972 resultados para One cycle control


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Es bien conocido por todos que la Primera Revolución Industrial, que tuvo su inicio en la segunda mitad del Siglo XVIII, conllevó un aumento del uso de los recursos energéticos que no se ha detenido para llegar a los niveles de desarrollo tecnológico, industrial y de calidad de vida, de los que se dispone en la actualidad. A simple vista podría intuirse que para disponer de un mayor nivel tecnológico, industrial, de confort, etc. sea necesario un mayor consumo de energía primaria. La actual generación de energía está principalmente basada en el procesamiento de los diversos compuestos del carbono (hidrocarburos, gases y productos derivados del petróleo), que son contaminantes y además, se agotan. Desde hace unas pocas décadas, la humanidad ha sido consciente que es necesario generar energía a partir de fuentes de origen renovable, y que además resulten menos contaminantes. Así, en la actualidad, se ha llegado a un estado de desarrollo avanzado para la explotación de diversas fuentes de energías como la eólica, a la vez que se comienza a mirar con realismo la posibilidad de explotación de diversas energías de origen marino. Se considera que las energías renovables procedentes de los océanos que se encuentran más desarrolladas tecnológicamente hablando, sin tener en cuenta la energía eólica fuera costa (offshore), son la denominada energía undimotriz o de las olas y la energía de las corrientes marinas, no necesariamente en este orden. El trabajo propuesto en esta Tesis se centra en este último recurso energético y, aunque no se dispone todavía de ningún dispositivo en fase de explotación comercial, la concepción, diseño y desarrollo de dispositivos para la extracción de energía de las corrientes, y su evolución, han sido relativamente rápidos e importantes en estos últimos años. Existen ya diferentes dispositivos en fase de pruebas con resultados muy prometedores. Aunque los dispositivos actuales se encuentran limitados a la explotación energética en zonas de poca profundidad, los diferentes estudios del recurso indican la necesidad de explotar corrientes marinas a mayores profundidades, para lo que se están desarrollando actualmente dispositivos, cuya evolución en lo que a sistemas de fondeo se refiere, está siendo muy parecida a la que se ha producido en los parques eólicos fuera costa, similar a su vez, a la evolución llevada a cabo en las plataformas oceánicas para la explotación de recursos petrolíferos (denominados oil & gas) que se extraen de profundidades cada vez mayores. Las soluciones tecnológicas que resulten válidas han de ser también económicamente viables, y en la actualidad se requiere todavía reducir costos en todas las fases de instalación, explotación y mantenimiento de estos dispositivos, sea cual sea su profundidad de operación. Uno de los focos de estudio para abaratar los costes de explotación en general, pasa por abaratar y reducir los costes en las maniobras necesarias de inmersión (de la superficie del mar a la profundidad de operación) y emersión (de la profundidad de operación a la superficie del mar) de estos dispositivos, para llevar a cabo tareas de mantenimiento in situ, en el mar, y sin necesidad de buques especializados ni de su transporte a tierra. En esta Tesis se propone, en primer lugar, un método para evaluar el ciclo de vida de diversos dispositivos de aprovechamiento de las corrientes marinas. Se evidencia que el coste de la energía así generada sigue siendo no plenamente competitivo, por lo que se requiere avanzar en el abaratamiento de costes, principalmente en la instalación y en su mantenimiento. Para ello se propone como novedad principal, introducir sistemas de control en lazo cerrado para realizar maniobras de instalación y mantenimiento de forma automática. También se aporta un modelo dinámico original y muy sencillo para dispositivos bajo estos movimientos de emersión/inmersión, a partir del cual se han desarrollado los algoritmos de control para el propósito mencionado, que no es otro sino automatizar en todo lo posible las maniobras completas. Los algoritmos de control propuestos han sido validados mediante simulación. Se proponen trayectorias de referencia de movimiento suaves (smooth) similares a las utilizadas en robótica. Estos movimientos de cambios de profundidad en lazo cerrado, combinados con secuencias de movimientos en bucle abierto para cuando el dispositivo interacciona en la superficie libre, han dado lugar a nuevas maniobras completas de instalación y mantenimiento que se presentan en esta Tesis, diferentes a las actuales. Finalmente, y como justificación de la viabilidad económica del método novedoso aportado, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo de los costes de la tecnología propuesta, frente a la tecnología actual. Este nuevo sistema de maniobras automáticas implica un ciclo de vida diferente para los dispositivos de aprovechamiento de la energía de las corrientes, ciclo que se cuantifica a partir de un dispositivo base que ha sido modificado y adaptado para la nueva tecnología propuesta, demostrando su viabilidad tanto técnica como económica. ABSTRACT It’s well known that the First Industrial Revolution started in the second half of the eighteenth century, carried the increasing of the use of energy resource which have not been stopped until reach the present technology, industrial evolution and daily life quality. On the surface, it can be known intuitively that a higher consumption of primary energy resource is demanded for benefiting from a higher technological industrial and daily life level. Today, the generation of energy is mainly based in the processing of carbon products (hydrocarbons, gases and petroleum products) which are pollutants, and additionally, are depleted. From a few decades ago, the humanity is aware the energy should be obtained from renewable resources, which besides, should be cleaner. So, at the present, a technical develop has been gained to exploit several energy source, as wind energy, and, at the same time, the extraction of the marine energy starts to seem as a reality. The renewable marine energies considered more advanced and technically developed, without keeping in mind, the offshore wind energy, are the wave energy and the tidal current energy, not necessarily in that order. This Thesis is focused in this last energy resource, and, although, any device is under commercial operation, the concept, design and develop of this type of devices to extract the tidal current energy and their evolution has been comparatively fast and important the last years. There are several devices under test with promising results. Even through the current devices are limited to lower depth areas, the several studies of the tidal energy resource suggest the need to exploit the marine current at greater depths to what is being developed devices, where their evolution in the anchoring system is being very similar to the evolution performed in the offshore wind farms, which is at the same time, similar to the evolution in the oil and gas exploitation which are extracted to greatest depths. Viable technical solutions should be also viable economically and nowadays the cost in all phases of the project (installation, maintenance and operation) should be decreased whatever the operation depth is. One focus of study to lower the operation cost is the cost decreasing of immersion manoeuvring operations (from sea surface to the operation depth) and immersion manoeuvring operations (from operation depth to the sea surface), therefore the maintenance operations can be performed on – site, in the sea, and no specialized vessels are required to transport the devices from the sea to shore. In this dissertation, firstly is proposed a method to evaluate the life cycle of the tidal energy current devices. It is proved the energy generated by these devices is not fully competitive; therefore, the cost falling is mainly an objective in the installation and the maintenance operations. For that, it is proposed as main novelty, the using of closed loop control systems to perform the automatic installation and manoeuvring operations. It is also contributed with an original and simple dynamic model and for controlling the immersion/emersion movements of these devices, from which the control algorithms are developed in order to automate as much as possible the complete manoeuvring. The control algorithms proposed has been validated by simulations. Reference paths with smooth movements, similar which are used in robotics, are suggested. These movements to change the depth using closed loop control, combined with the sequences in open loop movements when the device is in free surface, have been development for a new complete manoeuvring to installation and maintenance operations which are advanced in this Thesis and they are different to the present manoeuvrings. Finally and as justification of the economic viability of this original method, a comparative cost study between the technology proposed and the current technology is performed. This new automatic manoeuvring system involves a different life cycle for the tidal energy current devices, cycle that is quantified from a base device which has been modified and adapted for the new proposed technology, showing the technical and economic viability.


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The tropical montane forests of the E Andean cordillera in Ecuador receive episodic Sahara- dust inputs particularly increasing Ca deposition. We added CaCl2 to isolate the effect of Ca deposition by Sahara dust to tropical montane forest from the simultaneously occurring pH effect. We examined components of the Ca cycle at four control plots and four plots with added Ca (2 × 5 kg ha?1 Ca annually as CaCl2) in a random arrangement. Between August 2007 and December 2009 (four applications of Ca), we determined Ca concentrations and fluxes in litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfall, and fine litterfall and Al con- centrations and speciation in soil solutions. After 1 y of Ca addition, we assessed fine-root bio- mass, leaf area, and tree growth. Only < 3% of the applied Ca leached below the acid organic layer (pH 3.5?4.8). The added CaCl2 did not change electrical conductivity in the root zone after 2 y. In the second year of fertilization, Ca retention in the canopy of the Ca treatment tended to decrease relative to the control. After 2 y, 21% of the applied Ca was recycled to soil with throughfall and litterfall. One year after the first Ca addition, fine-root biomass had decreased significantly. Decreasing fine-root biomass might be attributed to a direct or an indirect beneficial effect of Ca on the soil decomposer community. Because of almost complete association of Al with dissolved organic matter and high free Ca2+ : Al3+ activity ratios in solution of all plots, Al toxicity was unlikely. We conclude that the added Ca was retained in the system and had benefi- cial effects on some plants.


