955 resultados para Panama (Panama) American Congress, 1826.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin sets out a brief history of the Panama Canal, its construction and its social and political impact on Panama, within the context of international trade at the time. This issue also reviews the recovery of the canal by the Republic of Panama and subsequent major events, including the decision to expand the canal and the start-up of work on the expansion project.
Um total de 110 amostras de Salmonella Panama, incluindo 84 amostras ambientais, 16 amostras humanas, 5 amostras de alimentos e 5 amostras de animal silvestre provenientes de municípios no Estado do Pará, Brasil, foi submetido ao teste de sensibilidade a agentes antimicrobianos e à tipagem genotípica por PFGE. Todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram multirresistência a, pelo menos, 5 antibióticos. O modelo de resistência mais freqüente abrangeu 85 (77,3%) das amostras de S. Panama e foi representado pelos antibióticos cefalotina, cefazolina, cefuroxima, cefoxitina, gentamicina e tobramicina. A tipagem PFGE de 89 isolados de S. Panama resultou em 54 perfis genotípicos diferentes, dentre os quais foi observada a ocorrência de 16 clones. O dendograma revelou a existência de 2 grupos PFGE, designados grupo A e grupo B, definidos com uma similaridade genética de 83,34% e 83,87%, respectivamente. O maior clone e mais prevalente com 8 isolados de S. Panama foi oriundo de ambientes aquáticos dos municípios de Belém e Barcarena. Um segundo clone com 5 isolados foi proveniente de diferentes igarapés da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã. Ambos os clones demonstraram persistir no ambiente aquático por pelo menos 2 anos. Os 5 clones de Salmonella Panama encontrados em ambientes aquáticos da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, que se caracteriza por apresentar ação antrópica mínina, não foram detectados em municípios mais impactados pela ação do homem como Belém e Barcarena, sugerindo adaptação dos mesmos em relação não só aos respectivos ambientes mas, principalmente, à reservatórios diferentes.
Twenty eight species of Temnocerus Thunberg, 1815 are recognized from Central America (Mexico to Panama) with eight previously described species and 20 new species as follows: T. abdominalis (Voss), T. chiapensis n. sp., T. chiriquensis (Sharp), T. confertus (Sharp), T. cyaneus n. sp., T. ellus n. sp., T. giganteus n. sp., T. guatemalenus (Sharp), T. guerrerensis n. sp., T. herediensis n. sp., T. mexicanus n. sp., T. michoacensis n. sp., T. minutus n. sp., T. niger n. sp., T. oaxacensis n. sp., T. obrieni, n. sp., T. oculatus (Sharp), T. potosi n. sp., T. pseudaeratus n. sp., T. pueblensis n. sp., T. pusillus (Sharp), T. regularis (Sharp), T. rostralis n. sp., T. rugosus n. sp., T. salvensis n. sp., T. tamaulipensis n. sp., T. thesaurus (Sharp) and T. yucatensis n. sp. Rhynchites debilis Sharp is placed in synonymy with Temnocerus guatemalenus (Sharp) and Pselaphorhynchites lindae Hamilton is placed in synonymy with Temnocerus regularis (Sharp). A key to species based on external characters and male genitalia is provided as well as digital images, aedeagus drawings, and map distributions.
This study documents one of the slowest feeding behaviors ever recorded for a muricid gastropod in one of the most biotically rigorous regions on the planet. In Pacific Panama, Vitularia salebrosa attacks mollusks by drilling through their shells. The duration of attacks estimated by isotope sclerochronology of oyster shells collected during attacks in progress range from 90 to 230 days, while experimental observation of interactions documented one attack greater than 103 days. The prolonged nature of attacks suggests that V. salebrosa is best characterized as an ectoparasite than as a predator, which is the ancestral condition in the Muricidae. An ectoparasitic lifestyle is also evident in the unusual interaction traces of this species, which include foot scars, feeding tunnels and feeding tubes, specialized soft anatomy, and in the formation of male-female Pairs, which is consistent with protandrous hermaphroditism, as is typical in sedentary gastropods. To delay death of its host, V. salebrosa targets renewable resources when feeding, such as blood and digestive glands. A congener, Vitularia miliaris from the Indo-Pacific, has an identical feeding biology The origin and persistence of extremely slow feeding in the tropics challenges our present understanding of selective pressures influencing the evolution of muricid feeding behaviors and morphological adaptations. Previously, it has been suggested that faster feeding is advantageous because it permits predators to spend a greater proportion of time hiding in enemy-free refugia or to take additional prey, the energetic benefits of which could be translated into increased fecundity or defenses. The benefits of exceptionally slow feeding have received little consideration. In the microhabitat preferred by V. salebrosa (beneath boulders), it is possible that prolonged interactions with hosts decrease vulnerability to enemies by reducing the frequency of risky foraging events between feedings . Ectoparasitic feeding through tunnels by V. salebrosa may also reduce competitive interactions with kleptoparasites (e.g., crabs, snails) that steal food through the gaped valves of dead or dying hosts.
The morphology and anatomy of Vitularia salebrosa, a muricid ectoparasitic on other mollusks, are investigated based on study of specimens from western Panama. Distinctive characters of this species include the small size of the buccal mass and radular apparatus, simplification of the odontophore muscles and diminished lateral teeth of the radula; all elongated, narrow proboscis; narrow digestive tract and a differentiable glandular region at the beginning of the posterior esophagus. These traits are consistent with adaptive specialization for an ectoparasitic life history.
A new species of Novantinoe Santos-Silva & Hovore 2007 is described from Panama. Modified key couplets including the new species are included.
Although a large amount of data have been published in past years on the taxonomic status of the Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) species complex, there is still a need to know how many species this complex comprises, the distribution of each one, and their distinguishing features. In this study, we assessed the morphometric variability of 32 populations from the A. fraterculus complex, located in major biogeographical areas from the Neotropics. Multivariate techniques for analysis were applied to the measurements of 21 variables referring to the mesonotum, aculeus, and wing. For the first time, our results identified the presence of seven distinct morphotypes within this species complex. According to the biogeographical areas, populations occurring in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexico, Guatemala, and Panama) were clustered within a single natural entity labeled as the "Mexican" morphotype; whereas in the northwestern South American dominion, samples fell into three distinct groups: the "Venezuelan" morphotype with a single population from the Caribbean lowlands of Venezuela, the "Andean" morphotype from the highlands of Venezuela and Colombia, and the third group or "Peruvian" morphotype comprised the samples from the Pacific coastal lowlands of Ecuador and Peru. Three additional groups were identified from the Chacoan and Paranaense sub-regions: the morphotype "Brazilian-1" was recognized as including the Argentinean samples with most pertaining to Brazil, and widely distributed in these biogeographical areas; the morphotype "Brazilian-2" was recognized as including two samples from the state of Sao Paulo (Ilha-Bela and Sao Sebastiao); whereas the morphotype "Brazilian-3" included a single population from Botucatu (state of Sao Paulo). Based on data published by previous authors showing genetic and karyotypic differentiation, as well as reproductive isolation, we have concluded that such morphotypes indeed represent natural groups and distinct taxonomic entities.
The endemic stingless honey-making bee Melipona (Melikerria) insularissp.n. on Coiba and Rancheria Islands in Pacific Panama is described, together with the proposed sister species, M. ambigua sp.n. from northeast Colombia. The Coiba Island group and Panama mainland were surveyed, yielding one meliponine endemic (M. insularissp.n.) and six meliponine genera and species. The poor Coiba fauna of amphibians and birds corresponds to the poor social bee fauna and suggests habitat barriers generally precluded recolonization from the mainland during glacial periods. Many animals became extinct, yet some remain as relicts. Melipona insularissp.n. was isolated on accreted terranes of Coiba rainforest in the Panama microplate. Morphology suggests that M. insularissp.n. is not a direct descendant of the San Blas-E. Panama endemic Melikerria, M. triplaridis. A phylogenetic hypothesis corroborates disjunct distributions. Rainforest endemics such as Peltogyne purpurea (Fabaceae) and Ptilotrigona occidentalis (Apidae, Meliponini) also occur as relictual, disjunct populations in Central and South America. These may have been isolated before accelerated biotic exchange began 2.4 Ma. Our work supports the geological findings of both a volcanic arc and the San Blas massif providing a substantial bridge for Melikerria from Colombia and Panama in Eocene to Miocene times. We suggest there have been taxon cycles permitting recolonization during glaciations, whereby colonies of M. insularissp.n. were able to recolonize Rancheria, a 250 ha island, 2 km from Coiba. However, rafting colonies nesting in trees, carried on vegetation mats, may have produced founding populations of Melipona in Central America and on oceanic islands such as Coiba.
