457 resultados para PATELLAR TENDON


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No tratamento de lesões tendíneas, o uso do ultrassom surge como possibilidade terapêutica, apesar de lacunas sobre seus efeitos clínicos. O objetivo foi avaliar dois protocolos de ultrassom terapêutico sobre dor e edema após trauma tendíneo. Vinte e um ratos Wistar foram submetidos a trauma no tendão calcâneo e divididos em três grupos: sham (GS); ultrassom contínuo (GUC); e ultrassom pulsado (GUP). O trauma ocorreu sobre a face lateral do tendão calcâneo direito, com energia de 0,40 J. A dor foi avaliada pelo teste de incapacidade funcional e o edema, pelo diâmetro laterolateral. Foram realizadas avaliações previamente à lesão; após 1 hora da indução da lesão; após o 1º tratamento; 2, 8 e 24 horas após lesão; e após o 5º dia. O tratamento ocorreu em 5 dias, com transdutor de 1 MHz, durante 3 minutos, sobre o local do trauma, com dose de 0,4 W/cm² SATA. Os resultados da incapacidade funcional para GS mostraram aumento da nocicepção. Para GUC houve aumento ao comparar a avaliação 1 (AV1) com as avaliações 2 (AV2), 3 (AV3) e 4 (AV4); ao comparar AV2 com as avaliações 5 (AV5) e 6 (AV6) houve diminuição de valores. Para GUP houve aumento ao comparar AV1 com AV2 e AV3, mas ao comparar AV2 com as seguintes, houve diminuição significativa a partir de AV4. Para o edema, os grupos tratados produziram aumento inicial, com redução nas últimas avaliações. O ultrassom terapêutico produziu diminuição de dor e edema, mais precocemente para a forma pulsada.


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In case of severe osteoarthritis at the knee causing pain, deformity, and loss of stability and mobility, the clinicians consider that the substitution of these surfaces by means of joint prostheses. The objectives to be pursued by this surgery are: complete pain elimination, restoration of the normal physiological mobility and joint stability, correction of all deformities and, thus, of limping. The knee surgical navigation systems have bee developed in computer-aided surgery in order to improve the surgical final outcome in total knee arthroplasty. These systems provide the surgeon with quantitative and real-time information about each surgical action, like bone cut executions and prosthesis component alignment, by mean of tracking tools rigidly fixed onto the femur and the tibia. Nevertheless, there is still a margin of error due to the incorrect surgical procedures and to the still limited number of kinematic information provided by the current systems. Particularly, patello-femoral joint kinematics is not considered in knee surgical navigation. It is also unclear and, thus, a source of misunderstanding, what the most appropriate methodology is to study the patellar motion. In addition, also the knee ligamentous apparatus is superficially considered in navigated total knee arthroplasty, without taking into account how their physiological behavior is altered by this surgery. The aim of the present research work was to provide new functional and biomechanical assessments for the improvement of the surgical navigation systems for joint replacement in the human lower limb. This was mainly realized by means of the identification and development of new techniques that allow a thorough comprehension of the functioning of the knee joint, with particular attention to the patello-femoral joint and to the main knee soft tissues. A knee surgical navigation system with active markers was used in all research activities presented in this research work. Particularly, preliminary test were performed in order to assess the system accuracy and the robustness of a number of navigation procedures. Four studies were performed in-vivo on patients requiring total knee arthroplasty and randomly implanted by means of traditional and navigated procedures in order to check for the real efficacy of the latter with respect to the former. In order to cope with assessment of patello-femoral joint kinematics in the intact and replaced knees, twenty in-vitro tests were performed by using a prototypal tracking tool also for the patella. In addition to standard anatomical and articular recommendations, original proposals for defining the patellar anatomical-based reference frame and for studying the patello-femoral joint kinematics were reported and used in these tests. These definitions were applied to two further in-vitro tests in which, for the first time, also the implant of patellar component insert was fully navigated. In addition, an original technique to analyze the main knee soft tissues by means of anatomical-based fiber mappings was also reported and used in the same tests. The preliminary instrumental tests revealed a system accuracy within the millimeter and a good inter- and intra-observer repeatability in defining all anatomical reference frames. In in-vivo studies, the general alignments of femoral and tibial prosthesis components and of the lower limb mechanical axis, as measured on radiographs, was more satisfactory, i.e. within ±3°, in those patient in which total knee arthroplasty was performed by navigated procedures. As for in-vitro tests, consistent patello-femoral joint kinematic patterns were observed over specimens throughout the knee flexion arc. Generally, the physiological intact knee patellar motion was not restored after the implant. This restoration was successfully achieved in the two further tests where all component implants, included the patellar insert, were fully navigated, i.e. by means of intra-operative assessment of also patellar component positioning and general tibio-femoral and patello-femoral joint assessment. The tests for assessing the behavior of the main knee ligaments revealed the complexity of the latter and the different functional roles played by the several sub-bundles compounding each ligament. Also in this case, total knee arthroplasty altered the physiological behavior of these knee soft tissues. These results reveal in-vitro the relevance and the feasibility of the applications of new techniques for accurate knee soft tissues monitoring, patellar tracking assessment and navigated patellar resurfacing intra-operatively in the contest of the most modern operative techniques. This present research work gives a contribution to the much controversial knowledge on the normal and replaced of knee kinematics by testing the reported new methodologies. The consistence of these results provides fundamental information for the comprehension and improvements of knee orthopedic treatments. In the future, the reported new techniques can be safely applied in-vivo and also adopted in other joint replacements.


