708 resultados para SATURABLE ABSORBER


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Los cultivos de soja, girasol y maíz difieren en los umbrales críticos de fósforo (P), lo cual sugiere que poseen diferente eficiencia fosfatada. Un mejor conocimiento de los mecanismos de la eficiencia fosfatada es agronómicamente significativo para avanzar en el diseño de esquemas de manejo que permitan incrementar la eficiencia del P y reducir el requerimiento de fertilizantes. La eficiencia fosforada se define como la habilidad de la planta para adquirir P y/o utilizarlo en la producción de biomasa. El objetivo general de esta tesis fue realizar un análisis comparativo de la eficiencia fosfatada de los cultivos de soja, girasol y maíz. Se realizaron experimentos a campo y en invernáculo con plantas creciendo bajo diferentes niveles de P disponible. Primero se comparó la habilidad de estos cultivos para adquirir y utilizar P y se evaluaron algunas características radicales que determinan la eficiencia fosfatada. Mientras soja y girasol mostraron una alta eficiencia de adquisición de P, el maíz fue más eficiente en su utilización. Se observó que soja y girasol, por su morfología y arquitectura radical, son capaces de absorber más P por unidad de C invertido en biomasa radical. En segundo lugar se evaluó la generación de porosidad radical y su efecto sobre la eficiencia de adquisición de P. Aunque la deficiencia fosfatada indujo la formación de porosidad en las tres especies, esta respuesta fue mayor en soja. La presencia de esta mayor porosidad en soja contribuyó a que sea más eficiente que girasol y maíz en absorber P. Finalmente se evaluó el impacto de la micorrización sobre la eficiencia fosfatada. En soja micorrizada, el incremento en la eficiencia fosfatada fue intensificado bajo condiciones deficientes en P. Por el contrario, la mayor eficiencia de adquisición del girasol no estuvo asociada a las micorrizas sino a su morfología radical (raíces más finas). El relevamiento de la colonización micorrícica nativa en suelos de la Región Pampeana demostró que las micorrizas están muy presentes en estos sistemas. En soja, el incremento de la colonización ocurre justo en el punto donde el P edáfico se vuelve limitante para el crecimiento del cultivo. En esta tesis se identificaron características radicales que permiten incrementar la eficiencia de adquisición de P en soja y girasol, y que ayudan a explicar los diferentes requerimientos externos de P de estos cultivos con el maíz.


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El paisaje urbano-rural argentino ha sido sometido a profundos cambios en los últimos años. Entre ellos, la despoblación progresiva de la fase rural como fuente de aumento de la población en la fase urbana y la expansión e intensificación de la agricultura en relación al mercado global han sido los más importantes. Estos cambios modifican los flujos de energía, materia y/o información que vinculan las fases urbana y rural. La posibilidad de lograr un uso sustentable de recursos en un paisaje urbano-rural está asociada al grado de acoplamiento entre las fases, tanto para satisfacer al consumo como para absorber los desechos generados. Sin embargo, esta interrelación entre la demanda de las ciudades sobre la oferta de los ecosistemas que los contienen ha sido poco estudiada. En esta tesis se describen y cuantifican las interacciones, en términos de intercambio de materia y energía, entre una serie de ciudades argentinas de tamaño medio (25 a 41 mil habitante) y sus ecosistemas circundantes. La caracterización del funcionamiento del paisaje se realizó a través de las metodologías de Huella Ecológica y Análisis de Flujos de Materia y Energía. En segunda instancia, la caracterización de la estructura espacial se realizó a través de metodologías geoestadísticas y mediante una modificación de la Huella Ecológica, la cual incorpora la heterogeneidad del paisaje. Los resultados muestran que, en términos funcionales, los paisajes urbanorurales, aunque contrastantes, presentaron características similares: alto consumo energético y gran capacidad de producir bienes agrícolas y/o ganaderos, los cuales son exportados en su mayoría, satisfaciendo también gran parte del consumo local. Sin embargo, todos los paisajes resultaron fuertemente dependientes de sistemas externos, tanto para ubicar su producción como para suplir la demanda energética. A su vez, el consumo de energía muestra un nivel de impacto alto en términos de emisiones de carbono, mostrando un déficit en la capacidad de mitigar estas emisiones a escala de paisaje. El proceso de agriculturización ha generado una homogeneización de los distintos paisajes urbano-rurales, afectando distintos aspectos de los ecosistemas, que generalmente no son considerados en los an⭩sis de la sustentabilidad regionales. Generar cambios en el territorio que permitan aumentar el nivel de vinculación entre las fases urbana y rural así como establecer estrategias para la mitigación de emisiones de carbono puede mejorar considerablemente el nivel de sustentabilidad de los paisajes urbano-rurales


