998 resultados para Opetussuunnitelma 2016


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Resources created at University of Southampton for the module GIS for Health Care Management (GHCM)


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Resources created at University of Southampton for the module GIS for Health Care Management


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Resources created at University of Southampton for the module GIS for the Analysis of Health (GAH)


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The following one is a Prospective Plan that is focused on the development of San Bernardo's community, in which we based on the methodology and software of the French school LIPSTOR EPITA, wh ich support us to identify all the characteristics of the system by the identific ation of key variables and trough that, the identification of the objectives of the different actors, which very generously collaborated us in the development of the work. Once we analyze the information, there is created a series of hypothesis and that get scenes in the future to develop the objectives and strategic plans for the grow and develop of the study object, that is the San Bernardo town.


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La Administración más allá de ser una disciplina se convierte hoy en día en una de las principales herramientas de éxito tanto de las empresas como de los sectores que las contienen. En el presente trabajo de grado, enfocamos ese sentido práctico de la administración al Sector Odontológico, generando soluciones a futuro y un mejor desempeño en la clínica DIB, objeto de nuestro estudio. Conforme a grandes autores, la prospectiva (proviene del inglés "prospect", significa perspectiva) es una disciplina que estudia el futuro desde un punto social, científico y tecnológico con la intención de comprenderlo y de poder influir en él, según como lo determina Gastón Berger uno de los fundadores de la disciplina. En este estudio de prospectiva se utilizan herramientas como el método de matriz estructural MICMAC, matriz de actores MACTOR, probabilidad de expertos SMIC-PROB, método de escenarios, Escenario apuesta, el árbol de competencias y la estrategia de los cuatro círculos con el fin de proponer y establecer un escenario posible para el año 2016.


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Existe una versi??n en espa??ol, con el t??tulo "Plan estrat??gico de atenci??n a la diversidad en el marco de una escuela inclusiva 2012-2016"


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Se pretende proporcionar informaci??n para facilitar el proceso de adaptaci??n a los auxiliares de conversaci??n espa??oles en Estados Unidos. El programa de auxiliares de conversaci??n persigue una doble finalidad: por una parte, integrar a espa??oles en centros docentes para ayudar al profesor en la clase de espa??ol y, por otra, facilitar a los auxiliares de conversaci??n el perfeccionamiento de la lengua y cultura de este pa??s, as?? como la de adquirir experiencia docente en un sistema diferente del espa??ol.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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In October 2008 UK government announced very ambitious commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of at least 34% by 2020 and by 80% by 2050 against a 1990 baseline. Consequently the government declares that new homes should be built to high environmental standards which means that from 2016 new homes will have to be built to a Zero Carbon standard. The paper sets out to present UK zero carbon residential development achieving the highest, Level 6 of Code for Sustainable Homes standard. Comprehensive information is provided about various environmental aspects of the housing development. Special attention is given to energy efficiency features of the houses and low carbon district heating solution which include biomass boiler, heat pumps, solar collectors and photovoltaic panels. The paper presents also challenges which designers and builders had to face delivering houses of the future.


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This is a DfID (Department for International Development) commissioned report on the impact of historical El Niño events on low- and middle-income countries across Africa and elsewhere. The report identifies El Niño events in the past 35 years and highlights regions and countries vulnerable to their impacts. The impacts on rainfall and temperature are broken down by season and country as the El Niño develops, peaks and decays and are represented in at-a-glance Impact Tables. The Impact Tables also include an extensive review of literature (e.g., peer-reviewed, grey literature and media reports) to identify potential socio-economic impacts in vulnerable sectors such as water, infrastructure, energy and health. The risk of such impacts are graded as high, medium or potential depending on the meteorological signal and the robustness of evidence available.


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During the summer and autumn 2015, El Niño conditions in the east and central Pacific have strengthened, disrupting weather patterns throughout the tropics and into the mid-latitudes. For example, rainfall during this summer’s Indian monsoon was approximately 15% below normal. The continued strong El Niño conditions have the potential to trigger damaging impacts (e.g., droughts, famines, floods), particularly in less-developed tropical countries, which would require a swift and effective humanitarian response to mitigate damage to life and property (e.g., health, migration, infrastructure). This analysis uses key climatic variables (temperature, soil moisture and precipitation) as measures to monitor the ongoing risk of these potentially damaging impacts. The previous 2015-2016 El Niño Impact Analysis was based on observations over the past 35 years and produced Impact Tables showing the likelihood and severity of the impacts on temperature and rainfall by season. The current report is an extension of this work providing information from seasonal forecast models to give a more detailed monthly outlook of the potential near-term impacts of the current El Niño conditions by region. This information has been added to the Impact Tables in the form of a monthly outlook column. This monthly outlook is an indication of the average likely conditions for that month and region and is not a definite prediction of weather impacts.


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During the summer and autumn 2015, El Niño conditions in the east and central Pacific have strengthened, disrupting weather patterns throughout the tropics and into the mid-latitudes. For example, rainfall during this summer’s Indian monsoon was approximately 15% below normal. The continued strong El Niño conditions have the potential to trigger damaging impacts (e.g. droughts, famines, floods), particularly in less-developed tropical countries, which would require a swift and effective humanitarian response to mitigate damage to life and property (e.g. health, migration, infrastructure). This analysis uses key climatic variables (temperature, soil moisture and precipitation) as measures to monitor the ongoing risk of these potentially damaging impacts. The previous 2015-2016 El Niño Impact Analysis was based on observations over the past 35 years and produced Impact Tables showing the likelihood and severity of the impacts on temperature and rainfall by season. The current report is an extension of this work providing information from observations and seasonal forecast models to give a more detailed outlook of the potential near-term impacts of the current El Niño conditions by region. This information has been added to the Impact Tables in the form of an ‘Observations and Outlook’ row. This consists of observational information for the past seasons of JJA 2015 and SON 2015, a detailed monthly outlook from 5 modeling centres for Dec 2015 and then longer-term seasonal forecast information from 2 modeling centres for the future seasons of JF 2016 and MAM 2016. The seasonal outlook information is an indication of the average likely conditions for that coming month (or season) and region and is not a definite prediction of weather impacts.


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Mandy and Lai (2015) do the field a service in 'reclaiming' the role of pre- and postnatal environmental influences on the aetiology and course of autism spectrum conditions (ASC). This follows several decades where now discredited theories about putative psychogenic and biological disease models held sway, not least in the public mind. We discuss issues that arise from their review; including the need to identify how large the environmental influences on ASC are likely to be; the specificity of these environmental influences to ASC as opposed to a broader range of neurodevelopmental conditions and outcomes; how best to study complex interactions between genetic and environmental influences; and the promise of novel insights into their mechanisms of action. The review highlights current research that aims to better our understanding of the role of environmental factors in the aetiology and course of ASC and, in the near future, may offer the potential for personalised medicine approaches to intervention based on these discoveries.