471 resultados para RUMINANTS


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O tipo de alimentação depende do ambiente em que o animal se encontra, sendo este um fator responsável pela alteração da morfologia, como a estratificação e o nível de queratinização da língua, e a funcionalidade da mesma. Dentre as estruturas morfológicas funcionais da língua, as papilas vêm merecendo destaque devido a sua estreita relação com a dieta. Foram utilizadas duas espécies de cervídeos: cinco Mazama gouazoubira e duas Mazama americana, dividindo-se a língua em três partes: ápice, corpo e raiz. Analisou comparativamente a língua de duas espécies por meio de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. As papilas filiforme, fungiforme e valada apresentaram na língua das duas espécies estudadas, e com a mesma distribuição, mudando apenas a quantidade e formato de papilas filiformes no ápice lingual e a quantidade e disposição das papilas valadas na raiz da língua, fator este que pode ser ligado à dieta dos animais. . Além disto, sua distribuição é semelhante à de outras espécies de herbívoros.


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BACKGROUND: Cellulose and hemicellulose are quantitatively the most important structural carbohydrates present in ruminant diets. Rumen micro-organisms produce enzymes that catalyse their hydrolysis, but the complex network formed by structural carbohydrates and lignin reduces their digestibility and restricts efficient utilisation of feeds by ruminants. This study aimed to produce two enzymatic extracts, apply them in ruminant diets to determine the best levels for ruminal digestibility and evaluate their effects on in vitro digestibility. RESULTS: In experiment 1 a two-stage in vitro technique was used to examine the effects of different enzymatic levels of Aspergillus japonicus and Aspergillus terricola on tropical forages. Enzyme addition had minor effects on corn silage at the highest enzymatic level. In experiment 2 an in vitro gas production (GP) technique was applied to determine apparent in vitro organic matter digestibility and metabolisable energy. The addition of enzymes in GP showed interesting results. Good data were obtained using sugar cane and Tifton-85 hay supplemented with extracts of A. japonicus and A. terricola respectively. CONCLUSION: Overall, the study suggests that addition of crude extracts containing exogenous fibrolytic enzymes to ruminant diets enhances the effective utilisation of ruminant feedstuffs such as forages. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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Santos C.S.A.B., Piatti R.M., Azevedo S.S., Alves C.J., Higino S.S.S., Silva M.L.C.R., Brasil A.W.L. & Gennari S.M. 2012. Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with Chlamydophila abortus infection in dairy goats in the Northeast of Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(11):1082-1086. Unidade Academica de Medicina Veterinaria, Centro de Sa de e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Av. Universitaria s/n, Bairro Santa Cecilia, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: sergio.azevedo@pq.cnpq.br Few data are available on the prevalence and risk factors of Chlamydophila abortus infection in goats in Brazil. A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the flock-level prevalence of C. abortus infection in goats from the semiarid region of the Paraiba State, Northeast region of Brazil, as well as to identify risk factors associated with the infection. Flocks were randomly selected and a pre-established number of female goats >= 12 mo old were sampled in each of these flocks. A total of 975 serum samples from 110 flocks were collected, and structured questionnaire focusing on risk factors for C. abortus infection was given to each farmer at the time of blood collection. For the serological diagnosis the complement fixation test (CFT) using C. abortus S26/3 strain as antigen was performed. The flock-level factors for C. abortus prevalence were tested using multivariate logistic regression model. Fifty-five flocks out of 110 presented at least one seropositive animal with an overall prevalence of 50.0% (95%; CI: 40.3%, 59.7%). Ninety-one out of 975 dairy goats examined were seropositive with titers >= 32, resulting in a frequency of 9.3%. Lend buck for breeding (odds ratio = 2.35; 95% CI: 1.04-5.33) and history of abortions (odds ratio = 3.06; 95% CI: 1.37-6.80) were associated with increased flock prevalence.


