835 resultados para Saturated saline solutions
Purpose To characterize in vitro the loadability, physical properties, and release of irinotecan and doxorubicin from two commercially available embolization microspheres. Materials and Methods DC Bead (500-700 μm) and Hepasphere (400-600 μm) microspheres were loaded with either doxorubicin or irinotecan solutions. Drug amount was quantified with spectrophotometry, bead elasticity was measured under compression, and bead size and loading homogeneity were assessed with microscopy image analysis. Drug release was measured over 1-week periods in saline by using a pharmacopeia flow-through method. Results Almost complete drug loading was obtained for both microsphere types and drugs. Doxorubicin-loaded DC Beads maintained their spherical shape throughout the release. In contrast, Hepaspheres showed less homogeneous doxorubicin loading and, after release, some fractured microspheres. Incomplete doxorubicin release was observed in saline over 1 week (27% ± 2 for DC beads and 18% ± 7 for Hepaspheres; P = .013). About 75% of this amount was released within 2.2 hours for both beads. For irinotecan, complete release was obtained for both types of beads, in a sustained manner over 2-3 hours for DC Beads, and in a significantly faster manner as a 7-minute burst for Hepaspheres. Conclusions The two drug-eluting microspheres could be efficiently loaded with both drugs. Incomplete doxorubicin release was attributed to strong drug-bead ionic interactions. Weaker interactions were observed with irinotecan, which led to faster drug release.
RATIONALE The choice of containers for storage of aqueous samples between their collection, transport and water hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (18O) stable isotope analysis is a topic of concern for a wide range of fields in environmental, geological, biomedical, food, and forensic sciences. The transport and separation of water molecules during water vapor or liquid uptake by sorption or solution and the diffusive transport of water molecules through organic polymer material by permeation or pervaporation may entail an isotopic fractionation. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of such fractionation. METHODS Sixteen bottle-like containers of eleven different organic polymers, including low and high density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and perfluoroalkoxy-Teflon (PFA), of different wall thickness and size were completely filled with the same mineral water and stored for 659?days under the same conditions of temperature and humidity. Particular care was exercised to keep the bottles tightly closed and prevent loss of water vapor through the seals. RESULTS Changes of up to +5 parts per thousand for d2H values and +2.0 parts per thousand for d18O values were measured for water after more than 1?year of storage within a plastic container, with the magnitude of change depending mainly on the type of organic polymer, wall thickness, and container size. The most important variations were measured for the PET and PC bottles. Waters stored in glass bottles with Polyseal (TM) cone-lined PP screw caps and thick-walled HDPE or PFA containers with linerless screw caps having an integrally molded inner sealing ring preserved their original d2H and d18O values. The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen stable isotope compositions of the organic polymeric materials were also determined. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study clearly show that for precise and accurate measurements of the water stable isotope composition in aqueous solutions, rigorous sampling and storage procedures are needed both for laboratory standards and for unknown samples. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Rock Creek Lake is at risk. The centerpiece of Rock Creek State Park in Jasper County, Rock Creek Lake offers visitors a range of recreational opportunities, including the second busiest campground in Iowa and great fishing. However, many different factors are threatening the lake. Action is being taken to improve the lake for today’s visitors and to preserve the lake for future generations. GIS mapping is helping to make those improvements possible.
We study wave-induced fluid flow effects in porous rocks partially saturated with gas and water, where the saturation patterns are governed by mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties. The link between the dry frame properties and the gas saturation is defined by the assumption of capillary pressure equilibrium, which in the presence of heterogeneity implies that neighboring regions can exhibit different levels of saturation. In order to determine the equivalent attenuation and phase velocity of the synthetic rock samples considered in this study, we apply a numerical upscaling procedure, which permits to take into account mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties as well as spatially continuous variations of the pore fluid properties. We consider numerical experiments to analyze such effects in heterogeneous partially saturated porous media, where the saturation field is determined by realistic variations in porosity. Our results indicate that the spatially continuous nature of gas saturation inherent to this study is a critical parameter controlling the seismic response of these environments, which in turn suggests that the physical mechanisms governing partial saturation should be accounted for when analyzing seismic data in a poro-elastic context.
