996 resultados para Peripheral Populations
Severity of urinary tract morbidity increases with intensity and duration of Schistosoma haematobium infection. We assessed the ability of yearly drug therapy to control infection intensity and reduce S. haematobium-associated disease in children 5-21 years old in an endemic area of Kenya. In year I, therapy resulted in reduced prevalence (66% to 22%, P < 0.001) and intensity of S. haematobium infection (20 to 2 eggs/10 mL, urine), with corresponding reductions in the prevalence of hematuria (52% to 19%, P < 0.001). There was not, however, a significant first-year effect on prevalence of urinary tract abnormalities detected by ultrasound. Repeat therapy in years 2 and 3 resulted in significant regression of hydronephrosis and bladder abnormalities (41% to 6% prevalence, P< 0.001), and further reductions in proteinuria. Repeat age-targeted therapy was associated with decreased prevalence of infection among young children (< 5yr) entering into the target age group. Two years after discontinuation of therapy, intensity of S. haematobium infection and ultrasound abnormalities remained suppressed, but hematuria prevalence began to increase (to 33% in 1989). Reinstitution of annual therapy in 1989 and 1990 reversed this trends. We conclude that annual oral therapy provides an effective strategy for control of morbidity due to S. haematobium on population basis, both through regression of disease in treated individuals, and prevention of infection in untreated subjects.
In order to investigate the sexual transmission of the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), the prevalence of specific antibodies in populations at high and low risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) was evaluated. The population at low risk for STDs was composed of persons who voluntarity donated blood at the Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (HUCFF) between July and November, 1990 (n = 2494). The population at high risk for STDs was drawn from an ongoing study on the natural history of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (n = 210, 187 with sexual risk factors for HIV infection). All samples were screened using a first generation ELISA. Repeat reactive samples were then tested in a second generation RIBA. For all ELISA positive samples, two sex and age-matched ELISA negative controls were selected. Data pertaining to the presence of antibodies to the Hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBC antibodies) and to Treponema pallidum were abstracted from the medical records. The prevalence of RIBA 2 confirmed HCV infection among the blood donors was 2.08%, which is well above the reported prevalence in similar populations from developed western countries. Among the HIV infected homosexuals, the encountered prevalence was 7.96% (p < 0.0005). For the whole group with sexually acquired HIV infection, the prevalence was 8.02% (p < 0.000005). Anti-HBc antibodies were more frequently present in anti-HCV RIBA-2 confirmed positive blood donors than in controls (p < 0.001). 33.3% of the HCV-positive blood donors and 11.04% controls were found to be anti-HBc positive (p < 0.0005). As for the FTA-ABs, 17.6% HCV-positive donors and 4,9% controls were positive (p < 0.01). 5.9% samples from blood donors were both anti-HBc and FTA-ABS positive, whereas none of the controls reacted in both tests (p < 0.05). The association between HCV, Hepatitis B infection and syphilis in individuals at low risk for parenterally transmitted diseases suggests that sexual transmission contributes to the maintenance of the endemicity of HCV in the local population.
AbstractBreast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting one in eight women during their lives. Survival rates have increased steadily thanks to early diagnosis with mammography screening and more efficient treatment strategies. Post-operative radiation therapy is a standard of care in the management of breast cancer and has been shown to reduce efficiently both local recurrence rate and breast cancer mortality. Radiation therapy is however associated with some late effects for long-term survivors. Radiation-induced secondary cancer is a relatively rare but severe late effect of radiation therapy. Currently, radiotherapy plans are essentially optimized to maximize tumor control and minimize late deterministic effects (tissue reactions) that are mainly associated with high doses (» 1 Gy). With improved cure rates and new radiation therapy technologies, it is also important to evaluate and minimize secondary cancer risks for different treatment techniques. This is a particularly challenging task due to the large uncertainties in the dose-response relationship.In contrast with late deterministic effects, secondary cancers may be associated with much lower doses and therefore out-of-field doses (also called peripheral doses) that are typically inferior to 1 Gy need to be determined accurately. Out-of-field doses result from patient scatter and head scatter from the treatment unit. These doses are particularly challenging to compute and we characterized it by Monte Carlo (MC) calculation. A detailed MC model of the Siemens Primus linear accelerator has been thoroughly validated with measurements. We investigated the accuracy of such a model for retrospective dosimetry in epidemiological studies on secondary cancers. Considering that patients in such large studies could be treated on a variety of machines, we assessed the uncertainty in reconstructed peripheral dose due to the variability of peripheral dose among various linac geometries. For large open fields (> 10x10 cm2), the uncertainty would be less than 50%, but for small fields and wedged fields the uncertainty in reconstructed dose could rise up to a factor of 10. It was concluded that such a model could be used for conventional treatments using large open fields only.The MC model of the Siemens Primus linac was then used to compare out-of-field doses for different treatment techniques in a female whole-body CT-based phantom. Current techniques such as conformai wedged-based radiotherapy and hybrid IMRT were investigated and compared to older two-dimensional radiotherapy techniques. MC doses were also compared to those of a commercial Treatment Planning System (TPS). While the TPS is routinely used to determine the dose to the contralateral breast and the ipsilateral lung which are mostly out of the treatment fields, we have shown that these doses may be highly inaccurate depending on the treatment technique investigated. MC shows that hybrid IMRT is dosimetrically similar to three-dimensional wedge-based radiotherapy within the field, but offers substantially reduced doses to out-of-field healthy organs.Finally, many different approaches to risk estimations extracted from the literature were applied to the calculated MC dose distribution. Absolute risks varied substantially as did the ratio of risk between two treatment techniques, reflecting the large uncertainties involved with current risk models. Despite all these uncertainties, the hybrid IMRT investigated resulted in systematically lower cancer risks than any of the other treatment techniques. More epidemiological studies with accurate dosimetry are required in the future to construct robust risk models. In the meantime, any treatment strategy that reduces out-of-field doses to healthy organs should be investigated. Electron radiotherapy might offer interesting possibilities with this regard.RésuméLe cancer du sein affecte une femme sur huit au cours de sa vie. Grâce au dépistage précoce et à des thérapies de plus en plus efficaces, le taux de guérison a augmenté au cours du temps. La radiothérapie postopératoire joue un rôle important dans le traitement du cancer du sein en réduisant le taux de récidive et la mortalité. Malheureusement, la radiothérapie peut aussi induire des toxicités tardives chez les patients guéris. En particulier, les cancers secondaires radio-induits sont une complication rare mais sévère de la radiothérapie. En routine clinique, les plans de radiothérapie sont essentiellement optimisées pour un contrôle local le plus élevé possible tout en minimisant les réactions tissulaires tardives qui sont essentiellement associées avec des hautes doses (» 1 Gy). Toutefois, avec l'introduction de différentes nouvelles techniques et avec l'augmentation des taux de survie, il devient impératif d'évaluer et de minimiser les risques de cancer secondaire pour différentes techniques de traitement. Une telle évaluation du risque est une tâche ardue étant donné les nombreuses incertitudes liées à la relation dose-risque.Contrairement aux effets tissulaires, les cancers secondaires peuvent aussi être induits par des basses doses dans des organes qui se trouvent hors des champs d'irradiation. Ces organes reçoivent des doses périphériques typiquement inférieures à 1 Gy qui résultent du diffusé du patient et du diffusé de l'accélérateur. Ces doses sont difficiles à calculer précisément, mais les algorithmes Monte Carlo (MC) permettent de les estimer avec une bonne précision. Un modèle MC détaillé de l'accélérateur Primus de Siemens a été élaboré et validé avec des mesures. La précision de ce modèle a également été déterminée pour la reconstruction de dose en épidémiologie. Si on considère que les patients inclus dans de larges cohortes sont traités sur une variété de machines, l'incertitude dans la reconstruction de dose périphérique a été étudiée en fonction de la variabilité de la dose périphérique pour différents types d'accélérateurs. Pour de grands champs (> 10x10 cm ), l'incertitude est inférieure à 50%, mais pour de petits champs et des champs filtrés, l'incertitude de la dose peut monter jusqu'à un facteur 10. En conclusion, un tel modèle ne peut être utilisé que pour les traitements conventionnels utilisant des grands champs.Le modèle MC de l'accélérateur Primus a été utilisé ensuite pour déterminer la dose périphérique pour différentes techniques dans un fantôme corps entier basé sur des coupes CT d'une patiente. Les techniques actuelles utilisant des champs filtrés ou encore l'IMRT hybride ont été étudiées et comparées par rapport aux techniques plus anciennes. Les doses calculées par MC ont été comparées à celles obtenues d'un logiciel de planification commercial (TPS). Alors que le TPS est utilisé en routine pour déterminer la dose au sein contralatéral et au poumon ipsilatéral qui sont principalement hors des faisceaux, nous avons montré que ces doses peuvent être plus ou moins précises selon la technTque étudiée. Les calculs MC montrent que la technique IMRT est dosimétriquement équivalente à celle basée sur des champs filtrés à l'intérieur des champs de traitement, mais offre une réduction importante de la dose aux organes périphériques.Finalement différents modèles de risque ont été étudiés sur la base des distributions de dose calculées par MC. Les risques absolus et le rapport des risques entre deux techniques de traitement varient grandement, ce qui reflète les grandes incertitudes liées aux différents modèles de risque. Malgré ces incertitudes, on a pu montrer que la technique IMRT offrait une réduction du risque systématique par rapport aux autres techniques. En attendant des données épidémiologiques supplémentaires sur la relation dose-risque, toute technique offrant une réduction des doses périphériques aux organes sains mérite d'être étudiée. La radiothérapie avec des électrons offre à ce titre des possibilités intéressantes.
Since 1895, when X-rays were discovered, ionizing radiation became part of our life. Its use in medicine has brought significant health benefits to the population globally. The benefit of any diagnostic procedure is to reduce the uncertainty about the patient's health. However, there are potential detrimental effects of radiation exposure. Therefore, radiation protection authorities have become strict regarding the control of radiation risks.¦There are various situations where the radiation risk needs to be evaluated. International authority bodies point to the increasing number of radiologic procedures and recommend population surveys. These surveys provide valuable data to public health authorities which helps them to prioritize and focus on patient groups in the population that are most highly exposed. On the other hand, physicians need to be aware of radiation risks from diagnostic procedures in order to justify and optimize the procedure and inform the patient.¦The aim of this work was to examine the different aspects of radiation protection and investigate a new method to estimate patient radiation risks.¦The first part of this work concerned radiation risk assessment from the regulatory authority point of view. To do so, a population dose survey was performed to evaluate the annual population exposure. This survey determined the contribution of different imaging modalities to the total collective dose as well as the annual effective dose per caput. It was revealed that although interventional procedures are not so frequent, they significantly contribute to the collective dose. Among the main results of this work, it was shown that interventional cardiological procedures are dose-intensive and therefore more attention should be paid to optimize the exposure.¦The second part of the project was related to the patient and physician oriented risk assessment. In this part, interventional cardiology procedures were studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The organ radiation doses as well as effective doses were estimated. Cancer incidence risks for different organs were calculated for different sex and age-at-exposure using the lifetime attributable risks provided by the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations Report VII. Advantages and disadvantages of the latter results were examined as an alternative method to estimate radiation risks. The results show that this method is the most accurate, currently available, to estimate radiation risks. The conclusions of this work may guide future studies in the field of radiation protection in medicine.¦-¦Depuis la découverte des rayons X en 1895, ce type de rayonnement a joué un rôle important dans de nombreux domaines. Son utilisation en médecine a bénéficié à la population mondiale puisque l'avantage d'un examen diagnostique est de réduire les incertitudes sur l'état de santé du patient. Cependant, leur utilisation peut conduire à l'apparition de cancers radio-induits. Par conséquent, les autorités sanitaires sont strictes quant au contrôle du risque radiologique.¦Le risque lié aux radiations doit être estimé dans différentes situations pratiques, dont l'utilisation médicale des rayons X. Les autorités internationales de radioprotection indiquent que le nombre d'examens et de procédures radiologiques augmente et elles recommandent des enquêtes visant à déterminer les doses de radiation délivrées à la population. Ces enquêtes assurent que les groupes de patients les plus à risque soient prioritaires. D'un autre côté, les médecins ont également besoin de connaître le risque lié aux radiations afin de justifier et optimiser les procédures et informer les patients.¦Le présent travail a pour objectif d'examiner les différents aspects de la radioprotection et de proposer une manière efficace pour estimer le risque radiologique au patient.¦Premièrement, le risque a été évalué du point de vue des autorités sanitaires. Une enquête nationale a été réalisée pour déterminer la contribution des différentes modalités radiologiques et des divers types d'examens à la dose efficace collective due à l'application médicale des rayons X. Bien que les procédures interventionnelles soient rares, elles contribuent de façon significative à la dose délivrée à la population. Parmi les principaux résultats de ce travail, il a été montré que les procédures de cardiologie interventionnelle délivrent des doses élevées et devraient donc être optimisées en priorité.¦La seconde approche concerne l'évaluation du risque du point de vue du patient et du médecin. Dans cette partie, des procédures interventionnelles cardiaques ont été étudiées au moyen de simulations Monte Carlo. La dose délivrée aux organes ainsi que la dose efficace ont été estimées. Les risques de développer des cancers dans plusieurs organes ont été calculés en fonction du sexe et de l'âge en utilisant la méthode établie dans Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations Report VII. Les avantages et inconvénients de cette nouvelle technique ont été examinés et comparés à ceux de la dose efficace. Les résultats ont montré que cette méthode est la plus précise actuellement disponible pour estimer le risque lié aux radiations. Les conclusions de ce travail pourront guider de futures études dans le domaine de la radioprotection en médicine.
