625 resultados para Psychoanalytical research. Drugs. Signifier substitution (suppléance). Juissance. Mental health
Family impact (or family burden) is a concept born in the field of mental health that has successfully been exported to the ambit of intellectual disability (ID). However, differences in family impact associated with severe mental health disorders (schizophrenia), to ID or to mental health problems in ID should be expected. Seventy-two adults with intellectual disability clients of the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation's sheltered workshops and vocational employment programmes in Madrid (Spain), 203 adults diagnosed with schizophrenia from four Spanish Community Mental Health Services (Barcelona, Madrid, Granada and Navarra) and 90 adults with mental health problems in ID (MH-ID) from the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu Health Care Site in Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona (Spain) were asked to participate in the present study along with their main caregivers. Family impact experienced by caregivers was assessed with the ECFOS-II/SOFBI-II scale (Entrevista de Carga Familiar Objetiva y Subjetiva/Objective and Subjective Family Burden Interview). In global terms, results showed that the higher family impact was found between caregivers to people with MH-ID. The interaction of both conditions (ID and mental health problems) results in a higher degree of burden on families than when both conditions are presented separately. There was also an impact in caregivers to people with schizophrenia, this impact being higher than the one detected in caregivers to people with intellectual disability. Needs of caregivers to people with disability should be addressed specifically in order to effectively support families.
ABSTRACT: While diagnosis has traditionally been viewed as an essential concept in medicine, particularly when selecting treatments, we suggest that the use of diagnosis alone may be limited, particularly within mental health. The concept of clinical case formulation advocates for collaboratively working with patients to identify idiosyncratic aspects of their presentation and select interventions on this basis. Identifying individualized contributing factors, and how these could influence the person's presentation, in addition to attending to personal strengths, may allow the clinician a deeper understanding of a patient, result in a more personalized treatment approach, and potentially provide a better clinical outcome.
The Iowa 2012 General Assembly charged the Iowa Department of Public Health with creating a mental health and disabilities group to make workforce recommendations in support of services to Iowans (Senate File 2315, Division II, Section 24). The Department of Human Services Mental Health Redesign Initiative was already underway since 2010. Workforce supply is a critical element of service capacity. IDPH leadership reviewed the legislative language, conferred with DHS leadership, appointed the workforce, and began deliberations in fall 2012.
The children's mental health and well-being work group was formed in response to legislative direction to facilitate a study and make recommendations regarding children's mental health and the systems that assist children and families in Iowa.
Audit report on Southern Hills Regional Mental Health for the year ended June 30, 2015
This Annual Report of the Iowa Mental Health and Disability Services Commission (the Commission) is being submitted pursuant to Iowa Code § 225C.6(1)(h). The report is organized in two sections: (1) an overview of the activities of the Commission during 2015, and (2) recommendations formulated by the Commission for changes in Iowa law.
BACKGROUND: In 2008, the Swiss Civil Code was amended. From 1 January 2013, each Swiss canton may propose specific provisions for involuntary outpatient treatment (community treatment orders (CTOs)) for individuals with mental disorders. AIM: This review catalogues the legal provisions of the various Swiss cantons for CTOs and outlines the differences between them. It sets this in the context of variations in clinical provisions between the cantons. METHODS: Databases were searched to obtain relevant publications about CTOs in Switzerland. The Swiss Medical Association, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Swiss Health Observatory and all the 26 Cantonal medical officers were contacted to complete the information. Conférence des cantons en matière de protection des mineurs et des adultes (COPMA), the authority which monitors guardianship legislation, and Pro Mente Sana, a patients' right association, were also approached. RESULTS: Three articles about CTOs in Switzerland were identified. Psychiatric provisions vary considerably between cantons and only a few could provide complete or even partial figures for rates of compulsion in previous years. Prior to 2013, only 6 of the 20 cantons, for which information was returned, had any provision for CTOs. Now, every canton has some form of legal basis but the level of detail is often limited. In eight cantons, the powers of the measure are not specified (for example, use of medication). In 12 cantons, the maximum duration of the CTO is not specified. German speaking cantons and rural cantons are more likely to specify the details of CTOs. CONCLUSION: Highly variable Swiss provision for CTOs is being introduced despite the absence of convincing international evidence for their effectiveness or good quality data on current coercive practice. Careful monitoring and assessment of these new cantonal provisions are essential.
An international conference of psychology of religion, organised at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) on 16 May 2012, took up the theme: "Attachment, psychopathology, and religion". Four speakers were invited: Pehr Granvist, Andrew Gumley, Isabelle Rieben, and Pascal Roman. Their reworked contributions are gathered in this special section of Mental Health, Religion, & Culture. The goal of this special section is to re-examine the whole of this subject of the bond between attachment and religion and/or spirituality in the cases of those persons suffering from mental health disorders.