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El uso de aritmética de punto fijo es una opción de diseño muy extendida en sistemas con fuertes restricciones de área, consumo o rendimiento. Para producir implementaciones donde los costes se minimicen sin impactar negativamente en la precisión de los resultados debemos llevar a cabo una asignación cuidadosa de anchuras de palabra. Encontrar la combinación óptima de anchuras de palabra en coma fija para un sistema dado es un problema combinatorio NP-hard al que los diseñadores dedican entre el 25 y el 50 % del ciclo de diseño. Las plataformas hardware reconfigurables, como son las FPGAs, también se benefician de las ventajas que ofrece la aritmética de coma fija, ya que éstas compensan las frecuencias de reloj más bajas y el uso más ineficiente del hardware que hacen estas plataformas respecto a los ASICs. A medida que las FPGAs se popularizan para su uso en computación científica los diseños aumentan de tamaño y complejidad hasta llegar al punto en que no pueden ser manejados eficientemente por las técnicas actuales de modelado de señal y ruido de cuantificación y de optimización de anchura de palabra. En esta Tesis Doctoral exploramos distintos aspectos del problema de la cuantificación y presentamos nuevas metodologías para cada uno de ellos: Las técnicas basadas en extensiones de intervalos han permitido obtener modelos de propagación de señal y ruido de cuantificación muy precisos en sistemas con operaciones no lineales. Nosotros llevamos esta aproximación un paso más allá introduciendo elementos de Multi-Element Generalized Polynomial Chaos (ME-gPC) y combinándolos con una técnica moderna basada en Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) estadístico para así modelar sistemas que contienen estructuras de control de flujo. Nuestra metodología genera los distintos caminos de ejecución automáticamente, determina las regiones del dominio de entrada que ejercitarán cada uno de ellos y extrae los momentos estadísticos del sistema a partir de dichas soluciones parciales. Utilizamos esta técnica para estimar tanto el rango dinámico como el ruido de redondeo en sistemas con las ya mencionadas estructuras de control de flujo y mostramos la precisión de nuestra aproximación, que en determinados casos de uso con operadores no lineales llega a tener tan solo una desviación del 0.04% con respecto a los valores de referencia obtenidos mediante simulación. Un inconveniente conocido de las técnicas basadas en extensiones de intervalos es la explosión combinacional de términos a medida que el tamaño de los sistemas a estudiar crece, lo cual conlleva problemas de escalabilidad. Para afrontar este problema presen tamos una técnica de inyección de ruidos agrupados que hace grupos con las señales del sistema, introduce las fuentes de ruido para cada uno de los grupos por separado y finalmente combina los resultados de cada uno de ellos. De esta forma, el número de fuentes de ruido queda controlado en cada momento y, debido a ello, la explosión combinatoria se minimiza. También presentamos un algoritmo de particionado multi-vía destinado a minimizar la desviación de los resultados a causa de la pérdida de correlación entre términos de ruido con el objetivo de mantener los resultados tan precisos como sea posible. La presente Tesis Doctoral también aborda el desarrollo de metodologías de optimización de anchura de palabra basadas en simulaciones de Monte-Cario que se ejecuten en tiempos razonables. Para ello presentamos dos nuevas técnicas que exploran la reducción del tiempo de ejecución desde distintos ángulos: En primer lugar, el método interpolativo aplica un interpolador sencillo pero preciso para estimar la sensibilidad de cada señal, y que es usado después durante la etapa de optimización. En segundo lugar, el método incremental gira en torno al hecho de que, aunque es estrictamente necesario mantener un intervalo de confianza dado para los resultados finales de nuestra búsqueda, podemos emplear niveles de confianza más relajados, lo cual deriva en un menor número de pruebas por simulación, en las etapas iniciales de la búsqueda, cuando todavía estamos lejos de las soluciones optimizadas. Mediante estas dos aproximaciones demostramos que podemos acelerar el tiempo de ejecución de los algoritmos clásicos de búsqueda voraz en factores de hasta x240 para problemas de tamaño pequeño/mediano. Finalmente, este libro presenta HOPLITE, una infraestructura de cuantificación automatizada, flexible y modular que incluye la implementación de las técnicas anteriores y se proporciona de forma pública. Su objetivo es ofrecer a desabolladores e investigadores un entorno común para prototipar y verificar nuevas metodologías de cuantificación de forma sencilla. Describimos el flujo de trabajo, justificamos las decisiones de diseño tomadas, explicamos su API