916 resultados para SODIUM CHLORIDE
The interaction between aerosols and sun light plays an important role in the radiative balance of Earth’s atmosphere. This interaction is obtained by measuring the removal (extinction), redistribution (scattering), and transformation into heat (absorption) of light by the aerosols; i.e. their optical properties. Knowledge of these properties is crucial for our understanding of the atmospheric system. rn Light absorption by aerosols is a major contributor to the direct and indirect effects on our climate system, and an accurate and sensitive measurement method is crucial to further our understanding. A homebuilt photoacoustic sensor (PAS), measuring at a 532nm wavelength, was fully characterized and its functionality validated for measurements of absorbing aerosols. The optical absorption cross-sections of absorbing polystyrene latex spheres, to be used as a standard for aerosol absorption measurements, were measured and compared to literature values. Additionally, a calibration method using absorbing aerosol of known complex refractive index was presented.rn A new approach to retrieve the effective broadband refractive indices (mbroad,eff) of aerosol particles by a white light aerosol spectrometer (WELAS) optical particle counter (OPC) was achieved. Using a tandem differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-OPC system, the nbroad,eff are obtained for both laboratory and field applications. This method was tested in the laboratory using substances with a wide range of optical properties and it was used in ambient measurements to retrieve the nbroad,eff of biomass burning aerosols in a nationwide burning event in Israel. The retrieved effective broadband refractive indices for laboratory generated scattering aerosols were: ammonium sulfate (AS), glutaric acid (GA), and sodium chloride, all within 4% of literature values. For absorbing substances, nigrosine and various mixtures of nigrosine with AS and GA were measured, as well as a lightly absorbing substance, Suwannee river fulvic acid (SRFA). For the ambient measurements, the calibration curves generated from this method were to follow the optical evolution of biomass burning (BB) aerosols. A decrease in the overall aerosol absorption and scattering for aged aerosols during the day after the fires compared to the smoldering phase of the fires was found. rn The connection between light extinction of aerosols, their chemical composition and hygroscopicity for particles with different degrees of absorption was studied. The extinction cross-section (σext) at 532nm for different mobility diameters was measured at 80% and 90% relative humidity (RH), and at an RH<10%. The ratio of the humidified aerosols to the dry ones, fRHext(%RH,Dry), is presented. For purely scattering aerosols, fRHext(%RH,Dry) is inversely proportional with size; this dependence was suppressed for lightly absorbing ones. In addition, the validity of the mixing rules for water soluble absorbing aerosols is explored. The difference between the derived and calculated real parts of the complex RIs were less than 5.3% for all substances, wavelengths, and RHs. The obtained imaginary parts for the retrieved and calculated RIs were in good agreement with each other, and well within the measurement errors of retrieval from pulsed CRD spectroscopy measurements. Finally, a core-shell structure model is also used to explore the differences between the models, for substances with low growth factors, under these hydration conditions. It was found that at 80% RH and for size parameters less than 2.5, there is less than a 5 % difference between the extinction efficiencies calculated with both models. This difference is within measurement errors; hence, there is no significant difference between the models in this case. However, for greater size parameters the difference can be up to 10%. For 90% RH the differences below a size parameter of 2.5 were up to 7%.rn Finally, the fully characterized PAS together with a cavity ring down spectrometer (CRD), were used to study the optical properties of soot and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) during the SOOT-11 project in the AIDA chamber in Karlsruhe, Germany. The fresh fractal-like soot particles were allowed to coagulate for 28 hours before stepwise coating them with SOA. The single scattering albedo for fresh fractal-like soot was measured to be 0.2 (±0.03), and after allowing the soot to coagulate for 28 hours and coating