374 resultados para Pruning.


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The fruit of certain mango cultivars (e.g., 'Honey Gold') can develop blush on their skin. Skin blush due to red pigmentation is from the accumulation of anthocyanins. Anthocyanin biosynthesis is related to environmental determinants, including light received by the fruit. It has been observed that mango skin blush varies with position in the tree canopy. However, little investigation into this spatial relationship has been conducted. The objective of this preliminary study was to describe a 'Honey Gold' mango tree by capturing its three-dimensional (3D) architecture. A light path tracing model QuasiMC was then used to predict light received by fruit. The use of this 3D model was to better understand the relationship between mango fruit skin blush and fruit position in the canopy. The digitised mango tree mimicked the real tree at a high level of detail. Observations on mango skin blush distribution supported the proposition that sunlight exposure is an absolute requirement for anthocyanin development. No blush development occurred on shaded skin. It was affirmed that 3D mapping could allow for virtual experiments. For example, for virtual canopy thinning (e.g., 'window pruning') to admit more sunlight with a view to improve fruit blush. Improvements to 3D modelling of mango skin blush could focus on increasing accuracy, e.g., measurement of leaf light reflectance and transmission and the inclusion of the effect shading by branches.


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Protective cropping could be an effective system for growing specialty melons in the dry tropics of North Queensland. The growing system could reduce outdoor risks for production loss, improve fruit quality, increase yield per m2, allow production offseason, and used for supplying niche markets in a segment of the larger melon market in Australia. First evaluations in Giru, Queensland, included seven cultivars of fruit types 'Galia', 'Hami', 'Charentais', small 'Canary', and 'Rockmelon', transplanted July 25, 2013 under a high polyethylene-covered tunnel. Plants were grown at a density of 2.8 plants m-2 in containers filled with volcanic rock and irrigated with a complete nutrient solution. Pruning and trellising was done to a single vertical stem, keeping lateral shoots on the main stem after the 7th leaf node. After bearing small fruit, lateral shoots were cut off after their second or third leaf node. To facilitate insect pollination, a screen window in the tunnel was left partially opened. On November 20 the cultivars had combined marketable yields that ranged from 2.8 to 8.2 fruits m-2 and 3.1 to 7.8 kg m-2. Total soluble solids levels in fruit ranged from 6 to 13 °Brix. Cultivars 'Tempo' ('Galia'), 'Tikal' ('Canary') and 'Sultan' ('Charentais') had fruit yields that were up to 2.6 times greater than yields commonly achieved with field-grown rockmelon crops. Sugar levels in fruits and marketable yields may be increased with changes in fertigation management. Promising results in this first evaluation justify examination of a greater number of genetic materials, in addition to the development of economic feasibility studies and further adaptive research to refine crop recommendations for growing melons in protective cropping systems.


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To implement policies and plans at the tourist sector involve disposition to the establishment of parceries among government and private initiative, space to the action of studious, researchers and professionals of several areas of knowledge and formation, able of to give new courses no only at the tourism, but to the economy how a every, seen which the tourism had a effect multiplicator, reaching 52 sectors of the economy. At this sense, the Brazil came pruning for a new phase of politic actuation at the touristy activity. Until the year 2002, the tourism politic in the Brazil no had detail, because herself treated of isolated actions and many without continuity. However, at to start 2003, several actions were developed in order to contribute for the national touristy planning. The principal was the creation of Ministério do Turismo, accompanied of the formulation and implementation of the Plano Nacional do Turismo (2003/2007). This work pretend to understand the implementation at the Rio Grande do Norte of the model of participative administration extolled by Plano Nacional do Turismo. The your centre detail the action of the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte (CONETUR), to promote the participation at the tourism public policies. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the participation and to the tourism public policies, especially at the Brazil. A qualitative perspective the case study was adapted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The principal actuations of the CONETUR, the directives tourism public policies already made and directed to implementation, the type of participation at made decision, the principal difficulties of the implementation of the participative administration model of the Plano Nacional do Turismo and the degree of participation of the members of the Conselho at the reunions had been identified. The results had shown that exist some difficulties at the implementation of the participation at the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte, knowledge of the Conselheiros of CONETUR function, the presence of bodies which doesn t directly connected at the touristy activity; the absence of time of the Conselheiros to be presents at reunions; the discontinuity of the presidency of the Conselho; among others. So, the CONETUR show himself how a Conselho with participative characteristics, but with some adapted needs.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a produção de Anthurium andraeanum 'Apalai' submetido a diferentes intensidades de desfolha no Vale do Ribeira, SP. Foram utilizadas mudas micropropagadas dessa espécie, as quais foram plantadas em canteiros construídos sob telado coberto com tela de náilon preta, com malha que proporciona 70% de sombreamento, no espaçamento 0,40x0,40m. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas, com dezesseis repetições. O efeito da desfolha foi avaliado na parcela e o efeito do tempo após a desfolha na subparcela. As diferentes intensidades de desfolha consistiram em plantas com três, quatro e cinco folhas e plantas sem desfolha, e o tempo após a desfolha, as avaliações realizadas em 2006 e 2007. Ocorreu um aumento na área das folhas individuais em plantas mantidas com quatro e cinco folhas, proporcional à intensidade de desfolha, que pode ser relacionado a uma tentativa de compensação da área foliar perdida. A desfolha com a manutenção de três, quatro ou cinco folhas em plantas de antúrio 'Apalai' é prejudicial para o seu crescimento e produção.


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Black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) control consists in the continuous use of fungicide sprays and cultural practices. Cultural control reduces inoculum sources of the pathogen and favorable environmental conditions for its development, as well as it increases the vigor of the plants. In order to manage the disease it is necessary to know its behavior through the time, its relationship with the weather and the crop management. The most important cultural practice to reduce the inoculum source is the removal of the whole affected leaves or only the diseased portions of the leaves. The removed tissue is placed over the ground and the use of urea is feasible to accelerate its decomposition. An alternative practice is the "mini-composting" that consists in forming small heaps with the dead leaves and harvested plants for its quick degradation, which allows to reduce the pathogen inoculum and to incorporate nutrients and organic matters into the soil. The early pruning of the tips of the Young leaves before they show symptoms of the disease and the quick elimination of harvested plants reduce the inoculum. Also, the agronomic management of the crop helps to reduce the favorable conditions and to increase the vigor of the plants: this management considers plantation density, drainage systems, irrigation methods, control of weeds, chemical-biological fertilization, and nematode control.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'École normale supérieure de Cachan – Université Paris-Saclay


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This study intends to establish a relation between environmental degradation, particularly the devastation of the green canopy, and public health. Utilizing a mapping of the trees included in the researched area, each individual tree was analyzed according to its age, taxonomic listing, architecture, shape and size (determined by aesthetic/convenience reasons or deformed by pruning). Initially investigated were the covert reasons lying underneath the constant aggression against trees (which many times seem to contain elements of hatred and contempt) within the urban environment. In addition to that, the aspects concerning environmental modifications and the consequent impact on public health were also assessed. Two main problems promptly emerged as a result of the removal of trees: a) without a canopy to protect the areas, they became subject to winds directly blown from SW Africa and impregnated with aerosol partic les, which are common causes for respiratory disorders and, b) direct UV solar radiation, which causes some types of skin cancers and eye disorders. To reach such results, we studied the origins and formation of UV radiation induced cancers and searched for the UV radiation spectra of action, e.g., usual intensity and quantity reaching clear and shadowed spaces in a certain area and its consequences. In a second instance, we also searched for pertinent data resources in order to confirm the increase of skin cancer cases due to exposure to UV radiation and the relation between the destruction of the green canopy and the above mentioned problems. We believe that a few significant results have been achieved by this study, namely: the relation between a culture based on medieval beliefs and its consequences on the environment; how this culture exploits and deforms nature in pursuit of financial and psychological interests to a point of transforming the landscape into a copy of something devoid of any relation to latitude and altitude; and above all, the indifference concerning the alarming results carried by these modifications


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ABSTRACTAveraging aggregation functions are valuable in building decision making and fuzzy logic systems and in handling uncertainty. Some interesting classes of averages are bivariate and not easily extended to the multivariate case. We propose a generic method for extending bivariate symmetric means to n-variate weighted means by recursively applying the specified bivariate mean in a binary tree construction. We prove that the resulting extension inherits many desirable properties of the base mean and design an efficient numerical algorithm by pruning the binary tree. We show that the proposed method is numerically competitive to the explicit analytical formulas and hence can be used in various computational intelligence systems which rely on aggregation functions.


