985 resultados para Polaire (1874-1939)


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This paper assesses the relationship between state and society in interwar rural England, focusing on the hitherto neglected role of the Rural Community Councils (RCCs). The rise of statutory social provision in the early twentieth century created new challenges and opportunities for voluntaryism, and the rural community movement was in part a response. The paper examines the early development of the movement, arguing that a crucial role was played by a close-knit group of academics and local government officials. While largely eschewing party politics, they shared a commitment to citizenship, democracy and the promotion of rural culture; many of them had been close associates of Sir Horace Plunkett. The RCCs engaged in a wide range of activities, including advisory work, adult education, local history, village hall provision, support for rural industries and an ambivalent engagement with parish councils. The paper concludes with an assessment of the achievements of the rural community movement, arguing that it was constrained by its financial dependence on voluntary contributions.


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This paper examines the cost-effectiveness of British regional policy during the 1930s. It takes issue with Correlli Barnett, who has argued that regional policy measures introduced from 1945 were already shown to be inefficient by the failure of similar assistance during the 1930s. The evolution of the main 1930s initiatives that influenced post-war policy is discussed and their effectiveness assessed. When account is taken of savings in government welfare payments these initiatives are shown to have been very cost-effective, producing an annual return to the exchequer of around 56%, or more.


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We analyse the widely-used international/ Zürich sunspot number record, R, with a view to quantifying a suspected calibration discontinuity around 1945 (which has been termed the “Waldmeier discontinuity” [Svalgaard, 2011]). We compare R against the composite sunspot group data from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) network and the Solar Optical Observing Network (SOON), using both the number of sunspot groups, N{sub}G{\sub}, and the total area of the sunspots, A{sub}G{\sub}. In addition, we compare R with the recently developed interdiurnal variability geomagnetic indices IDV and IDV(1d). In all four cases, linearity of the relationship with R is not assumed and care is taken to ensure that the relationship of each with R is the same before and after the putative calibration change. It is shown the probability that a correction is not needed is of order 10{sup}−8{\sup} and that R is indeed too low before 1945. The optimum correction to R for values before 1945 is found to be 11.6%, 11.7%, 10.3% and 7.9% using A{sub}G{\sub}, N{sub)G{\sub}, IDV, and IDV(1d), respectively. The optimum value obtained by combining the sunspot group data is 11.6% with an uncertainty range 8.1-14.8% at the 2σ level. The geomagnetic indices provide an independent yet less stringent test but do give values that fall within the 2σ uncertainty band with optimum values are slightly lower than from the sunspot group data. The probability of the correction needed being as large as 20%, as advocated by Svalgaard [2011], is shown to be 1.6 × 10{sup}−5{\sup}.


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The distribution of benthic organisms is directly or indirectly associated with the physical and chemical properties of the water and sediment. This study analysed the spatial and temporal distribution of Rimapenaeus constrictus in unconsolidated sublittoral sediments of two areas off the northern coast of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We also analysed the association of environmental factors with the occurrence of this species. Shrimp were collected monthly from July 2001 to June 2003, with a fishing boat equipped with two double-rig nets, in the regions of Ubatuba (UBA) and Caraguatatuba (CA). The collections were made during the day, along five transects with mean depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 m. We obtained a total of 5478 individuals, 3403 (UBA = 2025 and CA = 1378) during the first year, and 2075 (UBA = 875 and CA = 1200) during the second year. Significant differences in abundance were observed in relation to depth, season of the year, and also in the interaction between region and depth. Higher abundances occurred in fall and winter, independently of the sampling year. The largest numbers of shrimp were caught on the 20-m transect in UBA and the 25-m transect in CA. It is concluded that the distribution pattern of this species is closely related to environmental factors, and the temperature of the bottom water and the sediment texture were the most significant variables affecting the distribution.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka omfattningen av och karaktären på ransoneringsbrottsligheten i Sandviken/Högbo under åren 1939-1949 samt myndigheternas försök att stävja denna brottslighet. Det ska främst uppnås genom att studera den rannsakade ransonerings-brottsligheten som det framkommer i domböckerna.Materialet som använts i undersökningen är domböcker för Gästriklands östra domsaga, protokoll från Högbo kommuns och Sandvikens köpings kristidsnämnd, ett klipparkiv med pressklipp från lokaltidningarna samt ett brottmålsdiarium för Sandvikens distrikt.Resultatet är att det föll 119 st fällande domar för ransoneringsbrott i Sandviken/Högbo under de undersökta åren, de flesta sakfällda brotten begicks under åren 1944-45. Den övervägande delen av brotten handlade om olika varubrott, i regel olaga försäljning/köp av ransonerade varor. De varor som framförallt drabbades av olika brott var olika former av livsmedel, främst smör. De som framförallt begick ransoneringsbrotten var personer som på något sätt hanterade ransonerade varor eller ransoneringskuponger i sitt yrke. Påföljderna för ransoneringsbrotten var i regel dagsböter, vilka oftast låg på två normala dagslöner, varvid det märktes att myndigheterna försökte stävja denna brottslighet. Endast fem personer dömdes till fängelse eller straffarbete under de undersökta åren. Karaktären på brottsligheten var att den främst verkade drivas av vinstintressen eller bekvämlighet.