it with SOA, it increased to 0.71(±0.01). An absorption enhancement of the coated soot of up to 1.71 (±0.03) times from the non-coated coagulated soot was directly measured with the PAS. Monodisperse measurements of SOA and soot coated with SOA were performed to derive the complex refractive index (m) of both aerosols. A complex refractive index of m = 1.471(±0.008) + i0.0(±0.002) for the SOA-αO3 was retrieved. For the compact coagulated soot a preliminary complex refractive index of m = 2.04(+0.21/-0.14) + i0.34(+0.18/-0.06) with 10nm(+4/-6) coating thickness was retrieved.rn These detail properties can be use by modelers to decrease uncertainties in assessing climatic impacts of the different species and to improve weather forecasting.rn
Die Erdatmosphäre besteht hauptsächlich aus Stickstoff (78%), Sauerstoff (21%) und Edelga¬sen. Obwohl Partikel weniger als 0,1% ausmachen, spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle in der Chemie und Physik der Atmosphäre, da sie das Klima der Erde sowohl direkt als auch indirekt beeinflussen. Je nach Art der Bildung unterscheidet man zwischen primären und sekundären Partikeln, wobei primäre Partikel direkt in die Atmosphäre eingetragen werden. Sekundäre Partikel hingegen entstehen durch Kondensation von schwerflüchtigen Verbindungen aus der Gasphase, welche durch Reaktionen von gasförmigen Vorläufersubstanzen (volatile organic compounds, VOCs) mit atmosphärischen Oxidantien wie Ozon oder OH-Radikalen gebildet werden. Da die meisten Vorläufersubstanzen organischer Natur sind, wird das daraus gebil¬dete Aerosol als sekundäres organisches Aerosol (SOA) bezeichnet. Anders als die meisten primären Partikel stammen die VOCs überwiegend aus biogenen Quellen. Es handelt sich da¬bei um ungesättigte Kohlenwasserstoffe, die bei intensiver Sonneneinstrahlung und hohen Temperaturen von Pflanzen emittiert werden. Viele der leichtflüchtigen Vorläufersubstanzen sind chiral, sowohl die Vorläufer als auch die daraus gebildeten Partikel werden aber in den meisten Studien als eine Verbindung betrachtet und gemeinsam analysiert. Die mit Modellen berechneten SOA-Konzentrationen, welche auf dieser traditionellen Vorstellung der SOA-Bil¬dung beruhen, liegen deutlich unterhalb der in der Atmosphäre gefundenen, so dass neben diesem Bildungsweg auch noch andere SOA-Bildungsarten existieren müssen. Aus diesem Grund wird der Fokus der heutigen Forschung vermehrt auf die heterogene Chemie in der Partikelphase gerichtet. Glyoxal als Modellsubstanz kommt hierbei eine wichtige Rolle zu. Es handelt sich bei dieser Verbindung um ein Molekül mit einem hohen Dampfdruck, das auf Grund dieser Eigenschaft nur in der Gasphase zu finden sein sollte. Da es aber über zwei Alde¬hydgruppen verfügt, ist es sehr gut wasserlöslich und kann dadurch in die Partikelphase über¬gehen, wo es heterogenen chemischen Prozessen unterliegt. Unter anderem werden in An¬wesenheit von Ammoniumionen Imidazole gebildet, welche wegen der beiden Stickstoff-He¬teroatome lichtabsorbierende Eigenschaften besitzen. Die Verteilung von Glyoxal zwischen der Gas- und der Partikelphase wird durch das Henrysche Gesetz beschrieben, wobei die Gleichgewichtskonstante die sogenannte Henry-Konstante ist. Diese ist abhängig von der un¬tersuchten organischen Verbindung und den im Partikel vorhandenen anorganischen Salzen. Für die Untersuchung chiraler Verbindungen im SOA wurde zunächst eine Filterextraktions¬methode entwickelt und die erhaltenen Proben anschließend mittels chiraler Hochleistungs-Flüssigchromatographie, welche an ein Elektrospray-Massenspektrometer gekoppelt war, analysiert. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf dem am häufigsten emittierten Monoterpen α-Pinen und seinem Hauptprodukt, der Pinsäure. Da bei der Ozonolyse des α-Pinens das cyclische Grund¬gerüst erhalten bleibt, können trotz der beiden im Molekül vorhanden chiralen Zentren nur zwei Pinsäure Enantiomere gebildet werden. Als Extraktionsmittel wurde eine Mischung aus Methanol/Wasser 9/1 gewählt, mit welcher Extraktionseffizienzen von 65% für Pinsäure Enan¬tiomer 1 und 68% für Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 erreicht werden konnten. Des Weiteren wurden Experimente in einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer durchgeführt, um die Produkte der α-Pinen Ozonolyse eindeutig zu charakterisieren. Enantiomer 1 wurde demnach aus (+)-α-Pinen gebildet und Enantiomer 2 entstand aus (-)-α-Pinen. Auf Filterproben aus dem brasilianischen Regenwald konnte