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The existence of a supramolecular organization of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) is now being widely accepted by the scientific community. Indeed, GPCR oligomers may enhance the diversity and performance by which extracellular signals are transferred to the G proteins in the process of receptor transduction, although the mechanism that underlies this phenomenon still remains unsolved. Recently, it has been proposed that a trans-conformational switching model could be the mechanism allowing direct inhibition/activation of receptor activation/inhibition, respectively. Thus, heterotropic receptor-receptor allosteric regulations are behind the GPCR oligomeric function. In this paper we want to revise how GPCR oligomerization impinges on several important receptor functions like biosynthesis, plasma membrane diffusion or velocity, pharmacology and signaling. In particular, the rationale of receptor oligomerization might lie in the need of sensing complex whole cell extracellular signals and translating them into a simple computational model.


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Le but de cette thèse a été d'investiguer la relation entre, d'une part le temps de propagation de l'onde de pouls artérielle du coeur vers les membres inférieurs, et d'autre part le temps séparant, au niveau de l'aorte ascendante, la génération de l'onde antérograde du retour des ondes réfléchies. Le principe de la méthode employée a été de mesurer ces deux temps par deux méthodes indépendantes, ce en les faisant varier par changement rapide de la position du corps, chez sujets humains volontaires. Le facteur gravitationnel a en effet une influence majeure sur la pression transmurale des artères, dont dépend largement la vitesse de propagation des ondes de pouls, tant dans le sens antérograde que rétrograde. Vingt sujets jeunes, en bonne santé, dontIO hommes et 10 femmes, ont été examinés sur une table de tilt, dans deux positions différentes : tête vers le bas (angle de tilt : - 10°) et tête vers le haut (+45°).Dans chaque position, le temps de propagation carotido- femorale (Tcf, succédané du temps aorto-fémoral) et carotido-tibial (Tct, succédané du temps aorto-tibial) a été mesuré avec l'appareil Complior. De même, dans chaque position la pression aortique centrale a été enregistrée par tonométrie radiale en utilisant l'appareil SphygmoCor qui applique une fonction de transfert généralisé pour reconstruire la forme de l'onde de pouls aortique. L'analyse de celle-ci permet ensuite de calculer les temps d'aller-retour des ondes réfléchies atteignant l'aorte pendant la systole (début de l'onde réfléchie, sT1 r) et pendant la diastole (temps de transit moyen de l'onde diastolique réfléchie dMTT). Le changement de position de tête vers le haut à tête vers le bas, a provoqué une augmentation importante du temps de propagation Tct (chez le femmes de 130±10 à 185±18msec, P<0,001 et chez les hommes de 136±9 à 204±18msec P<0.001) ainsi que du temps moyen de transition de l'onde diastolique réfléchie dMTT (chez les femmes de 364±35 à 499±33msec P<0,001 et chez les hommes de 406±22 à 553±21msec, P<0,001). Un modèle de régression mixte montre qu'entre les deux positions, les variations de dMTT sont environ le double de celles de Tct (coefficient de régression 2.1; 95% intervalle de confiance 1.9-2,3, P<0,001). Ces résultats suggèrent que les ondes diastoliques observées dans l'onde de pouls aortique central reconstruites par tonométrie radiale, correspondent, du moins en partie, aux ondes réfléchies générées au niveau des membres inférieurs.


