960 resultados para Palm


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In this paper a number of outdoor body-to-body communications channels at 2.45 GHz which are deemed to be susceptible to shadowed fading are analyzed. The newlyproposed shadowed K-Il model is used to characterize thesechannels. Its probability density function is shown to provide an improved fit to the distribution of the signal fading compared to established models such as lognormal, Nakagamiand Rice.


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European Regulation 1169/2011 requires producers of foods that contain refined vegetable oils to label the oil types. A novel rapid and staged methodology has been developed for the first time to identify common oil species in oil blends. The qualitative method consists of a combination of a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to profile the oils and fatty acid chromatographic analysis to confirm the composition of the oils when required. Calibration models and specific classification criteria were developed and all data were fused into a simple decision-making system. The single lab validation of the method demonstrated the very good performance (96% correct classification, 100% specificity, 4% false positive rate). Only a small fraction of the samples needed to be confirmed with the majority of oils identified rapidly using only the spectroscopic procedure. The results demonstrate the huge potential of the methodology for a wide range of oil authenticity work.


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Torrefaction based co-firing in a pulverized coal boiler has been proposed for large percentage of biomass co-firing. A 220 MWe pulverized coal-power plant is simulated using Aspen Plus for full understanding the impacts of an additional torrefaction unit on the efficiency of the whole power plant, the studied process includes biomass drying, biomass torrefaction, mill systems, biomass/coal devolatilization and combustion, heat exchanges and power generation. Palm kernel shells (PKS) were torrefied at same residence time but 4 different temperatures, to prepare 4 torrefied biomasses with different degrees of torrefaction. During biomass torrefaction processes, the mass loss properties and released gaseous components have been studied. In addition, process simulations at varying torrefaction degrees and biomass co-firing ratios have been carried out to understand the properties of CO2 emission and electricity efficiency in the studied torrefaction based co-firing power plant. According to the experimental results, the mole fractions of CO 2 and CO account for 69-91% and 4-27% in torrefied gases. The predicted results also showed that the electrical efficiency reduced when increasing either torrefaction temperature or substitution ratio of biomass. A deep torrefaction may not be recommended, because the power saved from biomass grinding is less than the heat consumed by the extra torrefaction process, depending on the heat sources. 


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Detection of adulteration of non-processed vegetable oil with lesser value seed oils (classic example is hazelnut in virgin olive oil) has been in the centre of scientific attention for many years and several chemical methods were proposed. The recent EC Regulation 1169/2011, however, introduces necessity for different analytical method in a more complicated matrix. From the end of 2014, food businesses required to declare the composition of the refined oil mixture in the food product label. This creates a gap since there is no analytical method currently available to perform such analysis. In the first phase the work focused on 100% oil blends of various oil species of palm oil (and derivatives), sunflower and rapeseed oil before expanding to foodstuffs. Chromatographic methods remain highly relevant although suffer from various limitations which derive from natural compositional variation. Modern multivariate techniques based on machine learning algorithms, however, when applied in FTIR, Raman spectroscopic data have a strong potential in tackling the problem.


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The development of a virtual testing environment, as a cost-effective industrial design tool in the design and analysis of composite structures, requires the need to create models efficiently, as well as accelerate the analysis by reducing the number of degrees of freedom, while still satisfying the need for accurately tracking the evolution of a debond, delamination or crack front. The eventual aim is to simulate both damage initiation and propagation in components with realistic geometrical features, where crack propagation paths are not trivial. Meshless approaches, and the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method, are particularly suitable for problems involving changes in topology and have been successfully applied to simulate damage in homogeneous materials and concrete. In this work, the method is utilized to model initiation and mixed-mode propagation of cracks in composite laminates, and to simulate experimentally-observed crack migration which is difficult to model using standard finite element analysis. N


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In Canada, it is young rural based men who are at the greatest risk for suicide. While there is no consensus on the reasons for this, evidence points to contextual social factors including isolation, lack of confidential services and pressure to uphold restrictive norms of rural masculinity. In this article we share findings drawn from an instrumental photo voice case study to distil factors contributing to the suicide of a young Canadian rural based man. Integrating photo voice methods and in-depth qualitative we conducted interviews with 7 family members and close friends of the deceased. The interviews and image data were analyzed using constant comparative methods to discern themes related to participants’ reflections on and perceptions about rural male suicide. Three inductively derived themes, “Missing the signs”, “Living up to his public image” and “Down in Rural Canada ” reflect the challenges that survivors and young rural men can experience in attempting to be comply with restrictive dominant ideals of masculinity. We conclude that community based suicide prevention efforts would benefit from gender-sensitive and place specific approaches to advancing men’s mental health by making tangibly available and affirming an array of masculinities to foster the well-being of young rural based men.


