959 resultados para Queima da palha de cana-de-açúcar


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Realizou-se, no campus da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias da UNESP, em Jaboticabal, SP, um estudo com o objetivo de determinar a ingestão voluntária e a digestibilidade aparente de rações contendo diferentes relações de cana-de-açúcar: cama-de-frango (CC1= 65,50 : 34,50%; CC2= 58,00 : 42,00%; e CC3- 52,00 : 48,00% combinadas com três níveis de milho (M1 = 0 kg; M2 = 0,75 kg e M3 = 1,50 kg), através do delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 3 com três repetições. Utilizaram-se nove bezerros pesando, em média, 334 kg. Através da análise de regressão, detectou-se efeito linear positivo (P < 0,01) entre os níveis de milho e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da matéria orgânica, do extrato etéreo, do extrato não nitrogenado e dos teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais. As proporções de cana: cama-de-frango com menores quantidades de cana proporcionaram aumentos na digestibilidade da proteína e da fibra bruta (P < 0,01). Não houve interação significativa entre os níveis de milho e as proporções de cana: cama-de-frango. O valor nutritivo e a ingestão de matéria seca total foram significativamente aumentadas nas rações com os níveis crescentes de milho (P < 0,01).


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The present work was developed in order to obtain data on bromatologic composition of caged hen manure (CHM) without and with hydrolised sugarcane bagasse (HSB) stocked during 10, 20 and 30 days on the ground under the cage. CHM as well as HSB remained under the cage for 10, 20 and 30 days. CHM Stocking for 30 days on the ground under the cage resulted in lower values of nutrients. The presence of HSB avoided loss of nutrients during the stocking period of CHM and preserved CHM accumulated under the cage.


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Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), was cut after nine weeks of regrowth and mixed with 10, 20, 30 and 40% of sugar cane bagasse (SCB) with the objective of reducing the moisture content of the ensiled mass. Willing of the grass for eight and twelve hours was used as a comparative treatment. Initial dry matter of the grass (13%) increased in the forage mass to 17, 23, 24 and 27% by the addition of 10, 20, 30 and 40% of the SCB respectively. Wilting for eight and twelve hours increased initial dry matter to 18 and 24% respectively. Buffering capacity of elephant grass was reduced by the addition of 40% of SCB. Clostridium spores in the ensiled mass tended to be lower due to the effect of the two pre-treatments. Initial dry matter and number of spores of Clostridium were negatively correlated although without statistic significance. The addition of SCB reduced (P < 0.0.5) soluble carbohydrates and crude protein percentages in the ensiled mass. It was concluded that wilting is more effective than the addition of SCB in the practice of ensiling elephant grass.


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An experiment was conducted to study the in vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDMD) and gross energy (IVGED) of hydrolyzed sugarcane bagasse with different storage times and two periods of adaptation of the bovine to the diet. A completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications was used. Treatments A,B,C, and D which corresponded to the times of 0, 15, 30, and 45 days of storage time period of the bagasse, respectively. Each treatment was studied at 7 and 45 after adaptation of the bovine ruminal donor to the diet. After 30 days storage, the bagasse IVDMD was inpaired for both 7 and 45 days of adaptation. Averages values of 25.8; 25.9; 23.1 and 23.3% were obtained for IVDMD with seven days of adaptation, and 25.04; 21.6; 12.5 and 11.4% with 45 days of adaptation for storage periods of 0; 15; 30 and 45 days, respectively. For IVGED, the averages obtained were 33.4; 27.8; 30.9; and 27.2% with seven days, and 30; 26.6; 20.6 and 14.5% with 45 days of adaptation for storage periods of 0, 15, 30 and 45 days, respectively.


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This work aimed to evaluate the tolerance of sugarcane cultivars to sulfentrazone, imazapic, isoxaflutole, clomazone and ametryn + trifloxysulfuron-sodium. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design in a split-plot scheme. The cultivars were allocated to the plots and the herbicides to the sub-plots (five 8.0 m long rows and 1.5 m spacing, with 4 repetitions. The herbicides sulfentrazone (0.8 kg ha(-1)), imazapic (0.147 kg ha(-1)), isoxaflutole (0.1125 kg ha(-1)), clomazone (1.1 kg ha(-1)), ametryn (1.463 kg ha(-1)) + trifloxysulfuron sodium (0.037 kg ha-1) and control were evaluated on 3-yr-old ratoons of the cultivars IACSP94-2094, IACSP94-2101, IACSP93-3046, IACSP94-4004, IAC86-2480 and RB72454 in post emergence. The traits evaluated were: plant toxicity symptoms in the plant leaves; total chlorophyll content and photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) at 15, 30 and 60 days after application (DAA); height (cm) at 30 and 270 DAA, and plant stand (stalk m(-1)) at 30 and 180 DAA. Diameter (cm), estimated productivity (t ha(-1)) and quality analysis were evaluated at 270 DAA. The sugarcane cultivars IACSP94-2094, IACSP93-3046, IACSP94-4004, IAC86-2480, RB72454, and IACSP94-2101 especially, were susceptible to clomazone up to 30 DAA, due to leaf chlorosis and lower chlorophyll content, but had no effect on quality characteristics and productivity. The cultivars were also tolerant to other herbicides.