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Human reactions to vibration have been extensively investigated in the past. Vibration, as well as whole-body vibration (WBV), has been commonly considered as an occupational hazard for its detrimental effects on human condition and comfort. Although long term exposure to vibrations may produce undesirable side-effects, a great part of the literature is dedicated to the positive effects of WBV when used as method for muscular stimulation and as an exercise intervention. Whole body vibration training (WBVT) aims to mechanically activate muscles by eliciting neuromuscular activity (muscle reflexes) via the use of vibrations delivered to the whole body. The most mentioned mechanism to explain the neuromuscular outcomes of vibration is the elicited neuromuscular activation. Local tendon vibrations induce activity of the muscle spindle Ia fibers, mediated by monosynaptic and polysynaptic pathways: a reflex muscle contraction known as the Tonic Vibration Reflex (TVR) arises in response to such vibratory stimulus. In WBVT mechanical vibrations, in a range from 10 to 80 Hz and peak to peak displacements from 1 to 10 mm, are usually transmitted to the patient body by the use of oscillating platforms. Vibrations are then transferred from the platform to a specific muscle group through the subject body. To customize WBV treatments, surface electromyography (SEMG) signals are often used to reveal the best stimulation frequency for each subject. Use of SEMG concise parameters, such as root mean square values of the recordings, is also a common practice; frequently a preliminary session can take place in order to discover the more appropriate stimulation frequency. Soft tissues act as wobbling masses vibrating in a damped manner in response to mechanical excitation; Muscle Tuning hypothesis suggest that neuromuscular system works to damp the soft tissue oscillation that occurs in response to vibrations; muscles alters their activity to dampen the vibrations, preventing any resonance phenomenon. Muscle response to vibration is however a complex phenomenon as it depends on different parameters, like muscle-tension, muscle or segment-stiffness, amplitude and frequency of the mechanical vibration. Additionally, while in the TVR study the applied vibratory stimulus and the muscle conditions are completely characterised (a known vibration source is applied directly to a stretched/shortened muscle or tendon), in WBV study only the stimulus applied to a distal part of the body is known. Moreover, mechanical response changes in relation to the posture. The transmissibility of vibratory stimulus along the body segment strongly depends on the position held by the subject. The aim of this work was the investigation on the effects that the use of vibrations, in particular the effects of whole body vibrations, may have on muscular activity. A new approach to discover the more appropriate stimulus frequency, by the use of accelerometers, was also explored. Different subjects, not affected by any known neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, were voluntarily involved in the study and gave their informed, written consent to participate. The device used to deliver vibration to the subjects was a vibrating platform. Vibrations impressed by the platform were exclusively vertical; platform displacement was sinusoidal with an intensity (peak-to-peak displacement) set to 1.2 mm and with a frequency ranging from 10 to 80 Hz. All the subjects familiarized with the device and the proper positioning. Two different posture were explored in this study: position 1 - hack squat; position 2 - subject standing on toes with heels raised. SEMG signals from the Rectus Femoris (RF), Vastus Lateralis (VL) and Vastus medialis (VM) were recorded. SEMG signals were amplified using a multi-channel, isolated biomedical signal amplifier The gain was set to 1000 V/V and a band pass filter (-3dB frequency 10 - 500 Hz) was applied; no notch filters were used to suppress line interference. Tiny and lightweight (less than 10 g) three-axial MEMS accelerometers (Freescale semiconductors) were used to measure accelerations of onto patient’s skin, at EMG electrodes level. Accelerations signals provided information related to individuals’ RF, Biceps Femoris (BF) and Gastrocnemius Lateralis (GL) muscle belly oscillation; they were pre-processed in order to exclude influence of gravity. As demonstrated by our results, vibrations generate peculiar, not negligible motion artifact on skin electrodes. Artifact amplitude is generally unpredictable; it appeared in all the quadriceps muscles analysed, but in different amounts. Artifact harmonics extend throughout the EMG spectrum, making classic high-pass filters ineffective; however, their contribution was easy to filter out from the raw EMG signal with a series of sharp notch filters centred at the vibration frequency and its superior harmonics (1.5 Hz wide). However, use of these simple filters prevents the revelation of EMG power potential variation in the mentioned filtered bands. Moreover our experience suggests that the possibility of reducing motion artefact, by using particular electrodes and by accurately preparing the subject’s skin, is not easily viable; even though some small improvements were obtained, it was not possible to substantially decrease the artifact. Anyway, getting rid of those artifacts lead to some true EMG signal loss. Nevertheless, our preliminary results suggest that the use of notch filters at vibration frequency and its harmonics is suitable for motion artifacts filtering. In RF SEMG recordings during vibratory stimulation only a little EMG power increment should be contained in the mentioned filtered bands due to synchronous electromyographic activity of the muscle. Moreover, it is better to remove the artifact that, in our experience, was found to be more than 40% of the total signal power. In summary, many variables have to be taken into account: in addition to amplitude, frequency and duration of vibration treatment, other fundamental variables were found to be subject anatomy, individual physiological condition and subject’s positioning on the platform. Studies on WBV treatments that include surface EMG analysis to asses muscular activity during vibratory stimulation should take into account the presence of motion artifacts. Appropriate filtering of artifacts, to reveal the actual effect on muscle contraction elicited by vibration stimulus, is mandatory. However as a result of our preliminary study, a simple multi-band notch filtering may help to reduce randomness of the results. Muscle tuning hypothesis seemed to be confirmed. Our results suggested that the effects of WBV are linked to the actual muscle motion (displacement). The greater was the muscle belly displacement the higher was found the muscle activity. The maximum muscle activity has been found in correspondence with the local mechanical resonance, suggesting a more effective stimulation at the specific system resonance frequency. Holding the hypothesis that muscle activation is proportional to muscle displacement, treatment optimization could be obtained by simply monitoring local acceleration (resonance). However, our study revealed some short term effects of vibratory stimulus; prolonged studies should be assembled in order to consider the long term effectiveness of these results. Since local stimulus depends on the kinematic chain involved, WBV muscle stimulation has to take into account the transmissibility of the stimulus along the body segment in order to ensure that vibratory stimulation effectively reaches the target muscle. Combination of local resonance and muscle response should also be further investigated to prevent hazards to individuals undergoing WBV treatments.


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Im embryonalen Nervensystem von Drosophila wird gliales Schicksal durch den Transkriptionsfaktor gcm induziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die ektopische Expression von gcm im Nervensystem einen Überschuß an Gliazellen generiert, während Funktionsverlustmutanten von gcm nahezu keine Gliazellen mehr besitzen. Im Gegensatz zu der beschriebenen Funktion von gcm als binäres Schaltergen zwischen neuronalem und glialem Schicksal, gibt es nur wenig Hinweise auf Mechanismen zur weiteren Spezifizierung und Differenzierung der verschiedenen glialen Subtypen und den daran beteiligten Genen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die auf Microarray-Experimenten basierende Genom-weite Suche nach neuen gcm-abhängigen glialen Genen. Diese Analyse vergleicht die ektopische Expression von gcm im gesamten Nervensystem und zum ersten Mal die gcm Funktionsverlustmutante mit dem Wildtyp. Beide Ansätze wurden als Zeitverlaufsexperimente durchgeführt, die den Zeitraum der Gliogenese in Drosophila umfassen. Im Vorfeld durchgeführte Kontrollexperimente ermöglichten die Bestimmung des methodischen und genetischen Hintergrundrauschens, die eine Reduktion von "falsch positiven" Genen ermöglichte und die Sensitivität der Microarray-Auswertung erhöhte. Durch manuelle Filterschritte wurde der Schwerpunkt der Daten-Interpretation eher auf biologische Aspekte als auf eine rein statistische Auswertung gelegt und dies brachte deutlich Vorteile in der Auswahl der potentiellen Zielgene. Insbesondere die Analyse der temporalen Expressionsprofile, der Vergleich der antagonistischen Ansätze sowie eine ausführliche Recherche der vorhandenen Datenbanken im Hinblick auf bekannte Expression und Funktion der differentiell regulierten Gene, ermöglichten die Identifizierung von etwa 400 potentiellen Zielgenen. Für mehr als 30% dieser Gene konnte Expression in den gcm-abhängigen Gliazellen, hämatopoetischen Zellen oder den "tendon cells" nachgewiesen werden. Hierunter befinden sich mehr als 50 Gene, deren Abhängigkeit von gcm bisher nicht bekannt war. Eine zelluläre Analyse ausgewählter Kandidatengene auf Einzelzellebene, ihre Abhängigkeit von gcm sowie eine regulatorische Analyse in verschiedenen mutanten Hintergründen bekannter glialer Gene, geben Einblick in die verschiedenen Mechanismen glialer Regulation. An einigen Beispielen wird eine mögliche Funktion der aus dieser Analyse hervorgegangen Gene in den bekannten Kontext glialer Differenzierung und Funktion für Drosophila diskutiert.