[ES] Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex Silva ha sido cultivada en Cativá, localizado en la zona costera del caribe panameño, al noreste del Canal de Panamá, desde el 2004 con intereses comerciales. El cultivo fue desarrollado en dos partes: el cultivo in situ (en el mar y en tanques) y el cultivo in vitro (en el laboratorio y en aclimatación en tanques y acuarios). Ambas cultivos tienen como objetivo obtener un desarrollo sostenible en la zona costera y un producto atractivo para la industria que dé oportunidades económicas a los cultivadores. Los resultados muestran que la tasa de crecimiento observada (4.0 a 5.0 %) permanece constante durante todo el año y es independiente de los sitios seleccionados, de las temporadas: lluviosa y seca, y de los parámetros ambientales. Ya que menos de una hectárea ha sido cultivada y existen 40 disponibles, esto multiplica grandemente la posibilidad de explotación. En cuanto a los sistemas de plantación, las estructuras fijas causan menos impacto, son menos costosas y son beneficiosas para el crecimiento. Además, Kappaphycus alvarezii puede ser mantenida en tanques con tasas de crecimiento similares a las naturales, por lo tanto puede ser usada como biomasa para semillas. El secador usado, dio un cantidad estimada de 36 sacos de 11 Kg. de biomasa seca cada uno, materia prima por polígono (300 m2) año-1. La producción de carragena mantiene un patrón constante (ca. 35%) en relación a la producción y al peso molecular aceptado por la industria (1.6 105 Da). La producción de diferentes fracciones, iota y kappa, varía con el tiempo de cultivo, siendo mayor en talos jóvenes para la primera y menor para en los más viejos para la segunda. Las técnicas de los cultivos in vitro permiten el mantenimiento y propagación de stocks de fragmentos de explantos en el laboratorio y aclimatados en tanques y acuarios. La aclimatación ex vitro ha demostrado ser factible para la recuperación y futura propagación de los explantos mantenidos en el laboratorio a sitios en el mar.
The Environmental Health (EH) program of Peace Corps (PC) Panama and a non-governmental organization (NGO) Waterlines have been assisting rural communities in Panama gain access to improved water sources through the practice of community management (CM) model and participatory development. Unfortunately, there is little information available on how a water system is functioning once the construction is complete and the volunteer leaves the community. This is a concern when the recent literature suggests that most communities are not able to indefinitely maintain a rural water system (RWS) without some form of external assistance (Sara and Katz, 1997; Newman et al, 2002; Lockwood, 2002, 2003, 2004; IRC, 2003; Schweitzer, 2009). Recognizing this concern, the EH program director encouraged the author to complete a postproject assessment of the past EH water projects. In order to carry out the investigation, an easy to use monitoring and evaluation tool was developed based on literature review and the author’s three years of field experience in rural Panama. The study methodology consists of benchmark scoring systems to rate the following ten indicators: watershed, source capture, transmission line, storage tank, distribution system, system reliability, willingness to pay, accounting/transparency, maintenance, and active water committee members. The assessment of 28 communities across the country revealed that the current state of physical infrastructure, as well as the financial, managerial and technical capabilities of water committees varied significantly depending on the community. While some communities are enjoying continued service and their water committee completing all of its responsibilities, others have seen their water systems fall apart and be abandoned. Overall, the higher score were more prevalent for all ten indicators. However, even the communities with the highest scores requested some form of additional assistance. The conclusion from the assessment suggests that the EH program should incorporate an institutional support mechanism (ISM) to its sector policy in order to systematically provide follow-up support to rural communities in Panama. A full-time circuit rider with flexible funding would be able to provide additional technical support, training and encouragement to those communities in need.
La Yeguada volcanic complex is one of three Quaternary volcanic centers in Panama, and is located on the southern slope of the Cordillera Central mountain range in western Panama, province of Veraguas. To assess potential geologic hazards, this study focused on the main dome complex near the village of La Laguna and also examined a cinder cone 10 km to the northwest next to the village of Media Luna. Based on newly obtained 40Ar/39Ar ages, the most recent eruption occurred approximately 32 000 years ago at the Media Luna cinder cone, while the youngest dated eruption at the main dome complex occurred 0.357 ± 0.019 Ma, producing the Castillo dome unit. Cerro Picacho is a separate dome located 1.5 km east of the main complex with a date of 4.47 ± 0.23 Ma, and the El Satro Pyroclastic Flow unit surrounds the northern portion of the volcanic complex and has an age of 11.26 ± 0.17 Ma. No Holocene (10 000 years ago to present) activity is recorded at the La Yeguada volcanic complex and therefore, it is unlikely to produce another eruption. The emergence of a new cinder cone is a possibility, but the associated hazards tend to be low and localized, and this does not pose a significant threat to the small communities scattered throughout the area. The main geologic hazard at the La Yeguada volcanic complex is from landslides coming off the many steep slopes.