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De plus en plus de substances chimiques sont émises et détectées dans l'environnement.Parmi ces substances, on trouve les herbicides qui sont utilisés en agriculture pour luttercontre la présence des mauvaises herbes. Après leur application sur les sols, les herbicidespeuvent être entrainés par les eaux de pluie jusque dans les ruisseaux et les rivières. Lesconcentrations de ces substances varient donc de manière importante dans les systèmesaquatiques en période de pluie ou en période de temps sec. Des pics élevés de concentrationssont suivis de période de concentrations très faibles ou nulles. Les herbicides présents dans lescours d'eau peuvent engendrer des effets toxiques sur les algues et les plantes aquatiques. Orles tests classiques d'écotoxicologie effectués en laboratoire sont réalisés en exposant lesespèces vivantes à des polluants de manière continue. Ils ne permettent donc pas d'évaluer leseffets des concentrations fluctuantes comme celles des herbicides. Le but de cette thèse estd'étudier et de modéliser les effets des concentrations fluctuantes d'herbicide sur les espècesde microalgues vertes Scenedesmus vacuolatus et Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Desexpériences en laboratoire ont également été effectuées dans le but de valider le modèle.Quatre herbicides ont été testés. Il s'agit de l'atrazine (utilisé jusqu'à récemment pour lemaïs), du diuron (utilisé dans la vigne), de l'isoproturon (utilisé pour les céréales) et du Smétolachlore(utilisé pour le maïs). Les résultats de ce travail de thèse indiquent que les effetsdes concentrations fluctuantes d'herbicide peuvent être modélisés sur des algues d'eau douce.Le modèle est relativement simple pour les inhibiteurs de la photosynthèse tels que l'atrazine,le diuron ou l'isoproturon. Il nécessite la connaissance de deux paramètres, le taux decroissance de l'algue sans polluant et la courbe dose-réponse pour chaque substance.Cependant, des expériences supplémentaires doivent être réalisées si la substance étudiéeinduit un délai de l'effet et du rétablissement ou si une algue est cultivée avec une autre alguedans le même milieu de croissance. Le modèle pourrait également être adapté pour tenircompte des mélanges de substances. Appliqué pour prédire les effets sur les algues descénarios réels, le modèle montre que les longs pics de concentrations jouent le rôle le plusimportant. Il est donc crucial de les mesurer lors du monitoring des cours d'eau. D'autre part,une évaluation du risque effectuée avec ce modèle montre que l'impact des pics deconcentrations sur les espèces les plus sensibles est total. Cela met en évidence, une fois deplus, l'importance de tenir compte de ces concentrations fluctuantes dans l'évaluation durisque environnemental des herbicides, mais également des autres polluants.


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Conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (i.e., short pulse duration, low frequencies) induces a higher energetic response as compared to voluntary contractions (VOL). In contrast, wide-pulse, high-frequency (WPHF) NMES might elicit-at least in some subjects (i.e., responders)-a different motor unit recruitment compared to CONV that resembles the physiological muscle activation pattern of VOL. We therefore hypothesized that for these responder subjects, the metabolic demand of WPHF would be lower than CONV and comparable to VOL. 18 healthy subjects performed isometric plantar flexions at 10% of their maximal voluntary contraction force for CONV (25 Hz, 0.05 ms), WPHF (100 Hz, 1 ms) and VOL protocols. For each protocol, force time integral (FTI) was quantified and subjects were classified as responders and non-responders to WPHF based on k-means clustering analysis. Furthermore, a fatigue index based on FTI loss at the end of each protocol compared with the beginning of the protocol was calculated. Phosphocreatine depletion (ΔPCr) was assessed using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Responders developed four times higher FTI's during WPHF (99 ± 37 ×103 N.s) than non-responders (26 ± 12 ×103 N.s). For both responders and non-responders, CONV was metabolically more demanding than VOL when ΔPCr was expressed relative to the FTI. Only for the responder group, the ∆PCr/FTI ratio of WPHF (0.74 ± 0.19 M/N.s) was significantly lower compared to CONV (1.48 ± 0.46 M/N.s) but similar to VOL (0.65 ± 0.21 M/N.s). Moreover, the fatigue index was not different between WPHF (-16%) and CONV (-25%) for the responders. WPHF could therefore be considered as the less demanding NMES modality-at least in this subgroup of subjects-by possibly exhibiting a muscle activation pattern similar to VOL contractions.


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The present work describes the development of a fast and robust analytical method for the determination of 53 antibiotic residues, covering various chemical groups and some of their metabolites, in environmental matrices that are considered important sources of antibiotic pollution, namely hospital and urban wastewaters, as well as in river waters. The method is based on automated off-line solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–QqLIT). For unequivocal identification and confirmation, and in order to fulfill EU guidelines, two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions per compound are monitored (the most intense one is used for quantification and the second one for confirmation). Quantification of target antibiotics is performed by the internal standard approach, using one isotopically labeled compound for each chemical group, in order to correct matrix effects. The main advantages of the method are automation and speed-up of sample preparation, by the reduction of extraction volumes for all matrices, the fast separation of a wide spectrum of antibiotics by using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography, its sensitivity (limits of detection in the low ng/L range) and selectivity (due to the use of tandem mass spectrometry) The inclusion of β-lactam antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins), which are compounds difficult to analyze in multi-residue methods due to their instability in water matrices, and some antibiotics metabolites are other important benefits of the method developed. As part of the validation procedure, the method developed was applied to the analysis of antibiotics residues in hospital, urban influent and effluent wastewaters as well as in river water samples


