1000 resultados para Ríos Carratalá, Juan Antonio
A finales del siglo V, la población hispanorromana contempló con disgusto el incremento de la presencia visigoda en tierras de la Tarraconense. Entre finales del siglo V e inicios del VI, dos individuos ―Burdunelo y Pedro― se alzaron con el poder de manera ilegal y acaudillaron revueltas contra el dominio visigodo. La fuente que nos informa de estos hechos, la Pseudo Chronica Caesaraugustana, es un texto altamente problemático: interpretado durante mucho tiempo como los restos de la historiola escrita por el obispo Máximo de Zaragoza (c. 599-614/620), en realidad se trata solo de unas anotaciones realizadas al margen de crónicas anteriores. Las vicisitudes de la transmisión manuscrita han provocado, además, el desplazamiento de algunas de estas anotaciones de su posición original, con lo que nos proporcionan dataciones erróneas. En este trabajo estudiamos las noticias relativas a las rebeliones de Burdunelo y de Pedro, realizamos una nueva propuesta de cronología, analizamos sus orígenes sociales y examinamos el alcance que pudieron tener estas sublevaciones en el contexto de un inminente enfrentamiento entre visigodos y francos.
El primer tercio del siglo V representó un momento muy convulso en la historia del Imperio Romano. Algunas zonas, como la Galia, se vieron inmersas en una crisis provocada principalmente por las devastaciones que poblaciones bárbaras estaban llevando a cabo, desde inicios de la centuria, en casi todo su territorio. El foedus pactado por el Imperio con los visigodos, por el cual éstos se establecían en Aquitania (418), lejos de representar una solución no hizo sino aumentar los problemas de convivencia entre galorromanos y germanos. El pesimismo cundió entre la población autóctona: la teología eusebiana que presentaba al Dios cristiano como garante de los bienes materiales a través de su culto ―siguiendo la tradicional ideología del do ut des― había fallado, y muchas conciencias cristianas se hundieron en la angustia al preg
La passió que els espectacles del circ, del teatre i de l"amfiteatre van despertar entre els habitants de l"antiga Roma és ben coneguda, i no respon només a un tòpic dels nostres dies. Les al·lusions que trobem en les fonts escrites són molt abundants. Igualment, són molt nombroses les manifestacions artístiques que tenen per subjecte un tema relacionat amb el món lúdic.Aquesta passió va afectar tothom, fins i tot els cristians, als quals no els era lícit acudir a exhibicions d"aquesta mena
Comparative ultrastructural study of the intercellular connections between parasite and host cells in two algal parasitic systems, Gelidiocolax christianae Feldmann and Feldmann/Ge/iV/ium spathulatum (Kutz.) Bornet and Gelidiocolax deformans Seoane Camba/Gelidium sesquipedale (Clem.) Thur, shows quantitative and structural differences. The number of free conjunctor cells (before fusión with the adjacent host cells) differs between the two parasitic systems and is inversely related to the number of complex pit connections. The fibrillar cell wall structure of the conjunctor cells and the lamellar structure of the complex pit plugs in the two systems are also different A hypothesis concerning the different activity of the conjuntor cell wall in the two parasitic systems, related with the different structural appearance, is proposed.
Una carta escrita por el rey Visigodo Sisebuto (612-621) y dirigida al obispo metropolitano de Tarragona, Eusebio, nos proporciona posiblemente la fecha más tardía para la exhibición de 'ludi theatrales' en Hispania (614/620). Esto no supone que debamos utilizar esta epístola para datar la última representación en 'Hispania' de otros tipos de juegos, como los 'ludi circeneses' o las 'venationes'. Es probable que los espectáculos mencionados en esta misiva fueran de tipo privado. Los obispos tenían prohibido asistir a éstos según algunos cánones de concilios eclesiásticos.
El hipódromo de Constantinopla se convirtió, desde su reconstrucción monumental por Constantino I hasta su saqueo por los cruzados en 1204, en el principal escenario de manifestación de la majestad imperial. Centro de propaganda política por excelencia, este edificio tomó como modelo el Circo Máximo de Roma, con quien guardaba más parecido que con sus homónimos griegos. Todo en él estaba proyectado para realzar la idea de la soberanía del basileo: su disposición arquitectónica, unido al complejo palacial por medio de la kathisma -el palco imperial y el palacio del hipódromo con el mismo nombre-; la decoración, compuesta por obeliscos, columnas y otros elementos llenos de simbolismo solar, así como por una gran cantidad de esculturas destruidas en el saqueo de 1204; y la misma liturgia del hipódromo, un complejo ceremonial destinado a ensalzar al emperador como vencedor perpetuo.
Para remediar la falta de estudios centrados en la gestión del patrimonio cultural en el ámbito local, la investigación llevada a cabo ha apostado por conocer cómo gestionan los municipios de la provincia de Alicante, con una población comprendida entre los 10.001 y los 15.000 habitantes, parte de su patrimonio cultural: los castillos. Se trata de un tema de vital importancia, e inédito en el contexto alicantino, porque si las fortificaciones no se gestionan correctamente puede provocarse un impacto negativo en ellas. Especialmente si no hay gestión o ésta es amateur y/o voluntariosa.