ausschließlich Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 gefunden werden. Enantiomer 1 lag dauerhaft unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze von 18,27 ng/mL. Im borealen Nadelwald war das Verhältnis umgekehrt und Pinsäure Enantiomer 1 überwog vor Pinsäure Enantiomer 2. Das Verhältnis betrug 56% Enantiomer 1 zu 44% Enantiomer 2. Saisonale Verläufe im tropischen Regenwald zeigten, dass die Konzentrationen zur Trockenzeit im August höher waren als wäh¬rend der Regenzeit im Februar. Auch im borealen Nadelwald wurden im Sommer höhere Kon¬zentrationen gemessen als im Winter. Die Verhältnisse der Enantiomere änderten sich nicht im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf. Die Bestimmung der Henry-Konstanten von Glyoxal bei verschiedenen Saataerosolen, nämlich Ammoniumsulfat, Natriumnitrat, Kaliumsulfat, Natriumchlorid und Ammoniumnitrat sowie die irreversible Produktbildung aus Glyoxal in Anwesenheit von Ammoniak waren Forschungs¬gegenstand einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer-Kampagne am Paul-Scherrer-Institut in Villigen, Schweiz. Hierzu wurde zunächst das zu untersuchende Saataerosol in der Kammer vorgelegt und dann aus photochemisch erzeugten OH-Radikalen und Acetylen Glyoxal er¬zeugt. Für die Bestimmung der Glyoxalkonzentration im Kammeraerosol wurde zunächst eine beste¬hende Filterextraktionsmethode modifiziert und die Analyse mittels hochauflösender Mas¬senspektrometrie realisiert. Als Extraktionsmittel kam 100% Acetonitril, ACN zum Einsatz wo¬bei die Extraktionseffizienz bei 85% lag. Für die anschließende Derivatisierung wurde 2,4-Di¬nitrophenylhydrazin, DNPH verwendet. Dieses musste zuvor drei Mal mittels Festphasenex¬traktion gereinigt werden um störende Blindwerte ausreichend zu minimieren. Die gefunde¬nen Henry-Konstanten für Ammoniumsulfat als Saataerosol stimmten gut mit in der Literatur gefundenen Werten überein. Die Werte für Natriumnitrat und Natriumchlorid als Saataerosol waren kleiner als die von Ammoniumsulfat aber größer als der Wert von reinem Wasser. Für Ammoniumnitrat und Kaliumsulfat konnten keine Konstanten berechnet werden. Alle drei Saataerosole führten zu einem „Salting-in“. Das bedeutet, dass bei Erhöhung der Salzmolalität auch die Glyoxalkonzentration im Partikel stieg. Diese Beobachtungen sind auch in der Litera¬tur beschrieben, wobei die Ergebnisse dort nicht auf der Durchführung von Kammerexperi¬menten beruhen, sondern mittels bulk-Experimenten generiert wurden. Für die Trennung der Imidazole wurde eine neue Filterextraktionsmethode entwickelt, wobei sich ein Gemisch aus mit HCl angesäuertem ACN/H2O im Verhältnis 9/1 als optimales Extrak¬tionsmittel herausstellte. Drei verschiedenen Imidazole konnten mit dieser Methode quanti¬fiziert werden, nämlich 1-H-Imidazol-4-carbaldehyd (IC), Imidazol (IM) und 2,2‘-Biimidazol (BI). Die Effizienzen lagen für BI bei 95%, für IC bei 58% und für IM bei 75%. Kammerexperimente unter Zugabe von Ammoniak zeigten höhere Imidazolkonzentrationen als solche ohne. Wurden die Experimente ohne Ammoniak in Anwesenheit von Ammoni¬umsulfat durchgeführt, wurden höhere Imidazol-Konzentrationen gefunden als ohne Ammo¬niumionen. Auch die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit spielte eine wichtige Rolle, da sowohl eine zu hohe als auch eine zu niedrige relative Luftfeuchtigkeit zu einer verminderten Imidazolbildung führte. Durch mit 13C-markiertem Kohlenstoff durchgeführte Experimente konnte eindeutig gezeigt werden, dass es sich bei den gebildeten Imidazolen und Glyoxalprodukte handelte. Außerdem konnte der in der Literatur beschriebene Bildungsmechanismus erfolgreich weiter¬entwickelt werden. Während der CYPHEX Kampagne in Zypern konnten erstmalig Imidazole in Feldproben nach¬gewiesen werden. Das Hauptprodukt IC zeigte einen tageszeitlichen Verlauf mit höheren Kon¬zentrationen während der Nacht und korrelierte signifikant aber schwach mit der Acidität und Ammoniumionenkonzentration des gefundenen Aerosols.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the isoflurane-sparing effects of lidocaine administered by constant rate infusion (CRI) during umbilical surgery in calves. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized 'blinded' prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Thirty calves (mean 4.7 +/- SD 2.5 weeks old) undergoing umbilical surgery. METHODS: After premedication with xylazine (0.1 mg kg(-1) , IM), anaesthesia was induced with ketamine (4 mg kg(-1) , IV) and maintained with isoflurane in O(2) administered through a circle breathing system. The calves were assigned randomly to receive a bolus of 2 mg kg(-1) lidocaine IV after induction of anaesthesia, followed by CRI of 50 mug kg(-1) minute(-1) (group L, n=15) or a bolus and CRI of 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl, group S, n=15). End-tidal isoflurane was adjusted to achieve adequate depth of anaesthesia. Heart rate, direct arterial blood pressure and body temperature were measured intraoperatively. Groups were compared by t- tests, anova or Mann-Whitney rank sum test as appropriate. RESULTS: The end-tidal concentration of isoflurane (median, IQR) was significantly lower in group L [1.0% (0.94-1.1)] compared to group S [1.2% (1.1-1.5)], indicating a 16.7% reduction in anaesthetic requirement during lidocaine CRI. Cardiopulmonary parameters and recovery times did not differ significantly between groups. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Lidocaine CRI may be used as a supplement to inhalation anaesthesia during umbilical surgery in calves in countries where such a protocol would be within the legal requirements for veterinary use in food animals. This study did not show any measurable benefit to the calves other than a reduction in isoflurane requirement.
Human development causes degradation of stream ecosystems due to impacts on channel morphology, hydrology, and water quality. Urbanization, the second leading cause of stream impairment, increases the amount of impervious surface cover, thus reducing infiltration and increasing surface runoff of precipitation, which ultimately affects stream hydrologic process and aquatic biodiversity. The main objective of this study was to assess the overall health of Miller Run, a small tributary of the Bull Run and Susquehanna River watersheds, through an integrative hydrologic and water quality approach in order to determine the degree of Bucknell University’s impact on the stream. Hydrologic conditions, including stage and discharge, and water quality conditions, including total suspended solids, ion, nutrient, and dissolved metal concentrations, specific conductivity, pH, and temperature, were measured and evaluated at two sampling sites (upstream and downstream of Bucknell’s main campus) during various rain events from September 2007 to March 2008. The primary focus of the stream analysis was based on one main rain event on 26 February 2008. The results provided evidence that Miller Run is impacted by Bucknell’s campus. From a hydrologic perspective, the stream’s hydrograph showed the exact opposite pattern of what would be expected from a ‘normal’ stream. Miller run had a flashier downstream hydrograph and a broader upstream hydrograph, which was more than likely due to the increased amount of impervious surface cover throughout the downstream half of the watershed. From a water quality perspective, sediment loads increased at a faster rate and were significantly higher downstream compared to upstream. These elevated sediment concentrations were probably the combined result of sediment runoff from upstream and downstream construction sites that were being developed over the course of the study. Sodium, chloride, and potassium concentrations, in addition to specific conductivity, also significantly increased downstream of Bucknell’s campus due to the runoff of road salts. Calcium and magnesium concentrations did not appear to be impacted by urbanization, although they did demonstrate a significant dilution effect downstream. The downstream site was not directly affected by elevated nitrate concentrations; however, soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations tended to increase downstream and ammonium concentrations significantly peaked partway through the rain event downstream. These patterns suggest that Miller Run may be impacted by nutrient runoff from the golf course, athletic fields, and/or fertilizers applications on the main campus. Dissolved manganese and iron concentrations also appeared to slightly increase downstream, demonstrating the affect of urban runoff from roads and parking lots. pH and temperature both decreased farther downstream, but neither showed a significant impact of urbanization. More studies are necessary to determine how Miller Run responds to changes in season, climate, precipitation intensity, and land-use. This study represents the base-line analysis of Miller Run’s current hydrologic and water quality conditions; based on these initial findings, Bucknell should strongly consider modifications to improve storm water management practices and to reduce the campus’s overall impact on the stream in order to enhance and preserve the integrity of its natural water resources.
To assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia, behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs were used as indicators of pain and distress. Seventy lambs, aged 2-7 days, were control-handled or castrated by Burdizzo or rubber ring methods with and without local anaesthesia. Either 5 mL of diluted lidocaine (4 mg/kg) or physiological sodium chloride solution was distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The serum cortisol response was monitored for 48 h, and behavioural and clinical traits were followed for three months. Local anaesthesia tended to reduce behavioural and cortisol responses after Burdizzo castration and provided a significant reduction after rubber ring castration. Prolonged pain after rubber ring castration with anaesthesia was not evident. If combined with local anaesthesia, both the rubber ring and the Burdizzo methods are acceptable methods for castration of lambs up to one week of age.
Besides providing effective analgesia, thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) has been shown to decrease perioperative morbidity and mortality. Because of its vasodilatory properties in association with the sympathetic blockade, however, TEA may potentially aggravate cardiovascular dysfunctions resulting from sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on hemodynamics, global oxygen transport, and renal function in ovine endotoxemia. After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 18), Salmonella typhosa endotoxin was centrally infused at incremental doses to induce and maintain a hypotensive-hypodynamic circulation using an established protocol. The animals were then randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the treatment group, continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mL.kg of 0.125% bupivacaine at the onset of endotoxemia and maintained with 0.1 mL.kg.h. In the control group, the same amount of isotonic sodium chloride solution was injected through the epidural catheter. In the animals surviving the entire experiment (n = 7 per group), cardiac index and mean arterial pressure decreased in a dose-dependent manner during endotoxin infusion. In the TEA group, neither systemic hemodynamics nor global oxygen transport were impaired beyond the changes caused by endotoxemia itself. Urinary output was increased in the TEA group as compared with the control group (P < 0.05). In this model of endotoxic shock, TEA improved renal perfusion without affecting cardiopulmonary hemodynamics and global oxygen transport.
Genetic defects of the Na+-K+-2Cl- (NKCC2) sodium potassium chloride co-transporter result in severe, prenatal-onset renal salt wasting accompanied by polyhydramnios, prematurity, and life-threatening hypovolemia of the neonate (antenatal Bartter syndrome or hyperprostaglandin E syndrome). Herein are described two brothers who presented with hyperuricemia, mild metabolic alkalosis, low serum potassium levels, and bilateral medullary nephrocalcinosis at the ages of 13 and 15 yr. Impaired function of sodium chloride reabsorption along the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop was deduced from a reduced increase in diuresis and urinary chloride excretion upon application of furosemide. Molecular genetic analysis revealed that the brothers were compound heterozygotes for mutations in the SLC12A1 gene coding for the NKCC2 co-transporter. Functional analysis of the mutated rat NKCC2 protein by tracer-flux assays after heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes revealed significant residual transport activity of the NKCC2 p.F177Y mutant construct in contrast to no activity of the NKCC2-D918fs frameshift mutant construct. However, coexpression of the two mutants was not significantly different from that of NKCC2-F177Y alone or wild type. Membrane expression of NKCC2-F177Y as determined by luminometric surface quantification was not significantly different from wild-type protein, pointing to an intrinsic partial transport defect caused by the p.F177Y mutation. The partial function of NKCC2-F177Y, which is not negatively affected by NKCC2-D918fs, therefore explains a mild and late-onset phenotype and for the first time establishes a mild phenotype-associated SLC12A1 gene mutation.
Behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs were used as indicators of pain and distress to assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia. Eighty lambs, aged 2-7 days, were control handled or castrated by crushing- Burdizzo- or rubber ring method with and without local anaesthesia. Either 4 mg/kg diluted lidocaine, or corresponding volumes of physiologic sodium chloride solution were distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The serum cortisol response was monitored for 48 h, behavioural- and clinical traits over a 3-month period. The crushing castration method was excluded from the study after 10 lambs had been castrated, since this method showed severe local reactions. Local anaesthesia significantly reduced behavioural and cortisol responses after rubber ring castration and tendentially after Burdizzo castration. Prolonged or chronic pain after rubber ring castration with anaesthesia was not evident. If combined with local anaesthesia, both the rubber ring and the Burdizzo method are acceptable methods for castration of lambs up to one week of age.
Microcirculatory dysfunction contributes significantly to tissue hypoxia and multiple organ failure in sepsis. Ischemia of the gut and intestinal hypoxia are especially relevant for the evolution of sepsis because the mucosal barrier function may be impaired, leading to translocation of bacteria and toxins. Because sympathetic blockade enhances intestinal perfusion under physiologic conditions, we hypothesized that thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) may attenuate microcirculatory perturbations during sepsis. The present study was designed as a prospective and controlled laboratory experiment to assess the effects of continuous TEA on the mucosal microcirculation in a cecal ligation and perforation model of sepsis in rats. Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats underwent laparotomy and cecal ligation and perforation to induce sepsis. Subsequently, either bupivacaine 0.125% (n = 10) or isotonic sodium chloride solution (n = 9) was continuously infused via the thoracic epidural catheter for 24 h. In addition, a sham laparotomy was carried out in eight animals. Intravital videomicroscopy was then performed on six to ten villi of ileum mucosa. The capillary density was measured as areas encircled by perfused capillaries, that is, intercapillary areas. The TEA accomplished recruitment of microcirculatory units in the intestinal mucosa by decreasing total intercapillary areas (1,317 +/- 403 vs. 1,001 +/- 236 microm2) and continuously perfused intercapillary areas (1,937 +/- 512 vs. 1,311 +/- 678 microm2, each P < 0.05). Notably, TEA did not impair systemic hemodynamic variables beyond the changes caused by sepsis itself. Therefore, sympathetic blockade may represent a therapeutic option to treat impaired microcirculation in the gut mucosa resulting from sepsis. Additional studies are warranted to assess the microcirculatory effects of sympathetic blockade on other splanchnic organs in systemic inflammation.