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El paisaje urbano-rural argentino ha sido sometido a profundos cambios en los últimos años. Entre ellos, la despoblación progresiva de la fase rural como fuente de aumento de la población en la fase urbana y la expansión e intensificación de la agricultura en relación al mercado global han sido los más importantes. Estos cambios modifican los flujos de energía, materia y/o información que vinculan las fases urbana y rural. La posibilidad de lograr un uso sustentable de recursos en un paisaje urbano-rural está asociada al grado de acoplamiento entre las fases, tanto para satisfacer al consumo como para absorber los desechos generados. Sin embargo, esta interrelación entre la demanda de las ciudades sobre la oferta de los ecosistemas que los contienen ha sido poco estudiada. En esta tesis se describen y cuantifican las interacciones, en términos de intercambio de materia y energía, entre una serie de ciudades argentinas de tamaño medio (25 a 41 mil habitante) y sus ecosistemas circundantes. La caracterización del funcionamiento del paisaje se realizó a través de las metodologías de Huella Ecológica y Análisis de Flujos de Materia y Energía. En segunda instancia, la caracterización de la estructura espacial se realizó a través de metodologías geoestadísticas y mediante una modificación de la Huella Ecológica, la cual incorpora la heterogeneidad del paisaje. Los resultados muestran que, en términos funcionales, los paisajes urbanorurales, aunque contrastantes, presentaron características similares: alto consumo energético y gran capacidad de producir bienes agrícolas y/o ganaderos, los cuales son exportados en su mayoría, satisfaciendo también gran parte del consumo local. Sin embargo, todos los paisajes resultaron fuertemente dependientes de sistemas externos, tanto para ubicar su producción como para suplir la demanda energética. A su vez, el consumo de energía muestra un nivel de impacto alto en términos de emisiones de carbono, mostrando un déficit en la capacidad de mitigar estas emisiones a escala de paisaje. El proceso de agriculturización ha generado una homogeneización de los distintos paisajes urbano-rurales, afectando distintos aspectos de los ecosistemas, que generalmente no son considerados en los an⭩sis de la sustentabilidad regionales. Generar cambios en el territorio que permitan aumentar el nivel de vinculación entre las fases urbana y rural así como establecer estrategias para la mitigación de emisiones de carbono puede mejorar considerablemente el nivel de sustentabilidad de los paisajes urbano-rurales


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This paper presents a comparison of impact dynamic performance between articulated trains and non-articulated trains. This is carried out by investigation of the characteristics of the two trains types and analysis of their effects on impact dynamics. The analysis shows that the differences in bogie support positions on the carbody and coupling devices lead to differences in several structural and compositional characteristics. These characteristics result in different impact responses for the two types of train and are directly related to their impact stablity. Articulated trains have stiff connection and integral performance in collisions but with less capability for absorbing impact energy between carriages, whereas non-articulated trains show loose connection and scattered performance in collisions but with more options for energy absorber installation between carriages.


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Saturable absorption is a phenomenon readily seen in the optical and infrared wavelengths. It has never been observed in core-electron transitions owing to the short lifetime of the excited states involved and the high intensities of the soft X-rays needed. We report saturable absorption of an L-shell transition in aluminium using record intensities over 10(16)W cm(-2) at a photon energy of 92 eV. From a consideration of the relevant timescales, we infer that immediately after the X-rays have passed, the sample is in an exotic state where all of the aluminium atoms have an L-shell hole, and the valence band has approximately a 9 eV temperature, whereas the atoms are still on their crystallographic positions. Subsequently, Auger decay heats the material to the warm dense matter regime, at around 25 eV temperatures. The method is an ideal candidate to study homogeneous warm dense matter, highly relevant to planetary science, astrophysics and inertial confinement fusion.


