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In 2004, the university hospital of Berne ran a pilot project with a Nursing Unit (NU). In this unit patients who no longer needed a close surveillance by physicians were cared for. They needed primarily complex professional nursing care which could not be provided by other hospitals, nursing homes, home care or family members. The nurses were responsible for the coordination of care. This qualitative study investigated experiences of patients and family members with the care concept of the NU. Thematically focused interviews were conducted with nine patients and five family members. Qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis. Results show that patients and family members mostly accepted the new care concept. They positively experienced the quiet and restful atmosphere, the patient-centred and continuous care by competent nurses, the education and the discharge planning. Some study participants reported missing information at the time of their transfer to the NU, insufficient assessments or unsuitable educational scripts. The study provides evidence to positive effects of a patient-centred care approach.
PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term prospective follow-up on the stability of soft tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation to set back the mandible. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventeen consecutive patients (6 females, 11 males) were re-examined 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The precedent follow-ups included: before surgery (T1), 5 days (T2) after surgery, 6.6 months (T3) after surgery, and 14.4 months after (T4) surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner program (Dentofacial Software, Toronto, Canada). The x-axis for the system of coordinates ran through Sella (point 0) and the line NSL -7 degrees. RESULTS: The net effect of the soft tissue chin (soft tissue pogonion) was 79% of the setback at pogonion. At the lower lip (labrale inferior) it was 100% of the setback at lower incisor position. Point B' followed point B to 99%. Labrale inferior and menton' also showed a significant backward, as well as a downward, movement (T5 to T2). Gender correlated significantly (P = .004) with the anterior displacement of point B' and pogonion' (P = .012). The soft tissue relapse 12.7 years after BSSO setback surgery at point B' was 3% and 13% at pogonion'. CONCLUSION: Among the reasons for 3-dimensional long-term soft tissue changes of shape, the surgical technique, the normal process of human aging, the initial growth direction, and remodeling processes must be considered. Growth direction positively influenced the long-term outcome of setback surgery in female compared with male patients because further posterior movement of the mandibular soft tissue occurred.
The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term follow-up investigation of the stability of hard and soft tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal (RIF) fixation to advance the mandible. Sixteen consecutive patients (12 females and 4 males, mean age 21.4 years) were available for re-examination 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The preceding follow-ups were before (T1), and 5 days (T2), 7.3 months (T3), and 13.9 months (T4) after surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner program. The x-axis for the system of co-ordinates ran through sella (point zero) and the line NSL -7 degrees. Thus, the program determined the x- and y-values of each variable and the usual angles and distances. Statistical analysis was carried out using Wilcoxon's matched-pair signed-ranks test with Bonferroni adjustments. The relationships between the examined variables were analysed by Spearman rank correlation coefficients. The backward relapse at point B (T5) was 2.42 mm, or 50 per cent, and at pogonion 3.21 mm, or 60 per cent of the initial advancement. The mean net effect at T5 on the labial fold (soft tissue point B) was 94 per cent of the advancement at point B. For the soft tissue chin (soft tissue pogonion), it was 119 per cent of the advancement at pogonion. The net effect on the lower lip (labrale inferior) was 55 per cent of the advancement at incision inferior. The amount of the surgical advancement of the mandible was correlated with the long-term relapse in point B. Among possible reasons for this relapse are the initial soft tissue profile, the initial growth direction, and the remodelling processes of the hard tissue.
The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term follow-up on the stability of the hard tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation (RIF)to set back the mandible and to compare it with that of mandibular advancement performed by the same team of surgeons and with the same examination protocol. Seventeen consecutive patients (6 females and 11 males) could be re-examined 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The previous examinations were before surgery (T1), 5 days (T2), and 6.6 (T3) and 14.4 (T4) months after surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner software program. The x-axis for the system of co-ordinates ran through sella (point zero) and the line nasion-sella-line minus 7 degrees. The program determined the x- and y-values of each variable and the usual angles and distances. The effects of treatment were determined with Wilcoxon matched pairs, signed ranks test, with Bonferroni adjustment, and the relationship between variables with Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Relapse at point B was 0.94 mm or 15 per cent and at pogonion 1.46 mm or 21 per cent of the initial setback at T5. Relapse was mainly short-term (T4-T2), 13 per cent for point B and 17 per cent for pogonion. Gender correlated significantly with relapse (T5-T2) at point B (P = 0.002) and pogonion (P = 0.021), i.e. females in contrast to males showed further distalization of the mandible instead of relapse. No correlations were seen for age or the amount of surgical setback. The long-term results in mandibular setback patients were more stable when compared with the mandibular advancement patients examined previously. The initial soft tissue profile, the initial growth direction, and the remodelling processes of the hard tissues must be considered as reasons for long-term relapse. Growth direction positively influenced the long-term results in females: further distalization of the mandible occurred.