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Sanches B.G.S., Souza F.N., Azedo M.R., Batista C.F., Bertagnon H.G., Blagitz M.G. & Della Libera A.M.M.P. 2012. [Enhanced phagocytosis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis by monocyte-macrophage cells from goats naturally infected with caprine arthritis encephalitis virus.] Fagocitose intensificada de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis por celulas da serie monocito-macrofago de caprinos naturalmente infectados pelo virus da artrite encefalite. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(12):1225-1229. Departamento de Clinica Medica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitaria, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: camilafb@usp.br Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) and caseous lymphadenitis (CL) have high incidence and transmissibility in small ruminants. Since both virus have tropism for macrophages and monocytes and affect the innate immune response, it is believed that CAE can predispose the animal to infection by Corynebacteruim pseudotuberculosis, the etiological agent of CL. To confirm this hypothesis, we evaluated phagocytosis from the monocyte-macrophage cells from 30 Saanen goats. Goats were uniformly divided in two groups according to results of agar gel immunodiffusion test for CAE virus (CAEV). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation and the monocyte-macrophage cells were isolated from the mononuclear cells by their adhesion properties in plaques. Afterwards, phagocytosis of C. psudotuberculosis was performed for two hours at 37 degrees C, 5% of CO2, and assessed by microscopic visualization. There was no difference in the percentage of monocyte-macrophage cells that phagocytozed C. bovis between groups (P = 0.41). However, when phagocytosis rates were classified according to the number of C. pseudotuberculosis phagocyted, the percentage of monocyte-macrophage cells that internalized more than 12 bacteria were higher in serologically CAEV positive animals compared to the serologically negative ones (P < 0.001). Furthermore, a positive and significant correlation (r = 0.488; P = 0.006) between the percentage of monocyte-macrophage cells that internalized more than 12 bacteria and the percentage of monocyte that were carrying out phagocytosis was also encountered in serologically CAEV positive goats, however the same were not observed in serologically negative ones. These results demonstrated an alteration in the intensity of C. pseudotuberculosis phagocytosis by monocytes-macrophages from goats infected by CAEV. Thus, these results indicated that goats infected with CAEV may be more susceptible to CL.


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Many of the developmental anomalies observed in cloned animals are related to foetal and placental overgrowth, a phenomenon known as the 'large offspring syndrome' (LOS) in ruminants. It has been hypothesized that the epigenetic control of imprinted genes, that is, genes that are expressed in a parental-specific manner, is at the root of LOS. Our recent research has focused on understanding epigenetic alterations to imprinted genes that are associated with assisted reproductive technologies (ART), such as early embryo in vitro culture (IVC) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in cattle. We have sought and identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in Bos indicus DNA useful for the analysis of parental-specific alleles and their respective transcripts in tissues from hybrid embryos derived by crossing Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle. By analysing differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of imprinted genes SNRPN, H19 and the IGF2R in cattle, we demonstrated that there is a generalized hypomethylation of the imprinted allele and the biallelic expression of embryos produced by SCNT when compared to the methylation patterns observed in vivo (artificially inseminated). Together, these results indicate that imprinting marks are erased during the reprogramming of the somatic cell nucleus during early development, indicating that such epigenetic anomalies may play a key role in mortality and morbidity of cloned animals.


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A Chlamydophila abortusi, anteriormente conhecida como Chlamydia psittaci sovovar 1, é uma bactéria Gram negativa, intracelular obrigatória. Esse micro-organismo é frequentemente encontrado em distúrbios reprodutivos em ovinos, bovinos e caprinos, sendo o aborto epizoótico dos bovinos e o aborto enzoótico dos ovinos e caprinos as manifestações mais importantes. Considerando-se o pouco material literário a respeito da clamidofilose no Brasil, a pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar a presença de anticorpos fixadores de complemento anti-Chlamydophila abortusi, correlacionando os resultados obtidos com achados no exame clínico e histórico dos animais, além de alterações nos índices zootécnicos, em especial na esfera reprodutiva, tais como alto índice de repetição de cio, número elevado de abortamentos, elevado número de natimortos, entre outros. Foram testadas para prova de fixação do complemento 220 amostras de soro de ovinos, de 26 propriedades, distribuídas em 19 municípios, com relato de manifestação reprodutiva, obtendo-se 19,55% (43/220) de testes positivos para Chlamydophila abortusi, com ocorrência de foco constatada de 61,53%. No geral, a titulação de anticorpos encontrada foi baixa, com título não superior a 64. A frequência de manifestação reprodutiva mais observada foi o aborto, representando 65,12% (28/43) do número total de animais soropositivos, seguido de repetição de cio juntamente com nascimento de cordeiro fraco, com frequência de 6,98% (3/43) e, por fim, morte neonatal com 4,65% (2/43), sendo que não houve associação significativa entre animais que foram positivos ao teste e a esses fatores.


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Twenty seven (48.2%) culture supernatants of 56 Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic lamb feces (7 to 10 days old) in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, presented positive results to suckling mice assay (fluid accumulation) but none caused cytopathic effects on Vero and CHO cells, indicating that these strains did not produced LT or VT toxins. PCR assays showed that these 27 E. coli strains harbored estA, that codifies for STa, but not for stx1, stx2 or cnf genes. The positive STa strains were checked for genes that codify for F41, F17 and K99 fimbriae, wich are considered colonization factors in ETEC. Only F17 was detect in two samples (7.4%). Twelve of 27 STa positive carried hlyA gene and presented hemolytic activity in blood Agar. Presence of rotavirus was not detected among the diarrheic feces. These data suggests that STa must be an important diarrheagenic factor to small ruminants in Sao Paulo State.


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According to the classification of placental types among animals, the transfer of iron through the placenta can occur via: absorption connected to transferin through the outer surface of the trophoblast in direct contact with circulating maternal blood; absorption of the erythrocytes by the chorionic epithelium in direct contact with accumulation of blood extravased from haemotophagous areas; absorption by the chorionic epithelium in direct contact with iron enriched secretions from the endometrial glands and absorption by extravasations of the blood in the maternal-fetal surface and the subsequent phagocytosis of the erythrocytes by trophoblast cells described in bovine, small ruminants, canine and feline. The function of erythrophagocytosis observed after the extravasation of blood in the maternal-fetal interface is undefined in several species. Possibly, the iron is transferred to the fetus through the trophoblastic erythrophagocytosis in the hemophogous area of the placenta and also in the endometrial glands. In this literature survey, new methods of studies regarding placental transfer involving iron and other nutrients necessary for survival and maintenance of embryonic fetus to birth are proposed.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a prevalência de propriedades de caprinos leiteiros positivas e de animais soropositivos para leptospirose no semiárido paraibano. A amostragem foi delineada para a determinação da prevalência de propriedades positivas (focos) e de animais soropositivos para a infecção por Leptospira spp. No total, foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 975 animais procedentes de 110 propriedades leiteiras localizadas no Munícipio de Monteiro, microrregião do Cariri Ocidental, Estado da Paraíba. Para o diagnóstico da infecção por Leptospira spp., foi utilizado o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), utilizando como antígenos 24 sorovares. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. As prevalências de propriedades positivas e de animais soropositivos foram de 43,6% (IC 95% = 34,2-53,4%) e de 8,7% (IC 95% = 5,7-12,9%), respectivamente. Nos animais, os sorovares mais frequentes foram Autumnalis (1,74%; IC 95% = 0,97-3,09%), Sentot (1,71%; IC 95% = 0,82-3,52%) e Whitcomb (1,39%; IC 95% = 0,65-2,93%), e nas propriedades, os sorovares Autumnalis (10,9%; IC 95% = 5,8-18,3%), Whitcomb (8,2%; IC 95% = 3,8-15,0%) e Sentot e Patoc (7,3%; IC 95% = 3,2-13,8%) foram os mais frequentes. Sugere-se que a infecção está distribuída em caprinos da região, e que há necessidade de implantação de medidas de controle e prevenção, com o intuito de reduzir a ocorrência da infecção e, consequentemente, diminuir perdas econômicas ocasionadas e bloquear a possível transmissão do agente aos seres humanos.


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The experiment was conducted to evaluate the bromatological characteristics and the in vitro digestibility of four sugarcane varieties, subjected or not to hydrolysis, with quicklime. A completely randomized design was employed with three replications arranged in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme, with four sugarcane varieties (SP 52454, RB 867515, RB 855536 and IAC 862480), hydrolyzed or not. There was significant effect on brix (p < 0.05) and industrial fiber (p < 0.05), and IAC 862480 variety had the lowest levels of industrial fiber. There were no significant difference (p > 0.05) in neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and lignin levels among the sugarcane varieties under analysis and for the sugarcanes, hydrolyzed or not. The use of sugarcane hydrolysis with 1% quicklime improves the in vitro digestibility of NDF and ADF, regardless of the variety studied. Hydrolysis with 1% quicklime did not alter the sugarcane chemical composition.