Two volcanic debris avalanche deposits (VDADs), both attributed to sector collapse at Volcán Barú, Panama, have been identified after an investigation of deposits that covered more than a thousand square kilometers. The younger Barriles Deposit is constrained by two radiocarbon ages that are ~9 ka; the older Caisán Deposit is at or beyond the radiocarbon range, >43,500 ybp. The total runout length of the Caisán Deposit was ~50 km and it covers 1190 km2. The Barriles Deposit extended to about 45 km and covered an area of 966 km2, overlapping most of the Caisán. The VDADs are blanketed by pyroclastic deposits and contain a predominance of andesitic material likely representing volcanic dome rock which accumulated above the active vent at Barú before collapsing. Despite heavy vegetation in the field area, over 4000 individual hummocks were digitized from aerial photography. Statistical analysis of hummock locations and geometries depict flow patterns of highly- fragmented material reflecting the effects of underlying topography and also help to define the limit of Barriles’ shorter termination. Barriles and Caisán are primarily unconfined, subaerial volcanic deposits that are among the world’s most voluminous. Calculated through two different geospatial processes, thickness values from field measurements and inferences yield volumes >30 km23 for both deposits. VDADs of comparable scale come from Mount Shasta, USA; Socompa, Chile/Argentina; and Shiveluch, Russia. Currently, the modern edifice is 200-400m lower than the pre-collapse Barriles and Caisán summits and only 16-25% of the former edifice has been replaced since the last failure.
In Panama, one of the Environmental Health (EH) Sector’s primary goals is to improve the health of rural Panamanians by helping them to adopt behaviors and practices that improve access to and use of sanitation systems. In complying with this goal, the EH sector has used participatory development models to improve hygiene and increase access to latrines through volunteer managed latrine construction projects. Unfortunately, there is little understanding of the long term sustainability of these interventions after the volunteers have completed their service. With the Peace Corps adapting their Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation procedures, it is appropriate to evaluate the sustainability of sanitation interventions offering recommendations for the adaptions of the EH training program, project management, and evaluation procedures. Recognizing the need for evaluation of past latrine projects, the author performed a post project assessment of 19 pit latrine projects using participatory analysis methodologies. First, the author reviewed volunteers’ perspectives of pit latrine projects in a survey. Then, for comparison, the author performed a survey of latrine projects using a benchmarking scoring system to rate solid waste management, drainage, latrine siting, latrine condition, and hygiene. It was observed that the Sanitation WASH matrix created by the author was an effective tool for evaluating the efficacy of sanitation interventions. Overall more than 75%, of latrines constructed were in use. However, there were some areas where improvements could be made for both latrine construction and health and hygiene. The latrines scored poorly on the indicators related to the privacy structure and seat covers. Interestingly those are the two items least likely to be included in project subsidies. Furthermore, scores for hygiene-related indicators were low; particularly those related to hand washing and cleanliness of the kitchen, indicating potential for improvement in hygiene education. Based on these outcomes, the EH sector should consider including subsidies and standardized designs for privacy structures and seat covers for latrines. In addition, the universal adoption of contracts and/or deposits for project beneficiaries is expected to improve the completion of latrines. In order to address the low scores in the health and hygiene indicators, the EH sector should adapt volunteer training, in addition to standardizing health and hygiene intervention procedures. In doing so, the sector should mimic the Community Health Club model that has shown success in improving health and hygiene indicators, as well as use a training session plan format similar to those in the Water Committee Seminar manual. Finally, the sector should have an experienced volunteer dedicated to program oversight and post-project monitoring and evaluation.
As continued global funding and coordination are allocated toward the improvement of access to safe sources of drinking water, alternative solutions may be necessary to expand implementation to remote communities. This report evaluates two technologies used in a small water distribution system in a mountainous region of Panama; solar powered pumping and flow-reducing discs. The two parts of the system function independently, but were both chosen for their ability to mitigate unique issues in the community. The design program NeatWork and flow-reducing discs were evaluated because they are tools taught to Peace Corps Volunteers in Panama. Even when ample water is available, mountainous terrains affect the pressure available throughout a water distribution system. Since the static head in the system only varies with the height of water in the tank, frictional losses from pipes and fittings must be exploited to balance out the inequalities caused by the uneven terrain. Reducing the maximum allowable flow to connections through the installation of flow-reducing discs can help to retain enough residual pressure in the main distribution lines to provide reliable service to all connections. NeatWork was calibrated to measured flow rates by changing the orifice coefficient (θ), resulting in a value of 0.68, which is 10-15% higher than typical values for manufactured flow-reducing discs. NeatWork was used to model various system configurations to determine if a single-sized flow-reducing disc could provide equitable flow rates throughout an entire system. There is a strong correlation between the optimum single-sized flow- reducing disc and the average elevation change throughout a water distribution system; the larger the elevation change across the system, the smaller the recommended uniform orifice size. Renewable energy can jump the infrastructure gap and provide basic services at a fraction of the cost and time required to install transmission lines. Methods for the assessment of solar powered pumping systems as a means for rural water supply are presented and assessed. It was determined that manufacturer provided product specifications can be used to appropriately design a solar pumping system, but care must be taken to ensure that sufficient water can be provided to the system despite variations in solar intensity.