989 resultados para Pintura em vidro
The object of this study is a glass heating machine for rolling process, designed in 2006 and which is manufactured regularly. By customer request it is intended to increase the production capacity of this machine. However, initial tests have shown that the existing heat exchanger cannot supply the necessary thermal energy demand. A study of the thermal characteristics of the equipment was performed in order to obtain the required information to study alternatives for expanding its capacity taking into account space limitations and the need to rationalize costs, avoiding unnecessary oversizing
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this paper is to realize the preliminary cogeneration project, to be applied on the output of a float glass furnace, aiming the energetic use of the furnace's by-products in other relevant applications on the site. It was analyzed the main points where the cycle could be installed and also the available technologies to energy recovery. After, it was chosen the installation point and the technology to be projected, evaluated the electric power generated and the cycle efficiency. Finally it was evaluated economical indicators in order to verify the project's economical feasibility
The object of this study is a glass heating machine for rolling process, designed in 2006 and which is manufactured regularly. By customer request it is intended to increase the production capacity of this machine. However, initial tests have shown that the existing heat exchanger cannot supply the necessary thermal energy demand. A study of the thermal characteristics of the equipment was performed in order to obtain the required information to study alternatives for expanding its capacity taking into account space limitations and the need to rationalize costs, avoiding unnecessary oversizing
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
As fibras cerâmicas se caracterizam por ser um material leve, com alto grau de pureza, baixo armazenamento de calor, baixa condutividade térmica, resistência a choque térmico e alta resistência à corrosão em altas temperaturas. Essas características levam a uma grande procura das indústrias mínero-metalúrgicas e de outros setores para revestimentos de distribuidores, muflas, fornos de aquecimentos, entre outros. Após utilização no processo, por perderem sua capacidade de isolamento, os resíduos gerados precisam de destinação. Esse trabalho enfoca, especificamente, resíduos de lã cerâmica e lã de vidro. Pelo fato de a composição das fibras cerâmicas ser rica em sílica e alumina, efetuou-se uma investigação acerca da atividade pozolânica das mesmas com a cal e o cimento, especificamente CPV ARI, CPII E32 e CPIII 32RS, para avaliação da perspectiva de reciclagem em possível incorporação no concreto.
Este artículo es una de las ponencias presentadas en el Primer Coloquio Internacional sobre Arte Latinoamericano, Gestión Cultural y Medios de Comunicación, realizado entre los días 31 de julio y 2 de agosto del 2003, en la Facultad de Artes y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo