441 resultados para S. Infantis


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Contexto: Os hemangiomas infantis £o os tumores vasculares benignos mais comuns da infância e representam um desafio em relação ao tratamento.Descrição do caso: Descrevemos o caso de uma criança do sexo masculino, de quatro meses de idade, que apresentava um hemangioma de grande exten£o na região cervical direita.Discussão: Apresentamos as diversas formas de tratamento dos hemangiomas da infância, com ênfase no tratamento com betabloqueadores sistêmicos.Concluµes: Apesar de o diagnóstico dos hemangiomas infantis não apresentar complexidade, há várias formas de tratamento, com base na localização, no tamanho e nas complicações possíveis de cada le£o em particular.


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Objective. To asses fairy tales reading as a humanization strategy of hospitalized children care. Methodology. Qualitative study in which data was collected from: fairy tales reading: individual interview, questionnaire, drawings and stories created by the children. Results. During reading sessions, improvement in the children’s reactions was seen: They were more focused, participative, enthusiastic and happy; those accompanying the children liked and accepted this intervention. Data analysis collected from Interviews, questionnaires, narratives and drawings, showed results in favor of the tales reading practice. Conclusion. The humanization strategy of care supported by fairy tales reading, had a positive impact in the children’s admission to the hospital.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper, we propose a brief analysis of Ou Isto ou Aquilo, a 1964 children's poetry book by Cecilia Meireles. Based on the perception that the poems in this book possess a distinctive character, both aesthetically and thematically, the analysis focuses precisely on the work's unique aspects, regarding the approach to certain issues which are not customarily associated with the child's universe - such as solitude, death, longing, sorrow, angst and nostalgia. Our work aims to shun a common - and sometimes reductionist - vision of children's poetry, by seeing the ludic primarily as a tool that allows the poet to address denser themes in a way that is accessible to children, but without underestimating them. Likewise, based on the assumptions presented, we intend to demonstrate how the author allows not only children, but also to the adult readers, to get in contact with poetic profundity that is not restricted to the target audience. Thus, we expect that the presentation and the analysis of children's poems might, in a way, redeem the importance of Cecilia Meireles's children's poetic production


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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O artigo apresenta uma perspectiva sintética da concepção de criança, pontuando questões relacionadas à pós-modernidade e ao problema da violência sexual intrafamiliar, o que faz parte da revi£o bibliográfica para a elaboração de dissertação do Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e Social da UFPA. As reflexões £o articuladas através dos pontos de vista da Psicologia e da terapia ocupacional, pois a primeira é a base do nosso mestrado, e a segunda, do campo de atuação. O pensamento pós-moderno valoriza o singular e o idiossincrático, assim, apreender o discurso sobre a criança nos remete à importância de compreender o que elas próprias pensam e sentem sobre a sua condição infantil. A Psicologia da qual nos valemos oferece, para as análises, o conceito de nutrição psicológica, que diz respeito ao provimento, pelos cuidadores, de alimentos positivos capazes de permitir à criança desenvolver-se de modo criativo e saudável; além desse conceito, a terapia ocupacional apresenta o de atividades expressivas.


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In this paper, we propose a brief analysis of Ou Isto ou Aquilo, a 1964 children's poetry book by Cecilia Meireles. Based on the perception that the poems in this book possess a distinctive character, both aesthetically and thematically, the analysis focuses precisely on the work's unique aspects, regarding the approach to certain issues which are not customarily associated with the child's universe - such as solitude, death, longing, sorrow, angst and nostalgia. Our work aims to shun a common - and sometimes reductionist - vision of children's poetry, by seeing the ludic primarily as a tool that allows the poet to address denser themes in a way that is accessible to children, but without underestimating them. Likewise, based on the assumptions presented, we intend to demonstrate how the author allows not only children, but also to the adult readers, to get in contact with poetic profundity that is not restricted to the target audience. Thus, we expect that the presentation and the analysis of children's poems might, in a way, redeem the importance of Cecilia Meireles's children's poetic production


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS