906 resultados para Potential Change of Country
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to develop an experimental model that allows to elude the potential role of the preexisting graft microvasculature for vascularization and mineralization of osteochondral grafts. ANIMALS AND METHODS: For that purpose, the II-IV metatarsals of fetal DDY-mice known to be nonvascularized at day 16 of gestation (M16) but vascularized at day 18 (M18) were freshly transplanted into dorsal skin fold chambers of adult DDY mice. Using intravital microscopy angiogenesis, leukocyte-endothelium interaction and mineralization were assessed for 12 days. RESULTS: Angiogenesis occurred at 32 hours in M18, but not before 57 hours in M16 (p = 0.002), with perfusion of these vessels at 42 hours (p = 0.005) and 65 hours (p = 0.1), respectively. Vessels reached a density three times as high as that of the recipient site at day 6, remaining constant until day 12 in M18, whereas in M16 vascular density increased from day 6 and reached that of M18 at day 12 (p = 0.04). Leukocyte-endothelium interaction showed sticker counts elevated by a factor of 4-5 in M18 as compared to M16. Mineralization of osteochondral grafts did not differ between M16 and M18, which significantly increased in both groups throughout the observation period. INTERPRETATION: We propose the faster kinetics in the angiogenic response to M18 and the elevated counts of sticking leukocytes to rest on the potential of establishing end-to-end anastomoses (inosculation) of the vascularized graft with recipient vessels.
To address food safety concerns of the public regarding the potential transfer of recombinant DNA (cry1Ab) and protein (Cry1Ab) into the milk of cows fed genetically modified maize (MON810), a highly specific and sensitive quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and an ELISA were developed for monitoring suspicious presence of novel DNA and Cry1Ab protein in bovine milk. The developed assays were validated according to the assay validation criteria specified in the European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The detection limit and detection capability of the qPCR and ELISA were 100 copies of cry1Ab microL(-1) milk and 0.4 ng mL(-1) Cry1Ab, respectively. Recovery rates of 84.9% (DNA) and 97% (protein) and low (<15%) imprecision revealed the reliable and accurate estimations. A specific qPCR amplification and use of a specific antibody in ELISA ascertained the high specificity of the assays. Using these assays for 90 milk samples collected from cows fed either transgenic (n = 8) or non-transgenic (n = 7) rations for 6 months, neither cry1Ab nor Cry1Ab protein were detected in any analyzed sample at the assay detection limits.
OBJECTIVE: Nursing in 'live islands' and routine high dose intravenous immunoglobulins after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation were abandoned by many teams in view of limited evidence and high costs. METHODS: This retrospective single-center study examines the impact of change from nursing in 'live islands' to care in single rooms (SR) and from high dose to targeted intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) on mortality and infection rate of adult patients receiving an allogeneic stem cell or bone marrow transplantation in two steps and three time cohorts (1993-1997, 1997-2000, 2000-2003). RESULTS: Two hundred forty-eight allogeneic hematopoetic stem cell transplantations were performed in 227 patients. Patient characteristics were comparable in the three cohorts for gender, median age, underlying disease, and disease stage, prophylaxis for graft versus host disease (GvHD) and cytomegalovirus constellation. The incidence of infections (78.4%) and infection rates remained stable (rates/1000 days of neutropenia for sepsis 17.61, for pneumonia 6.76). Cumulative incidence of GvHD and transplant-related mortality did not change over time. CONCLUSIONS: Change from nursing in 'live islands' to SR and reduction of high dose to targeted IVIG did not result in increased infection rates or mortality despite an increase in patient age. These results support the current practice.
Social work at global levels, and across international and intercultural divides, is probably more important now than ever before in our history. It may be that the very form our ideas about intercultural work take need to be re-examined in the light of recent global changes and uncertainties. In this short position paper I wish to offer some considerations about how we might approach the field of intercultural social work in order to gain new insights about how we practise at both local and global levels. For me, much of the promise of an intercultural social work (and for the purposes of this paper I see aspects of international social work in much the same light) lies in its focus on the way we categorise ourselves, our ideas and experiences in relation to others. The very notion of intercultural or international social work is based on assumptions about boundaries, differences, ways of differentiating and defining sets of experiences. Whether these are deemed "cultural" or "national" is of less importance. Once we are forced to examine these assumptions, about how and why we categorise ourselves in relation to other people in particular ways, the way is opened up for us to be much more critical about the bases of our own, often very deep-seated, thinking. This understanding, about how and why notions of "difference" operate in the way they do, can potentially open our understanding to all the other ways, besides cultural or national labelling, in which we categorise and create differences between ourselves and others. Intercultural social work, taken as a potential site for understanding the creation of difference then, has the potential to help us critically examine the bases of much of our practice in any setting, since most practice involves some kind of categorisation of phenomena.