These study analysed gender specificity in coping behaviours by taking into account the types of problem faced by Spanish adolescents attending school. It was focused on the ten problems most frequently reported by participants (828 adolescents, 355 boys, and 473 girls; Mage = 14.07, SD = 1.34), which were classified using a multi-axial classification system. Coping was examined as a two separate measures of approach and avoidance coping, and as a combined measure indicating the predominant use of coping, and total coping effort. A MANCOVA and subsequent univariate tests were conducted to analyse the specificity of coping according to problem and gender, controlled by age. The results showed that the percentage of types of problems reported by adolescents differed according to gender. The influence of gender on coping was scarcely relevant when the type of problem was controlled for. There were no gender differences when the predominant type of coping was considered, but when a total coping effort measure was analysed girls showed more coping efforts than boys to face interpersonal relationship problems and personal illness. Keywords: adolescence, coping, gender differences, stressors.
Typically, conflicts in world environmental negotiations are related, amongst other aspects, to the level of polarization of the countries in groups with conflicting interests. Given the predictable relationship between polarization and conflict, it would seem logical to evaluate the degree to which the distribution of countries – for example, in terms of their CO2 emissions per capita – would be structured through groups which in themselves are antagonistic, as well as their evolution over time. This paper takes the concept of polarization to explore this distribution for the period 1992-2010, looking at different analytic approaches related to the concept. Specifically, it makes a comparative evaluation of the results associated with endogenous multi-polarization measures (i.e. EGR and DER indices), exogenous measures (i.e. Z-K or multidimensional index) and strict bipolarization measures (i.e. Wolfson’s measure). Indeed, the interest lies not only in evaluating the global situation of polarization by comparing the different approaches and their temporal patterns, but also in examining the explanatory capacity of the different proxy groups used as a possible reference for designing global environmental policy from a group premise. JEL codes: D39; Q43; Q56. Key words: polarization; carbon emissions; conflict;
AbstractPenetrating atherosclerotic aortic ulcer is a rare entity with poor prognosis in the setting of acute aortic syndrome. In the literature, cases like the present one, located in the aortic arch, starting with chest pain and evolving with dysphonia, are even rarer. The present report emphasizes the role played by computed tomography in the diagnosis of penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer as well as in the differentiation of this condition from other acute aortic syndromes. Additionally, the authors describe a new therapeutic approach represented by a hybrid endovascular surgical procedure for treatment of the disease.
Con seguridad , Genesio de Roma es el más célebre de los actores mártires que, según una extendida leyenda hagiográfica, murieron a causa de una conversión milagrosa mientras actuaban sobre el escenario. Su figura rozó de gran fortuna en Occidente y su historia aparece recogida en numerosos pasionarios y martirologios. En este trabajo estudiamos todas estas fuentes, presentándolas en orden cronológico y estableciendo las diversas relaciones entre ellas.
The paper examines the international distribution of energy intensities as a conventional proxy indicator of energy efficiency and sustainability in the consumption of resources, by employing some descriptive tools from the analysis of inequality and polarization. The analysis specifically focuses on the following points: firstly, inequalities are evaluated synthetically based on diverse summary measures and Lorenz curves; secondly, different factorial decompositions are undertaken that assist in investigating some explanatory factors (weighting factors, multiplicative factors and decomposition by groups); and thirdly, an analysis is made of the polarization of intensities when groups of countries are defined endogenously and exogenously. The results obtained have significant implications from both academic and political perspectives.
This paper analyses the international inequalities in CO2 emissions intensity for the period 1971- 2009 and assesses explanatory factors. Multiplicative, group and additive methodologies of inequality decomposition are employed. The first allows us to clarify the separated role of the carbonisation index and the energy intensity in the pattern observed for inequalities in CO2 intensities; the second allows us to understand the role of regional groups; and the third allows us to investigate the role of different fossil energy sources (coal, oil and gas). The results show that, first, the reduction in global emissions intensity has coincided with a significant reduction in international inequality. Second, the bulk of this inequality and its reduction are attributed to differences between the groups of countries considered. Third, coal is the main energy source explaining these inequalities, although the growth in the relative contribution of gas is also remarkable. Fourth, the bulk of inequalities between countries and its decline are explained by differences in energy intensities, although there are significant differences in the patterns demonstrated by different groups of countries.
This paper uses the possibilities provided by the regression-based inequality decomposition (Fields, 2003) to explore the contribution of different explanatory factors to international inequality in CO2 emissions per capita. In contrast to previous emissions inequality decompositions, which were based on identity relationships (Duro and Padilla, 2006), this methodology does not impose any a priori specific relationship. Thus, it allows an assessment of the contribution to inequality of different relevant variables. In short, the paper appraises the relative contributions of affluence, sectoral composition, demographic factors and climate. The analysis is applied to selected years of the period 1993–2007. The results show the important (though decreasing) share of the contribution of demographic factors, as well as a significant contribution of affluence and sectoral composition.