Abstract OBJECTIVE Determining which is the most effective solution (heparin flush compared to 0.9% saline flush) for reducing the risk of occlusions in central venous catheters (CVC) in adults. METHOD The systematic review followed the principles proposed by the Cochrane Handbook; critical analysis, extraction and synthesis of data were performed by two independent researchers; statistical analysis was performed using the RevMan program 5.2.8. RESULTS Eight randomized controlled trials and one cohort study were included and the results of the meta-analysis showed no difference (RR=0.68, 95% CI=0.41-1.10; p=0.12). Analysis by subgroups showed that there was no difference in fully deployed CVC (RR=1.09, CI 95%=0.53-2.22;p=0.82); Multi-Lumen CVC showed beneficial effects in the heparin group (RR=0.53, CI 95%=0.29-0.95; p=0.03); in Double-Lumen CVC for hemodialysis (RR=1.18, CI 95%=0.08-17.82;p=0.90) and Peripherally inserted CVC (RR=0.14, CI 95%=0.01-2.60; p=0.19) also showed no difference. CONCLUSION Saline solution is sufficient for maintaining patency of the central venous catheter, preventing the risks associated with heparin administration.
Despite many successful projects, some public agencies and contractors have been hesitant to use concrete overlays. This lack of confidence has been based on a number of factors, including the misperception that concrete overlays are expensive or difficult to build. This guide will help readers understand concrete overlays and develop confidence in their application. The guide provides the key elements of the six major types of concrete overlays along with specifics on materials, typical sections, and important construction elements.
We characterize the Walrasian allocations correspondence by means offour axioms: consistency, replica invariance, individual rationality andPareto optimality. It is shown that for any given class of exchange economiesany solution that satisfies the axioms is a selection from the Walrasianallocations with slack. Preferences are assumed to be smooth, but may besatiated and non--convex. A class of economies is defined as all economieswhose agents' preferences belong to an arbitrary family (finite or infinite)of types. The result can be modified to characterize equal budget Walrasianallocations with slack by replacing individual rationality with individualrationality from equal division. The results are valid also for classes ofeconomies in which core--Walras equivalence does not hold.
Classic climatic models use constitutive laws without any response time. A more realistic approach to the natural processes governing climate dynamics must introduce response time for heat and radiation fluxes. Extended irreversible thermodynamics (EIT) is a good thermodynamical framework for introducing nonclassical constitutive laws. In the present study EIT has been used to analyze a Budyko–Sellers one-dimensional energybalance model developed by G. R. North. The results present self-sustained periodic oscillations when the response time is greater than a critical value. The high-frequency (few kiloyears) damped and nondamped oscillations obtained can be related to abrupt climatic changes without any variation in the external forcing of the system
Summary Cell therapy has emerged as a strategy for the treatment of various human diseases. Cells can be transplanted considering their morphological and functional properties to restore a tissue damage, as represented by blood transfusion, bone marrow or pancreatic islet cells transplantation. With the advent of the gene therapy, cells also were used as biological supports for the production of therapeutic molecules that can act either locally or at distance. This strategy represents the basis of ex vivo gene therapy characterized by the removal of cells from an organism, their genetic modification and their implantation into the same or another individual in a physiologically suitable location. The tissue or biological function damage dictates the type of cells chosen for implantation and the required function of the implanted cells. The general aim of this work was to develop an ex vivo gene therapy approach for the secretion of erythropoietin (Epo) in patients suffering from Epo-responsive anemia, thus extending to humans, studies previously performed with mouse cells transplanted in mice and rats. Considering the potential clinical application, allogeneic primary human cells were chosen for practical and safety reasons. In contrast to autologous cells, the use of allogeneic cells allows to characterize a cell lineage that can be further transplanted in many individuals. Furthermore allogeneic cells avoid the potential risk of zoonosis encountered with xenogeneic