Roads and highways present a unique challenge to wildlife as they exhibit substantial impacts on the surrounding ecosystem through the interruption of a number of ecological processes. With new roads added to the national highway system every year, an understanding of these impacts is required for effective mitigation of potential environmental impacts. A major contributor to these negative effects is the deposition of chemicals used in winter deicing activities to nearby surface waters. These chemicals often vary in composition and may affect freshwater species differently. The negative impacts of widespread deposition of sodium chloride (NaCl) have prompted a search for an `environmentally friendly' alternative. However, little research has investigated the potential environmental effects of widespread use of these alternatives. Herein, I detail the results of laboratory tests and field surveys designed to determine the impacts of road salt (NaCl) and other chemical deicers on amphibian communities in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Using larval amphibians I demonstrate the lethal impacts of a suite of chemical deicers on this sensitive, freshwater species. Larval wood frogs (Lithobates sylvatica) were tolerant of short-term (96 hours) exposure to urea (CH4N2O), sodium chloride (NaCl), and magnesium chloride (MgCl2). However, these larvae were very sensitive to acetate products (C8H12CaMgO8, CH3COOK) and calcium chloride (CaCl2). These differences in tolerance suggest that certain deicers may be more harmful to amphibians than others. Secondly, I expanded this analysis to include an experiment designed to determine the sublethal effects of chronic exposure to environmentally realistic concentrations of NaCl on two unique amphibian species, L. sylvatica and green frogs (L. clamitans). L. sylvatica tend to breed in small, ephemeral wetlands and metamorphose within a single season. However, L. clamitans breed primarily in more permanent wetlands and often remain as tadpoles for one year or more. These species employ different life history strategies in this region which may influence their response to chronic NaCl exposure. Both species demonstrated potentially harmful effects on individual fitness. L. sylvatica larvae had a high incidence of edema suggesting the NaCl exposure was a significant physiologic stressor to these larvae. L. clamitans larvae reduced tail length during their exposure which may affect adult fitness of these individuals. In order to determine the risk local amphibians face when using these roadside pools, I conducted a survey of the spatial distribution of chloride in the three northernmost counties of Michigan. This area receives a relatively low amount of NaCl which is confined to state and federal highways. The chloride concentrations in this region were much lower than those in urban systems; however, amphibians breeding in the local area may encounter harmful chloride levels arising from temporal variations in hydroperiods. Spatial variation of chloride levels suggests the road-effect zone for amphibians may be as large as 1000 m from a salt-treated highway. Lastly, I performed an analysis of the use of specific conductance to predict chloride concentrations in natural surface water bodies. A number of studies have used this regression to predict chloride concentrations from measurements of specific conductance. This method is often chosen in the place of ion chromatography due to budget and time constraints. However, using a regression method to characterize this relationship does not result in accurate chloride ion concentration estimates.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether intravaginal application of seminal plasma at the time of follicle aspiration in IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment cycles has the potential to increase pregnancy rate. To calculate the number of patients needed to achieve significance in a multicenter trial. DESIGN: Double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized pilot study. SETTING: University department of gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine. PATIENT(S): One hundred sixty-eight patients undergoing IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment. INTERVENTION(S): Cryopreserved seminal plasma from the patient's partner or sodium chloride (placebo) was injected into the cervix and the posterior fornix of the vagina just after follicle aspiration. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Clinical-pregnancy rate. RESULT(S): One hundred sixty-eight patients agreed to participate in the study. Participation was limited to one treatment cycle. Thirty-one patients (18%) were excluded from the study, mainly as a result of canceled embryo transfers. Seventy patients received placebo, and 67 received seminal plasma. The clinical-pregnancy rate was 25.7% (18/70) in the placebo group. The clinical-pregnancy rate in the seminal plasma group reached 37.3% (25/67), corresponding to a relative increase of 45%. CONCLUSION(S): Even though significance was not reached in this pilot study, the data suggest that seminal plasma has the potential to improve pregnancy rate. It is estimated that around 450 patients need to be recruited to reach significance in a multicenter study.
The child who presents with acute coma runs a high risk of cardiopulmonary insufficiency, direct brain injury or even cerebral herniation. The case-management of such child requires a coma-specific emergent evaluation, immediate treatment of any hypoxicischemic insults and of the underlying cause. The coma-specific examination includes performance of child-adapted Glasgow Coma Score, the evaluation of brain stem functions such as pupillary response to light, cough- and gag reflex, and determination of all vital signs including body temperature. Treatment of hypoxicischemic insults includes control of airways and ventilation in patient with coma defined as GCS <8; liberal treatment of impaired cardiovascular states with isotonic fluids such as 0.9% sodium chloride; and treatment of cerebral herniation with head elevation, mannitol, hypertonic sodium chlorid fluids, steroids and hyperventilation. Immediately treatable causes are hypoglycemia, meningitis/encephalitis, opioid overdose and status epilepticus. Exclusion of rapidly progressive intracranial lesions almost always requires referral to the tertiary centre with head CT-scan facilities. Finally, an extensive etiology search of the stable coma is performed by looking for disease or trauma of the brain, for metabolic causes, for intoxications and for cardiopulmonary problems.