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Jag har i denna uppsats undersökt Rusthållningsrörelsen som den förekom under det finska vinterkriget. Jag har forskat kring hur utbredningen av denna rörelse sett ut och kommit fram till att organisationen var rikstäckande – om än ej helt homogen! Rusthållen bildades för att ge ekonomiskt bistånd till svenskar från regionen som åkte över till Finland för att strida sida vid sida med våra finska ”bröder”. En tid efter det att de lokala rusthållen bildats grundades Centrala Rusthållet. Centrala Rusthållets målsättning var att skapa en likformighet i de utbetalade ekonomiska understöden, samt att kunna verka som ett stöd på de orter och i de regioner där det inte fanns några lokala eller regionala rusthåll. Den lokala föreningen betalade ut pengar både till de frivilligas anhöriga och direkt till de frivilliga som kompensation för bland annat förstörda kläder. I uppsatsen har jag granskat ett lokalt Rusthåll vid namn Strängnäs-Mariefredsortens Rusthåll för Finlandskämpar. I denna förening har jag kommit fram till att det finns en socioekonomisk bredd bland den anslutna medlemspopulationen. Jag har kommit fram till detta genom att dela in medlemmarnas yrken i grupper så som kyrka, vård och skola etcetera. Jag har även, för att styrka detta, letat upp medlemmarna i 1940 års taxeringslängd och där hittat en väldigt stor spridning på inkomstnivåerna bland de enskilda medlemmarna. Vidare har jag kunnat konstatera att denna förening till största delen består av män. Det går därför att hävda att den lokala föreningen i Strängnäs-Mariefred har en könstendens. En tendens som understryks av de facto att föreningens styrelse enbart består av män!


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This study contents a research of the Swedish temperance movements IOGT, NTO and TO:s adult education in Dalarna between 1921 and 1939. A theory that is used in this essay is the publicity theory of Jürgen Habermas. A theory in this essay is that the adult educational work of the temperance movements could bee seen as an alternative publicity because the courses that the temperance movement held in general contents a great part of the movements own literature, the participants in the courses held their own lectures to each other and it was mostly only members of the temperance movements who could join the courses. The main subject of the courses was history in literature, English, Esperanto, and knowledge about local democracy. Not many courses content the drinking issue in Sweden at this time, even thought a national referendum was held in the issue during the research period of this essay. The lack of courses in the drinking issue illustrates of the fact that the courses only was held for the members of the temperance movement, and they don’t drink alcohol in any case. It was not a big difference in the contents of the course between the organisation in the temperance movements and between different years in this research.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den kvinnliga representationen i Kalmar läns landskommuners kommunalfullmäktige från 1938 till kommunsammanslagningen 1951. Detta innefattar att söka en översikt över i vilken grad kvinnor är representerade i länets kommunalfullmäktigeförsamlingaroch att undersöka hur dessa kvinnliga ledamöter syns i protokollsmaterial i ett par kommuners fullmäktigeprotokoll. Södra Möckelby och Vickleby kommuner med relativt hög andel kvinnliga ledamöter har valts som exempel.Undersökningen av valstatistiken visar en ökning i både antal kvinnor och antal kommunalfullmäktige med kvinnlig representation under perioden. Länet ligger under riksgenomsnittet, men ökningen är ungefär densamma i relativa termer. Närläsningen av protokoll visar att kvinnor främst omnämns vid frånvaro, vid val till olika uppdrag eller vid uppföljning av dessa val. I den kommun som har en längre tradition av relativt hög kvinnlig representation märks kvinnor i fler sammanhang som förutsätter att man tar ett större utrymme på mötena. Dessa tillfällen sammanfaller med en speciell kvinnas aktiva period i fullmäktige och försvinner när den kvinnliga representationen minskar till en ensam kvinna.