Expatriation has become increasingly common due to the global trade expansion. Many large companies base their production facilities in far-flung countries, where experts are sent from their own countries to launch the operations. Working in a foreign environment demands from so-called expatriates considerable adaptability. This study aimed to investigate if following expatriation mental health difficulties were experienced by the employees themselves or their family members. This study investigated by a questionnaire and interviews how expatriate employees in Finnish companies operating in different regions of Brazil and their families adjusted. Investigated employees were required to be at least 6 months in expatriation. Data were collected in Brazil during their stay at least 3 months after the arrival. The survey covered 121 expatriate employees, that operated in 17 different companies, from which 71 employees from 10 different companies responded to the questionnaire. All the employees from the two largest enterprises and their spouses were invited to focus groups; in total 43 persons (22 employees and 21 employees’ spouses) participated in a group or individual interviews. No significant mental health difficulties were found among the expatriate employees. Only a tenth of the expatriate employees reported strain. The experience of strain symptoms was found to be related to long working days, intense working rhythm and lack of friends. Work satisfaction seemed to be an important mediator in the coping process. While abroad, the expatriate employees were highly recognized for their work. Due to the immature organization of work they could often use their creative capacities to improve the work flow. The opportunity to see the effects of their own contribution with their own eyes to the development of the enterprise made them feel good. The association between the expatriate employees’ adjustment and that of their spouses’ was evident. The spouses’ situation was markedly different than that of the expatriate employees’ themselves. Expatriation changed the family members’ previous division of tasks considerably. The expatriate spouses had to change their roles more than the expatriate employees themselves; since most of them were highly educated women, who were leaded through an identity crisis due to at least temporary renunciation of own work and career.
Children’s pain symptoms and sleep problems are among the most common health complaints. They distract children from activities, decrease the quality of life, contribute to a significant economic burden, and have shown continuity into adulthood. The main aims of this thesis were to investigate long-term changes in the prevalence of pain symptoms and sleep problems among Finnish school-aged children, and the later mental health of those who in childhood experience pain. Prevalence, co-occurrence, and associated psychosocial factors of pain symptoms and sleep problems were also assessed. In study I, prevalence changes in eight-year-old children’s pain symptoms and sleep problems were investigated in three cross-sectional population-based samples (years 1989: n=1038, 1999: n=1035, and 2005: n=1030). In study II, cross-sectional associations between pain symptoms, sleep problems, and psychosocial factors were assessed among 13-18-year-old adolescents (n=2476). In studies III and IV, associations between pain symptoms at age eight (n=6017), and register-based data on antidepressant use and severe suicidality by age 24, were examined in a nationwide birth cohort. Pain symptoms and sleep problems were common and often co-occurred. A considerable number of children’s pain symptoms remained unrecognized by the parents. The prevalence of pain symptoms, sleep problems, and multiple concurrent symptoms approximately doubled from 1989 to 2005. Psychiatric difficulties or demographic factors did not explain the increase. Psychosocial factors that were associated with pain, sleep problems, and a higher number of symptoms, were female sex, psychological difficulties, emotional symptoms, smoking, victimization, and feeling not cared about by teachers. In longitudinal analyses, the child’s own report of headache, and to a smaller degree the parental report of the child’s abdominal pain predicted later antidepressant use. Parental report of the child’s abdominal pain predicted severe suicidality among males. If one of the symptoms is present, health care professionals should inquire about other symptoms as well. Questions should be directed to the children, not only to their parents. Inquiring about psychiatric difficulties, substance use, victimization, and relations with teachers should be included as a part of the assessment. Further studies are needed to clarify the reasons that underlie the increased prevalence rates, and the factors that may increase or decrease the risk for later mental health problems among pain-suffering children.
This study used narrative inquiry to shed light on the identity development of teacher candidates who experienced mental health issues during teacher education programs. The study sought to examine (a) stories that teacher candidates tell about being in a teacher education program while experiencing mental health issues; (b) identity development of teachers who have experienced mental health issues; and (c) how narratives of teacher candidates and beginning teachers challenge stereotyping and stigmatization. Through discussion and letter correspondence, the participants and I shared stories that represented our lived experiences. The study explored our stories using the 3 commonplaces of temporality, sociality, and place from a theoretical framework of narrative inquiry. Four themes emerged from the data analysis: the stigmatization of mental health issues; dealing with conflict; the need for a safe and supportive environment; and the complexity of mental health issues. This study contributes to the literature by exploring the lived experiences of teacher candidates and beginning teachers with mental health issues. The narratives inform teacher education programs, the teaching profession, and the mental health field.