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We present an analysis of hard X-ray features in the spectrum of the bright Sy 1 galaxy Mrk 335 observed by the XMM-Newton satellite. Our analysis confirms the presence of a broad, ionized Fe Ka emission line in the spectrum, first found by Gondoin et al. The broad line can be modelled successfully by relativistic accretion disc reflection models. This interpretation is unusually robust in the case of Mrk 335 because of the lack of any ionized ('warm') absorber and the absence a clear narrow core to the line. Partial covering by neutral gas cannot, however, be ruled out statistically as the origin of the broad residuals. Regardless of the underlying continuum we report, for the first time in this source, the detection of a narrow absorption feature at the rest frame energy of ~5.9 keV. If the feature is identified with a resonance absorption line of iron in a highly ionized medium, the redshift of the line corresponds to an inflow velocity of ~0.11-0.15c. We present a simple model for the inflow, accounting approximately for relativistic and radiation pressure effects, and use Monte Carlo methods to compute synthetic spectra for qualitative comparison with the data. This modelling shows that the absorption feature can plausibly be reproduced by infalling gas providing that the feature is identified with Fe xxvi. We require the inflowing gas to extend over a limited range of radii at a few tens of r to match the observed feature. The mass accretion rate in the flow corresponds to 60 per cent of the Eddington limit, in remarkable agreement with the observed rate. The narrowness of the absorption line tends to argue against a purely gravitational origin for the redshift of the line, but given the current data quality we stress that such an interpretation cannot be ruled out. © 2006 The Authors.


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We report on experiments aimed at the generation and characterization of solid density plasmas at the free-electron laser FLASH in Hamburg. Aluminum samples were irradiated with XUV pulses at 13.5 nm wavelength (92 eV photon energy). The pulses with duration of a few tens of femtoseconds and pulse energy up to 100 mu J are focused to intensities ranging between 10(13) and 10(17) W/cm(2). We investigate the absorption and temporal evolution of the sample under irradiation by use of XUV and optical spectroscopy. We discuss the origin of saturable absorption, radiative decay, bremsstrahlung and atomic and ionic line emission. Our experimental results are in good agreement with simulations.


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We present a comparison of two Suzaku X-ray observations of the nearby (z = 0.184), luminous (L ∼ 10 erg s) type I quasar, PDS 456. A new 125 ks Suzaku observation in 2011 caught the quasar during a period of low X-ray flux and with a hard X-ray spectrum, in contrast with a previous 190 ks Suzaku observation in 2007 when the quasar appeared brighter and had a steep (Γ > 2) X-ray spectrum. The 2011 X-ray spectrum contains a pronounced trough near 9 keV in the quasar rest frame, which can be modeled with blueshifted iron K-shell absorption, most likely from the He- and H-like transitions of iron. The absorption trough is observed at a similar rest-frame energy as in the earlier 2007 observation, which appears to confirm the existence of a persistent high-velocity wind in PDS 456, at an outflow velocity of 0.25-0.30c. The spectral variability between 2007 and 2011 can be accounted for by variations in a partial covering absorber, increasing in covering fraction from the brighter 2007 observation to the hard and faint 2011 observation. Overall, the low-flux 2011 observation can be explained if PDS 456 is observed at relatively low inclination angles through a Compton-thick wind, originating from the accretion disk, which significantly attenuates the X-ray flux from the quasar. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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Oyster® is a surface-piercing flap-type device designed to harvest wave energy in the nearshore environment. Established mathematical theories of wave energy conversion, such as 3D point-absorber and 2D terminator theory, are inadequate to accurately describe the behaviour of Oyster, historically resulting in distorted conclusions regarding the potential of such a concept to harness the power of ocean waves. Accurately reproducing the dynamics of Oyster requires the introduction of a new reference mathematical model, the “flap-type absorber”. A flap-type absorber is a large thin device which extracts energy by pitching about a horizontal axis parallel to the ocean bottom. This paper unravels the mathematics of Oyster as a flap-type absorber. The main goals of this work are to provide a simple–yet accurate–physical interpretation of the laws governing the mechanism of wave power absorption by Oyster and to emphasise why some other, more established, mathematical theories cannot be expected to accurately describe its behaviour.