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The nervous system is the most complex organ in animals and the ordered interconnection of neurons is an essential prerequisite for normal behaviour. Neuronal connectivity requires controlled neuronal growth and differentiation. Neuronal growth essentially depends on the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton, and it has become increasingly clear, that crosslinking of these cytoskeletal fractions is a crucial regulatory process. The Drosophila Spectraplakin family member Short stop (Shot) is such a crosslinker and is crucial for several aspects of neuronal growth. Shot comprises various domains: An actin binding domain, a plakin-like domain, a rod domain, calcium responsive EF-hand motifs, a microtubule binding Gas2 domain, a GSR motif and a C-terminal EB1aff domain. Amongst other phenotypes, shot mutant animals exhibit severely reduced dendrites and neuromuscular junctions, the subcellular compartmentalisation of the transmembrane protein Fasciclin2 is affected, but it is also crucially required in other tissues, for example for the integrity of tendon cells, specialised epidermal cells which anchor muscles to the body wall. Despite these striking phenotypes, Shot function is little understood, and especially we do not understand how it can carry out functions as diverse as those described above. To bridge this gap, I capitalised on the genetic possibilities of the model system Drosophila melanogaster and carried out a structure-function analysis in different neurodevelopmental contexts and in tendon cells. To this end, I used targeted gene expression of existing and newly generated Shot deletion constructs in Drosophila embryos and larvae, analyses of different shot mutant alleles, and transfection of Shot constructs into S2 cells or cultured fibroblasts. My analyses reveal that a part of the Shot C-terminus is not essential in the nervous system but in tendon cells where it stabilises microtubules. The precise molecular mechanism underlying this activity is not yet elucidated but, based on the findings presented here, I have developed three alternative testable hypothesis. Thus, either binding of the microtubule plus-end tracking molecule EB1 through an EB1aff domain, microtubulebundling through a GSR rich motif or a combination of both may explain a context-specific requirement of the Shot C-terminus for tendon cell integrity. Furthermore, I find that the calcium binding EF-hand motif in Shot is exclusively required for a subset of neuronal functions of Shot but not in the epidermal tendon cells. These findings pave the way for complementary studies studying the impact of [Ca2+] on Shot function. Besides these differential requirements of Shot domains I find, that most Shot domains are required in the nervous system and tendon cells alike. Thus the microtubule Gas2 domain shows no context specific requirements and is equally essential in all analysed cellular contexts. Furthermore, I could demonstrate a partial requirement of the large spectrin-repeat rod domain of Shot in neuronal and epidermal contexts. I demonstrate that this domain is partially required in processes involving growth and/or tissue stability but dispensable for cellular processes where no mechanical stress resistance is required. In addition, I demonstrate that the CH1 domain a part of the N-terminal actin binding domain of Shot is only partially required for all analysed contexts. Thus, I conclude that Shot domains are functioning different in various cellular environments. In addition my study lays the base for future projects, such as the elucidation of Shot function in growth cones. Given the high degree of conservation between Shot and its mammalian orthologues MACF1/ACF7 and BPAG1, I believe that the findings presented in this study will contribute to the general understanding of spectraplakins across species borders.


