941 resultados para Percussion ensembles--Senegal


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Lasertarkkuusporauksella on tämän hetken teollisuudessa useita sovelluksia, kuten esimerkiksi mustesuihkukirjoittimet, dieselmoottoreiden polttoainesuuttimet, lääketieteen instrumentit, turbiinien lapojen jäähdytysreiät ja stensiilit. Tässä työssä on tutkittu laserporauksen mahdollisuuksia 99,9 % kupariin sekä EN 1.4301 ruostumattomaan teräkseen (vastaava AISI 304). Ainepaksuuksia oli käytettävissä kolmea: 0,1 mm, 0,5 mm ja 1,0 mm. Vertailun vuoksi valittiin tutkimukseen mukaan ainepaksuudeltaan 1,0 mm EN 1.4432 haponkestävää terästä (vastaava AISI 316L). Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kolmea eritehoista 1,064 µm aallonpituuden Nd:YAG – laseria ja yhtä CO2 – laseria. Poratut reiät kuvattiin elektronimikroskoopilla ja jokaisesta reiästä mitattiin halkaisija, ympyrämäisyys ja kartiokkuus. Lisäksi reiän laatua arvioitaessa tarkasteltiin purseen määrää reikien ympärillä. Tutkimus osoitti, että eri materiaaleihin voidaan porata, laserin säteen laadusta ja aallonpituudesta riippuen, hyvin erikokoisia reikiä. Kartiokkuuteen havaittiin voitavan vaikuttaa polttopisteen paikkaa siirtämällä.


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The local thermodynamics of a system with long-range interactions in d dimensions is studied using the mean-field approximation. Long-range interactions are introduced through pair interaction potentials that decay as a power law in the interparticle distance. We compute the local entropy, Helmholtz free energy, and grand potential per particle in the microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles, respectively. From the local entropy per particle we obtain the local equation of state of the system by using the condition of local thermodynamic equilibrium. This local equation of state has the form of the ideal gas equation of state, but with the density depending on the potential characterizing long-range interactions. By volume integration of the relation between the different thermodynamic potentials at the local level, we find the corresponding equation satisfied by the potentials at the global level. It is shown that the potential energy enters as a thermodynamic variable that modifies the global thermodynamic potentials. As a result, we find a generalized Gibbs-Duhem equation that relates the potential energy to the temperature, pressure, and chemical potential. For the marginal case where the power of the decaying interaction potential is equal to the dimension of the space, the usual Gibbs-Duhem equation is recovered. As examples of the application of this equation, we consider spatially uniform interaction potentials and the self-gravitating gas. We also point out a close relationship with the thermodynamics of small systems.


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This thesis deals with combinatorics, order theory and descriptive set theory. The first contribution is to the theory of well-quasi-orders (wqo) and better-quasi-orders (bqo). The main result is the proof of a conjecture made by Maurice Pouzet in 1978 his thèse d'état which states that any wqo whose ideal completion remainder is bqo is actually bqo. Our proof relies on new results with both a combinatorial and a topological flavour concerning maps from a front into a compact metric space. The second contribution is of a more applied nature and deals with topological spaces. We define a quasi-order on the subsets of every second countable To topological space in a way that generalises the Wadge quasi-order on the Baire space, while extending its nice properties to virtually all these topological spaces. The Wadge quasi-order of reducibility by continuous functions is wqo on Borei subsets of the Baire space, this quasi-order is however far less satisfactory for other important topological spaces such as the real line, as Hertling, Ikegami and Schlicht notably observed. Some authors have therefore studied reducibility with respect to some classes of discontinuous functions to remedy this situation. We propose instead to keep continuity but to weaken the notion of function to that of relation. Using the notion of admissible representation studied in Type-2 theory of effectivity, we define the quasi-order of reducibility by relatively continuous relations. We show that this quasi-order both refines the classical hierarchies of complexity and is wqo on the Borei subsets of virtually every second countable To space - including every (quasi-)Polish space. -- Cette thèse se situe dans les domaines de la combinatoire, de la théorie des ordres et de la théorie descriptive. La première contribution concerne la théorie des bons quasi-ordres (wqo) et des meilleurs quasi-ordres (bqo). Le résultat principal est la preuve d'une conjecture, énoncée par Pouzet en 1978 dans sa thèse d'état, qui établit que tout wqo dont l'ensemble des idéaux non principaux ordonnés par inclusion forme un bqo est alors lui-même un bqo. La preuve repose sur de nouveaux résultats, qui allient la combinatoire et la topologie, au sujet des fonctions d'un front vers un espace métrique compact. La seconde contribution de cette thèse traite de la complexité topologique dans le cadre des espaces To à base dénombrable. Dans le cas de l'espace de Baire, le quasi-ordre de Wadge est un wqo sur les sous-ensembles Boréliens qui a suscité énormément d'intérêt. Cependant cette relation de réduction par fonctions continues s'avère bien moins satisfaisante pour d'autres espaces d'importance tels que la droite réelle, comme l'ont fait notamment remarquer Hertling, Schlicht et Ikegami. Nous proposons de conserver la continuité et d'affaiblir la notion de fonction pour celle de relation. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons la notion de représentation admissible étudiée en « Type-2 theory of effectivity » initiée par Weihrauch. Nous introduisons alors le quasi-ordre de réduction par relations relativement continues et montrons que celui-ci à la fois raffine les hiérarchies classiques de complexité topologique et forme un wqo sur les sous-ensembles Boréliens de chaque espace quasi-Polonais.


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Recent experiments of H2 adsorption on Pd(111) [T. Mitsui et al., Nature (London) 422, 705 (2003)] have questioned the classical Langmuir picture of second order adsorption kinetics at high surface coverage requiring pairs of empty sites for the dissociative chemisorption. Experiments find that at least three empty sites are needed. Through density functional theory, we find that H2 dissociation is favored on ensembles of sites that involve a Pd atom with no direct interaction with adsorbed hydrogen. Such active sites are formed by aggregation of at least 3 H-free sites revealing the complex structure of the "active sites."


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Tavoitteeni opinnäytetyössä on esitellä erilaisia pandeiron soittotyylejä. Perinteisen tavan lisäksi esittelen uudemman tyylin, jota nimitän Suzano-tekniikaksi, joka muodostaa suuren osan työstä. Selvitän myös pandeiron käyttömahdollisuuksia populaarimusiikissa. Lisäksi selvitän tietoa pandeiro -soittimesta muille soittajille, sillä se on vielä varsin vieras soitin Suomessa. Työhöni olen kerännyt erilaista tietoa, mitä olen lukenut, kuullut ja nähnyt. Tieto on siis pääosin jo olemassa ollutta, mutta sen analysoiminen, kokoaminen yhteen ja yleisellä tasolla tietoon saattaminen ja esimerkkien avulla havainnollistaminen tuo mielestäni uutta tietoa pandeiron soitosta. Työni sisältääkin paljon nuottiesimerkkejä. Koska kyseessä on etninen soitin, on tärkeää tutustuttaa lukija myös soittimen rakenteeseen ja alkuperään. Työssä esittelen myös joitain yleisimpiä Koillis-Brasilian rytmejä, sillä brasilialaisessa populaarimusiikissa käytetään paljon elementtejä vanhoista ja perinteisistä rytmeistä. Tähän osioon olen valinnut sekä rumpusettityylisiä komppeja että lyömäsoitinfunktiossa olevia rytmejä, joilla täydennetään komppipohjaa. Työssä on myös mukana joitain ajatuksia pandeiron harjoitteluun. Olen suunnitellut harjoituksia pandeirolle käyttäen apuna tavallisia rumpukirjoja. Työhöni olen liittänyt DVD-levyn havainnollistamaan esimerkkejä, sillä pelkän kuulokuvan perusteella asiaan perehtymättömän on mahdotonta tietää, miten rytmit on soitettu.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Compensation for respiratory motion is needed while administering radiotherapy (RT) to tumors that are moving with respiration to reduce the amount of irradiated normal tissues and potentially decrease radiation-induced collateral damages. The purpose of this study was to test a new ventilation system designed to induce apnea-like suppression of respiratory motion and allow long enough breath hold durations to deliver complex RT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The High Frequency Percussive Ventilation system was initially tested in a series of 10 volunteers and found to be well tolerated, allowing a median breath hold duration of 11.6min (range 3.9-16.5min). An evaluation of this system was subsequently performed in 4 patients eligible for adjuvant breast 3D conformal RT, for lung stereotactic body RT (SBRT), lung volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), and VMAT for palliative pleural metastases. RESULTS: When compared to free breathing (FB) and maximal inspiration (MI) gating, this Percussion Assisted RT (PART) offered favorable dose distribution profiles in 3 out of the 4 patients tested. PART was applied in these 3 patients with good tolerance, without breaks during the "beam on time period" throughout the overall courses of RT. The mean duration of the apnea-like breath hold that was necessary for delivering all the RT fractions was 7.61min (SD=2.3). CONCLUSIONS: This first clinical implementation of PART was found to be feasible, tolerable and offers new opportunities in the field of RT for suppressing respiratory motion.


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Fruit d'une thèse de doctorat, cet ouvrage se propose de comparer les rythmes et les modalités de l'acculturation des populations de Gaule interne, de la première moitié du iie s. av. J.-C. au début du ier siècle de notre ère au moyen de l'étude de la céramique fine, dont le répertoire évolue très rapidement pendant la période. Basée sur les données d'une vingtaine de sites urbains (oppida, capitales de cité, vici) répartis en trois aires géographiques (Centre, Est et Centre-Ouest), cette étude propose une présentation céramologique classique, mais aussi des modes d'analyse nouveaux comme le calcul d'un indice de romanisation pour évaluer et comparer le degré d'acculturation des ensembles retenus. Différentes méthodes statistiques, comme des sériations graphiques ou des analyses factorielles des correspondances, sont par ailleurs employées pour mettre en évidence les aspects qualitatifs du phénomène d'acculturation et décomposer son processus en trois niveaux principaux. Illustrés par des tableaux synoptiques et par des cartes, les résultats des calculs d'indices de romanisation permettent d'identifier différents facteurs favorisant de manière évidente la romanisation de la vaisselle dite de table, comme la proximité de la Provincia, une localisation sur un axe majeur (Rhône/Saône, Loire) ou le dynamisme de grands centres d'échanges fréquentés par les mercatores romains (l'oppidum de Bibracte, notamment). Ces traitements statistiques permettent également de mettre en évidence des retards dans l'acculturation de certains peuples qui pourraient s'expliquer par leur hostilité envers Rome. Le phénomène est notamment illustré par les Helvètes, voisins de la Transalpina depuis 120 av. J.-C., dont la vaisselle fine est très peu romanisée avant l'intégration de ce peuple dans l'Empire, puis atteint rapidement après cet événement des niveaux particulièrement élevés. L'auteur propose enfin des réflexions sur la portée réelle des phénomènes observés en termes de romanisation de la vie quotidienne, une mutation technique et stylistique des récipients n'impliquant pas forcément l'adoption de nouvelles pratiques alimentaires.


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The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and four dimensional assimilation variational method (4D-VAR) are both advanced data assimilation methods. The EKF is impractical in large scale problems and 4D-VAR needs much effort in building the adjoint model. In this work we have formulated a data assimilation method that will tackle the above difficulties. The method will be later called the Variational Ensemble Kalman Filter (VEnKF). The method has been tested with the Lorenz95 model. Data has been simulated from the solution of the Lorenz95 equation with normally distributed noise. Two experiments have been conducted, first with full observations and the other one with partial observations. In each experiment we assimilate data with three-hour and six-hour time windows. Different ensemble sizes have been tested to examine the method. There is no strong difference between the results shown by the two time windows in either experiment. Experiment I gave similar results for all ensemble sizes tested while in experiment II, higher ensembles produce better results. In experiment I, a small ensemble size was enough to produce nice results while in experiment II the size had to be larger. Computational speed is not as good as we would want. The use of the Limited memory BFGS method instead of the current BFGS method might improve this. The method has proven succesful. Even if, it is unable to match the quality of analyses of EKF, it attains significant skill in forecasts ensuing from the analysis it has produced. It has two advantages over EKF; VEnKF does not require an adjoint model and it can be easily parallelized.


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The publication of the fourth IPCC report, as well as the number of research results reported in recent years about the regionalization of climate projections, were the driving forces to justify the update of the report on climate change in Catalonia. Specifically, the new IPCC report contains new climate projections at global and continental scales, while several international projects (especially European projects PRUDENCE and ENSEMBLES) have produced continental-scale climate projections, which allow for distinguishing between European regions. For Spain, some of these results have been included in a document commissioned by the“State Agency of Meteorology”. In addition, initiatives are being developed within Catalonia (in particular, by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia) to downscale climate projections in this area. The present paper synthesizes results of these and other previously published studies, as well as our own analysis of results of the ENSEMBLES project. The aim is to propose scenarios of variation in temperature and rainfall in Catalonia during the 21st Century. Thus, by the middle of this century temperatures could rise up to 2 C compared with that of the late 20th Century. These increases would probably be higher in summer than in winter, generalized across the territory but less pronounced in coastal areas. Rainfall, however, would not change much, but it could slightly decrease. Towards the end of the 21st Century, temperatures could rise to about 5 C above that of the last century, while the average rainfall could decrease by more than 10%. Increases in temperature would be higher in summer and in areas further from the coast. Rainfall would decrease especially during the summer, while it could even increase in winter in mountainous areas such as the Pyrenees.


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Soitinnus: piano, orkesteri.


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Soitinnus: viulut (2), alttoviulu, sello.


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Soitinnus: piano, orkesteri.


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Soitinnus: orkesteri.


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Soitinnus: piano.


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Analysis at microenvironments, like single cells or in minute volumes (nL), is an area of great interest for analytical and biological sciences. Measurements at these experimental conditions demand analytical tools (microelectrodes) capable of monitoring with rapid response, good resolution and minimal perturbation of the system. The major drawbacks in producing these microscopic electrodes have been largely overcome, principally due to the development of new fabrication methods. In this review, these procedures are described with emphasis to those devoted to the construction of microelectrodes for application in microenvironments. Examples of our efforts to use these devices as effective electrochemical sensors are also addressed.