651 resultados para Pat Summerall
A identificação de cultivares, para cada tipo de manejo do solo, pode favorecer o aumento da produtividade da cultura do arroz de terras altas. Neste contexto, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, estudar o desempenho de genótipos de arroz de terras altas, em dois sistemas de manejo do solo: preparo convencional (PC) e sistema plantio direto (SPD). O estudo foi desenvolvido no município de Ipameri, GO, em 2008/2009. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 2x8, com dezesseis tratamentos e quatro repetições. O primeiro fator foi o sistema de manejo do solo (PC e SPD) e o segundo cultivares (BRS Curinga, BRS Primavera, BRS Monarca, BRS Pepita, BRS Sertaneja, Carajás, Caiapó e Bonança). As plantas apresentaram-se mais altas no PC do que no SPD. Quanto ao número de perfilhos por planta, verificou-se, também, variabilidade nas cultivares, quanto ao tipo de manejo de solo. Constatou-se que o preparo convencional propiciou maiores produtividades (média de 4.349 kg ha-1 que o sistema plantio direto (média de 3.521 kg ha-1, sendo o número de panículas por mI;e número de grãos por panícula os componentes de produção que mais contribuíram para esta diferença. Todas as cultivares apresentaram diferenças estatísticas entre os dois sistemas de manejo do solo, com exceção da cultivar Caiapó. Nos dois sistemas, Carajás foi a mais produtiva e diferiu, estatisticamente, das cultivares BRS Sertaneja e BRS Primavera.
A análise de crescimento de plantas pode ser considerada um bom indicativo para a avaliação das bases fisiológicas de produção e da influência exercida por variáveis ambientais, genéticas e agronômicas. Avaliou-se o crescimento da figueira 'Roxo de Valinhos', submetida a irrigação e cobertura morta (bagacilho de cana-de-açúcar triturado), em Botucatu (SP). O experimento utilizou blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2x2 (cobertura morta x irrigação), com 4 repetições, sendo cada repetição constituída por 3 plantas, com caracterização dos seguintes tratamentos: T1 - sem irrigação e sem cobertura morta; T2 - sem irrigação e com cobertura morta; T3 - com irrigação e sem cobertura morta; T4 - com irrigação e cobertura morta. Foram realizadas análises destrutivas e não destrutivas, aos 7, 55, 76, 97, 114, 135, 156, 176, 198, 219, 240, 254 e 275 dias após o transplantio, com base nos seguintes parâmetros: diâmetro do ramo e do caule, comprimento do ramo, número de folhas, número de entrenós e número de frutos. Foram particionados os diferentes órgãos da planta, para obtenção da massa seca e fresca das partições isoladas. As medições da área foliar (cm²) foram realizadas com aparelho integrador fotoelétrico. O manejo da irrigação foi realizado com o auxílio da técnica de tensiometria, mantendo o potencial matricial do solo próximo a -30 kPa. O uso de cobertura morta e irrigação favoreceu o desenvolvimento das plantas (diâmetro do caule de 36,60 mm e comprimento do ramo de 1,28 m), e as taxas de crescimento, crescimento relativo e assimilatória líquida da cultura foram de 7 g m-2 dia-1, 0,015 g g-1 dia-1 e 17 g m-2 dia-1, respectivamente. As taxas indicaram que a cobertura morta ofereceu condições hídricas satisfatórias ao rápido estabelecimento das mudas.
Objetivou-se neste estudo, determinar a disponibilidade biológica do P de diferentes fontes, para eqüinos em fase de crescimento. Utilizaram-se dezesseis eqüinos machos em fase de crescimento, submetidos à aplicação de quatro fontes fosfatadas -- fosfato de rocha de Tapira (TAP), fosfato de rocha de Patos de Minas (PAT), fosfato bicálcico (BIC) e farinha de osso (FOS) --, adicionadas à dieta basal em quantidades suficientes para fornecer 22 g de P/animal/dia. No 16º dia, foram-lhes injetados 30 MBq de 32P/animal, e coletaram-se amostras de sangue, fezes e urina, durante sete dias. Foram determinadas as atividades específicas no plasma, fezes e urina e calculou-se a perda endógena fecal e a absorção real de P. Os valores obtidos quanto ao P consumido, P excretado, P no plasma e P retido não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05). Os valores de absorção real do P do TAP, PAT, BIC e da FOS foram, respectivamente, 25,23%, 33,97%, 31,71% e 29,36%. Não houve diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05) entre as fontes estudadas. em relação ao BIC, as rochas fosfáticas apresentaram altos valores de disponibilidade biológica.