Lean, finely textured beef (LFTB) is a lean product derived from beef-fat trimmings. Characterization of LFTB showed that, while it is high in total protein, the LFTB contains more serum and connective tissue proteins and less myofibrillar proteins than muscle meat. Because of the protein differences, LFTB has less functionality in processed meats, resulting in lower yields and softer texture. Appropriate use of sodium chloride, sodium tripolyphosphate, k-carrageenan, or isolated soy protein achieved desired stability and yields in frankfurters with FTLB. The softer texture may be used to advantage in high-protein, low-fat meat products where excessive toughness or firmness is often a problem.
BACKGROUND Streptococcus spp. and other Gram-positive, catalase-negative cocci (PNC) form a large group of microorganisms which can be found in the milk of cows with intramammary infection. The most frequently observed PNC mastitis pathogens (major pathogens) are Streptococcus uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae, and Strep. agalactiae. The remaining PNC include a few minor pathogens and a large nonpathogenic group. Improved methods are needed for the accurate identification and differentiation of PNC. A total of 151 PNC were collected from cows with intramammary infection and conclusively identified by 16S rRNA sequencing as reference method. Nine phenotypic microbiological tests (alpha-hemolysis, CAMP reaction, esculin hydrolysis, growth on kanamycin esculin azide agar and on sodium chloride agar, inulin fermentation, hippurate hydrolysis, leucine aminopeptidase and pyrrolidonyl peptidase activity), multiplex PCR for the three major pathogens (target genes for Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae: pauA, 16S rRNA, and sklA3, respectively), and mass spectroscopy using the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF MS) were evaluated for the diagnosis and discrimination of the three clinically most relevant PNC. RESULTS The probability that a strain of Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae was correctly identified by combining the results of the 9 phenotypic tests was 92%, 90%, and 100%, respectively. Applying the multiplex PCR, all strains of the three major pathogens were correctly identified and no false positive results occurred. Correct identification was observed for all strains of Strep. uberis and Strep. agalactiae using MALDI-TOF MS. In the case of Strep. dysgalactiae, some variability was observed at the subspecies level, but all strains were allocated to one single cluster. CONCLUSIONS The results of the present study show that reliable identification of the clinically most relevant PNC (Strep. uberis, Strep. agalactiae and Strep. dysgalactiae) can be obtained by use of a combination of colony morphology, hemolysis type and catalase reaction, and a multiplex PCR with specific primers restricted to these 3 pathogens. The MALDI-TOF MS is a fast method that shows promising results, although identification of Strep. dysgalactiae at the subspecies level is not yet satisfactory.
Aldosterone plays a major role in the regulation of salt balance and the pathophysiology of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Many aldosterone-regulated genes--including that encoding the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), a key arbiter of Na+ transport in the kidney and other epithelia--have been identified, but the mechanisms by which the hormone modifies chromatin structure and thus transcription remain unknown. We previously described the basal repression of ENaCalpha by a complex containing the histone H3 Lys79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing alternative splice variant a (Dot1a) and the putative transcription factor ALL1-fused gene from chromosome 9 (Af9) as well as the release of this repression by aldosterone treatment. Here we provide evidence from renal collecting duct cells and serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1 (Sgk1) WT and knockout mice that Sgk1 phosphorylated Af9, thereby impairing the Dot1a-Af9 interaction and leading to targeted histone H3 Lys79 hypomethylation at the ENaCalpha promoter and derepression of ENaCalpha transcription. Thus, Af9 is a physiologic target of Sgk1, and Sgk1 negatively regulates the Dot1a-Af9 repressor complex that controls transcription of ENaCalpha and likely other aldosterone-induced genes.