959 resultados para Puget Sound Earthquake, Wash., 1965.


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The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission was created by a joint resolution of the 1938 U.S. Congressional Third Session. The Extra Provincial Corporations Act of Ontario, Canada licenses the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission. Canada and the United States are equally represented on the Commission by an 8 member Board of Commissioners. Canadian commissioners are appointed by the Premier of Ontario. The three Niagara bridges are the Whirlpool Bridge, the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge and the Rainbow Bridge. Source:http://niagarafallsbridges.com/index.php3


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Annual Convocation proceedings for the year 1965. The title varies slightly and convocation is held at different cities or towns in Canada. One hundred and seventh annual convocation.


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The Blue Badger was Brock University's first Campus Newsletter. It was designed to make faculty, officers, staff, and students aware of goings on around campus and events in the community. It was around from October 1964 to November 1965.


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A photograph of the Right Hon. John J. Diefenbaker with Sean O'Sullivan. The photograph is labelled on the reverse: "With the Right Hon. John J. Diefenbaker, 1965, Royal Connaught Hotel, Hamilton". Sean O'Sullivan would have been 13 years old at the time of the photograph.


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Geography has long been a predominantly visual discipline, but recent work in geography has sought to explore the multisensory, embodied, emotional and affective dimensions of people’s relations with places. One way to engage this type of exploration is through the use of sound walks: walks along a specified route accompanied by a soundtrack (on headphones or stationary speakers) that conveys information, enacts a story, produces an ambience or atmosphere, or illuminates certain aspects of the environment through which the listener is walking. This thesis aims to show how geographers can benefit from using sound walks as thinking tools, representational tools and teaching tools. Drawing on my own experiences producing sound walks, I first examine the ways that sound walk production processes help generate productive geographical thinking for those producing sound walks (Chapter Two). The various stages of producing a sound walk require different skill sets, pose different challenges, and require different sorts of environmental awareness, and therefore present novel opportunities for developing geographical insights about specific places or spatial relations. Second, I focus on four experientially-oriented aspects of sound walks – using multiple senses, walking, contingency, and moments of interaction – to argue that sound walks can be useful representational tools for geographers, whether those creating sound walks subscribe to a representational or non-representational theory of knowledge (Chapter Three). The value of sound walks as representational tools is in the experience of ‘doing’ them. That is, audiences discover for themselves through interaction what is being represented, rather than having it delivered to them. The experiential elements of ‘doing’ sound walks recommend them as potentially helpful representational tools for geographers. Third, by examining the work of a small sample of fourth year “Advanced Geography of Music” students, I develop the argument that sound walks can be effective tools for teaching students and for creating circumstances for students to learn independently (Chapter Four). Sound walks have potential to be effective pedagogical tools because they are commensurate with several key pedagogical schools of thought that emphasise the importance of requiring students to engage actively with their environment using a combination of senses. The thesis demonstrates that sound walks are a worthwhile resource for geographers to use theoretically, representationally and pedagogically in their work. The next step is for geographers to put them into practice and realize this potential.


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A letter from John Diefenbaker, 10 September 1965. It reads "I was delighted with your letter. Your loyalty is surpassed only by your enthusiasm. I hope all of our friends will work as hard as I know you will, and if so, we cannot fail. Keep up the good work, and I will look forward to seeing you during the campaign. With very best wishes"


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Résumé: Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, la nécessité de moderniser la politique d’immigration américaine fait l’unanimité, la principale loi régissant l’immigration datant de 1924. Cependant, la question des paramètres de la réforme fait naître un débat fortement polarisé. Les défenseurs du statu quo, qui souhaitent maintenir le système des quotas nationaux faisant de l’origine nationale le premier critère d’admission, auront initialement le dessus, comme en fait foi le passage du McCarran-Walter Act en 1952. D’autre part, les partisans d’une libéralisation affirment que cette loi restrictive et discriminatoire va à l’encontre des objectifs de la politique étrangère américaine, particulièrement dans un conflit aussi idéologiquement chargé que la Guerre Froide. Au courant des années cinquante et au début des années soixante, les réformateurs libéraux auront progressivement le dessus dans le débat, si bien qu’une nouvelle loi sera adoptée en 1965. Ce mémoire propose d’aborder cette période de réforme sous l’angle de l’opinion publique. À partir, des sources permettant de prendre le pouls de la société américaine au sujet de la politique d’immigration, il a été possible d’observer une libéralisation progressive de l’opinion publique durant la période. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, l’interprétation de cette évolution est centrée sur l’influence grandissante des enjeux de la Guerre Froide dans le débat entourant la réforme.


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La Fédération des scouts catholiques de la province de Québec fut fondée en 1935. Elle possédait un objectif exigeant : former des hommes, des chrétiens et des citoyens. Plus encore, elle se proposait de former des chefs aptes à influencer la société canadienne-française. Bien que chapeauté par l’Église catholique, le mouvement scout laissait aux laïcs une place prépondérante. Le scoutmestre (SM) et le chef de patrouille (CP) étaient les deux principaux chefs laïcs de la troupe scoute. Ils étaient respectivement en charge de la troupe (24 à 32 jeunes) et de la patrouille (6 à 8 jeunes). Le CP était lui-même un jeune scout. Par eux transitaient les idéaux et les systèmes de représentation inculqués aux jeunes. Ils devaient être formés adéquatement pour leur charge. Plus que de simples compétences de meneur, leur formation visait à leur transmettre un véritable rapport au monde : l’idéal du chef scout. Ce mémoire examine la méthode scoute prônée par la Fédération, tout en la nuançant avec le vécu de chefs et de jeunes scouts dans quatre troupes outremontaises. L’effet de la Révolution tranquille sur la représentation traditionnelle du chef scoute sera aussi abordé.