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An analysis of ≃19 500 narrow (≲200 km s-1) CIV λλ1548.2,1550.8 absorbers in ≃34 000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar spectra is presented. The statistics of the number of absorbers as a function of outflow velocity shows that in approximately two-thirds of outflows, with multiple C IV absorbers present, absorbers are line-locked at the 500 km s-1 velocity separation of the C IV absorber doublet; appearing as 'triplets' in the quasar spectra. Line-locking is an observational signature of radiative line-driving in outflowing material, where the successive shielding of 'clouds' of material in the outflow locks the clouds together in outflow velocity. Line-locked absorbers are seen in both broad absorption line (BAL) quasars and non-BAL quasars with comparable frequencies and with velocities out to at least 20 000 km s-1. There are no detectable differences in the absorber properties and the dust content of single C IV doublets and line-locked C IV doublets. The gas associated with both single and line-locked CIV absorption systems includes material with a wide range of ionization potential (14-138 eV). Both single and line-locked CIV absorber systems show strong systematic trends in their ionization as a function of outflow velocity, with ionization decreasing rapidly with increasing outflow velocity. Initial simulations, employing CLOUDY, demonstrate that a rich spectrum of line-locked signals at various velocities may be expected due to significant opacities from resonance lines of Li-, He- and H-like ions of O, C and N, along with contributions from He II and HI resonance lines. The simulations confirm that line-driving can be the dominant acceleration mechanism for clouds with N(H I) ≃ 1019 cm-2.


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We report on experiments aimed at the generation and characterization of solid density plasmas at the free-electron laser FLASH in Hamburg. Aluminum samples were irradiated with XUV pulses at 13.5 nm wavelength (92 eV photon energy). The pulses with duration of a few tens of femtoseconds and pulse energy up to 100 mu J are focused to intensities ranging from 10(13) to 10(17) W/cm(2). We investigate the absorption and temporal evolution of the sample under irradiation by use of XUV spectroscopy. We discuss the origin of saturable absorption, radiative decay, bremsstrahlung and ionic line emission. Our experimental results are in good agreement with hydrodynamic simulations.


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A low cost solar collector was developed by using polymeric components as opposed to metal and glass components of traditional solar collectors. In order to utilize polymers for the absorber of the solar collector, Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) has been added as a filler to improve the thermal conductivity and the solar absorptivity of polymers. The solar collector was designed as a multi-layer construction with considering the economic manufacturing. Through the mathematical heat transfer analysis, the performance and characteristics of the designed solar collector have been estimated. Furthermore, the prototypes of the proposed system were built and tested at a state-of-the-art solar simulator facility to evaluate the actual performance of the developed solar collector. The cost-effective polymer-CNT solar collector, which achieved efficiency as much as that of a conventional glazed flat plate solar panel, has been successfully developed.


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Despite the abundance of studies investigating the performance of composite structures under crush loading, disagreement remains in the literature regarding the effect of increased strain rate on the crush response. This study reports an experimental investigation of the behaviour of a carbon-epoxy composite energy absorber under static and dynamic loading with a strain rate of up to 100s<sup>-1</sup>. Consistent damage modes and measured force responses were obtained in samples tested under the same strain rate. The energy absorption was found to be independent of strain rate as the total energy absorption appeared to be largely associated with fibre-dominated fracture, which is independent of strain rate within the studied range. The results from this study are beneficial for the design of energy absorbing structures.


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We report the static & dynamic magnetic characteristics of a high-layer-number NiFe/FeMn multilayer test structure with potential applications in broadband absorber and filter devices. To allow fine control over the absorption linewidths and to understand the mechanisms governing the resonances in a tailored structure similar to that expected to be used in real world applications, the multilayer was intentionally designed to have layer thickness and interface roughness variations. Magnetometry measurements show the sample has complex hysteresis loops with features consistent with single ferromagnetic film reversals. Structural characterisation by transmission electron microscopy allows us to correlate the magnetic properties with structural features. Analysis of resonance frequencies from broadband ferromagnetic resonance measurements as a function of field magnitude and orientation provide values of the local exchange bias, rotatable anisotropy, and uniaxial anisotropy fields for specific layers in the stack and explain the observed mode softening. The linewidths of the multilayer are adjustable around the bias field, approaching twice that seen at larger fields, allowing control over the bandwidth of devices formed from the structure.


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A theoretical approach has been used to evaluate the performance of facade integrated solar collectors based on the physical collector parameters such as absorber plate absorptance, transmittance of the glazed cover plate and insulation thickness. A 1D steady state model, based on the Hottel Whillier Bliss equation, was employed to determine the effect of changing parameters to meet façade integration criteria.