During the lead-up to Montana second progressive era, Lee Metcalf and Forrest Anderson, along with others, kept the progressive flame lit in Montana. Metcalf’s political history is replete with close electoral wins because of his commitment to progressive ideals when the times were not always politically favorable for that. As State Legislator, MT Supreme Court Justice, Congressman and eventually as US Senator, Lee won races by as little as 55 votes because he stuck to his guns as a progressive. In Forrest Anderson’s career as a County Attorney, State Legislator, MT Supreme Court Justice and 12 years as MT Attorney General he was respected as a pragmatic practitioner of politics. But during that entire career leading up to his election as Governor, Forrest Anderson was also a stalwart supporter of the progressive agenda exemplified by FDR and the New Deal, which brought folks out of the Great Depression that was brought on by the bad policies of the GOP and big business. As MT’s second progressive period began in 1965, the first important election was Senator Metcalf’s successful re-election battle in 1966 with the sitting MT Governor, Tim Babcock. And the progressive express was really ignited by the election of Forrest Anderson as Governor in 1968 after 16 years of Republican Governors in MT. Gordon Bennett played a rather unique role, being a confidant of Metcalf and Anderson, both who respected his wide and varied experience, his intellect, and his roots in progressivism beginning with his formative years in the Red Corner of NE Montana. Working with Senator Metcalf and his team, including Brit Englund, Vic Reinemer, Peggy McLaughlin, Betty Davis and Jack Condon among others, Bennett helped shape the progressive message both in Washington DC and MT. Progressive labor and farm organizations, part of the progressive coalition, benefitted from Bennett’s advice and counsel and aided the Senator in his career including the huge challenge of having a sitting popular governor run against him for the Senate in 1966. Metcalf’s noted intern program produced a cadre of progressive leaders in Montana over the years. Most notably, Ron Richards transitioned from Metcalf Intern to Executive Secretary of the Montana Democratic Party (MDP) and assisted, along with Bennett, in the 1966 Metcalf-Babcock race in a big way. As Executive Secretary Richards was critical to the success of the MDP as a platform for Forrest Anderson’s general election run and win in 1968. After Forrest’s gubernatorial election, Richards became Executive Assistant (now called Chief of Staff) for Governor Anderson and also for Governor Thomas Judge. The Metcalf progressive strain, exemplified by many including Richards and Bennett, permeated Democratic politics during the second progressive era. So, too, did the coalition that supported Metcalf and his policies. The progressivism of the period of “In the Crucible of Change” was fired up by Lee Metcalf, Forrest Anderson and their supporters and coalitions, and Gordon Bennett was in the center of all of that, helping fire up the crucible, setting the stage for many policy advancements in both Washington DC and Montana. Gordon Bennett’s important role in the 1966 re-election of Senator Lee Metcalf and the 1968 election of Governor Forrest Anderson, as well as his wide experience in government and politics of that time allows him to provide us with an insider’s personal perspective of those races and other events at the beginning of the period of progressive change being documented “In the Crucible of Change,” as well as his personal insights into the larger political/policy picture of Montana. Gordon Bennett, a major and formative player “In the Crucible of Change,” was born in the far northeast town of Scobey, MT in 1922. He attended school in Scobey through the eighth grade and graduated from Helena High School. After attending Carroll College for two years, he received his BA in economics from Carleton College in Northfield, MN. During a brief stint on the east coast, his daily reading of the New York Times (“best newspaper in the world at that time … and now”) inspired him to pursue a career in journalism. He received his MA in Journalism from the University of Missouri and entered the field. As a reporter for the Great Falls Tribune under the ownership and management of the Warden Family, he observed and competed with the rigid control of Montana’s press by the Anaconda Company (the Great Falls Tribune was the only large newspaper in Montana NOT owned by ACM). Following his intellectual curiosity and his philosophical bend, he attended a number of Farm-Labor Institutes which he credits with motivating him to pursue solutions to economic and social woes through the law. In 1956, at the age of 34, he received his Juris Doctorate degree from the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC. Bennett’s varied career included eighteen years as a farmer, four years in the US Army during WWII (1942-46), two years as Assistant MT Attorney General (1957-59) with Forrest Anderson, three years in private practice in Glasgow (1959-61), two years as Associate Solicitor in the Department of Interior in Washington, DC (1961-62), and private law practice in Helena from 1962 to 1969. While in Helena he was an unsuccessful candidate for the Montana Supreme Court (1962) and cemented his previous relationships with Attorney General Forrest Anderson and US Senator Lee Metcalf. Bennett modestly refuses to accept the title of Campaign Manager for either Lee Metcalf (1966 re-election over the challenger, MT Republican Governor Tim Babcock) or Forrest Anderson (his 1968 election as Governor), saying that “they ran their campaigns … we were only there to help.” But he has been generally recognized as having filled that critical role in both of those critical elections. After Governor Anderson’s election in 1968, Bennett was appointed Director of the MT Unemployment Compensation Commission, a position from where he could be a close advisor and confidant of the new Governor. In 1971, Governor Anderson appointed him Judge in the most important jurisdiction in Montana, the 1st Judicial District in Helena, a position he held for seventeen years (1971-88). Upon stepping down from his judgeship, for twenty years (1988-2008) he was a law instructor, mediator and arbitrator. He currently resides in Helena with his wife, Norma Tirrell, former newspaper reporter and researcher/writer. Bennett has two adult children and four grandchildren.