Adolescence corresponds to a transition period that requires adaptation and change capacities and skills. Most young people succeed with this challenge, whereas a minority fail. In order to identify with the teenage culture, become autonomous, and differentiate from their parents, some adolescents choose to use drugs, beginning with the use of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, followed by other illicit drugs such as opiates and stimulants. A high proportion of these adolescents attempt suicide, which is the primary cause of death during adolescence in many European countries. Who are the "vulnerable" adolescents? What are the mechanisms that can explain the varieties of drug-use initiation or suicide attempts? Can "protective factors" be identified? What kind of strategies might be developed at a social and political level in order to prevent or to minimize drug abuse and suicide attempts, among other harmful behaviors? These issues will be discussed on the basis of the recent literature and in the light of a recent study carried out in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on large cohorts of adolescent drug users. Unresolved critical issues are noted and future needed research is suggested.
Enzyme polymorphism in Rhodnius prolixus and R. pallescens (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), principal vectors of Chagas' disease in Colombia, was analyzed using starch gel electrophoresis. Three geographic locations were sampled in order to determine gene flow between populations and to characterize intra- and interspecific differences. Of 25 enzymes assayed 10 were successfully resolved and then used to score the genetic variation. The enzymes PEPD, GPI, PGM and ICD were useful to differentiate these species and PGD, PGM and MDH distinguished between sylvatic and domiciliary populations of R. prolixus. Both polymorphism and heterozygosity indicated greater genetic variability in sylvatic habitats (H = 0.021) compared to domiciliary habitats (H = 0.006) in both species. Gene flow between sylvatic and domiciliary populations in R. prolixus was found to be minimal. This fact and the genetic distance between them suggest a process of genetic isolation in the domiciliary population.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major cause of peripheral neuropathy. More than 220 million people worldwide suffer from type 2 DM, which will, in approximately half of them, lead to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. While of significant medical importance, the pathophysiological changes present in DPN are still poorly understood. To get more insight into DPN associated with type 2 DM, we decided to use the rodent model of this form of diabetes, the db/db mice. During the in-vivo conduction velocity studies on these animals, we observed the presence of multiple spiking followed by a single stimulation. This prompted us to evaluate the excitability properties of db/db peripheral nerves. Ex-vivo electrophysiological evaluation revealed a significant increase in the excitability of db/db sciatic nerves. While the shape and kinetics of the compound action potential of db/db nerves were the same as for control nerves, we observed an increase in the after-hyperpolarization phase (AHP) under diabetic conditions. Using pharmacological inhibitors we demonstrated that both the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) and the increased AHP were mostly mediated by the decreased activity of Kv1-channels. Importantly, we corroborated these data at the molecular level. We observed a strong reduction of Kv1.2 channel presence in the juxtaparanodal regions of teased fibers in db/db mice as compared to control mice. Quantification of the amount of both Kv1.2 isoforms in DRG neurons and in the endoneurial compartment of peripheral nerve by Western blotting revealed that less mature Kv1.2 was integrated into the axonal membranes at the juxtaparanodes. Our observation that peripheral nerve hyperexcitability present in db/db mice is at least in part a consequence of changes in potassium channel distribution suggests that the same mechanism also mediates PNH in diabetic patients. ∗Current address: Department of Physiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA.
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and angiographic characteristics of peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy, an uncommon chorioretinal mass lesion, important for its differential diagnosis to choroidal melanoma, but only rarely described in the literature. DESIGN: Retrospective, institutional chart review. METHODS: Institutional chart review of 45 patients (56 eyes) diagnosed with peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy to describe the clinical findings and those obtained by fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), in addition to a review of the histologic findings of an enucleated eye. RESULTS: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy typically was characterized by increased age of the patient (mean, 77 years; range, 60 to 91 years), female preponderance (69%), frequent pigment epithelium detachment, temporal equatorial location, and a highly hemorrhagic and exudative presentation, sometimes extending to the macula. Bilateral involvement (24%) was associated with multiples lesions in the same eye (P < .001) and with nasal extension (P < .001). A neovascular origin was suspected on FA, but was more evident on ICGA. Histologic examination of the enucleated eye did not reveal a neovascular network. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy is a characteristic peripheral degenerative disorder, frequently with benign outcome, although it can be vision threatening because of hemorrhage or exudation. Clinical features are helpful for its diagnosis. FA and ICGA contribute valuable evidence to the hypothesis of a neovascular origin, but further histologic studies are needed to prove this hypothesis.