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A Chlamydophila abortus, anteriormente conhecida como Chlamydia psittaci sovovar 1, é uma bactéria Gram negativa, intracelular obrigatória. Esse micro-organismo é frequentemente encontrado em distúrbios reprodutivos em ovinos, bovinos e caprinos, sendo o aborto epizoótico dos bovinos e o aborto enzoótico dos ovinos e caprinos as manifestações mais importantes. Considerando-se o pouco material literário a respeito da clamidofilose no Brasil, a pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar a presença de anticorpos fixadores de complemento anti-Chlamydophila abortus, correlacionando os resultados obtidos com achados no exame clínico e histórico dos animais, além de alterações nos índices zootécnicos, em especial na esfera reprodutiva, tais como alto índice de repetição de cio, número elevado de abortamentos, elevado número de natimortos, entre outros. Foram testadas para prova de fixação do complemento 220 amostras de soro de ovinos, de 26 propriedades, distribuídas em 19 municípios, com relato de manifestação reprodutiva, obtendo-se 19,55% (43/220) de testes positivos para Chlamydophila abortus, com ocorrência de foco constatada de 61,53%. No geral, a titulação de anticorpos encontrada foi baixa, com título não superior a 64. A frequência de manifestação reprodutiva mais observada foi o aborto, representando 65,12% (28/43) do número total de animais soropositivos, seguido de repetição de cio juntamente com nascimento de cordeiro fraco, com frequência de 6,98% (3/ 43) e, por fim, morte neonatal com 4,65% (2/43), sendo que não houve associação significativa entre animais que foram positivos ao teste e a esses fatores.


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[ES] Los efluentes ganaderos constituyen un beneficioso aporte de nutrientes para los cultivos, que es fundamental a la hora de garantizar la sostenibilidad de la gestión de las explotaciones ganaderas, pudiendo ocasionar graves problemas ambientales si se emplean mal. La intensificación agraria ha convertido los efluentes ganaderos de subproducto a residuo. Su tratamiento con materiales locales y tecnologías de baja intensidad es una solución de bajo coste financiero y energético. En el proyecto REAGUA se plantea la posibilidad de utilizar el “picón” (lapilli) como material para el tratamiento del estiércol líquido de rumiantes, para su posterior empleo en el riego enterrado de especies forrajeras y biocombustibles, actuando el suelo como medio de depuración avanzado. Para ello, se diseña un sistema en el que se aporte el efluente con un flujo subsuperficial vertical en un medio no saturado, que circule por tres fases (en serie). Para determinar las condiciones de manejo que optimicen el filtrado se caracterizó el comportamiento hidráulico del picón y su capacidad de eliminar sustancias. Utilizando tres columnas rellenas de picón y un efluente de rumiantes, las reducciones de la DQO, DBO5 y amonio, fósforo y SS superaron el 80, 90% y 95% respectivamente, obteniéndose valores asumibles para inyectarse al riego.