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The study had the objective to evaluate the effect of the fertilization with filter cake enriched with soluble phosphate on the sugar yield. The experiment carried at Presidente Prudente-SP, used a randomized complete block design, in the factorial scheme 5 x 4, where the first factor consisted of doses of filter cake (0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 and 4.0 t ha(-1)) and the second, doses of phosphorus fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 200 kg ha(-1) of P2O5), with 4 replicates, totaling 80 plots. The results indicated that phosphorus applied in planting furrows improves the quality of sugarcane raw matter by increasing the levels of soluble solids, total reducing sugars and sucrose in the stalks. The phosphorus also increases the productivity of sugar. The filter cake applied in planting furrow has the potential to partially replace the chemical fertilization with phosphate aiming to improve the quality and the productivity of sugar. The best combination was filter cake at dose between 2.6 and 2.7 t ha(-1) combined with dose between 160 and 190 kg P2O5 ha(-1) for obtaining best response of soluble solids and productivity of sugar.


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The sugar cane crop has been cultivated in all regions of the Brazil, occupying different soil types. The north region of Mato Grosso has favorable climate conditions for the culture, however, has been achieved low productivity due to the not application of fertilizer and inefficient doses. Being the potassium the mineral element absorbed in large amount by culture. Aimed to with this work to evaluate the effect of growing doses of the nutrient applied in coverage in the second cycle of the variety of sugar cane IAC86-2480. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four replications. The Potassium doses were: 0; 60; 120; 180 e 240 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O. Was evaluated the degrees Brix, diameter, weigth, height and productivity of stalk. No was significant effects for the variable degrees Brix in response to potassium doses, since to others had response quadratic. The dose of maximum agronomic efficiency was of 150 kg ha(-1) de K(2)O obtaining productivity of 85 t ha(-1) of stalk, representing 25% increase in productivity.


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The aim of this work was evaluate the physiological indicators of association between water deficiency and soil acidity, by determining the nitrate reductase activity, the levels of free proline and initial growth of the root system of seedlings of sugarcane cv. IAC91-5155. After 30 days, the seedlings were transferred to plastic pots with 12 dm3 of dystrophic alic Red Latosol (Oxisol) and submitted to association of three treatments of water availability: no stress (70%), moderate stress (55%) and severe stress (40%), in according with field capacity and three acidity treatments: no stress (55%), moderate stress (33%) and severe stress (23%), considering the base saturation. The experimental design was that of random blocks under factorial scheme of 3x3, with four replicates. After 60 days under the stress association, the levels of free proline, the nitrate reductase activity and the growth of the sugarcane roots system were evaluated in seedlings of sugarcane. The nitrate reductase enzyme activity can be considered a physiological indicator of the effect of the association of acid and water stress in moderate conditions in soil, while the free proline can be considered physiological indicator to both stress in severe conditions. Water deficiency increasing reduced growth of sugarcane roots.


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Nematodes cause extensive losses to sugarcane in Brazil and also in other producing regions. Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and Pratylenchus zeae are the key species for this culture worldwide. In the present study, the aggressiveness of M. javanica and M. incognita to sugarcane variety SP 911049 was evaluated comparatively,. The following parameters were compared: reproduction factor (RF) of these nematodes, effect of nematodes in the natural incidence of pests, and the influence on the development and technological characteristics of sugarcane. Considering the data of RF, biometrics, natural infestation of pests, mortality of plants, and technological variables, it was concluded that M. javanica was more aggressive to sugarcane, although its rate of multiplication was much smaller than the one of M. incognita.


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Three species of filamentous fungi, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium fellutanum and Mucor hiemalis, were selected and cultivated in vinasse media with different addition of molasses, pasteurized to 85°C for 30 minutes and with pH = 5.0. The microorganisms, previously adapted to the respective medium for 48 hours, from a solution of 107 spores.ml-1, were cultivated in pure and mixed cultures in Erlenmeyer vessel of 500ml, to 30°C, with constant agitation of 170 rpm, for 24, 48 and 72 hours, with four repetition for each samples. The biomass was separated by vacuum filtration in filter Whatman #1 and dried in oven at 105°C until right weight, the obtained liquid was submited to COD analysis. The datas were statistically analysed using a response surface methodology, to improve the effect on the molasses proportion and culture time, in the biomass production by microorganism in research. According to the obtained results (5.02% of molasses, 55.59h, 70% of spores solution of A. niger and 30% of spores solution of P. fellutanum), cultivating was carried out in Microferm Fermentor New Brunswick for 48 hours at 300 rpm, aired at 1v/v/m, using 5 liters of medium added with 5.0% of molasses on the conditions above described. The average of the results obtained (6.81g.l-1) was higher than the confidence interval (5.937 ; 6.369) and was inside the prediction interval (4.471 ; 7.834) both of them significant at 95% by the statistical test employed.


