998 resultados para Rocha natural
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Um surto de leptospirose humana por atividade recreacional ocorreu no município de São José dos Campos em novembro de 1987, envolvendo um grupo de pessoas que, ao participarem de uma festa de confraternização em um clube na periferia da cidade, banharam-se em uma piscina de água natural. Após a realização da investigação epidemiológica e laboratorial, observou-se alta prevalência do sorotipo pomona na análise sorológica (91%) e não se conseguiu isolar o agente etiológico nas amostras de água da piscina do clube. Os dados epidemiológicos e laboratoriais sugerem que a fonte de infecção tenha sido a água da piscina contaminada por dejetos de suínos e de outros animais domésticos dos locais adjacentes a água do córrego que alimentava a piscina do clube.
This paper represents the first detailed study of the Transversarium-Bifurcatus Zone boundary in the Algarve. The boundary studied in the Peral area is associated with a stratigraphic discontinuity, whose hiatus partially affects the Transversarium-Bifurcatus Zones. A discontinuity was also recognized in the Bifurcatus-Birnammatum Zone boundary, which can be correlated with the traces of a Type II unconformity, which separates cycles 4.3-4.4 in HAQ et al. (1987), present on the South Iberian palaeomargin. An analysis was made of the ecostratigraphic evolution in the interval between the uppermost Transversarium Zone and the lower part of the Bimammatum Zone on the basis of the faunal spectra obtained. We conclude that ammonites are the most tolerant cephalopods to the ecological stress caused by the increase of inflows and the decrease of the shelf's ecospace. Benthic fauna decreased considerably in these conditions. A relatively abundant and diversified fauna ofDichotomoceras is noteworthy among the ammonites collected, as this genus was previously little known in the Algarve.
Un ejemplar adulto macho de Speothos venaticus Lund, 1842 fue muerto accidentalmente en una vía de penetración rural, situada en la región Noroeste del Estado Bolívar, Venezuela, en el Municipio donde desde hace 16 años vive una paciente con lagochilascariasis. El animal conservado durante un mes por congelación y desprovisto de su piel y cabeza fue autopsiado, hallándose en la tráquea dos especímenes adultos hembras y grávidos de Lagochilascaris sp., los cuales presentaban algunas características morfológicas de sus partes blandas diferentes a Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909; entretanto, distintivos estables como son la forma de los interlabios, la localización de la vulva y particularmente el tamaño y número de las depresiones de la cáscara de los huevos, inclinan a pensar que se trata de aquel parásito, a pesar de no haberse hallado vermes machos que permitiesen el estudio de las espículas y su ducto eyaculador. Fueron localizadas en cortes histológicos de laringe y tráquea profundamente situadas, secciones de formas degeneradas con características atribuíbles a Lagochilascaris sp.
The clinical content of administrative databases includes, among others, patient demographic characteristics, and codes for diagnoses and procedures. The data in these databases is standardized, clearly defined, readily available, less expensive than collected by other means, and normally covers hospitalizations in entire geographic areas. Although with some limitations, this data is often used to evaluate the quality of healthcare. Under these circumstances, the quality of the data, for instance, errors, or it completeness, is of central importance and should never be ignored. Both the minimization of data quality problems and a deep knowledge about this data (e.g., how to select a patient group) are important for users in order to trust and to correctly interpret results. In this paper we present, discuss and give some recommendations for some problems found in these administrative databases. We also present a simple tool that can be used to screen the quality of data through the use of domain specific data quality indicators. These indicators can significantly contribute to better data, to give steps towards a continuous increase of data quality and, certainly, to better informed decision-making.
Studies on eight localities on the Island of Santa Catarina revealed the presence of three species of the molluscan family Planorbidae: Biomphalaria tenagophila, Drepanotrema cimex and Biomphalaria oligoza, the first one being naturally infected by Cercaria ocellifera, a furcocercaria with morphological characteristics of Cercaria caratinguensis, and by an unknown furcocercaria. Drepanotrema cimex was infected by a furcocercaria with characteristics of C. caratinguensis and by C. macrogranulosa. No natural infection was found in B. oligoza. B. tenagophila showed no susceptibility to the experimental infection by the BH-MG strain of Schistosoma mansoni from Belo Horizonte and maintained at laboratory in B. glabrata snails.
The aim of this work was to simulate the radionuclides dispersion in the surrounding area of a coal-fired power plant, operational during the last 25 years. The dispersion of natural radionuclides (236Ra, 232Th and 40K) was simulated by a Gaussian plume dispersion model with three different stability classes estimating the radionuclides concentration at ground level. Measurements of the environmen-tal activity concentrations were carried out by γ-spectrometry and compared with results from the air dispersion and deposition model which showed that the stabil-ity class D causes the dispersion to longer distances up to 20 km from the stacks.
Foi estudada a ação quimioprofilática na esquistossomose experimental do óleo essencial do fruto de Pterodon pubescens Benth (Leguminosae), incorporado a diferentes formulações de sabonete. As formulações foram usadas topicamente nas caudas de camundongos que, imediatamente, 24,72 ou 168 horas após, foram expostos a cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, pelo método de imersão da cauda. A proteção foi avaliada 45 dias após a exposição, quando os camundongos foram sacrificados e os vermes recolhidos por perfusão. Os resultados mostraram níveis de proteção variando de 0,0 a 100% conforme a formulação usada. Foi também desenvolvida uma metodologia que possibilitou a avaliação do sabonete protetor quando camundongos foram expostos à infecção natural em córregos infestados com caramujos na periferia de Belo Horizonte, MG. Resultados promissores foram obtidos, uma vez que houve proteção de 57,5 e 31,1% quando os animais foram ensaboados 24 e 48 horas antes. Estudos preliminares de avaliação de irritação e toxicidade foram favoráveis e mostraram que esta nova arma profilática poderá auxiliar no controle da esquistossomose.
A study was undertaken about T. sordida in the natural environment in two different regions of the state of Minas Gerais: Itapagipe (Triângulo), an area of cerrado modified by the formation of fields of pasture and agriculture, and Mato Verde (north) an area of transition between caatinga and cerrado with profound deforestation in the last years due to the expansion of cotton cultivation. In both regions the principal ecotopes identified were hollow trees and the bark of live or dead trees, where the occurrence of a food source is not frequent. In this environment, the triatomines utilize various food sources; opposums appear to represent an important source of infection. In the north of Minas, a greater concentration of reservoirs and vectors was observed than in the Triángulo which could explain the higher level of infection of the triatomines in the north. Close attention to the process of domiciliation of T. sordida in the north of Minas is recommended where an extensive intervention by man in the natural environment has occurred and where a rise in the population of triatomines in the peridomestic environment has been observed in recent years.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil de Engenharia Ecológica
The development of resistance in three stages throughout an active infection (pre-ovular, acute and initial chronic stages) was studied, comparing the total number of adult worms recovered from the reinfected group and the control groups. It was shown that Nectomys squamipes was unable to develop resistance in the tested conditions and, on the other hand, reinfection in the pre-ovular period of the parasite led the rodent to present the phenomenonacilitation, with reduction of natural resistance and an increase in the parasite load. These results suggest the existence of other forms of immunity diverse from the concomitant immunity in the host-parasite relationship, according to the employed model.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química – Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
The main result of this work is a new criterion for the formation of good clusters in a graph. This criterion uses a new dynamical invariant, the performance of a clustering, that characterizes the quality of the formation of clusters. We prove that the growth of the dynamical invariant, the network topological entropy, has the effect of worsening the quality of a clustering, in a process of cluster formation by the successive removal of edges. Several examples of clustering on the same network are presented to compare the behavior of other parameters such as network topological entropy, conductance, coefficient of clustering and performance of a clustering with the number of edges in a process of clustering by successive removal.
In this paper, motivated by the interest and relevance of the study of tumor growth models, a central point of our investigation is the study of the chaotic dynamics and the bifurcation structure of Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions: a class of continuousdefined one-dimensional maps. Using symbolic dynamics techniques and iteration theory, we established that depending on the properties of this class of functions in a neighborhood of a bifurcation point PBB, in a two-dimensional parameter space, there exists an order regarding how the infinite number of periodic orbits are born: the Sharkovsky ordering. Consequently, the corresponding symbolic sequences follow the usual unimodal kneading sequences in the topological ordered tree. We verified that under some sufficient conditions, Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions have a particular bifurcation structure: a big bang bifurcation point PBB. This fractal bifurcations structure is of the so-called "box-within-a-box" type, associated to a boxe ω1, where an infinite number of bifurcation curves issues from. This analysis is done making use of fold and flip bifurcation curves and symbolic dynamics techniques. The present paper is an original contribution in the framework of the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps.