983 resultados para Raul Velloso
The identification and characterization of differential gene expression from tissues subjected to stress has gained much attention in plant research. The recognition of elements involved in the response to a particular stress enhances the possibility of promoting crop improvement through direct genetic modification. However, the performance of some of the 'first generation' of transgenic plants with the incorporation of a single gene has not always been as expected. These results have stimulated the development of new transgenic constructions introducing more than one gene and capable of modifying complex pathways. Several techniques are available to conduct the analysis of gene regulation, with such information providing the basis for novel constructs specifically designed to modify metabolism. This review deals with techniques that allow the identification and characterization of differentially-expressed genes and the use of molecular pathway information to produce transgenic plants.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a dinâmica trabalho e saúde na atividade dosbombeiros militares de uma Corporação na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Como foco deinvestigação privilegiamos as narrativas relativas ao cotidiano dos trabalhadores, levandoem consideração o cenário encontrado na ocasião da pesquisa. Para marco teóricoconceitualforam selecionados os aportes da psicodinâmica do trabalho, da ergologia, daclínica da atividade e da psicossociologia. A perspectiva metodológica foi situada noâmbito da pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória. Utilizamos a abordagem dashistórias de vida, guiada por um roteiro, juntamente com a aplicação de um pequenoquestionário, o qual registrou alguns dados mais objetivos. Os sujeitos da pesquisacompuseram um grupo de 20 (vinte) bombeiros de diversas patentes militares. A análisedos resultados foi organizada em três grandes seções com os seus respectivosdesdobramentos 1) Contextualização do cenário de atividade; 2) Narrativasprofissionais de três bombeiros militares e por último 3) A realidade de ser bombeiro.A aproximação do cenário, vivido pelos bombeiros militares, permitiu o exame dassituações que foram vivenciadas em um momento de tensão no campo das negociaçõespor direito à saúde e ao trabalho. Em função desta pauta, analisamos os depoimentos dostrabalhadores à luz do marco teórico conceitual proposto e neste mesmo percurso foipossível fazer emergir os aspectos que, em decorrência da natureza da atividade, exercemimpactos na saúde dos profissionais. Por tratar de uma atividade cujo principal objetivo ésalvar vidas e bens, os profissionais trabalham sob um clima de tensão e risco à própriavida. Contudo, concluímos diante dos resultados do estudo que, embora os bombeirosmilitares estabeleçam correlações entre o trabalho e a saúde, a categoria ainda não possuidispositivos coletivos para minimizar os efeitos deletérios da prática de trabalhoconstituídos desta relação.
The collection of wind speed time series by means of digital data loggers occurs in many domains, including civil engineering, environmental sciences and wind turbine technology. Since averaging intervals are often significantly larger than typical system time scales, the information lost has to be recovered in order to reconstruct the true dynamics of the system. In the present work we present a simple algorithm capable of generating a real-time wind speed time series from data logger records containing the average, maximum, and minimum values of the wind speed in a fixed interval, as well as the standard deviation. The signal is generated from a generalized random Fourier series. The spectrum can be matched to any desired theoretical or measured frequency distribution. Extreme values are specified through a postprocessing step based on the concept of constrained simulation. Applications of the algorithm to 10-min wind speed records logged at a test site at 60 m height above the ground show that the recorded 10-min values can be reproduced by the simulated time series to a high degree of accuracy.
We study systems with periodically oscillating parameters that can give way to complex periodic or nonperiodic orbits. Performing the long time limit, we can define ergodic averages such as Lyapunov exponents, where a negative maximal Lyapunov exponent corresponds to a stable periodic orbit. By this, extremely complicated periodic orbits composed of contracting and expanding phases appear in a natural way. Employing the technique of ϵ-uncertain points, we find that values of the control parameters supporting such periodic motion are densely embedded in a set of values for which the motion is chaotic. When a tiny amount of noise is coupled to the system, dynamics with positive and with negative nontrivial Lyapunov exponents are indistinguishable. We discuss two physical systems, an oscillatory flow inside a duct and a dripping faucet with variable water supply, where such a mechanism seems to be responsible for a complicated alternation of laminar and turbulent phases.
alpha-Synuclein is thought to regulate neurotransmitter release through multiple interactions with presynaptic proteins, cytoskeletal elements, ion channels, and synaptic vesicles membrane. alpha-Synuclein is abundant in the presynaptic compartment, and its release from neurons and glia has been described as responsible for spreading of alpha-synuclein-derived pathology. alpha-Synuclein-dependent dysregulation of neurotransmitter release might occur via its action on surface-exposed calcium channels. Here, we provide electrophysiological and biochemical evidence to show that alpha-synuclein, applied to rat neurons in culture or striatal slices, selectively activates Cav2.2 channels, and said activation correlates with increased neurotransmitter release. Furthermore, in vivo perfusion of alpha-synuclein into the striatum also leads to acute dopamine release. We further demonstrate that alpha-synuclein reduces the amount of plasma membrane cholesterol and alters the partitioning of Cav2.2 channels, which move from raft to cholesterol-poor areas of the plasma membrane. We provide evidence for a novel mechanism through which alpha-synuclein acts from the extracellular milieu to modulate neurotransmitter release and propose a unifying hypothesis for the mechanism of alpha-synuclein action on multiple targets: the reorganization of plasma membrane microdomains.
We have developed a spectrum synthesis method for modeling the ultraviolet (UV) emission from the accretion disk from cataclysmic variables (CVs). The disk is separated into concentric rings, with an internal structure from the Wade & Hubeny disk-atmosphere models. For each ring, a wind atmosphere is calculated in the comoving frame with a vertical velocity structure obtained from a solution of the Euler equation. Using simple assumptions, regarding rotation and the wind streamlines, these one-dimensional models are combined into a single 2.5-dimensional model for which we compute synthetic spectra. We find that the resulting line and continuum behavior as a function of the orbital inclination is consistent with the observations, and verify that the accretion rate affects the wind temperature, leading to corresponding trends in the intensity of UV lines. In general, we also find that the primary mass has a strong effect on the P Cygni absorption profiles, the synthetic emission line profiles are strongly sensitive to the wind temperature structure, and an increase in the mass-loss rate enhances the resonance line intensities. Synthetic spectra were compared with UV data for two high orbital inclination nova-like CVs-RW Tri and V347 Pup. We needed to include disk regions with arbitrary enhanced mass loss to reproduce reasonably well widths and line profiles. This fact and a lack of flux in some high ionization lines may be the signature of the presence of density-enhanced regions in the wind, or alternatively, may result from inadequacies in some of our simplifying assumptions.
The present study investigated the effects of exercise training on arterial pressure, baroreflex sensitivity, cardiovascular autonomic control and metabolic parameters on female LDL-receptor knockout ovariectomized mice. Mice were divided into two groups: sedentary and trained. Trained group was submitted to an exercise training protocol. Blood cholesterol was measured. Arterial pressure (AP) signals were directly recorded in conscious mice. Baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated by tachycardic and bradycardic responses to AP changes. Cardiovascular autonomic modulation was measured in frequency (FFT) and time domains. Maximal exercise capacity was increased in trained as compared to sedentary group. Blood cholesterol was diminished in trained mice (191 +/- 8 mg/dL) when compared to sedentary mice (250 +/- 9 mg/dL, p<0.05). Mean AP and HR were reduced in trained group (101 +/- 3 mmHg and 535 +/- 14 bpm, p<0.05) when compared with sedentary group (125 +/- 3 mmHg and 600 +/- 12 bpm). Exercise training induced improvement in bradycardic reflex response in trained animals (-4.24 +/- 0.62 bpm/mmHg) in relation to sedentary animals (-1.49 +/- 0.15 bpm/mmHg, p<0.01); tachycardic reflex responses were similar between studied groups. Exercise training increased the variance (34 +/- 8 vs. 6.6 +/- 1.5 ms(2) in sedentary, p<0.005) and the high-frequency band (HF) of the pulse interval (IP) (53 +/- 7% vs. 26 +/- 6% in sedentary, p<0.01). It is tempting to speculate that results of this experimental study might represent a rationale for this non-pharmacological intervention in the management of cardiovascular risk factors in dyslipidemic post-menopause women. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fukutin-related protein (FKRP) is a protein involved in the glycosylation of cell surface molecules. Pathogenic mutations in the FKRP gene cause both the more severe congenital muscular dystrophy Type 1C and the milder Limb-Girdle Type 21 form (LGMD21). Here we report muscle histological alterations and the analysis of 11 muscle proteins: dystrophin, four sarcoglycans, calpain 3, dysferlin, telethonin, collagen VI, alpha-DG, and alpha 2-laminin, in muscle biopsies from 13 unrelated LGMD21 patients with 10 different FKRP mutations. In all, a typical dystrophic pattern was observed. In eight patients, a high frequency of rimmed vacuoles was also found. A variable degree of alpha 2-laminin deficiency was detected in 12 patients through immunofluorescence analysis, and 10 patients presented a-DG deficiency on sarcolemmal membranes. Additionally, through Western blot analysis, deficiency of calpain 3 and dystrophin bands was found in four and two patients, respectively. All the remaining proteins showed a similar pattern to normal controls. These results suggest that, in our population of LGMD21 patients, different mutations in the FKRP gene are associated with several secondary muscle protein reductions, and the deficiencies of alpha 2-laminin and alpha-DG on sections are prevalent, independently of mutation type or clinical severity.
The goal of the present study was to investigate morphological changes in the serotonergic neurons/terminals in the dorsal (DR) and median (MnR) raphe nuclei and on the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) in neonatal rats treated from the 1st to the 21st postnatal day with fluoxetine (10 mg/kg sc, daily) or drug vehicle (0 9% saline 1 ml/kg). The results show that postnatal chronic treatment with fluoxetine promoted. (1) a smaller body weight increase during the pre-weaning period; (2) smaller number of 5-HT neurons in the DR, (3) smaller 5-HT neuronal cell bodies (area, perimeter and diameter) in the DR and the MnR and (4) diminished serotonergic terminals in the DG. These data suggest that the development of the serotonergic system was impaired and that early exposure to fluoxetine damaged the morphology of 5-HT neurons in young adult rats While these findings are consistent with other work, more studies are needed to better clarify the effects of postnatal chronic treatment with fluoxetine on the serotonergic system and, consequently, on the functions modulated by serotonin (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved
A protocol of physical exercise, based on maximal oxygen uptake ((V) over dot(O2max)), for female rats before and during pregnancy was developed to evaluate the impact of a low-protein diet on oxygen consumption during gestation and growth rate of the offspring. Virgin female Wistar rats were divided into four groups as follows: untrained (NT, n = 5); trained (T, n = 5); untrained with low-protein diet (NT+LP, n = 5); and trained with low-protein diet (T+LP, n = 5). Trained rats were submitted to a protocol of moderate physical training on a treadmill over a period of 4 weeks (5 days week(-1) and 60 min day(-1), at 65% of (V) over dot(O2max)). At confirmation of pregnancy, the intensity and duration of the exercise was reduced. Low-protein groups received an 8% casein diet, and their peers received a 17% casein diet. The birthweight and growth rate of the pups up to the 90th day were recorded. Oxygen consumption ((V) over dot(O2)), CO(2) production and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were determined using an indirect open-circuit calorimeter. Exercise training increased. (V) over dot(O2max) by about 20% when compared with the initial values (45.6 +/- 1.0 ml kg(-1) min(-1)). During gestation, all groups showed a progressive reduction in the resting (V) over dot(O2) values. Dams in the NT+LP group showed lower values of resting (V) over dot(O2) than those in the NT group. The growth rate of pups from low-protein-fed mothers was around 50% lower than that of their respective controls. The T group showed an increase in body weight from the 60th day onwards, while the NT+LP group presented a reduced body weight from weaning onwards. In conclusion, physical training attenuated the impact of the low- protein
In animal models of diet-induced obesity, the activation of an inflammatory response in the hypothalamus produces molecular and functional resistance to the anorexigenic hormones insulin and leptin. The primary events triggered by dietary fats that ultimately lead to hypothalamic cytokine expression and inflammatory signaling are unknown. Here, we test the hypothesis that dietary fats act through the activation of toll-like receptors 2/4 and endoplasmic reticulum stress to induce cytokine expression in the hypothalamus of rodents. According to our results, long-chain saturated fatty acids activate predominantly toll-like receptor 4 signaling, which determines not only the induction of local cytokine expression but also promotes endoplasmic reticulum stress. Rats fed on a monounsaturated fat-rich diet do not develop hypothalamic leptin resistance, whereas toll-like receptor 4 loss-of-function mutation and immunopharmacological inhibition of toll-like receptor 4 protects mice from diet-induced obesity. Thus, toll-like receptor 4 acts as a predominant molecular target for saturated fatty acids in the hypothalamus, triggering the intracellular signaling network that induces an inflammatory response, and determines the resistance to anorexigenic signals.
Distinct subsets of hypothalamic genes are modulated by two different thermogenesis-inducing stimuli
Obesity results from an imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure, two vital functions that are tightly controlled by specialized neurons of the hypothalamus. The complex mechanisms that integrate these two functions are only beginning to be deciphered. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of two thermogenesis-inducing conditions, i.e., ingestion of a high-fat (HF) diet and exposure to cold environment, on the expression of 1,176 genes in the hypothalamus of Wistar rats. Hypothalamic gene expression was evaluated using a cDNA macroarray approach. mRNA and protein expressions were determined by reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and immunoblot. Cold exposure led to an increased expression of 43 genes and to a reduced expression of four genes. HF diet promoted an increased expression of 90 genes and a reduced expression of 78 genes. Only two genes (N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor 2B and guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding protein G-alpha-i1) were similarly affected by both thermogenesis-inducing conditions, undergoing an increment of expression. RT-PCR and immunoblot evaluations confirmed the modulation of NMDA receptor 2B and GTP-binding protein G-alpha-i1, only. This corresponds to 0.93% of all the responsive genes and 0.17% of the analyzed genes. These results indicate that distinct environmental thermogenic stimuli can modulate predominantly distinct profiles of genes reinforcing the complexity and multiplicity of the hypothalamic mechanisms that regulate energy conservation and expenditure.
Unfolded protein response (UPR)-mediated pancreatic beta-cell death has been described as a common mechanism by which palmitate (PA) and pro-inflammatory cytokines contribute to the development of diabetes. There are evidences that interleukin 6 (IL6) has a protective action against beta-cell death induced by proinflammatory cytokines; the effects of IL6 on PA-induced apoptosis have not been investigated yet. In the present study, we have demonstrated that PA selectively disrupts IL6-induced RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT) activation without interfering with signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 phosphorylation in RINm5F cells. The inability of IL6 to activate AKT in the presence of PA correlated with an inefficient protection against PA-induced apoptosis. In contrast to PA, IL6 efficiently reduced apoptosis induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, we have demonstrated that IL6 is unable to overcome PA-stimulated UPR, as assessed by activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) andC/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) expression, X-box binding protein-1 gene mRNA splicing, and pancreatic eukaryotic initiation factor-2 alpha kinase phosphorylation, whereas no significant induction of UPR by pro-inflammatory cytokines was detected. This unconditional stimulation of UPR and apoptosis by PA was accompanied by the stimulation of CHOP and tribble3 (TRIB3) expression, irrespective of the presence of IL6. These findings suggest that IL6 is unable to protect pancreatic beta-cells from PA-induced apoptosis because it does not repress UPR activation. In this way, CHOP and ATF4 might mediate PA-induced TRIB3 expression and, by extension, the suppression of IL6 activation of pro-survival kinase AKT. Journal of Endocrinology (2010) 206, 183-193
A regimen of low-protein diet induces a reduction of pancreatic islet function that is associated with development of metabolic disorders including diabetes and obesity afterward. In the present study, the influence of leucine supplementation on metabolic parameters, insulin secretion to glucose and to amino acids, as well as the levels of proteins that participate in the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate kinase (PI3K) pathway was investigated in malnourished rats. Four groups were fed with different diets for 12 weeks: a normal protein diet (17%) without (NP) or with leucine supplementation (NPL) or a low (6%)-protein diet without (LP) or with leucine supplementation (LPL). Leucine was given in the drinking water during the last 4 weeks. As indicated by the intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, LPL rats exhibited increased glucose tolerance as compared with NPL group. Both NPL and LPL rats had higher circulating insulin levels than controls. The LPL rats also showed increased insulin secretion by pancreatic islets in response to glucose or arginine compared with those observed in islets from LP animals. Glucose oxidation was significantly reduced in NPL, LP, and LPL isolated islets as compared with NP; but no alteration was observed for leucine and glutamate oxidation among the 4 groups. Western blotting analysis demonstrated increased PI3K and mammalian target protein of rapamycin protein contents in LPL compared with LP islets. A significant increase in insulin-induced insulin receptor substrate I associated PI3K activation was also observed in LPL compared with LP islets. These findings indicate that leucine supplementation can augment islet function in malnourished rats and that activation of the PI3K/maminalian target protein of rapamycin pathway may play a role in this process. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.