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INTRODUCTION AND GOALS: Genus Bursaphelenchus includes several pests of the world importance for the rural economy, the most dangerous are the Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (the pinewood nematode caused decline of the pine trees in south Asia and in one spot area in Europe, Portugal, Peninsula de Setubal) and the Bursaphelenchus cocophilus, causing the decline of coco-palm plantations in Carribean and Latin American regions. The peculiarity of the host-parasite association of the genus that the nematode life cycle includes three trophic components: plant (mostly a tree), insect vector and a fungus. Goals of the presentation is to list all species of the world fauna and all efficient diagnostic characters, then create the identification tool and analyze the similarity of species and possible ways and causes of the host-parasite evolution of the group. RESULTS: Complete list of species with synonymy and a catalogue of all efficient diagnostic characters with their states, selected from papers of the most experienced taxonomists of the genus, are given for the genus Bursaphelenchus. List of known records of Bursaphelenchus species with names of natural vectors and plants and their families is given (for world pests the most important groups of trees and insects are listed). The tabular, traditional and computer-aided keys are presented. Dendrograms of species relationships (UPGMA, standard distance: mean character difference) based on all efficient taxonomic characters and separately on the spicule characters only, are given. Discussion whether the species groups are natural or purely diagnostic ones is based on the relationships dendrograms and the vector and associated plant ranges of Bursaphelenchus species; the xylophilus species group (B. xylophilus, B. abruptus, B. baujardi, B. conicaudatus, B. eroshenkii, B. fraudulentus, B. kolymensis, B. luxuriosae; B. mucronatus), the hunti group (B. hunti, B. seani, B. kevini and B. fungivorus) are probably the natural ones. CONCLUSIONS: The parasitic nematode association includes three trophic components: plant, insect vector and fungus. The initial insect-plant complex Scolytidae-Pinaceae is changeable and only in rare occasions the change of the preferred vector to Cerambycidae (the xylophilus group), Hymenoptera (the hunti group) led to formation of the natural species-groups. From the analysis it is clear that although the vector range is changeable it is comparatively more important for the evolution of the genus Bursaphelenchus than associations with plants at the family level. Data on the fungi species (3rd component in natural Bursaphelenchus associations) are insufficient for the detailed comparative analysis.


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Between the Bullet and the Hole is a film centred on the elusive and complex effects of war on women's role in ballistic research and early computing. The film features new and archival high-speed bullet photography, schlieren and electric spark imagery, bullet sound wave imagery, forensic ballistic photography, slide rulers, punch cards, computer diagrams, and a soundtrack by Scanner. Like a frantic animation storyboard, it explores the flickering space between the frames, testing the perceptual mechanics of visual interpolation, the possibility of reading or deciphering the gap between before and after. Interpolation - the main task of the women studying ballistics in WW2 - is the construction or guessing of missing data using only two known data points. The film tries to unpack this gap, open it up to interrogation. It questions how we read, interpolate or construct the gaps between bullet and hole, perpetrator and victim, presence and absence. The project involves exchanges with specialists in this area such as the Cranfield University Forensics department, London-based Forensic Firearms consultancy, the Imperial War Museum, the ENIAC programmers project, the Smithsonian Institute, and Forensic Scientists at Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (USA). Exhibitions: Solo exhibition at Dallas Contemporary (Texas, Jan-Mar 2016), including newly commissioned lenticular prints and a dual slide projector installation; Group exhibition the Sydney Biennale (Sydney, Mar-June 2016); UK premiere and solo retrospective screening at Whitechapel Gallery (London); forthcoming solo exhibition at Iliya Fridman Gallery (NY, Oct-Dec 2016); Film festivals and screenings: International Film Festival Rotterdam (Jan 2016); Whitechapel Gallery (London Feb 2016); Cornerhouse/Home (Manchester Nov 2016); Public lectures: Whitechapel Gallery with prof. David Alan Grier and Morgan Quaintance; Carriageworks (Sydney) Prof. Douglas Khan; Monash University (Melbourne); Gertrude Space (Melbourne). Reviews and interviews: Artforum, Studio International, Mousse Magazine.