Pat Williams emerged from the Mining City of Butte, Montana with a sense of grassroots, people-oriented politics. His inherent belief in the power of ordinary citizens carried him through the Montana Legislature and into Congress for a record-setting period. The accomplishments of his long career partially obscured his innate progressive and populist instinct that is reflective of the period of “in the Crucible of Change.” This film addresses Pat’s early years when his progressive instincts and activities resulted in pushback from the giant Anaconda Company which had held Montana hostage for 75 years. Pat is joined for part of the film by former campaign staffer, and now prominent media consultant, Michael Fenenbock for reflections on Pat’s 1978 “Door-to-Door to Congress” campaign, which demonstrated the power of his belief in the people on the other side of the doors. Pat Williams (b. 1937) rose from teaching grade school in his hometown of Butte, MT, to serving for the longest number of consecutive terms (9 terms, 18 years) in the US House of Representatives of anyone in Montana history. Pat was a member of the National Guard and attended UM in Missoula and William Jewel College, graduating from the University of Denver. Pat also served in the Montana legislature for 2 terms (1966 & 1968 elections). In 1969. Pat helped his legislative seat-mate John Melcher get elected as Montana’s Eastern District Congressman in the Special Election that June. Pat went to Washington DC as Melcher’s Executive Assistant. Upon returning to Montana, Pat headed up the Montana offices of the innovative Mountain Plains Family Education Program. In 1974, Pat ran unsuccessfully for Montana’s Western District Congressional seat in a three-way race with former Congressman Arnold Olsen and state Legislator Max Baucus. After the drafting and passage of the 1972 Montana Constitution, Pat was named a member of Montana’s first-ever Reapportionment Commission. In 1978 he successfully ran for Congress, conducting a massive grass-roots door-to-door campaign of 1½ years, reaching 50,000 doors. In a hotly contested 6-way Democratic primary, Pat won going away and also handily won the general election. Pat served in Congress from January, 1979 until January of 1997, 14 years representing the Western District and 4 years representing the entire state. Upon his retirement from Congress, in 1997 Williams returned to Montana where has been an instructor at the University of Montana and Senior Fellow and Regional Policy Associate at the Center for the Rocky Mountain West. He is a former member of the Montana Board of Regents and serves on a number of national education-related boards. In Congress Pat was a Deputy Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives and sat on committees on: Budget, Natural Resources, Education and Labor, and Agriculture. Pat’s leadership helped pass trailblazing legislation to assist hard-working middle-class families and ensure opportunities for every child. Pat’s fingerprints are on many pieces of important legislation, including the College Middle Income Assistance Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Toddlers and Childhood Disability Act, the Library Services and Construction Act, and the Museum Services Act. Pat successfully sponsored the Lee Metcalf Wilderness Area and the Rattlesnake Wilderness area, helped save the Bob Marshall Wilderness from oil and gas exploration, and helped ban geothermal energy drilling near the borders of Yellowstone National Park. As Chairman of The Post-Secondary Education Committee, he protected the National Endowment for the Arts from elimination, a remarkable undertaking during a very trying time for the Agency. Pat worked tirelessly with Tribal College Leaders to build Montana’s seven Tribal Colleges. He was also responsible for the legislation that created The American Conservation Corps, which became the Corporation for National Service, giving thousands of America’s young people a chance to serve their country and pursue higher education. Pat lives in Missoula with his wife Carol Griffith Williams, former Montana Senate Majority Leader. They have three children and five grandchildren.
The heifer development project was a five year project conducted on the site of the former Jackson County Farm north of Andrew, Iowa, for four years and on an area producer’s farm for the fifth year. Heifers arrived around December 1 each year and the average number of heifers each year was 43 with a low of 37 and high of 47. After a 30+ day warm-up period the heifers were put on a 112-day test from early January to late April. They were fed a shelled corn and legume-grass hay ration consisting of between 13% and 14% crude protein and a range of .44 to .58 megacal/pound of NEg over the five years. During the 112-day test heifers gained 1.86, 1.78, 1.5, 1.63 and 2.2 pounds per day, respectively, for years 1992 through 1996. The actual average breeding weight was less than the target weight in three years by 5, 12 and 22 pounds and exceeded the target weight in two year by 17 and 28 pounds. Estrus synchronization used a combination of MGA feeding and Lutalyse injection. Heifers were heat detected and bred 12 hours later for a three-day period. On the fourth day, all heifers not bred were mass inseminated. Heifers then ran with the cleanup bull for 58 days. The average synchronization response rate during the project was 79%. The overall pregnancy rates based on September pregnancy averaged 92%. The five year average total cost per head for heifer development was $286.18 or about $.85 per day. Feed and pasture costs averaged 61% of the total costs.
Methods of heat detection were compared in the Mid- Crest Area Cattle Evaluation Program (MACEP) heifer development program in the 1998-breeding season. A total of 189 heifers from thirteen consignors entered the program on November 10, 1997. These heifers were condition scored, hip height measured, weighed, disposition scored, booster vaccinated, and treated for parasites at the time of arrival. Determination of the heifer’s mature weight was made and a target of 65% of their mature weight at breeding was established. The ration was designed to meet this goal. The heifers were kept in a dry lot until all heifers were AI bred once. The heifers were periodically weighed and condition scored to monitor their gains and the ration was adjusted as needed. The estrus synchronization program consisted of an oral progesterone analog for 14 days; 17 days after completion of the progesterone analog treatment a single injection of prostaglandin was given and the heifers were then estrus detected. Two concurrent methods of estrus detection were utilized: 1) Ovatec â electronic breeding probe (probe), 2) HeatWatchâ estrus detection system (HW), and 3) a combination of probe and HW. Probe readings were obtained each 12 hours and the heifers were continuously monitored for estrus activity using the HW system. The probe was used as the primary estrus detection method and the HW system was used as a back-up system. Those heifers that did not demonstrate any estrus signs prior to 96 hours post prostaglandin treatment were mass inseminated at 96 hours. Post AI breeding, 151 of the heifers were placed on pasture and ran with clean-up bulls for 60 days. The remaining heifers left the program after the AI breeding was completed. Pregnancy to the AI breeding was determined by ultrasound on June 29, 1998. Results from using both probe and HW were 60% pregnant by AI, probe alone was 32% pregnant by AI, and HW alone was 27% pregnant by AI. The result of mass insemination was 20% pregnant by AI.
The heifer development project took place the past four years on the site of the former Jackson County Farm north of Andrew, Iowa. Heifers arrived around December 1 with 38 heifers delivered for 1992, 44 for 1993, 46 for 1994, and 47 for 1995. After a 30+ day warm-up period, the heifers were put on a 112-day test from early January to late April. They were fed a shelled corn and legume-grass hay ration consisting of between 13% and 14% crude protein and .48, .58, .44, and .54 megacal/pound of NEg respectively for the years 1992 - 1995. During the 112-day test heifers gained 1.86, 1.78, 1.5, and 1.63 pounds per day respectively for years 1992 through 1995. The 1995 heifers averaged 853 pounds at breeding (22 pounds under target weight). This compares with previous years in which the breeding weight was less than target weight in two years by 5 and 12 pounds and exceeded the target weight in one year by 17 pounds. Estrus synchronization used a combination of MGA feeding and Lutalyse injection. Heifers were heatdetected and bred 12 hours later for a three-day period. On the fourth day, all heifers not bred were mass inseminated. Heifers then ran with the cleanup bull for 58 days. The synchronization response rate in 1995 was 83%, which compares with the three year previous average of 77%. The overall pregnancy rates based on September pregnancy exams were 94.6% in 1992, 93% in 1993, 91% in 1994, and 91.5% in 1995. Development costs for the 326 days in 1995 totaled $269.14 per heifer. This compares with the average of $286. 92 for the three previous years. The four-year average total cost per head for heifer development was $282.48, or about $.84 per day. Feed and pasture costs represented 58% of the total costs, or $.49 per day.