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A two-stage hybrid model for data classification and rule extraction is proposed. The first stage uses a Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) classifier with Q-learning (known as QFAM) for incremental learning of data samples, while the second stage uses a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for rule extraction from QFAM. Given a new data sample, the resulting hybrid model, known as QFAM-GA, is able to provide prediction pertaining to the target class of the data sample as well as to give a fuzzy if-then rule to explain the prediction. To reduce the network complexity, a pruning scheme using Q-values is applied to reduce the number of prototypes generated by QFAM. A 'don't care' technique is employed to minimize the number of input features using the GA. A number of benchmark problems are used to evaluate the effectiveness of QFAM-GA in terms of test accuracy, noise tolerance, model complexity (number of rules and total rule length). The results are comparable, if not better, than many other models reported in the literature. The main significance of this research is a usable and useful intelligent model (i.e., QFAM-GA) for data classification in noisy conditions with the capability of yielding a set of explanatory rules with minimum antecedents. In addition, QFAM-GA is able to maximize accuracy and minimize model complexity simultaneously. The empirical outcome positively demonstrate the potential impact of QFAM-GA in the practical environment, i.e., providing an accurate prediction with a concise justification pertaining to the prediction to the domain users, therefore allowing domain users to adopt QFAM-GA as a useful decision support tool in assisting their decision-making processes.


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The cyber security threats from phishing emails have been growing buoyed by the capacity of their distributors to fine-tune their trickery and defeat previously known filtering techniques. The detection of novel phishing emails that had not appeared previously, also known as zero-day phishing emails, remains a particular challenge. This paper proposes a multilayer hybrid strategy (MHS) for zero-day filtering of phishing emails that appear during a separate time span by using training data collected previously during another time span. This strategy creates a large ensemble of classifiers and then applies a novel method for pruning the ensemble. The majority of known pruning algorithms belong to the following three categories: ranking based, clustering based, and optimization-based pruning. This paper introduces and investigates a multilayer hybrid pruning. Its application in MHS combines all three approaches in one scheme: ranking, clustering, and optimization. Furthermore, we carry out thorough empirical study of the performance of the MHS for the filtering of phishing emails. Our empirical study compares the performance of MHS strategy with other machine learning classifiers. The results of our empirical study demonstrate that MHS achieved the best outcomes and multilayer hybrid pruning performed better than other pruning techniques.


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Current pear pruning making use of pneumatic shears still is a very labour intensive operation. The Proder project “Avaliação da poda mecânica em pomares de pera” was designed to contribute to solutions that would reduce the present dependence in labour and therefore to promote a reduction in pruning costs. This paper shows the results of a trial made to evaluate the influence of mechanical topping in manual pruning complement field work and pear yield. Topping was performed using a Reynolds 6DT 3.0m cutting bar with six hydraulic-driven circular disc-saws mounted in the three point tractor linkage system. The field trial was performed in a commercial orchard with 20 years, planted in an array of 4m x 2m with tree lines oriented in North-South direction. Trees were trained as the central leader system. In this trial, in a randomised complete block design with four replications, two treatments are being compared leading to 8 plots with one line of 14 trees per plot. The treatments tests were: T1 - manual pruning performed by workers using pneumatic shears, in each year; T2 - Topping the canopy parallel to the ground, using a discs-saw pruning machine mounted in a front loader of an agricultural tractor, followed by manual pruning complement performed by workers with pneumatic shears. Tree height and width was measured, before and after pruning. Work was timed and pear yields evaluated. Mechanical topping seems to be effective in the control of tree height, which can contribute to increase 14% of work rates on manual pruning complement. No significant differences in pear yield were found between treatments.