Phylogenetic analysis of morphometric and biological characters indicated that there are two distinct forms of Lutzomyia whitmani in Brazil: one is present both north and south of the River Amazonas in the State of Pará while the other occurs in northeast Brazil, in the State of Ceará, and further south, including the type locality in State of Bahia. The Amazonian form is reportedly neither strongly anthropophilic nor synanthropic, and it is the vector of Leishmania shawi; whereas the southern form is often collected peridomestically, while biting man, and has been found infected with Le.(V.) braziliensis. The ratio of the length of the genital filaments to that the genital pump was found to be consistently smaller in males of the Amazonian populations. A middle repetitive DNA element was isolated by differentially screening a genomic library made using Amazonian material, and the sequence was diagnostic for this form of Lu. whitmani (being absent or occurring in low copy number in the southern form). The total evidence suggests there are at least two, geographically-isolated forms of Lu. whitmani, which may represent different cryptic species.
Primary sensory neurons display various neuronal phenotypes which may be influenced by factors present in central or peripheral targets. In the case of DRG cells expressing substance P (SP), the influence of peripheral or central targets was tested on the neuronal expression of this neuropeptide. DRG cells were cultured from chick embryo at E6 or E10 (before or after establishment of functional connections with targets). Preprotachykinin mRNA was visualized in DRG cell cultures by either Northern blot or in situ hybridization using an antisense labeled riboprobe, while the neuropeptide SP was detected by immunostaining with a monoclonal antibody. In DRG cell cultures from E10, only 60% of neurons expressed SP. In contrast, DRG cell cultures performed at E6 showed a significant hybridization signal and SP-like immunoreactivity in virtually all the neurons (98%). The addition of extracts from muscle, skin, brain or spinal cord to DRG cells cultured at E6 reduced by 20% the percentage of neurons which express preprotachykinin mRNA and SP-like immunoreactivity. Our results indicate that factors issued from targets inhibit SP-expression by a subset of primary sensory neurons and act on the transcriptional control of preprotachykinin gene.
Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH, EC deficiency, known as glutaric acidemia type I, is one of the more common organic acidurias. To investigate the role of this pathway in different organs we studied the tissue-specific expression pattern of rat Gcdh. The open reading frame cDNA of the rat Gcdh gene was cloned from rat brain mRNA by RT-PCR, allowing the synthesis of digoxigenin-labeled in situ hybridization (ISH) riboprobes. Gcdh mRNA expression was analyzed by ISH on cryosections of adult rat brain, kidney, liver, spleen and heart muscle, as well as on E15 and E18 rat embryos. Gcdh was found expressed in the whole rat brain, almost exclusively in neurons. Gcdh was absent from astrocytes but expressed in rare oligodendrocytes. Strong Gcdh expression was found in liver and spleen, where expression appears predominant to lymphatic nodules. In kidney, the highest Gcdh expression is found in the juxtamedullar cortex (but not in glomerula), and at lower levels in medulla. Heart muscle was negative. During embryonic development, Gcdh was found well expressed in liver, intestinal mucosa and skin, as well as at lower levels in CNS. Further studies are ongoing to provide evidence on the presence of the entire pathway in CNS in order to understand the mechanisms leading to neurotoxicity in glutaric aciduria. The high expression of Gcdh in kidney may explain why certain patients with residual enzyme activity are low excretors at the urine metabolite level.
The equilibrium dynamics of native and introduced blowflies is modelled using a density-dependent model of population growth that takes into account important features of the life-history in these flies. A theoretical analysis indicates that the product of maximum fecundity and survival is the primary determinant of the dynamics. Cochliomyia macellaria, a blowfly native to the Americas and the introduced Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya putoria, differ in their dynamics in that the first species shows a damping oscillatory behavior leading to a one-point equilibrium, whereas in the last two species population numbers show a two-point limit cycle. Simulations showed that variation in fecundity has a marked effect on the dynamics and indicates the possibility of transitions from one-point equilibrium to bounded oscillations and aperiodic behavior. Variation in survival has much less influence on the dynamics.