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Restoring a correct implant kinematics and providing a good ligament balance and patellar tracking is mandatory to improve clinical and functional outcome after a Total Knee Replacement. Surgical navigation systems are a reliable and accurate tool to help the surgeon in achieving these goals. The aim of the present study was to use navigation system with an intra-operative surgical protocol to evaluate and determine an optimal implant kinematics during a Total Knee Replacement.


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Gli obbiettivi di questo lavoro di tesi risultano i seguenti: 1) Progettare e caratterizzare una tipologia di bundle bioriassorbibile attraverso la tecnica dell’elettrofilatura, composto da una miscela di acido poli-(L)lattico (PLLA) e collagene, che cerchi di mimare le proprietà meccaniche dei fascicoli di collagene tendineo umano ed equino; 2) Individuare una metodologia di assemblaggio multiscala dei bundle che permetta la creazione di uno scaffold in grado di mimare la struttura gerarchica di un tendine completo; 3) Applicare la filosofia traslazionale alla progettazione dello scaffold al fine di poter applicare tale tecnologia sia nell’ambito della medicina umana che in quella veterinaria, lavorando nel senso della medicina unica.


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Fgfrl1 (also known as Fgfr5; OMIM 605830) homozygous null mice have thin, amuscular diaphragms and die at birth because of diaphragm hypoplasia. FGFRL1 is located at 4p16.3, and this chromosome region can be deleted in patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). We examined FGFRL1 as a candidate gene for the diaphragmatic defects associated with 4p16.3 deletions and re-sequenced this gene in 54 patients with CDH. We confirmed six known coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): c.209G > A (p.Pro20Pro), c.977G > A (p.Pro276Pro), c.1040T > C (p.Asp297Asp), c.1234C > A (p.Pro362Gln), c.1420G > T (p.Arg424Leu), and c.1540C > T (p.Pro464Leu), but we did not identify any gene mutations. We genotyped additional CDH patients for four of these six SNPs, including the three non-synonymous SNPs, to make a total of 200 chromosomes, and found that the allele frequency for the four SNPs, did not differ significantly between patients and normal controls (p > or = 0.05). We then used Affymetrix Genechip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST arrays and found eight genes with significantly reduced expression levels in the diaphragms of Fgfrl1 homozygous null mice when compared with wildtype mice-Tpm3, Fgfrl1 (p = 0.004), Myl2, Lrtm1, Myh4, Myl3, Myh7 and Hephl1. Lrtm1 is closely related to Slit3, a protein associated with herniation of the central tendon of the diaphragm in mice. The Slit proteins are known to regulate axon branching and cell migration, and inhibition of Slit3 reduces cell motility and decreases the expression of Rac and Cdc42, two genes that are essential for myoblast fusion. Further studies to determine if Lrtm1 has a similar function to Slit3 and if reduced Fgfrl1 expression can cause diaphragm hypoplasia through a mechanism involving decreased myoblast motility and/or myoblast fusion, seem indicated.


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The objective was to report the ability of a magnetic resonance image to document the integrity of the obturator externus tendon after posterior hip dislocation as a potential predictor for preserved femoral head vascularity.


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Tendon transfers and calcaneal osteotomies are commonly used to treat symptoms related to medial ankle arthrosis in fixed pes cavovarus. However, the relative effect of these osteotomies in terms of lateralizing the ground contact point of the hindfoot and redistributing ankle joint contact stresses are unknown.


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Complaints of sensory loss and (painful) tingling in a stocking distribution are not uncommon in primary care. These symptoms are especially troublesome while getting asleep. Characteristically, ankle tendon reflexes and vibration perception are diminished. These are the hallmarks of distal-symmetric sensory polyneuropathy (PNP), with diabetes mellitus being the most common cause in our patient population. PNP presents itself only after years of suboptimal glycemic control in diabetes type 1. In patients with type 2, symptoms of PNP can precede formal diagnosis of diabetes! In this mini-review we present an algorithm for diagnosis and management of PNP's in general practice.