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Vaccination aims at generating memory immune responses able to protect individuals against pathogenic challenges over long periods of time. Subunit vaccine formulations based on safe, but poorly immunogenic, antigenic entities must be combined with adjuvant molecules to make them efficient against infections. We have previously shown that gas-filled microbubbles (MB) are potent antigen-delivery systems. This study compares the ability of various ovalbumin-associated MB (OVA-MB) formulations to induce antigen-specific memory immune responses and evaluates long-term protection toward bacterial infections. When initially testing dendritic cells reactivity to MB constituents, palmitic acid exhibited the highest degree of activation. Subcutaneous immunization of naïve wild-type mice with the OVA-MB formulation comprising the highest palmitic acid content and devoid of PEG2000 was found to trigger the more pronounced Th1-type response, as reflected by robust IFN-γ and IL-2 production. Both T cell and antibody responses persisted for at least 6 months after immunization. At that time, systemic infection with OVA-expressing Listeria monocytgenes was performed. Partial protection of vaccinated mice was demonstrated by reduction of the bacterial load in both the spleen and liver. We conclude that antigen-bound MB exhibit promising properties as a vaccine candidate ensuring prolonged maintenance of protective immunity.


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This work describes the formation of transformation products (TPs) by the enzymatic degradation at laboratory scale of two highly consumed antibiotics: tetracycline (Tc) and erythromycin (ERY). The analysis of the samples was carried out by a fast and simple method based on the novel configuration of the on-line turbulent flow system coupled to a hybrid linear ion trap – high resolution mass spectrometer. The method was optimized and validated for the complete analysis of ERY, Tc and their transformation products within 10 min without any other sample manipulation. Furthermore, the applicability of the on-line procedure was evaluated for 25 additional antibiotics, covering a wide range of chemical classes in different environmental waters with satisfactory quality parameters. Degradation rates obtained for Tc by laccase enzyme and ERY by EreB esterase enzyme without the presence of mediators were ∼78% and ∼50%, respectively. Concerning the identification of TPs, three suspected compounds for Tc and five of ERY have been proposed. In the case of Tc, the tentative molecular formulas with errors mass within 2 ppm have been based on the hypothesis of dehydroxylation, (bi)demethylation and oxidation of the rings A and C as major reactions. In contrast, the major TP detected for ERY has been identified as the “dehydration ERY-A”, with the same molecular formula of its parent compound. In addition, the evaluation of the antibiotic activity of the samples along the enzymatic treatments showed a decrease around 100% in both cases


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The liver is a key organ of metabolic homeostasis with functions that oscillate in response to food intake. Although liver and gut microbiome crosstalk has been reported, microbiome-mediated effects on peripheral circadian clocks and their output genes are less well known. Here, we report that germ-free (GF) mice display altered daily oscillation of clock gene expression with a concomitant change in the expression of clock output regulators. Mice exposed to microbes typically exhibit characterized activities of nuclear receptors, some of which (PPARα, LXRβ) regulate specific liver gene expression networks, but these activities are profoundly changed in GF mice. These alterations in microbiome-sensitive gene expression patterns are associated with daily alterations in lipid, glucose, and xenobiotic metabolism, protein turnover, and redox balance, as revealed by hepatic metabolome analyses. Moreover, at the systemic level, daily changes in the abundance of biomarkers such as HDL cholesterol, free fatty acids, FGF21, bilirubin, and lactate depend on the microbiome. Altogether, our results indicate that the microbiome is required for integration of liver clock oscillations that tune output activators and their effectors, thereby regulating metabolic gene expression for optimal liver function.


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The liver is a key organ of metabolic homeostasis with functions that oscillate in response to food intake. Although liver and gut microbiome crosstalk has been reported, microbiome-mediated effects on peripheral circadian clocks and their output genes are less well known. Here, we report that germ-free (GF) mice display altered daily oscillation of clock gene expression with a concomitant change in the expression of clock output regulators. Mice exposed to microbes typically exhibit characterized activities of nuclear receptors, some of which (PPARα, LXRβ) regulate specific liver gene expression networks, but these activities are profoundly changed in GF mice. These alterations in microbiome-sensitive gene expression patterns are associated with daily alterations in lipid, glucose, and xenobiotic metabolism, protein turnover, and redox balance, as revealed by hepatic metabolome analyses. Moreover, at the systemic level, daily changes in the abundance of biomarkers such as HDL cholesterol, free fatty acids, FGF21, bilirubin, and lactate depend on the microbiome. Altogether, our results indicate that the microbiome is required for integration of liver clock oscillations that tune output activators and their effectors, thereby regulating metabolic gene expression for optimal liver function.


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Reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) is the gold standard technique in bioanalysis. However, hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) could represent a viable alternative to RPLC for the analysis of polar and/or ionizable compounds, as it often provides higher MS sensitivity and alternative selectivity. Nevertheless, this technique can be also prone to matrix effects (ME). ME are one of the major issues in quantitative LC-MS bioanalysis. To ensure acceptable method performance (i.e., trueness and precision), a careful evaluation and minimization of ME is required. In the present study, the incidence of ME in HILIC-MS/MS and RPLC-MS/MS was compared for plasma and urine samples using two representative sets of 38 pharmaceutical compounds and 40 doping agents, respectively. The optimal generic chromatographic conditions in terms of selectivity with respect to interfering compounds were established in both chromatographic modes by testing three different stationary phases in each mode with different mobile phase pH. A second step involved the assessment of ME in RPLC and HILIC under the best generic conditions, using the post-extraction addition method. Biological samples were prepared using two different sample pre-treatments, i.e., a non-selective sample clean-up procedure (protein precipitation and simple dilution for plasma and urine samples, respectively) and a selective sample preparation, i.e., solid phase extraction for both matrices. The non-selective pretreatments led to significantly less ME in RPLC vs. HILIC conditions regardless of the matrix. On the contrary, HILIC appeared as a valuable alternative to RPLC for plasma and urine samples treated by a selective sample preparation. Indeed, in the case of selective sample preparation, the compounds influenced by ME were different in HILIC and RPLC, and lower and similar ME occurrence was generally observed in RPLC vs. HILIC for urine and plasma samples, respectively. The complementary of both chromatographic modes was also demonstrated, as ME was observed only scarcely for urine and plasma samples when selecting the most appropriate chromatographic mode.


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The presence of residues of antibiotics, metabolites, and thermal transformation products (TPs), produced during thermal treatment to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in milk, could represent a risk for people. Cow"s milk samples spiked with enrofloxacin (ENR), ciprofloxacin (CIP), difloxacin (DIF), and sarafloxacin (SAR) and milk samples from cows medicated with ENR were submitted to several thermal treatments. The milk samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to find and identify TPs and metabolites. In this work, 27 TPs of 4 quinolones and 24 metabolites of ENR were found. Some of these compounds had been reported previously, but others were characterized for the first time, including lactose-conjugated CIP, the formamidation reaction for CIP and SAR, and hydroxylation or ketone formation to produce three different isomers for all quinolones studied.


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The presence of residues of antibiotics, metabolites, and thermal transformation products (TPs), produced during thermal treatment to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in milk, could represent a risk for people. Cow"s milk samples spiked with enrofloxacin (ENR), ciprofloxacin (CIP), difloxacin (DIF), and sarafloxacin (SAR) and milk samples from cows medicated with ENR were submitted to several thermal treatments. The milk samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to find and identify TPs and metabolites. In this work, 27 TPs of 4 quinolones and 24 metabolites of ENR were found. Some of these compounds had been reported previously, but others were characterized for the first time, including lactose-conjugated CIP, the formamidation reaction for CIP and SAR, and hydroxylation or ketone formation to produce three different isomers for all quinolones studied.


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Ultra-trace amounts of Cu(II) were separated and preconcentrated by solid phase extraction on octadecyl-bonded silica membrane disks modified with a new Schiff,s base (Bis- (2-Hydroxyacetophenone) -2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediimine) (SBTD) followed by elution and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric detection. The method was applied as a separation and detection method for copper(II) in environmental and biological samples. Extraction efficiency and the influence of sample matrix, flow rate, pH, and type and minimum amount of stripping acid were investigated. The concentration factor and detection limit of the proposed method are 500 and 12.5 pg mL-1, respectively.


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In this work we consider the nonlinear equivalent representation form of oscillators that exhibit nonlinearities in both the elastic and the damping terms. The nonlinear damping effects are considered to be described by fractional power velocity terms which provide better predictions of the dissipative effects observed in some physical systems. It is shown that their effects on the system dynamics response are equivalent to a shift in the coefficient of the linear damping term of a Duffing oscillator. Then, its numerical integration predictions, based on its equivalent representation form given by the well-known forced, damped Duffing equation, are compared to the numerical integration values of its original equations of motion. The applicability of the proposed procedure is evaluated by studying the dynamics response of four nonlinear oscillators that arise in some engineering applications such as nanoresonators, microresonators, human wrist movements, structural engineering design, and chain dynamics of polymeric materials at high extensibility, among others