrik var formmässigt slipad. Till innehåll och stämning varierade dikterna kraftig, från starka känslouttryck och fritt flygande fantasi till melankoli och inbundenhet. http://www.blf.fi/artikel.php?id=3567 http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/3567/


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Karl Jakob Gummerus f. 13.4.1840 i Karleby d. 20.3.1898 i Helsingfors Karl Jakob Gummerus var en av de mest lästa finskspråkiga författarna under 1860- och 1870-talen, och samtidigt verksam som framgångsrik förläggare. Förlaget K.J. Gummerus, som han grundade tillsammans med sin hustru Gustava, gav i tidens folkbildande anda ut finskspråkig litteratur. Det första utgivna verket på förlaget var Gummerus egna Ylhäiset ja alhaiset (sv. Hög och låg), som baserade sig på texter utgivna som följetonger i tidningar. Detta verk som gavs ut år 1870 kan ses som den första romanen skriven på finska, även om Aleksis Kivis Sju bröder (Seitsemän veljestä) utgavs samma år. Gummerus övriga litterära produktion bestod av det han själv kallade ”uuteloita”. Det var alltså fråga om noveller, en ny litterär genre i tiden. http://www.blf.fi/artikel.php?id=2886 http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/2886/


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Jakob Fredrik Lagervall urspr. Oxeman f. 19.7.1787 i Kontiolahti (Kontiolax) d. 7.11.1865 i Helsingfors Jakob Fredrik Lagervall har gått till historien framför allt som pionjärförfattare till finskspråkiga dramer. Lagervall var litterärt aktiv särskilt under 1830- och 1840-talen, och är främst känd som dramatiker men skrev även en del poesi och prosa. De flesta av hans dramer är religiöst färgade samt skrivna i versform och på runometer (det versmått som används i Finlands nationalepos Kalevala). Det kändaste av hans dramer är Ruunulinna (sv. Kronoborgen) från år 1834, en finsk version av William Shakespeares klassiska pjäs Macbeth. Detta drama är också den första tragedin skriven på det finska språket. Trots att Lagervall var övertygad fennoman, skrev han både på svenska och finska. http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/2909/


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TP53, a tumor suppressor gene, has a critical role in cell cycle, apoptosis and cell senescence and participates in many crucial physiological and pathological processes. Identification of TP53 polymorphism in older people and age-related diseases may provide an understanding of its physiology and pathophysiological role as well as risk factors for complex diseases. TP53 codon 72 (TP53:72) polymorphism was investigated in 383 individuals aged 66 to 97 years in a cohort from a Brazilian Elderly Longitudinal Study. We investigated allele frequency, genotype distribution and allele association with morbidities such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, obesity, neoplasia, low cognitive level (dementia), and depression. We also determined the association of this polymorphism with serum lipid fractions and urea, creatinine, albumin, fasting glucose, and glycated hemoglobin levels. DNA was isolated from blood cells, amplified by PCR using sense 5'-TTGCCGTCCCAAGCAATGGATGA-3' and antisense 5'-TCTGGGAAGGGACAGAAGATGAC-3' primers and digested with the BstUI enzyme. This polymorphism is within exon 4 at nucleotide residue 347. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression analysis and Student t-test using the multiple comparison test were used. Allele frequencies, R (Arg) = 0.69 and P (Pro) = 0.31, were similar to other populations. Genotype distributions were within Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. This polymorphism did not show significant association with any age-related disease or serum variables. However, R allele carriers showed lower HDL levels and a higher frequency of cardiovascular disease than P allele subjects. These findings may help to elucidate the physiopathological role of TP53:72 polymorphism in Brazilian elderly people.


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Arkit: A-B4.


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Nimiösivulla myös motto: Prov. 5:16. 17. Fontes tui deriventur ...


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Polymorphisms of the p53 gene, which participates in DNA repair, can affect the functioning of the p53 protein. The Arg and Pro variants in p53 codon 72 were shown to have different regulation properties of p53-dependent DNA repair target genes that can affect various levels of cytogenetic aberrations in chronic hepatitis B patients. The present study aimed to examine the frequency of chromosomal aberrations and the mitotic index in patients with chronic hepatitis B and their possible association with p53 gene exon 4 codon 72 Arg72Pro (Ex4+119 G>C; rs1042522) polymorphism. Fifty-eight patients with chronic hepatitis B and 30 healthy individuals were genotyped in terms of the p53 gene codon 72 Arg72Pro polymorphism by PCR-RFLP. A 72-h cell culture was performed on the same individuals and evaluated in terms of chromosomal aberrations and mitotic index. A high frequency of chromosomal aberrations and low mitotic index were detected in the patient group compared to the control group. A higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations was detected in both the patient and the control groups with a homozygous proline genotype (13 patients, 3 control subjects) compared to patients and controls with other genotypes [Arg/Pro (38 patients, 20 control subjects) and Arg/Arg (7 patients, 7 control subjects)]. We observed an increased frequency of cytogenetic aberrations in patients with chronic hepatitis B. In addition, a higher frequency of cytogenetic aberrations was observed in p53 variants having the homozygous proline genotype compared to variants having other genotypes both in patients and healthy individuals.


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Janamittakaavat: Geographil Meile, Schwedische und Dännische, Norwegische, Franzöfische Meile.