902 resultados para Relationship quality


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This study investigated the multiple, complex, dynamic and interactive variables influencing successful reintegration of ex-prisoners, with a particular focus on the role of emotional state in the reintegration process. This involved conduct of a survey to a large group of prisoners approaching release and subsequently following release from prisons in Victoria and Queensland. Participants were 101 adult prisoners who completed a pre-release questionnaire one month prior to their release that focused on prison-related variables, participant background, and anticipated conditions upon release. A post-release questionnaire was administered to the same participants at one to four weeks and three to four months post-release, focusing on the quality of life conditions experienced following release. As well, the Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory were completed at each interview. Of interest, was the level and degree of change in prisoner ratings of depression, anxiety, and anger at pre-release and extending over the post-release period. As well, the strength of relationship between emotional state and the main variables influencing reintegration was investigated; that is, the degree to which reintegration variables (such as social support, drug use, post-release program participation, rated health) are associated with depression, anxiety, and anger among ex-prisoners. The report commences with the description of an ecological model of community reintegration that enables the main variables that may influence reintegration of ex-prisoners to be easily conceptualised and understood. A review of the international and Australian literature relevant to community reintegration of ex-prisoners is then presented, consistent with this conceptual framework, with a specific emphasis on the role of emotional state in post-release outcomes for this group. In the second section, the study design and method are described, with the results presented in the third section. The fourth and final section of the report includes a discussion of the results, implications for reintegration theory, and practical implications for promoting successful reintegration of ex-prisoners.


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This article reports on research currently being conducted at the Faculty of Education, Deakin University, into the factors that contribute to quality learning. It describes a shift in research focus from an emphasis on teachers and teaching to an emphasis on learners and learning, as well as to exploring how learning occurs within a social context.


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For the first time, the relationship between depressive symptoms and sleep quality was explored prospectively during pregnancy. Participants (n = 273) completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Beck Depression Inventory at three 8-week intervals, starting from 15–23 weeks gestation. In addition to sleep quality and depression remaining relatively stable during pregnancy, findings revealed that sleep quality earlier in pregnancy predicted higher levels of depressive symptoms at later stage in pregnancy (after controlling for prior depression levels). In contrast, there was no evidence to suggest that depressive symptoms earlier in pregnancy impacted on sleep quality later on. Given that depressive symptomatology can lead to major depression and given the prevalence of pre- and postnatal depression, our findings suggest that screening for sleep problems during pregnancy may be of clinical significance.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to explore the relationship between knowledge management and quality management with a particular focus on the role of quality culture. The paper also aims to address the assumption that as knowledge management reaches its maturity, in terms of acceptance as an important part of doing business in the modern world, quality will again become the mantra of successful companies.

Design/methodology/approach – A total of 1,000 quality managers from Australian organisations were surveyed for their perspectives on current and future knowledge management and quality management approaches. The questionnaire utilised both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The questionnaire was broken into three sections: respondent profile, current knowledge management and quality management practices, and future predictions for both knowledge management and quality management.

Findings – The key finding of the paper was that organisations would have to embrace a quality culture as a fundamental component of implementing knowledge management in order to compete successfully in such a dynamic business environment. The responses from this survey assist in identifying the relationship between knowledge and quality management, and the importance and future of both knowledge and quality management.

Originality/value – This paper is based upon the assumption that quality is in fact, resurging. It has identified quality culture as the significant link between knowledge management and quality management that leads to successful competitive advantage. Organisations are urged to recognise knowledge management as a vehicle for success not a stand-alone process. It is the first time that such a survey has been designed, and the first time a paper has produced an explanation to the current situation.


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Purpose – This study aims to bring together theoretical concepts from the organizational justice, internal control and fraud literature to develop two distinct models relating to employee fraud and the quality of internal control procedures (ICP), respectively.

Design/methodology/approach – Survey data from 64 Australian firms were used to develop the two models. The first model was tested using a logistic regression analysis, and the second model was tested using a multiple regression analysis.

Findings – The first model reveals that the quality of ICP has a moderating effect on the relationship between perceptions of organizational justice and employee fraud. The second model indicates that ICP quality is significantly and positively related to three key organizational factors: the corporate ethical environment, the extent of risk management training of staff, and the internal audit (IA) activity level.

Practical implications – Risk management strategies relating to employee fraud will need to pay greater attention to organizational factors that affect both perceptions of justice at the workplace and ICP quality, including fostering a more ethical and equitable work environment, increasing IA activities and staff training in risk management.

Originality/value – Using the fraud triangle framework, this study extends previous literature by providing empirical evidence on the role of organizational justice and ICP regarding employee fraud.


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The event sector has often come under the scrutiny of the public. A cursory glance at print and electronic media highlights some of the many negative attitudes social commentators and residents of host destinations have of special events. While there are a number of stakeholders of events, two entities which play a pivotal role in whether, when, and how events are delivered are the event governing bodies (or owners) and the host destinations. This paper examines the relationship between these two stakeholders. Research questions guiding this study are: Do event owners vary in their interactions with event destinations? Should event destinations be more discerning in their selection of the events they host? Can event destinations be more discerning in their selection of the events that they bid for?

While considerable research has focused on the relationship between event owners and host destinations during the event bidding process, this study aimed to explore the relationship more generally to provide greater insights into the event planning process. Thus, the study aimed to address a gap in knowledge about event marketing and management to understand motives for destinations to engage with event owners, and ultimately to enhance the quality of the event experience (for both attendees and non-attendees). A qualitative research approach was employed for this study, with elite interviews being the main data collection method.

The findings indicate that the relationship between event owners and host destinations can be highly problematic. A number of factors were identified as contributing to this situation, including the varying objectives that event owners have for their events; the way in which these objectives are congruent (or not) with host destinations objectives for events in their community; and the way in which a potential match or mis-match of objectives impacts a host destination’s ability to leverage an event. Overall, the researchers concluded that when there is disparity between the culture of the event owners’ organisation, and the social culture of the host destination, this situation is exacerbated. When event owners demonstrated empathy and an understanding of the host destination’s culture, and an understanding of the host destination’s aim for delivering an event, greater levels of perceived success are evident.

In the past, the bid process has been highly competitive. Host destinations have been at the mercy of event owners. However, the authors of this study indicate that as a result of this research, host destinations should be more discerning with regard to which event owners they ‘lie in bed with’ to ensure that the outcomes of the events are beneficial for their myriad stakeholders. It is acknowledged that the event planning and execution process is set within a political market square, as per Larson and Wikstrom’s (2001) suggestion, and that this context provides a fertile ground for research on this topic.


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This paper reports on an investigation of the relationship between students’ level of online activity in units in a business faculty and their evaluations of teaching quality in these units. The analysis was conducted using student evaluation data from 2004 to 2007 together with data for student online activity for one semester. We compare on-campus and off-campus students and undergraduate and postgraduate students. The results indicate that students’ evaluations of units have improved on all surveyed criteria during the five years. We also show that for some cohorts student online activity is associated with greater satisfaction with teaching. The paper concludes by considering the implications of these findings for further research and teaching practice.


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There is a need to investigate the impact of different coping strategies on quality of life (QOL) of people with multiple sclerosis (MS), in order to better inform intervention programs for this population. This study evaluated the relationship between QOL and coping over a 2 year period among people with MS. Participants were 382 people with MS (144 male, 238 females) and 291 people without a neurological or other chronic illness from the general population (101 males, 190 females). People with MS experienced lower QOL than the control group in the domains of global QOL, independence, social and spiritual QOL scales, as well as the problem solving and social/emotional support coping scales. Interestingly, people with MS experienced higher psychological QOL than the general population, and higher detachment and focusing on the positive coping. Over time, people with MS demonstrated increases in their global QOL as well as in their social/emotional support coping. Women demonstrated higher levels than men of global QOL and Social/emotional support coping. The results of these findings have implications for information and intervention programs for people with MS.


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Universities have focused on teaching and learning at a time when quality has become the marker of distinction in international higher education markets. Education markets have meant pedagogical relations have become contractualised with a focus on student satisfaction, exemplified in consumer-oriented generic evaluations of teaching. This article argues, by analysing one example, that generic evaluations are more about accountability and marketing than about improvement of teaching and learning. Furthermore, what students want is not the only criterion for judging teaching. Rather, professionals require, as do academics, a capacity for critical judgement about what constitutes valued knowledge in the pedagogical relationship between teacher and student.


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This study examines the effects of prior experience in the context of a cultural arts service. This is an exploratory study designed to investigate the role familiarity plays in shaping visitor expectations. A cross sectional sample of novice and experienced visitors to a major art exhibition was conducted to investigate expectations, perceptions and service quality. Although the results are inconclusive, the findings provide some support for the proposition that novices have more fragmented expectations in certain dimensions.


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The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship-based factors that affect performance of general building projects in China. Thirteen performance metrics that may be used to measure the success level of construction projects are defined and categorized into four groups namely cost, schedule, quality and relationship performance. Fourteen risks inherent in relationships and 16 tools expected to facilitate relationship building that may affect project success are identified. Data of different projects were collected in China via a self-administered postal survey. Multiple linear regression models are developed to help explain the variance in different performance metrics. It has been found that ten risks and nine tools have either positive or negative influence on project performance to some different extents and in different project development process stages. Detailed explanations are made, especially to those variables bearing unexpected signs. It is recommended that firms in the Chinese construction industry manage the relationship-based factors that are significant in the MLR models so as to achieve project success.


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This thesis sought to advance understanding of the politics of workplace reform, explaining the respective roles of management and employees and how they relate. The literature on workplace reform usually argues that reform is predicated on greater workforce participation in managerial decisions. More specifically, different approaches to workplace reform can be aligned to different forms of participation. Thus quality management can be associated with direct forms of participation, institutional workplace reform may depend on representative forms, and best practice may require a combination of both. This thesis uses empirical evidence to explore this alignment between the different approaches to workplace reform and forms of participation. The period chosen for empirical study is approximately 1985-1992 - an era of rapid innovation in workplace reform for Australian manufacturing. Three workplaces were chosen for intensive study from automotive component manufacturers because that industry was itself a laboratory for workplace reform and also because these firms exemplified different approaches to competitiveness and reform. Three approaches to workplace reform - quality management, institutional workplace reform, and best practice - were distinguished to capture the range of Australian practice at that time. Similarly two approaches to workplace participation were distinguished - direct and representative - to reflect the range of observable practices at that time and to represent competing philosophies. Direct participation illustrated an approach founded in managerial context of the political status quo, whilst representative forms were considered to permit a pluralist shift of power to enable employees to manage in place of management. The three case studies depict companies sharing the competitive crisis of their industry. From this stems the impetus for workplace reform. At this point the firms diverged in their choice of competitive strategies for workplace reform. The case studies reveal, at the superficial level, a match between the chosen approaches to workplace reform and forms of participation. Basically, quality management is associated with direct employee participation, institutional workplace reform with collective bargaining and representative consultative committees, and best practice with both. However when the implementation of reform and participation are examined this match becomes less significant. One firm, Auto Air, achieved highly effective outcomes in both reform and participation. Another firm, Auto Electrical, failed in both. The thesis concluded that the relationship between forms of participation and reform is less significant than the effective implementation of policy. Unitarist or pluralist approaches to power distribution count less than managerial capacity to integrate successive reform initiatives and their commitment to workforce participation hi change.


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Customer-banker relational behavior is dynamic and fast-changing and better interpersonal relationships tend to be characterized by their quality. Banks in Bangladesh are functioning increasingly under the competitive pressures originating from the banking system from non-banking institutions as well as from the domestic and international capital markets. In order to expand banking business, as well as sustain it in the long run, it has now become essential for banks to focus on developing long-term relationships with their customers. One facet of the efficient management of banks is the matching of customers' needs and banking products. Banks, when creating new products, should take into consideration their customers' needs informed by market research programs. In this paper we examine whether banking products in Bangladesh address customers' needs.


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This thesis demonstrated that Australian men with erectile dysfunction (ED) experience poorer levels of masculinity, self-esteem, quality of life, sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction than do men without ED. The implications of these findings for the current medical approach to treating this sexual dysfunction were discussed. The portfolio explores grief following elective abortion and reflects on how grief responses may present in post-abortion counselling. The potential utility of grief therapy to this counselling is demonstrated in four case studies.


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Research utilization investigators have called for more focused examination of the influence of context on research utilization behaviors. Yet, up until recently, lack of instrumentation to identify and quantify aspects of organizational context that are integral to research use has significantly hampered these efforts. The Alberta Context Tool (ACT) was developed to assess the relationships between organizational factors and research utilization by a variety of healthcare professional groups. The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a pilot study using the ACT to elicit pediatric and neonatal healthcare professionals' perceptions of the organizational context in which they work and their use of research to inform practice. Specifically, we report on the relationship between dimensions of context, founded on the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) framework, and self-reported research use behavior.

A cross-sectional survey approach was employed using a version of the ACT, modified specifically for pediatric settings. The survey was administered to nurses working in three pediatric units in Alberta, Canada. Scores for three dimensions of context (culture, leadership and evaluation) were used to categorize respondent data into one of four context groups (high, moderately high, moderately low and low). We then examined the relationships between nurses` self-reported research use and their perceived context.

A 69% response rate was achieved. Statistically significant differences in nurses' perceptions of culture, leadership and evaluation, and self-reported conceptual research use were found across the three units. Differences in instrumental research use across the three groups of nurses by unit were not significant. Higher self-reported instrumental and conceptual research use by all nurses in the sample was associated with more positive perceptions of their context.

Overall, the results of this study lend support to the view that more positive contexts are associated with higher reports of research use in practice. These findings have implications for organizational endeavors to promote evidence-informed practice and maximize the quality of care. Importantly, these findings can be used to guide the development of interventions to target modifiable characteristics of organizational context that are influential in shaping research use behavior.