In this study, we describe the isolation of Laribacter hongkongensis, a recently described genus and species of bacterium, in pure culture on charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar from the stool of six patients with diarrhea. Three patients were residents of Hong Kong, and three of Switzerland. In none of the stool samples obtained from these six patients was Salmonella, Shigella, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Vibrio, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, or Campylobacter recovered. Rotavirus antigen detection, electron microscopic examination for viruses, and microscopic examinations for ova and cysts were all negative for the stool samples obtained from the three patients in Hong Kong. Enterotoxigenic E. coli was recovered from one of the patients in Hong Kong. Unlike L. hongkongensis type strain HKU1, all the six strains were motile with bipolar flagellae. Sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA genes of the six strains showed that they all had sequences with only 0-2 base differences to that of the type strain. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of the SpeI digested genomic DNA of the six isolates and that of the type strain revealed that the seven isolates were genotypically unrelated strains. More extensive epidemiologic studies should be carried out to ascertain the causative association between L. hongkongensis and diarrhea and to define the reservoir and modes of transmission of L. hongkongensis.
SUMMARY A recent systematic review demonstrated that, overall, orthodontic treatment might result in a small worsening of periodontal status. The aim of this retrospective study was to test the hypothesis that a change of mandibular incisor inclination promotes development of labial gingival recessions. One hundred and seventy-nine subjects who met the following inclusion criteria were selected: age 11-14 years at start of orthodontic treatment (TS), bonded retainer placed immediately after treatment (T₀), dental casts and lateral cephalograms available pre-treatment (TS), post-treatment (T₀), 2 years post-treatment (T₂), and 5 years post-treatment (T₅). Depending on the change of lower incisor inclination during treatment (ΔInc_Incl), the sample was divided into three groups: Retro (N = 34; ΔInc_Incl ≤ -1 degree), Stable (N = 22; ΔInc_Incl > -1 degree and ≤1 degree), and Pro (N = 123; ΔInc_Incl > 1 degree). Clinical crown heights of mandibular incisors and the presence of gingival recessions in this region were assessed on plaster models. Fisher's exact tests, one-way analysis of variance, and regression models were used for analysis of inter-group differences. The mean increase of clinical crown heights (T₀ to T₅) of mandibular incisors ranged from 0.6 to 0.91 mm in the Retro, Stable, and Pro groups, respectively; the difference was not significant (P = 0.534). At T₅, gingival recessions were present in 8.8, 4.5, and 16.3 per cent patients from the Retro, Stable, and Pro groups, respectively. The difference was not significant (P = 0.265). The change of lower incisors inclination during treatment did not affect development of labial gingival recessions in this patient group.
Cattle in three experiments were scanned with ultrasound as feeders to measure ribeye area and thickness of fat cover to determine if cattle could be sorted into outcome groups with respect to carcass yield. Sorting the cattle into low fat cover or large ribeye groups resulted in improved carcass yield grades. There were no effects on carcass quality grades related to sorting of the cattle. Cattle with greater fat cover at the beginning of the feeding period were heavier, seemed to be more mature and had less muscle growth during the finishing period. There were no significant differences in gain among the groups, but cattle with more fat cover had poorer feed efficiency. Ultrasound seems to have potential to sort feeder cattle, but before it can be used in practice, growth curves need to be developed to predict final end points of individual cattle.
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV), an arthropod-borne orbivirus, causes significant mortality in white-tailed deer and can also cause disease in cattle. Objectives of this preliminary investigation were 1) to survey cattle at auction markets to determine the prevalence of anti-EHDV antibodies in Iowa cattle, 2) to determine EHDV seroprevalence in herds in which clinical EHD had been diagnosed, and 3) to determine whether EHDV is associated with stillbirths and/or congenital anomalies in calves. There was a 15% seroprevalence in auction market cattle; positive cattle were from southern, central, and western Iowa. Herds in which clinical EHD had been diagnosed had >60% seroprevalence. Viremia was detected in both clinically affected and unaffected cattle during an EHD outbreak. EHDV exposure was not consistently associated with congenital anomalies. Although additional surveillance is warranted, EHDV is unlikely to have a significant effect on the reproductive health of Iowa cattle.
Digital analysis of the occlusal contacts can be performed with the T-scan device (T Scan III, TekScan, Boston, USA). However, the thickness of the interocclusal T-scan sheet (100 μm) may lead to a displacement of the mandible. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the T-scan sheet on the position of the mandibular condyles in maximum intercuspidation. Twenty dentate subjects with healthy jaw function were enrolled in the study. An ultrasonic axiography device was used to measure the position of the condyles. Ten 3D condyle positions in maximum intercuspidation of the teeth were recorded: first the reference position without the sheet, then 3 times without the sheet, 3 times with the sheet, and finally again 3 times without the sheet. There was a statistically significant difference (Wilcoxon matched pairs test) between the condyle positions with and without the interocclusally positioned T-scan sheet (P < 0.0005). The T-scan device lead to a displacement of the condyles of about 1 mm mainly in ventral direction (P = 0.005). Thus, occlusal analysis is not performed in physiological, maximum intercuspidation. This has to be considered when interpreting the measured contact points.