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In order to study the effect of gypsum, lime and the mixture of lime-gypsum, associated with syrup in the agricultural and industrial production and in the rooting of sugar-cane (Saccharum spp.), var. IAC 58-480, one experiment was carried out in soil Terra Roxa Estrutura. Sugar-cane was planted in November 1986, and the cane-plant harvesting in September 1988. Three successive harvests were collected.The experiment was set in a randomized block design with seven treatments and four replications .The treatments were: T1 - 1.2 ton/ha of lime; T2 - 0.8 ton/ha of lime + 0.4 ton/ha of gypsum; T3 - 0.6 ton/ha of lime + 0.6 ton/ha of gypsum; T4 - 0.4 ton/ha of lime + 0.8 ton/ha of gypsum; T5 - 1.2 ton/ha of gypsum; T6 - 2.4 ton/ha of gypsum; T7 - control. Syrup was applied at the amount of 45 m3/ha.In September 1990, after the third harvesting, the second application of the treatments was made, the gypsum being applied in amounts four times greater than those of that put into practice at the planting. During harvest, the following parameters were evaluated: number, length and average diameter of the stalks; yield; and probable sugar and theoretical alcohol production per hectare.The results showed that the second application of the treatments recuperated the crop. Greater yields were achieved when the gypsum was associated with lime or syrup.


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Plant regulators have been used successfully for early ripening and flowering control in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid). However, little information is available about the interactions between new genotypes and two plant regulators with regard to those variables. This study determined the effect of the regulators on the sucrose content, stalk production and flowering of seven sugarcane genotypes. The experiment was installed in March 2004 near Ja-, SP, Brazil A randomized complete block design was used with four blocks with a split plot treatment arrangement where the main plots were the genotypes IAC87-3396, IAC87-3410, IAC89-3124, IAC91-2195, 1AC91-5155, P088-62 and SP80-1842 and the subplots were sulfomethuron-methyl (15g i.a.·ha -1), etefon (480g i.a.·ha-1) and unsprayed control. Pol in cane was evaluated at 0, 21, 42, 63, 84, 105 and 126 days after the plant regulators application (DAA). Flowering, pith, stalk production and sucrose content were evaluated at 126 DAA. In most of the genotypes the use of plant regulators anticipated maturation in 21 days when compared with the unsprayed control. Etefon was more efficient for harvesting sugarcane between 42-84 DAA, whereas sulfomethuron-methyl was between 105 and 126 DDA. Both products controlled flowering. For most genotypes, the ripeners did not affect the productivity of stalks, except for sulfomethuron-methyl that reduced it in SP80-1842, and for ethephon that increased it in IAC91-2195. Sugar productivity of IAC89-3124 increased with both regulators, while it was higher in IAC91-2195 with ethephon application and lower in SP80-1842 with sulfomethuron-methyl use.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The interaction of the leafhopper-of-roots with the sugar cane is still poorly marked and there is little information on resistant varieties. The phenolic compounds are involved in resistance mechanisms of the antibiosis type, but few studies are devoted to the studying role of these compounds in the interaction of plants with sucking insects. The study was conducted to determine how the sugar cane responded to the infestation of Mahanarva fimbriolata in terms of accumulation of phenolic compounds. An experiment was carried out under controlled conditions in a randomized design in a factorial schedule 3 x 2 x 4, with 3 genotypes and sugar cane, 2 levels of nymphs infestation of M. fimbriolata and sampling 4 times, with 4 repetitions. The genotypes SP80-1816 and RB72454 showed higher levels of total phenols when subjected to an infestation of the pest, but the duration of the nymphal stage and mortality of sharpshooters were significantly lower in those varieties, indicating that the increase in the concentration of phenolic compounds may had been caused by death and decay of the roots. It was not observed variation in levels of total phenols in the variety SP83- 5073 subject to an infestation of M. fimbriolata. However, the mortality of the leafhopperof- roots and duration of the stage of nymphs were significantly higher in genotype, indicating the existence of resistance-type antibiosis. Analysis of correlation showed that higher initial levels of phenolic compounds resulting in mortality of the pest can increase the duration of the nymph stage.


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Sugarcane is one of the most important grass crops. This study evaluated the effects of chemical ripeners on the sugarcane variety SP81-3250 in terms of technological quality. The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks with split split-plots. Main treatments were: 1) Control; 2) Aminolon Maduracion, at a rate of 0.7 L of commercial product (c.p.) ha -1; 3) Aminolon Maduracion, at a rate of 1.0 liter of c.p. ha -1; 4) Aminolon Maduracion, at a rate of 1.3 liter of c.p. ha -1; 5) Trinexapac-ethyl (Moddus), at a rate of 0.8 liter of c.p. ha -1. Secondary treatments were the sampling dates: 10 days before application (- 10 d.a.a.); 11; 46; 71; 100 and 117 d.a.a. (days after application). Ripeners differently affected the technological parameters, and trinexapac-ethyl showed the best behavior, followed by Aminolon (0.7 L of c.p. ha -1). The best results were found at the 3rd and 4th sampling dates, 46 and 71 days after application, respectively.