993 resultados para Pratt, Matthew, 1734-1805.
Pemberton, Ebenezer, 1705-1777. Matthew 19:22 / Luke 14:18 : autograph manuscript sermon, 1749-1768.
The diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An Astronomical Diary: or, An Almanack for the Year of our Lord Christ, 1734 ... (Boston, 1734). The thin soft-cover book is handsewn in marbled paper, and holds single-line entries about Eliot’s daily life. The entries are brief and irregular and include mention of the weather, visits to Boston, occasional birth and death notices, and in the later months, church attendance (often to hear the Rev. Nathaniel Appleton). Eliot intermittently mentions his studies.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a two-page handwritten letter from Winthrop to Bentley with miscellaneous information about Winthrop's Nautical Almanack collection of and a list of Roman coins.
Willard describes his current job working at Harvard, where he is paid “to keep order in one of the buildings.” He mentions that he can attend medical lectures free of charge, and refers to a preacher, Mr. Parker, a former classmate of Willard’s. He explains that he is currently with his brother Solomon, who is ill, and that he is living in the College House, where he resided his first year of school.
Willard describes his usual daily routines relating to teaching at Philips Academy and his plans to leave Exeter.
Deed between grantor William Phips and grantee Andrew Bordman for unspecified property.