Understanding the role of atmospheric CO2 during past climate changes requires clear knowledge of how it varies in time relative to temperature. Antarctic ice cores preserve highly resolved records of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature for the past 800,000 years. Here we propose a revised relative age scale for the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature for the last deglacial warming, using data from five Antarctic ice cores. We infer the phasing between CO2 concentration and Antarctic temperature at four times when their trends change abruptly. We find no significant asynchrony between them, indicating that Antarctic temperature did not begin to rise hundreds of years before the concentration of atmospheric CO2, as has been suggested by earlier studies.
BACKGROUND: Hydrostatic intestinal edema initiates a signal transduction cascade that results in smooth muscle contractile dysfunction. Given the rapid and concurrent alterations in the mechanical properties of edematous intestine observed with the development of edema, we hypothesize that mechanical forces may serve as a stimulus for the activation of certain signaling cascades. We sought to examine whether isolated similar magnitude mechanical forces induced the same signal transduction cascades associated with edema. METHODS: The distal intestine from adult male Sprague Dawley rats was stretched longitudinally for 2 h to 123% its original length, which correlates with the interstitial stress found with edema. We compared wet-to-dry ratios, myeloperoxidase activity, nuclear signal transduction and activator of transcription (STAT)-3 and nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B DNA binding, STAT-3 phosphorylation, myosin light chain phosphorylation, baseline and maximally stimulated intestinal contractile strength, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and sodium hydrogen exchanger 1-3 messenger RNA (mRNA) in stretched and adjacent control segments of intestine. RESULTS: Mechanical stretch did not induce intestinal edema or an increase in myeloperoxidase activity. Nuclear STAT-3 DNA binding, STAT-3 phosphorylation, and nuclear NF-kappa B DNA binding were significantly increased in stretched seromuscular samples. Increased expression of sodium hydrogen exchanger 1 was found but not an increase in iNOS expression. Myosin light chain phosphorylation was significantly decreased in stretched intestine as was baseline and maximally stimulated intestinal contractile strength. CONCLUSION: Intestinal stretch, in the absence of edema/inflammatory/ischemic changes, leads to the activation of signaling pathways known to be altered in intestinal edema. Edema may initiate a mechanotransductive cascade that is responsible for the subsequent activation of various signaling cascades known to induce contractile dysfunction.
The Contested Floodplain tells the story of institutional changes in the management of common pool resources (pasture, wildlife, and fisheries) among Ila and Balundwe agro-pastoralists and Batwa fishermen in the Kafue Flats, in southern Zambia. It explains how and why a once rich floodplain area, managed under local common property regimes, becomes a poor man’s place and a degraded resource area. Based on social anthropological field research, the book explains how well working institutions in the past, regulating communal access to resources, have turned into state property and open access or privatization. The study focuses on the historic developments taking place since pre-colonial and colonial times up to today. Haller shows how the commons had been well regulated by local institutions in the past, often embedded in religious belief systems. He then explains the transformation from common property to state property since colonial times. When the state is unable to provide well-functioning institutions due to a lack in financial income, it contributes to de facto open access and degradation of the commons. The Zambian copper-based economy has faced crisis since 1975, and many Zambians have to look for economic alternatives and find ways to profit from the lack of state control (a paradox of the present-absent state). And while the state is absent, external actors use the ideology of citizenship to justify free use of resources during conflicts with local people. Also within Zambian communities, floodplain resources are highly contested, which is illustrated through conflicts over a proposed irrigation scheme in the area.
BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and food-responsive diarrhea (FRD) are chronic enteropathies of dogs (CCE) that currently can only be differentiated by their response to treatment after exclusion of other diseases. In humans, increased urinary concentrations of leukotriene E4 (LTE4) have been associated with active IBD. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate urinary LTE4 concentrations in dogs with IBD, FRD, and healthy controls, and to assess correlation of urinary LTE4 concentrations with the canine IBD activity index (CIBDAI) scores. ANIMALS: Eighteen dogs with IBD, 19 dogs with FRD, and 23 healthy control dogs. METHODS: In this prospective study, urine was collected and CIBDAI scores were calculated in client-owned dogs with IBD and those with FRD. Quantification of LTE4 in urine was performed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and corrected to creatinine. RESULTS: Urinary LTE4 concentrations were highest in dogs with IBD (median 85.2 pg/mg creatinine [10th-90th percentiles 10.9-372.6]) followed by those with FRD (median 31.2 pg/mg creatinine [10th-90th percentiles 6.2-114.5]) and control dogs (median 21.1 pg/mg creatinine [10th-90th percentiles 9.1-86.5]). Urinary LTE4 concentrations were higher in dogs with IBD than in control dogs (P = .011), but no significant difference between IBD and FRD was found. No correlation was found between urinary LTE4 concentrations and CIBDAI. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: The higher urinary LTE4 concentrations in dogs with IBD suggest that cysteinyl leukotriene pathway activation might be a component of the inflammatory process in canine IBD. Furthermore, urinary LTE4 concentrations are of potential use as a marker of inflammation in dogs with CCE.