cells. Accordingly, the immune reaction against this allogeneic source was prevented by cell macro- encapsulation that prevents cell-to-cell contact with the host immune system and allows to easy retrieve the implanted device. The first step consisted in testing the survival of various human primary cells that were encapsulated and implanted for one month in the subcutaneous tissue of immunocompetent and naturally or therapeutically immunodepressed mice, assuming that xenogeneic applications constitute a stringent and representative screening before human transplantation. A fibroblast lineage from the foreskin of a young donor, DARC 3.1 cells, showed the highest mean survival score. We have then performed studies to optimize the manufacturing procedures of the encapsulation device for successful engraftment. The development of calcifications on the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) matrix serving as a scaffold for enclosed cells into the hollow fiber devices was reported after one month in vivo. Various parameters, including matrix rinsing solutions, batches of PVA and cell lineages were assessed for their respective role in the development of the phenomenon. We observed that the calcifications could be totally prevented by using ultra-pure sterile water instead of phosphate buffer saline solution in the rinsing procedure of the PVA matrix. Moreover, a higher lactate dehydrogenase activity of the cells was found to decrease calcium depositions due to more acidic microenvironment, inhibiting the calcium precipitation. After the selection of the appropriate cell lineage and the optimization of encapsulation conditions, a retroviral-based approach was applied to DARC 3.1 fibroblasts for the transduction of the human Epo cDNA. Various modifications of the retroviral vector and the infection conditions were performed to obtain clinically relevant levels of human Epo. The insertion of a post-transcriptional regulatory element from the woodchuck hepatitis virus as well as of a Kozak consensus sequence led to a 7.5-fold increase in transgene expression. Human Epo production was further optimized by increasing the multiplicity of infection and by selecting high producer cells allowing to reach 200 IU hEpo/10E6 cells /day. These modified cells were encapsulated and implanted in vivo in the same conditions as previously described. All the mouse strains showed a sustained increase in their hematocrit and a high proportion of viable cells were observed after retrieval of the capsules. Finally, in the perspective of human application, a syngeneic model using encapsulated murine myoblasts transplanted in mice was realized to investigate the roles of both the host immune response and the cells metabolic requirements. Various loading densities and anti-inflammatory as well as immunosuppressive drugs were studied. The results showed that an immune process is responsible of cell death in capsules loaded at high cell density. A supporting matrix of PVA was shown to limit the cell density and to avoid early metabolic cell death, preventing therefore the immune reaction. This study has led to the development of encapsulated cells of human origin producing clinically relevant amounts of human EPO. This work resulted also to the optimization of cell encapsulation technical parameters allowing to begin a clinical application in end-stage renal failure patients. Résumé La thérapie cellulaire s'est imposée comme une stratégie de traitement potentiel pour diverses maladies. Si l'on considère leur morphologie et leur fonction, les cellules peuvent être transplantées dans le but de remplacer une perte tissulaire comme c'est le cas pour les transfusions sanguines ou les greffes de moelle osseuse ou de cellules pancréatiques. Avec le développement de la thérapie génique, les cellules sont également devenues des supports biologiques pour la production de molécules thérapeutiques. Cette stratégie représente le fondement de la thérapie génique ex vivo, caractérisée par le prélèvement de cellules d'un organisme, leur modification génétique et leur implantation dans le même individu ou dans un autre organisme. Le choix du type de cellule et la fonction qu'elle doit remplir pour un traitement spécifique dépend du tissu ou de la fonction biologique atteintes. Le but général de ce travail est de développer .une approche par thérapie génique ex vivo de sécrétion d'érythropoïétine (Epo) chez des patients souffrant d'anémie, prolongeant ainsi des travaux réalisés avec des cellules murines implantées chez des souris et des rats. Dans cette perpective, notre choix s'est porté sur des cellules humaines primaires allogéniques. En effet, contrairement aux cellules autologues, une caractérisation unique de cellules allogéniques peut déboucher sur de nombreuses applications. Par ailleurs, l'emploi de cellules allogéniques permet d'éviter les riques de zoonose que l'on peut rencontrer avec des cellules xénogéniques. Afin de protéger les cellules allogéniques soumises à une réaction immunitaire, leur confinement dans des macro-capsules cylindriques avant leur implantation permet d'éviter leur contact avec les cellules immunitaires de l'hôte, et de les retrouver sans difficulté en cas d'intolérance ou d'effet secondaire. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué la survie de différentes lignées cellulaires humaines primaires, une fois encapsulées et implantées dans le tissu sous-cutané de souris, soit immunocompétentes, soit immunodéprimées naturellement ou par l'intermédiaire d'un immunosuppresseur. Ce modèle in vivo correspond à des conditions xénogéniques et représente par conséquent un environnement de loin plus hostile pour les cellules qu'une transplantation allogénique. Une lignée fibroblastique issue du prépuce d'un jeune enfant, nommée DARC 3 .1, a montré une remarquable résistance avec un score de survie moyen le plus élevé parmi les lignées testées. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés aux paramètres intervenant dans la réalisation du système d'implantation afin d'optimaliser les conditions pour une meilleure adaptation des cellules à ce nouvel environnement. En effet, en raison de l'apparition, après un mois in vivo, de calcifications au niveau de la matrice de polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) servant de support aux cellules encapsulées, différents paramètres ont été étudiés, tels que les procédures de fabrication, les lots de PVA ou encore les lignées cellulaires encapsulées, afin de mettre en évidence leur rôle respectif dans la survenue de ce processus. Nous avons montré que l'apparition des calcifications peut être totalement prévenue par l'utilisation d'eau pure au lieu de tampon phosphaté lors du rinçage des matrices de PVA. De plus, nous avons observe qu'un taux de lactate déshydrogénase cellulaire élevé était corrélé avec une diminution des dépôts de calcium au sein de la matrice en raison d'un micro-environnement plus acide inhibant la précipitation du calcium. Après sélection de la lignée cellulaire appropriée et de l'optimisation des conditions d'encapsulation, une modification génétique des fibroblastes DARC 3.1 a été réalisée par une approche rétrovirale, permettant l'insertion de l'ADN du gène de l'Epo dans le génome cellulaire. Diverses modifications, tant au niveau génétique qu'au niveau des conditions d'infection, ont été entreprises afin d'obtenir des taux de sécrétion d'Epo cliniquement appropriés. L'insertion dans la séquence d'ADN d'un élément de régulation post¬transcriptionnelle dérivé du virus de l'hépatite du rongeur (« woodchuck ») ainsi que d'une séquence consensus appelée « Kozak » ont abouti à une augmentation de sécrétion d'Epo 7.5 fois plus importante. De même, l'optimisation de la multiplicité d'infection et la sélection plus drastique des cellules hautement productrices ont permis finalement d'obtenir une sécrétion correspondant à 200 IU d'Epo/10E6 cells/jour. Ces cellules génétiquement modifiées ont été encapsulées et implantées in vivo dans les mêmes conditions que celles décrites plus haut. Toutes les souris transplantées ont montré une augmentation significative de leur hématocrite et une proportion importante de cellules présentait une survie conservée au moment de l'explantation des capsules. Finalement, dans la perspective d'une application humaine, un modèle syngénique a été proposé, basé sur l'implantation de myoblastes murins encapsulés dans des souris, afin d'investiguer les rôles respectifs de la réponse immunitaire du receveur et des besoins métaboliques cellulaires sur leur survie à long terme. Les cellules ont été encapsulées à différentes densités et les animaux transplantés se sont vus administrer des injections de molécules anti-inflammatoires ou immunosuppressives. Les résultats ont démontré qu'une réaction immunologique péri-capsulaire était à la base du rejet cellulaire dans le cas de capsules à haute densité cellulaire. Une matrice de PVA peut limiter cette densité et éviter une mort cellulaire précoce due à une insuffisance métabolique et par conséquent prévenir la réaction immunitaire. Ce travail a permis le développement de cellules encapsulées d'origine humaine sécrétant des taux d'Epo humaine adaptés à des traitements cliniques. De pair avec l'optimalisation des paramètres d'encapsulation, ces résultats ont abouti à l'initiation d'une application clinique destinée à des patients en insuffisance rénale terminale.