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Der Druck nimmt zu. Je weiter unten in der gesellschaftlichen Hierarchie Menschen nach Alternativen suchen, um ihrem scheinbar vorgezeichneten Leben eine andere Wendung zu geben, desto weniger werden diese Versuche honoriert. Das Scheitern ist die Regel, der Erfolg ist die Ausnahme. Daran wird diese kleine Schrift nichts Grundlegendes ändern, einigen wird es ein Wegweiser sein. Studentinnen und Studenten der Sozialen Arbeit an der Evangelischen Fachhochschule Hannover haben mit uns diesen Leitfaden erstellt.


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Animal Cognition, V.6, pp. 213-223


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Nos últimos anos, a nossa sociedade sofreu alterações significativas ao nível tecnológico que têm vindo a modificar o quotidiano do cidadão e transportaram para a palma da mão um conjunto significativo de tarefas até há poucos anos impensáveis. Atualmente, torna-se possível realizar as mais simples tarefas como, a título de exemplo, efetuar um cálculo matemático, tirar fotografias ou registar numa agenda um compromisso, ou tarefas mais complexas, como por exemplo, escrever ou editar um documento, trabalhar numa folha de cálculo ou enviar um e-mail com um anexo, isto tudo com o recurso a um simples dispositivo móvel, conhecido como smartphone ou tablet. Apesar de existirem diversos tipos de apps que seriam um bom auxílio para o aumento da produtividade dos utilizadores de dispositivos móveis Android, nem todos têm conhecimento das mesmas, pelo que é importante que os utilizadores tenham conhecimentos das vantagens da utilização destes recursos e de tudo o que podem realizar com os seus dispositivos com o objetivo de aumentar a sua produtividade profissional ou pessoal. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para uma análise sobre a potencial utilização das novas tecnologias, mais propriamente estudando e recomendando apps de produtividade. Com este intuito foi criada uma app de recomendação de aplicações de produtividade com recurso a um método de sistemas de recomendação. São apresentados os resultados e as conclusões, com recurso a opiniões de potenciais utilizadores.


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The origin of species diversity has challenged biologists for over two centuries. Allopatric speciation, the divergence of species resulting from geographical isolation, is well documented. However, sympatric speciation, divergence without geographical isolation, is highly controversial. Claims of sympatric speciation must demonstrate species sympatry, sister relationships, reproductive isolation, and that an earlier allopatric phase is highly unlikely. Here we provide clear support for sympatric speciation in a case study of two species of palm (Arecaceae) on an oceanic island. A large dated phylogenetic tree shows that the two species of Howea, endemic to the remote Lord Howe Island, are sister taxa and diverged from each other well after the island was formed 6.9 million years ago. During fieldwork, we found a substantial disjunction in flowering time that is correlated with soil preference. In addition, a genome scan indicates that few genetic loci are more divergent between the two species than expected under neutrality, a finding consistent with models of sympatric speciation involving disruptive/divergent selection. This case study of sympatric speciation in plants provides an opportunity for refining theoretical models on the origin of species, and new impetus for exploring putative plant and animal examples on oceanic islands.


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Trends in food availability in Switzerland were assessed using the Food and Agricultural Organization food balance sheets for the period 1961-2007. A relatively stable trend in the daily caloric supply was found: 3545 kcal/day in 1961 and 3465 kcal/day in 2007. Calories associated with carbohydrates decreased (slope±s.e.: -1.1±0.2 kcal/day/year), namely regarding cereals (-2.9±0.6 kcal/day/year) and fruit (-1.5±0.1 kcal/day/year), while the availability of sugars increased (1.2±0.5 kcal/day/year). In 1961, protein, fat, carbohydrates and alcohol represented 10.6, 33.5, 50.0 and 5.9% of total caloric supply, respectively; in 2007, the values were 10.8, 40.3, 43.7 and 5.2%. In 1961, palm, groundnut and sunflowerseed oil represented 3.4, 30.7 and 5.3% of total vegetable oils, respectively; in 2007, the values were 10.4, 3.7 and 31.6%. We conclude that between 1961 and 2007 total caloric availability remained relatively stable in Switzerland; the health effects of the increased and differing fat availability should be evaluated.


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1937/07 (A65,N4).


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1904/01 (A38,NOUV SER,T31).