A implantação de microcentrais hidrelétricas é uma das alternativas para suprir com energia comunidades pequenas e isoladas, situadas normalmente na área rural. O aproveitamento de potenciais hidráulicos de pequeno porte é uma alternativa cada vez mais viável devido não só à falta de recursos financeiros para os grandes empreendimentos, mas também pelo imenso potencial de geração em centrais de pequeno porte, que pouco tem sido aproveitado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de apresentar uma metodologia simples de engenharia para estimar o custo das Bombas Funcionando como Turbinas (BFTs) utilizadas em microcentrais hidrelétricas, que possam ser usadas em estudos preliminares de novos aproveitamentos hidrelétricos, sem uma investigação detalhada dos lugares onde se pretende implantar. Os custos foram obtidos consultando-se diretamente os fabricantes de equipamentos e o mercado da praça de Ponta Grossa - PR. Os resultados mostraram que, para as microcentrais hidrelétricas, sempre que os custos constituírem o aspecto dominante, e para potências até 50 kW, a opção por Bombas Funcionando como Turbinas (BFTs) deve ser considerada em lugar das turbinas hidráulicas.
Fistulous wither secretions from three horses were tested by the plate agglutination (PAT), tube agglutination (SAT), buffered plate-Rose Bengal (RBPT) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) tests, comparatively with standard agglutination tests. In the modified tests, titers were increased in the PAT, SAT and 2-ME tests and positive reaction was observed in RBPT. Brucella abortus was isolated from the secretion of fistulous withers collected from one animal. These results suggest that the modified tests may be used as alternative tests to diagnose brucellosis in horses with fistulous withers.
This work describes the new improvements of the SISTEMAT project, one system for structural elucidation mainly in the field of Natural Products Chemistry. Some examples of the resolution of problems using C-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectroscopy are given. Programs to discover new heuristic rules for structure generation are discussed. The data base contains about 10000 C-13 NMR spectra.
The aim of this paper is to present a procedure that utilizes C-13 NMR for identification of substituent groups which are bonded to carbon skeletons of natural products. For so much was developed a new version of the program (MACRONO), that presents a database with 161 substituent types found in the most varied terpenoids. This new version was widely tested in the identification of the substituents of 60 compounds that, after removal of the signals that did not belong to the carbon skeleton, served to test the prediction of skeletons by using other programs of the expert system (SISTEMAT). (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective. To identify preliminary core sets of outcome variables for disease activity and damage assessment in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Methods. Two questionnaire surveys were mailed to 267 physicians from 46 different countries asking each member to select and rank the response variables used when assessing clinical response in patients with JSLE or JDM. Next, 40 paediatric rheumatologists from 34 countries met and, using the nominal group technique, selected the domains to be included in the disease activity and damage core sets for JSLE and JDM. Results. A total of 41 response variables for JSLE and 37 response variables for JDM were selected and ranked through the questionnaire surveys. In the consensus conference, domains selected for both JSLE and JDM activity or damage core sets included the physician and parent/patient subjective assessments and a global score tool. Domains specific for JSLE activity were the immunological tests and the kidney function parameters. Concerning JDM, functional ability and muscle strength assessments were indicated for both activity and damage core sets, whereas serum muscle enzymes were included only in the activity core set. A specific paediatric domain called 'growth and development' was introduced in the disease damage core set for both diseases and the evaluation of health-related quality of life was advised in order to capture the influence of the disease on the patient lifestyle. Conclusions. We developed preliminary core sets of measures for disease activity and damage assessment in JSLE and JDM. The prospective validation of the core sets is in progress.
Obese insulin resistant animals and humans have shown reduced GLUT4 gene expression. Yet, in skeletal muscle, discrepancy between mRNA and protein regulation has been frequently observed, suggesting a post-transcriptional modulation. We investigated the GLUT4 expression in adipose tissue and muscle of obese 12-month-old (12-mo) rats, comparing with lean 2-month-old (2-mo) animals. Obesity was accompanied by insulin resistance, and 65% reduction (P < 0.01) in GLUT4 mRNA and protein in adipose tissue. However, in muscle, despite increased (P < 0.05) mRNA content, GLUT4 protein was unchanged. RNase H and poly(A) test assays showed a reduction (P < 0.01) of ∼80 adenines in the GLUT4 mRNA poly(A) tail of muscle from 12-mo rats, recognizing that the poly(A) tail length correlates with translation efficiency. Concluding, age related obesity of 12-mo rats involves suppression of GLUT4 expression in adipose tissue; however, in muscle, GLUT4 mRNA content increases, but with a shorter poly(A) tail, thus unchanging the protein content. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The availability of water for seeds is closely related to their germination, since hydration is a limiting factor for their metabolic processes. Therefore, in tests carried out in laboratory, substrate must be sufficiently moistened, in order to assure both the embryo growth and seedling formation. This research was carried out to evaluate the influence of different quantities of water, in different substrates, for cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) seeds germination. The seeds, processed with Thiran 0.1%, were obtained in shops located in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. Germination tests were made in germitest rolled paper towel substrates, between and on draft paper, moistened with quantities of water equivalent to 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.5; and 4.0 times the dry substrate weight. For each treatment, four repetitions of 50 seeds were used. The seeds were kept in a germinator, at an alternate temperature of 20-30°C, without further addition of water to the substrate. The evaluations were made on the fifth and tenth days after the experiment preparation. The results obtained revealed that the quantities of water ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 times the paper weight were favorable for seeds germination, mainly in the substrate on and between the paper, while water levels above 3.0 times the substrate weight were harmful for cabbage seeds germination in the rolled paper towel substrates and between the paper.
This study aimed to evaluate the soil microbiota activity associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere, during the phytoremediation process of a soil contaminated with trifloxysulfuron-sodium. S. aterrimum was cultivated in vases (6, 0 L) filled with soil, after trifloxysulfuron-sodium, at 7.5 g ha -1, was applied or not. Every 15 days after sowing (DAS), rhizospheric soil was collected for soil microbial respiration (amount of evolved CO 2) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) analysis. To determine herbicide residues in the soil samples, after phytoremediation, Sorghum bicolor L. was cultivated as an indicator species, in addition to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The microbiota associated to S. aterrimum rhizosphere showed to be sensitive to trifloxysulfuron-sodium and may be used as a microbiological indicator of disturbances caused by this herbicide in the environment. Regarding time for remediation, 45 days of development is enough for S. aterrimum to reduce residual trifloxysulfuron- sodium to a level not able to cause toxicity to the indicator plant.
Qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de mamona submetidas a diferentes tratamentos químicos
The use of fungicides for treating seeds has become an essential measure in the control of pathogens. However, the effectiveness of many products is not well-known to some crops. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different doses of carbendazin and carboxin + thiram fungicides for controlling pathogens and their interference on the physiologic quality of castor bean seeds. The test consisted of the following treatments (g i.a./100 kg of seeds): carbendazin (15, 30, and 60), carboxin + thiram (25 + 25, 50 + 50, and 100 + 100), formol 0.15% (v/v), and control (distilled water). The physiologic quality of the seeds was determined by germination, first counting, field emergence, speed emergence index, length, fresh and dry weight of the aerial part, and electrical conductivity. There were no statistical differences for germination and fresh and dry matter index. The treatment with formol provided lower values for first counting and field emergence. Seeds treated with fungicides presented higher values for electrical conductivity, but did not differ, statistically, among themselves. The fungi Cladosporium spp.; Bipolaris spp.; Curvularia spp.; Aspergillus flavus; Aspergillus niger; Rhizopus sp.; Penicillium sp.; Rhizoctonia sp.; Verticillium sp.; Fusarium sp.;Arthrobotrys sp.; and Epicocum sp. were identified. All tested products, independently of the dose, provided efficient control for pathogens.
Agronomic practices that help farmers to raise yield and reduce costs must be studied to ensure agricultural sustainability. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze economically the effect of soil management and nitrogen fertilization in maize crops. Treatments consisted of a combination of 3 soil management techniques (plow harrows + floating harrows, chisel + floating harrows, and no-tillage), 5 periods of nitrogen fertilization (control - 0 kg ha -1 N; 120 kg ha -1 after sowing (S); 120 kg ha -1 in the V 6 stage; 30 kg ha -1 (S) + 90 kg ha -1 in V 6; 30 kg ha -1 (S) + 45 kg ha -1 in V 4 + 45 kg ha -1 in V 8 The total operating cost (TOC), gross revenue (GR), operating profit (OP), profitability index (PI), break-even yield, and break-even price were estimated. It was concluded that the no-tillage system, after 11 years of management, associated with nitrogen fertilization promotes positive PI and OP, being useful to farmers.
This research aimed to study land use capability classes in Pratânia, São Paulo State, Brazil, by using the Geographic Information System (GIS), in order to find out the appropriate planning system for soil use. The watershed covers an area of 21,773.61 ha and is located among the coordinates 22°44'48S and 22°52'17S and 48°38'21W and 48°48'07W. The land use capability map was made from the slope and soil maps, based on the features of each kind of soil and the land use capability table for class assessment. It was possible to conclude that IIIs was the most significant subclass. Slope classes from 0% to 20% were present in more than 97% of Pratânia, being the plane areas the most representative ones (55%). GIS showed to be an excellent tool for determining land use capability, because the geoprocessing use facilitates and activates the digital data crossing, allowing its storage for future environmental planning.