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Surgical repair of the rotator cuff repair is one of the most common procedures in orthopedic surgery. Despite it being the focus of much research, the physiological tendon-bone insertion is not recreated following repair and there is an anatomic non-healing rate of up to 94%. During the healing phase, several growth factors are upregulated that induce cellular proliferation and matrix deposition. Subsequently, this provisional matrix is replaced by the definitive matrix. Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) contain growth factors and has a stable dense fibrin matrix. Therefore, use of LPRF in rotator cuff repair is theoretically attractive. The aim of the present study was to determine 1) the optimal protocol to achieve the highest leukocyte content; 2) whether L-PRF releases growth factors in a sustained manner over 28 days; 3) whether standard/gelatinous or dry/compressed matrix preparation methods result in higher growth factor concentrations. 1) The standard L-PRF centrifugation protocol with 400 x g showed the highest concentration of platelets and leukocytes. 2) The L-PRF clots cultured in medium showed a continuous slow release with an increase in the absolute release of growth factors TGF-β1, VEGF and MPO in the first 7 days, and for IGF1, PDGF-AB and platelet activity (PF4=CXCL4) in the first 8 hours, followed by a decrease to close to zero at 28 days. Significantly higher levels of growth factor were expressed relative to the control values of normal blood at each culture time point. 3) Except for MPO and the TGFβ-1, there was always a tendency towards higher release of growth factors (i.e., CXCL4, IGF-1, PDGF-AB, and VEGF) in the standard/gelatinous- compared to the dry/compressed group. L-PRF in its optimal standard/gelatinous-type matrix can store and deliver locally specific healing growth factors for up to 28 days and may be a useful adjunct in rotator cuff repair.


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Fast quantitative MRI has become an important tool for biochemical characterization of tissue beyond conventional T1, T2, and T2*-weighted imaging. As a result, steady-state free precession (SSFP) techniques have attracted increased interest, and several methods have been developed for rapid quantification of relaxation times using steady-state free precession. In this work, a new and fast approach for T2 mapping is introduced based on partial RF spoiling of nonbalanced steady-state free precession. The new T2 mapping technique is evaluated and optimized from simulations, and in vivo results are presented for human brain at 1.5 T and for human articular cartilage at 3.0 T. The range of T2 for gray and white matter was from 60 msec (for the corpus callosum) to 100 msec (for cortical gray matter). For cartilage, spatial variation in T2 was observed between deep (34 msec) and superficial (48 msec) layers, as well as between tibial (33 msec), femoral, (54 msec) and patellar (43 msec) cartilage. Excellent correspondence between T2 values derived from partially spoiled SSFP scans and the ones found with a reference multicontrast spin-echo technique is observed, corroborating the accuracy of the new method for proper T2 mapping. Finally, the feasibility of a fast high-resolution quantitative partially spoiled SSFP T2 scan is demonstrated at 7.0 T for human patellar cartilage.


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Despite improved medical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel compression, caput ulnae syndrome and palmar and dorsal tenosynovitis with potential tendon rupture represent urgent surgical indications. While diagnostic and therapeutic synovectomy may guide medical treatment, it should be performed before joint instability and destructive arthritis are established. Swan-neck and Boutonniere deformities as well as ulnar or radial drift of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints or the wrist can only be corrected when the involved joints are supple and intact. In the presence of destructive arthritis, partial and total wrist fusion, arthroplasties of the MCP joints and arthrodeses of the distal interphalangeal joints are recommended.


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Background It has been demonstrated that frequency modulation of loading influences cellular response and metabolism in 3D tissues such as cartilage, bone and intervertebral disc. However, the mechano-sensitivity of cells in linear tissues such as tendons or ligaments might be more sensitive to changes in strain amplitude than frequency. Here, we hypothesized that tenocytes in situ are mechano-responsive to random amplitude modulation of strain. Methods We compared stochastic amplitude-modulated versus sinusoidal cyclic stretching. Rabbit tendon were kept in tissue-culture medium for twelve days and were loaded for 1h/day for six of the total twelve culture days. The tendons were randomly subjected to one of three different loading regimes: i) stochastic (2 – 7% random strain amplitudes), ii) cyclic_RMS (2–4.42% strain) and iii) cyclic_high (2 - 7% strain), all at 1 Hz and for 3,600 cycles, and one unloaded control. Results At the end of the culture period, the stiffness of the “stochastic” group was significantly lower than that of the cyclic_RMS and cyclic_high groups (both, p < 0.0001). Gene expression of eleven anabolic, catabolic and inflammatory genes revealed no significant differences between the loading groups. Conclusions We conclude that, despite an equivalent metabolic response, stochastically stretched tendons suffer most likely from increased mechanical microdamage, relative to cyclically loaded ones, which is relevant for tendon regeneration therapies in clinical practice.