pública y hacemos una demostración paso a paso de su funcionamiento. Además mostramos, a través de un ejemplo sencillo, la forma en que conectar nuevas extensiones a la herramienta con las interfaces ya existentes para poder así expandir y mejorar las capacidades de HOPLITE. ABSTRACT Using fixed-point arithmetic is one of the most common design choices for systems where area, power or throughput are heavily constrained. In order to produce implementations where the cost is minimized without negatively impacting the accuracy of the results, a careful assignment of word-lengths is required. The problem of finding the optimal combination of fixed-point word-lengths for a given system is a combinatorial NP-hard problem to which developers devote between 25 and 50% of the design-cycle time. Reconfigurable hardware platforms such as FPGAs also benefit of the advantages of fixed-point arithmetic, as it compensates for the slower clock frequencies and less efficient area utilization of the hardware platform with respect to ASICs. As FPGAs become commonly used for scientific computation, designs constantly grow larger and more complex, up to the point where they cannot be handled efficiently by current signal and quantization noise modelling and word-length optimization methodologies. In this Ph.D. Thesis we explore different aspects of the quantization problem and we present new methodologies for each of them: The techniques based on extensions of intervals have allowed to obtain accurate models of the signal and quantization noise propagation in systems with non-linear operations. We take this approach a step further by introducing elements of MultiElement Generalized Polynomial Chaos (ME-gPC) and combining them with an stateof- the-art Statistical Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) based methodology in order to model systems that contain control-flow structures. Our methodology produces the different execution paths automatically, determines the regions of the input domain that will exercise them, and extracts the system statistical moments from the partial results. We use this technique to estimate both the dynamic range and the round-off noise in systems with the aforementioned control-flow structures. We show the good accuracy of our approach, which in some case studies with non-linear operators shows a 0.04 % deviation respect to the simulation-based reference values. A known drawback of the techniques based on extensions of intervals is the combinatorial explosion of terms as the size of the targeted systems grows, which leads to scalability problems. To address this issue we present a clustered noise injection technique that groups the signals in the system, introduces the noise terms in each group independently and then combines the results at the end. In this way, the number of noise sources in the system at a given time is controlled and, because of this, the combinato rial explosion is minimized. We also present a multi-way partitioning algorithm aimed at minimizing the deviation of the results due to the loss of correlation between noise terms, in order to keep the results as accurate as possible. This Ph.D. Thesis also covers the development of methodologies for word-length optimization based on Monte-Carlo simulations in reasonable times. We do so by presenting two novel techniques that explore the reduction of the execution times approaching the problem in two different ways: First, the interpolative method applies a simple but precise interpolator to estimate the sensitivity of each signal, which is later used to guide the optimization effort. Second, the incremental method revolves on the fact that, although we strictly need to guarantee a certain confidence level in the simulations for the final results of the optimization process, we can do it with more relaxed levels, which in turn implies using a considerably smaller amount of samples, in the initial stages of the process, when we are still far from the optimized solution. Through these two approaches we demonstrate that the execution time of classical greedy techniques can be accelerated by factors of up to ×240 for small/medium sized problems. Finally, this book introduces HOPLITE, an automated, flexible and modular framework for quantization that includes the implementation of the previous techniques and is provided for public access. The aim is to offer a common ground for developers and researches for prototyping and verifying new techniques for system modelling and word-length optimization easily. We describe its work flow, justifying the taken design decisions, explain its public API and we do a step-by-step demonstration of its execution. We also show, through an example, the way new extensions to the flow should be connected to the existing interfaces in order to expand and improve the capabilities of HOPLITE.


