972 resultados para SCALAR-TENSOR GRAVITY
The well-known D-dimensional Feynman integrals were shown, by Halliday and Ricotta, to be capable of undergoing analytic continuation into the domain of negative values for the dimension of space-time. Furthermore, this could be identified with Grassmannian integration in positive dimensions. From this possibility follows the concept of negative-dimensional integration for loop integrals in field theories. Using this technique, we evaluate three two-loop three-point scalar integrals, with five and six massless propagators, with specific external kinematic configurations (two legs on-shell), and four three-loop two-point scalar integrals. These results are given for arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension, in Euclidean space, and the particular cases compared to results published in the literature.
An algorithm for computing the propagator for three-dimensional quadratic gravity with a gravitational Chern-Simons term, based on an extension of the three-dimensional Barnes-Rivers operators, is proposed. A systematic study of the tree-level unitarity of this theory is developed and its agreement with Newton's law is investigated by computing the effective nonrelativistic potential. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
A simple proof is given that a 2 x 2 matrix scheme for an inverse scattering transform method for integrable equations can be converted into the standard form of the second-order scalar spectral problem associated with the same equations. Simple formulae relating these two kinds of representation of integrable equations are established.
A new approach to the description of a spin-2 particle in flat and curved spacetime is developed on the basis of the teleparallel gravity theory. We show that such an approach is in fact a true and natural framework for the Fierz representation proposed recently by Novello and Neves. More specifically, we demonstrate how the teleparallel theory fixes uniquely the structure of the Fierz tensor, discover the transparent origin of the gauge symmetry of the spin-2 model, and derive the linearized Einstein operator from the fundamental identity of the teleparallel gravity. In order to cope with the consistency problem on the curved spacetime, similarly to the usual Riemannian approach, one needs to include the nonminimal (torsion dependent) coupling terms.
The stationary cosmological model without closed timelike curves of Godel type is obtained for the ideal dust matter source within the framework of the teleparallel gravity. For a specific choice of the teleparallel gravity parameters, this solution reproduces the causality violating stationary Godel solution in general relativity, in accordance with the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity. The relation between the axial-vector torsion and the cosmic vorticity is clarified. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We perform an update of our previous analysis of the constraints on possible deviations of Hb (b) over bar coupling parametrized as (m(b)/v)(a+igamma(5)b), arising from a scalar-pseudoscalar mixing, where the process e(+)e(-)-->b (b) over bar nu(ν) over bar was used. In this paper we include a complete simulation of the process e(+)e(-)-->b (b) over bare(+)e(-) and combine these results to obtain tighter bounds on the deviations of the parameters a and b from their standard model values that could be measured at the Next Linear Collider.
We examine a nearly extreme macroscopic Reissner-Nordstrom black hole in the context of semiclassical gravity. The absorption rate associated with the quantum tunneling process of scalar particles whereby this black hole can acquire enough angular momentum to violate the weak cosmic-censorship conjecture is shown to be nonzero.
In the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, the Weitzenbock manifold is considered as the limit of a suitable sequence of discrete lattices composed of an increasing number of smaller and smaller simplices, where the interior of each simplex (Delaunay lattice) is assumed to be flat. The link lengths l between any pair of vertices serve as independent variables, so that torsion turns out to be localized in the two-dimensional hypersurfaces (dislocation triangle, or hinge) of the lattice. Assuming that a vector undergoes a dislocation in relation to its initial position as it is parallel transported along the perimeter of the dual lattice (Voronoi polygon), we obtain the discrete analogue of the teleparallel action, as well as the corresponding simplicial vacuum field equations.
The addition of a topological Chern-Simons term to three-dimensional higher-derivative gravity is not a good therapy to cure the nonunitarity of the aforementioned theory. Moreover, R+R-2 gravity in (2+1)D, which is unitary at the tree level, becomes tree-level nonunitary when it is augmented by the abovementioned topological term. Therefore, unlike what is claimed in the literature, topological higher-derivative gravity in (2+1)D is not tree-level unitary and neither is topological three-dimensional R+R-2 gravity.
The possibility of setting constraints on the Couplings of a scalar (pseudoscalar) Higgs boson to the tau lepton and the b quark in the reactions e(+)e(-)-->v (v) over bar tau(+)tau(-) and e(+)e(-)-->v (v) over barb (b) over bar at a future linear electron-positron collider of total energy roots = 500 GeV is studied. The admixture of a new hypothetical pseudoscalar state of the Higgs boson in the Hf (f) over bar vertex is parametrized in the form (mf/v)(a+igamma(5)b). on the basis of an analysis of differential distributions for the processes under study, it is shown that data from the future linear collider TESLA will make it possible to constrain the parameters a and b as -0.32 less than or equal to Deltaa less than or equal to 0.24 and -0.73 less than or equal to b less than or equal to 0.73 in the case of the reaction e(+)e(-)-->v (v) over bar tau(+)tau(-) and as -0.026 less than or equal to Deltaa less than or equal to 0.027 and -0.23 less than or equal to b less than or equal to 0.23 in the case of the reaction e(+)e(-) --> v (v) over barb (b) over bar. It is emphasized that the contribution of the fusion Subprocess WW --> H in the channel involving an electron neutrino is of particular importance, since this contribution enhances the sensitivity of data to the parameters being analyzed. (C) 2004 MAIK Nauka/Inierperiodica.
We investigate the potential of TESLA and JLC/NLC electron-positron linear collider designs to observe diquarks produced resonantly in processes involving hard photons.
It was shown recently that in four dimensions scalar sources with fixed proper acceleration minimally coupled to a massless Klein-Gordon field lead to the same responses when they are (i) uniformly accelerated in Minkowski spacetime (in the inertial vacuum) and (ii) static in the Schwarzschild spacetime (in the Unruh vacuum). Here we show that this equivalence is broken if the spacetime dimension is more than four.
By generalizing the Hodge dual operator to the case of soldered bundles, and working in the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, an analysis of the duality symmetry in gravitation is performed. Although the basic conclusion is that, at least in the general-case, gravitation is not dual symmetric, there is a particular theory in which this symmetry shows up. It is a self dual (or anti-self dual) teleparallel gravity in which, due to the fact that it does not contribute to the interaction of fermions with gravitation, the purely tensor part of torsion is assumed to vanish. The ensuing fermionic gravitational interaction is found to be chiral. Since duality is intimately related to renormalizability, this theory may eventually be more amenable to renormalization than telepaxallel gravity or general relativity.
We discuss the properties of the gravitational energy-momentum 3-form within the tetrad formulation of general relativity theory. We derive the covariance properties of the quantities describing the energy-momentum content under Lorentz transformations of the tetrad. As an application, we consider the computation of the total energy (mass) of some exact solutions of Einstein's general relativity theory which describe compact sources with asymptotically flat spacetime geometry. As it is known, depending on the choice of tetrad frame, the formal total integral for such configurations may diverge. We propose a natural regularization method which yields finite values for the total energy-momentum of the system and demonstrate how it works on a number of explicit examples.