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Giardia lamblia é um protozoário que acomete mais comumente animais jovens e que convivem em grupos. Apesar da alta prevalência, nem todos animais apresentam a doença clínica. Mesmo assim, a giardíase tem importância epidemiológica por possuir um elevado potencial zoonótico. O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a freqüência de Giardia lamblia em cães no município de Canoas, RS, Brasil, através do Método de Faust e cols. (1939) e da Técnica de Coloração da Auramina. Os grupos experimentais foram divididos de acordo com a procedência e o sexo. Das 332 amostras analisadas com o Método de Faust e cols, a estimativa em ponto da freqüência obtida foi de 34,04%, podendo variar de 28,95 a 39,13%, dentro de um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Destas amostras, 40,96% foram positivas em animais de canil e 27,11% de rua. O Teste Exato de Fisher aplicado a esses dados revelou existir uma diferença significativa (p = 0,0107) entre as variáveis resultado e procedência. A variável sexo, neste método não apresentou diferença significativa em relação ao resultado (p = 0,8162) totalizando 33,11% de machos positivos e 34,08% de fêmeas infectadas com o parasita. Das 147 amostras realizadas com a Técnica de Coloração da Auramina, 23 foram positivas, totalizando 15,65%. A análise estatística através do Teste McNemar revelou existir diferença significativa entre as duas técnicas (p = 0,0004). O valor Kappa foi igual a 0,07, considerado como um grau de concordância fraco. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo nos permitem afirmar que o Método de Faust e cols. foi o mais adequado para o diagnóstico na infecção por Giardia lamblia, entre os métodos analisados.


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O presente trabalho desenvolve uma análise crítica e comparativa entre a arquitetura de quatro Pavilhões Brasileiros. Para tanto, tomando como base a participação do Brasil com pavilhões próprios nas exposições universais: Expo’39, em Nova York; Expo’58, em Bruxelas; Expo’70, em Osaka e projeto para Expo’92, em Sevilha, respectivamente, cada um dos pavilhões é analisado dentro do seu contexto histórico nacional e internacional. É uma tentativa de resgatar a importância da arquitetura efêmera brasileira, sobre a qual devem predominar registros relacionados à compreensão crítica da arquitetura nacional. As análises realizadas baseiam-se em conceitos e qualidades comuns e opostas durante a explanação de cada uma das situações documentadas. Assim, são relacionados e interpolados aspectos culturais, sociais e políticos existentes no âmbito da arquitetura nacional vigente. Os pensamentos dominantes da época, ideologias e conceitos são abordados durante o desenvolvimento desta dissertação. Ficou comprovado através das análises que, nem sempre a arquitetura dos Pavilhões Brasileiros procurou representar uma identidade nacional. Efetivamente, as análises deste trabalho comprovaram diversas influências na arquitetura dos Pavilhões Brasileiros e, muitas vezes, o resultado da representação brasileira limitou-se a refletir escolas ou correntes regionais que tiveram relevância no período da modernização brasileira.