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Parapoxvirus (PPV) are member of a genus in the family poxviridae which currently encompasses four species: the prototype orf virus (OV), bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV), pseudocowpox virus (PCPV) and parapoxvirus of New Zealand red deer (PVNZ). PPVs cause widespread, but localized diseases of small and large ruminants and they can also be transmitted to man. Knowledge of the molecular biology of PPV is still limited as compared to orthopoxviruses, especially vaccinia virus (VACV). The PPV genome displays a high G+C content and relatively small size for poxvirus. Coventional electron microscopy displays PPV virions with ovoid shape and slightly smaller in size than the brickshaped orthopoxviruses. The most striking feature, which readily enables identification of PPV, is a tubule-like structure that surrounds the particle in a spiral fashion. PPV genome organization and content is very similar to that of other poxviruses, the central region contain 88 genes which are present in all poxviruse, in contrast the terminal regions are variable and contain a set of genes unique to the genus PPV. Genes in the near-terminal regions of the genome are frequently not essential for growth in cultured cells encoding factors with important roles in virushost interactions including modulating host immune responses and determining host range. Recently it was suggested that the open reading frames (ORFs) 109 and 110 of the OV genome have a major role in determining species specificity during natural infection in sheep and goats. This hypothesis is based on the analysis of a few number of sequences of different sheep and goats viral isolates. PPV replicate into the cytoplasm of infected cells and produce three structurally different infectious particles: the intracellular mature virions (IMV), intracellular enveloped virions (IEV) and the extracellular enveloped virions (EEV). The vaccinia A33R and A34R hotologue proteins encoded by the ORFS 109 and 110 are expressed in the envelope of the IEV and EEV. The F1L immunodominant protein of orf virus is the major component of the surface tubule structure of the IMV and can post-translationaly insert into membranes via Cterminal, hydrofobic anchor sequence like its orthologue VACV H3L protein. Moreover the F1L protein binds to glycosaminoglycans on the cell surface and has an important role in IMV adsorption to mammalian cells. In this study we investigated the morphogenesis of the PPV through the construction of a mutant virus deleted of the F1L protein. A study of the deleted virus life cycle was conducted in different type of cells and its morphology was observed with electron microscopy. It was demonstared that F1L protein have important role in morphogenesis and infectivity. Moreover it is essential to determine the spiral fashion of the tubule like structure of the virion surface. Some pathogenetic aspects of the PPV infection were studied, in particular the protein implicated in the host range were analysed in detail. An experimental infection with OV and PCPV was conducted in goats and sheep. After infection, the severity of the lesions were comparable in both the animal species. The OV did not result in severe disease neither in sheep nor in goats, suggesting that host factors, rather than virus strain characteristics, may play an important role in the pathogenesis of the Parapoxvirus infections. The PCPV failed to produce any lesion in both sheep and goats, ruling out the possibility of any recombination between PCPV and OV during natural infection in these animal species. The phylogenetic analysis of the ORFs 109 and 110 from several goats and sheep viral isolates showed a clustering based on the antigenic content of the protein that was independent from species and geographic origin.


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The Poxviruses are a family of double stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses that cause disease in many species, both vertebrate and invertebrate. Their genomes range in size from 135 to 365 kbp and show conservation in both organization and content. In particular, the central genomic regions of the chordopoxvirus subfamily (those capable of infecting vertebrates) contain 88 genes which are present in all the virus species characterised to date and which mostly occur in the same order and orientation. In contrast, however, the terminal regions of the genomes frequently contain genes that are species or genera-specific and that are not essential for the growth of the virus in vitro but instead often encode factors with important roles in vivo including modulation of the host immune response to infection and determination of the host range of the virus. The Parapoxviruses (PPV), of which Orf virus is the prototypic species, represent a genus within the chordopoxvirus subfamily of Poxviridae and are characterised by their ability to infect ruminants and humans. The genus currently contains four recognised species of virus, bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV) and pseudocowpox virus (PCPV) both of which infect cattle, orf virus (OV) that infects sheep and goats, and parapoxvirus of red deer in New Zealand (PVNZ). The ORFV genome has been fully sequenced, as has that of BPSV, and is ~138 kb in length encoding ~132 genes. The vast majority of these genes allow the virus to replicate in the cytoplasm of the infected host cell and therefore encode proteins involved in replication, transcription and metabolism of nucleic acids. These genes are well conserved between all known genera of poxviruses. There is however another class of genes, located at either end of the linear dsDNA genome, that encode proteins which are non-essential for replication and generally dictate host range and virulence of the virus. The non-essential genes are often the most variable within and between species of virus and therefore are potentially useful for diagnostic purposes. Given their role in subverting the host-immune response to infection they are also targets for novel therapeutics. The function of only a relatively small number of these proteins has been elucidated and there are several genes whose function still remains obscure principally because there is little similarity between them and proteins of known function in current sequence databases. It is thought that by selectively removing some of the virulence genes, or at least neutralising the proteins in some way, current vaccines could be improved. The evolution of poxviruses has been proposed to be an adaptive process involving frequent events of gene gain and loss, such that the virus co-evolves with its specific host. Gene capture or horizontal gene transfer from the host to the virus is considered an important source of new viral genes including those likely to be involved in host range and those enabling the virus to interfere with the host immune response to infection. Given the low rate of nucleotide substitution, recombination can be seen as an essential evolutionary driving force although it is likely underestimated. Recombination in poxviruses is intimately linked to DNA replication with both viral and cellular proteins participate in this recombination-dependent replication. It has been shown, in other poxvirus genera, that recombination between isolates and perhaps even between species does occur, thereby providing another mechanism for the acquisition of new genes and for the rapid evolution of viruses. Such events may result in viruses that have a selective advantage over others, for example in re-infections (a characteristic of the PPV), or in viruses that are able to jump the species barrier and infect new hosts. Sequence data related to viral strains isolated from goats suggest that possible recombination events may have occurred between OV and PCPV (Ueda et al. 2003). The recombination events are frequent during poxvirus replication and comparative genomic analysis of several poxvirus species has revealed that recombinations occur frequently on the right terminal region. Intraspecific recombination can occur between strains of the same PPV species, but also interspecific recombination can happen depending on enough sequence similarity to enable recombination between distinct PPV species. The most important pre-requisite for a successful recombination is the coinfection of the individual host by different virus strains or species. Consequently, the following factors affecting the distribution of different viruses to shared target cells need to be considered: dose of inoculated virus, time interval between inoculation of the first and the second virus, distance between the marker mutations, genetic homology. At present there are no available data on the replication dynamics of PPV in permissive and non permissive hosts and reguarding co-infetions there are no information on the interference mechanisms occurring during the simultaneous replication of viruses of different species. This work has been carried out to set up permissive substrates allowing the replication of different PPV species, in particular keratinocytes monolayers and organotypic skin cultures. Furthermore a method to isolate and expand ovine skin stem cells was has been set up to indeep further aspects of viral cellular tropism during natural infection. The study produced important data to elucidate the replication dynamics of OV and PCPV virus in vitro as well as the mechanisms of interference that can arise during co-infection with different viral species. Moreover, the analysis carried on the genomic right terminal region of PCPV 1303/05 contributed to a better knowledge of the viral genes involved in host interaction and pathogenesis as well as to locate recombination breakpoints and genetic homologies between PPV species. Taken together these data filled several crucial gaps for the study of interspecific recombinations of PPVs which are thought to be important for a better understanding of the viral evolution and to improve the biosafety of antiviral therapy and PPV-based vectors.


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La Peste dei Piccoli Ruminanti (PPR) è una patologia virale ed acuta che colpisce i piccoli ruminanti, diffusa in Africa Sub-Sahariana, in Medio Oriente ed in Asia Meridionale. Questo lavoro si propone di effettuare il primo studio epidemiologico sulla PPR nella Repubblica Araba Saharawi Democratica (RASD), che comprende i Campi Profughi Saharawi, in territorio algerino, ed i “Territori Liberati” del Sahara Occidentale, valutando la potenziale presenza, prevalenza e distribuzione del virus della PPR in questi territori. Lo studio si è basato su una metodica di campionamento “a cluster” secondo la tecnica “a due stadi”. Sono stati individuati 23 siti di campionamento dai quali sono stati raccolti un totale di 976 campioni di siero prelevati da pecore, capre e cammelli. I campioni sono stati prelevati in Marzo ed Aprile 2008. I risultati dei test Competitive-Elisa hanno evidenziato una sieroprevalenza nel 28,26% degli animali testati, benché durante la raccolta dei campioni nessun animale abbia presentato sintomi clinici riferibili alla PPR. Tra Gennaio e Maggio 2010, in seguito ad episodi di aumentata mortalità nella popolazione ovi-caprina presente nei Campi Profughi, le autorità veterinarie locali sospettarono un outbreak di PPR. Tra Maggio ed Ottobre 2010 è stato sviluppato un outbreak investigation nei Campi Profughi Saharawi con lo scopo di confermare la circolazione del PPRV. I risultati di laboratorio hanno confermato la presenza del virus nel 33,33% dei campioni. Il sequenziamento del genoma virale ha rivelato che il virus apparteneva al Lignaggio 4 e le analisi filogenetiche hanno indicato una stretta relazione (99.3%) con il PPRV isolato durante l'epidemia di PPR in Marocco del 2008.