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Cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.), in Portugal, is considered the national tree and have special demands and legal protection when dealing with silviculture management (pruning, debarking, thinning). Being a species of slow growth, cork oak transplanting procedures can be a valuable asset either from the economic or ecological rationales to relocate trees, re-populate areas affected by high tree mortality, increase tree density to control erosion on montado ecosystems or landscape design. This study focuses the impacts and physiological responses of ten juvenile rain fed cork oak trees (with diameter at breast height between 6 and 16cm), when subjected to transplant operations. The work was conducted in a cork oak woodland experimental plot at the campus of the University of Évora (SW Portugal), during the year of 2015. Tree’s transplants were performed with a truck-mounted hydraulic spade transplanter coupled with a proposed methodology to maximize tree survival rates, addressing techniques to limit canopy transpiration and to improve root systems prior to transplant. Tree ecophysiological indicators (sap flow, leaf water potentials and stomatal conductance) were monitored comprising the periods before and after transplant operations, and water stress avoidance practices were established to promote post-transplant tree status recovery, including irrigation to match average daily accumulated sap flow. Transplant operations were considered successful when the tree's water uptake inferred from sap flow exhibited a high correlation with solar radiation and returned to its undisturbed or pre-transplant water potential gradients in the following 2 to 3 weeks. The post-transplant tree nourishment follow up included permanent sap flow measurements and identified the time elapsed after transplantation from which the tree recovers its normal transpiration thresholds and response. Our results suggest that by following the proposed methodology the sampled cork oak trees exhibited a transplant success rate of 90%.


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A viticultura tropical brasileira caracteriza-se por temperaturas elevadas o ano inteiro, alta insolação e baixa umidade relativa (UR), aliadas à disponibilidade de água para irrigação. Tais características favorecem o desenvolvimento vegetativo das videiras e a colheita em qualquer época do ano, em, pelo menos, duas safras anuais. As principais cultivares são da espécie Vitis vinifera L., para a produção de uvas finas para consumo in natura e elaboração de vinhos e espumantes, e uvas de Vitis labrusca e híbridas, para elaboração de suco. O sistema de produção de uvas de mesa, especialmente em condições tropicais, é complexo e dinâmico e inclui a poda de formação e de frutificação, as operações de poda verde realizadas durante a fase de crescimento vegetativo da planta, bem como as práticas voltadas para a melhoria de qualidade dos cachos. Os principais tipos de poda são: poda de formação, poda de produção e poda de rejuvenescimento. Podem ser realizadas em qualquer época do ano, mas recomenda-se um intervalo mínimo de 30 a 60 dias entre a colheita e a poda do ciclo seguinte, que é denominado período de repouso. As práticas de poda verde, realizadas durante o ciclo de crescimento vegetativo, reúnem um conjunto de operações feitas na copa da videira para eliminar órgãos, como brotos, sarmentos, ramos, netos, gavinhas e inflorescências.


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Diante das adversidades climáticas ocorridas nos últimos anos, bem como a intensificação das podas em lavouras novas, foi avaliada a capacidade de recuperação vegetativa e reprodutiva após a poda do tipo esqueletamento em 24 cultivares comerciais de C. arabica, em lavoura com quatro anos e meio de idade. Aos 24 meses após a realização da poda, foram avaliadas as características agronômicas: produtividade, percentagem de grãos chochos, classificação por peneira alta dos grãos, percentual de grãos do tipo moca e vigor vegetativo das plantas. Os dados de produtividade foram avaliados por meio da análise de deviance, em fatorial duplo 24x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais e dois tipos de condução (submetidas ou não à poda). Utilizando-se a média dos três anos, as demais características agronômicas, citadas acima, foram avaliadas em fatorial triplo 24x2x2, sendo 24 cultivares comerciais, dois tipos de condução (com ou sem poda) e dois anos de avaliação (safras 2012/2013 e 2013/2014). Em todas as características estudadas, não houve sobreposição dos intervalos de confiança, indicando que as cultivares tiveram desempenho diferentes entre si. As cultivares estudadas apresentam capacidade de recuperação após a poda tipo esqueletamento em fase jovem, com destaque para a Catiguá MG3, Topázio MG1190 e Sabiá 398, que apresentaram produtividades altas aliadas a um elevado vigor vegetativo, baixo percentual de frutos chochos e alto percentual de peneira alta dos grãos no primeiro biênio após a poda.