987 resultados para SOU 1976:19
本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所收藏的豆蟹科标本和国内外相关文献,进行了中国海域豆蟹科的分类学研究。作者克服了豆蟹科分类难度大,研究积累较少,种的界限不清等困难,在短期内初步查清了中国海域豆蟹科种类及分布情况,共记述5亚科12属 40种。发现4新记录属,9新记录种,和豆蟹属1未定种Pinnotheres sp.,丰富了中国海豆蟹科区系内容,列出了共栖种中国海域全部记录过的宿主。 作者对鉴定过程中出现的疑难问题:“中型三强蟹Tritodynamia intermedia Shen, 1935是否为霍氏三强蟹 Tritodynamia horvathi Nobili, 1905的同物异名” 进行了细致比较、研究,否定了通行多年的Sakai(1976)的“T. intermedia Shen为T. horvathi Nobili的次异名”的结论,肯定了二者均为有效种。 对中国海域豆蟹科种类地理分布初步研究表明其分布与日本海域和东南亚海域都有相似之处,但有显著不同:仅发现于中国海域而未见于日本海域的豆蟹属Pinnotheres多达8种:涨腹豆蟹Pinnotheres excussus Dai et al., 1980,球豆蟹Pinnotheres pilulus Dai et al., 1980,锯颚豆蟹Pinnotheres serrignathus Shen, 1932,宽豆蟹Pinnotheres dilatatus Shen, 1932,青岛豆蟹Pinnotheres tsingtaoensis Shen, 1932,海阳豆蟹Pinnotheres haiyangensis Shen, 1932,钝颚豆蟹Pinnotheres obtusidentata(Dai et al., 1980),光豆蟹Pinnotheres luminatus Dai et al., 1980);仅发现于中国海域的三强蟹属Tritodynamia有4种:福建三强蟹Tritodynamia fujianensis Chen, 1979,长腿三强蟹Tritodynamia longipropodum Dai et al., 1980,宽身三强蟹 Tritodynamia dilatatum Yang et Sun,1996和海南三强蟹 Tritodynamia hainanensis Dai et al.g, 1980;而未发现于中国海域的日本特有种多达13种。结果表明这一类群由于共栖和地域分化程度较高乃至地区性特有种数显著较多。 论文通过对豆蟹科系统分类和初步的动物地理学研究,搞清了中国海豆蟹科的种和分布、多样性及其宿主等基本情况。为今后研究豆蟹科种类生物学、生态学特性提供了基础资料。
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Edukacji Artystycznej
107 hojas : Ilustraciones.
4 hojas.
This thesis is a study of how the Gerald Ford administration struggled to address a perceived loss of US credibility after the collapse of Vietnam, with a focus on the role of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the formulation, implementation and subsequent defence of US Angolan policy. By examining the immediate post-Vietnam period, this thesis shows that Vietnam had a significant impact on Kissinger’s actions on Angola, which resulted in an ill conceived covert operation in another third world conflict. In 1974, Africa was a neglected region in Cold War US foreign policy, yet the effects of the Portuguese revolution led to a rapid decolonization of its African territories, of which Angola was to become the focus of superpower competition. After South Vietnam collapsed in April 1975, Kissinger became fixated on restoring the perceived loss of US prestige, Angola provided the first opportunity to address this. Despite objections from his advisors, Kissinger methodically engineered a covert program to assist two anti-Marxist guerrilla groups in Angola. As the crisis escalated, the media discovered the operation and the Congress decided to cease all funding. A period of heated tensions ensued, resulting in Kissinger creating a new African policy to outmanoeuvre his critics publicly, while privately castigating them to foreign leaders. This thesis argues that Kissinger’s dismissal of internal dissent and opposition from the Congress was influenced by what he perceived as bureaucrats being affected by the Vietnam syndrome, and his obsession with restoring US credibility. By looking at the private and public records – as expressed in government meetings and official reports, US newspaper and television coverage and diplomatic cables – this thesis addresses the question of how the lessons of Vietnam failed to influence Kissinger’s actions in Angola, but the lessons of Angola were heavily influential in the construction of a new US-African policy.
Por quinta vez puso cuatro motas de tinta en el papel, les puso nombres (A, B, C, D) y los unió con segmentos para formar un cuadrilátero. Luego señaló los puntos medios de sus cuatro lados y los conectó formando otro cuadrilátero (P, Q, R, S). Ahí estaba el problema. Ese cuadrilátero interior siempre resultaba ser un paralelogramo pusiera como pusiera los cuatro puntos originales. ¿Acaso había orden en el caos? Por un momento pensó que quizá había truco, que tal vez sucedía así porque la gente ponía los puntos de formas similares. Pero ya había probado configuraciones muy raras, incluso dejó que los segmentos del cuadrilátero ABCD se interceptasen, y siempre obtenía idéntico resultado. No, lo que parece cumplirse para cualquier caso no es ningún truco, sino un teorema que demostrar.