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In fission yeast, the rad3 gene product plays a critical role in sensing DNA structure defects and activating damage response pathways. A structural homologue of rad3 in humans (ATR) has been identified based on sequence similarity in the protein kinase domain. General information regarding ATR expression, protein kinase activity, and cellular localization is known, but its function in human cells remains undetermined. In the current study, the ATR protein was examined by gel filtration of protein extracts and was found to exist predominantly as part of a large protein complex. A kinase-inactivated form of the ATR gene was prepared by site-directed mutagenesis and was used in transfection experiments to probe the function of this complex. Introduction of this kinase-dead ATR into a normal fibroblast cell line, an ATM-deficient fibroblast line derived from a patient with ataxia–telangiectasia, or a p53 mutant cell line all resulted in significant losses in cell viability. Clones expressing the kinase-dead ATR displayed increased sensitivity to x-rays and UV and a loss of checkpoint control. We conclude that ATR functions as a critical part of a protein complex that mediates responses to ionizing and UV radiation in human cells. These responses include effects on cell viability and cell cycle checkpoint control.


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We demonstrate, by using mathematical modeling of cell division cycle (CDC) dynamics, a potential mechanism for precisely controlling the frequency of cell division and regulating the size of a dividing cell. Control of the cell cycle is achieved by artificially expressing a protein that reversibly binds and inactivates any one of the CDC proteins. In the simplest case, such as the checkpoint-free situation encountered in early amphibian embryos, the frequency of CDC oscillations can be increased or decreased by regulating the rate of synthesis, the binding rate, or the equilibrium constant of the binding protein. In a more complex model of cell division, where size-control checkpoints are included, we show that the same reversible binding reaction can alter the mean cell mass in a continuously dividing cell. Because this control scheme is general and requires only the expression of a single protein, it provides a practical means for tuning the characteristics of the cell cycle in vivo.


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The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an essential role in the regulation of cell proliferation during angiogenesis. Cell adhesion to ECM is mediated by binding of cell surface integrin receptors, which both activate intracellular signaling cascades and mediate tension-dependent changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal structure. Although the growth control field has focused on early integrin and growth factor signaling events, recent studies suggest that cell shape may play an equally critical role in control of cell cycle progression. Studies were carried out to determine when cell shape exerts its regulatory effects during the cell cycle and to analyze the molecular basis for shape-dependent growth control. The shape of human capillary endothelial cells was controlled by culturing cells on microfabricated substrates containing ECM-coated adhesive islands with defined shape and size on the micrometer scale or on plastic dishes coated with defined ECM molecular coating densities. Cells that were prevented from spreading in medium containing soluble growth factors exhibited normal activation of the mitogen-activated kinase (erk1/erk2) growth signaling pathway. However, in contrast to spread cells, these cells failed to progress through G1 and enter S phase. This shape-dependent block in cell cycle progression correlated with a failure to increase cyclin D1 protein levels, down-regulate the cell cycle inhibitor p27Kip1, and phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein in late G1. A similar block in cell cycle progression was induced before this same shape-sensitive restriction point by disrupting the actin network using cytochalasin or by inhibiting cytoskeletal tension generation using an inhibitor of actomyosin interactions. In contrast, neither modifications of cell shape, cytoskeletal structure, nor mechanical tension had any effect on S phase entry when added at later times. These findings demonstrate that although early growth factor and integrin signaling events are required for growth, they alone are not sufficient. Subsequent cell cycle progression and, hence, cell proliferation are controlled by tension-dependent changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal structure that act by subjugating the molecular machinery that regulates the G1/S transition.


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We investigated the role of the cdk inhibitor protein p21Cip-1/WAF1/MDA6 (p21) in the ability of MAPK pathway inhibition to enhance radiation-induced apoptosis in A431 squamous carcinoma cells. In carcinoma cells, ionizing radiation (2 Gy) caused both primary (0–10 min) and secondary (90–240 min) activations of the MAPK pathway. Radiation induced p21 protein expression in A431 cells within 6 h via secondary activation of the MAPK pathway. Within 6 h, radiation weakly enhanced the proportion of cells in G1 that were p21 and MAPK dependent, whereas the elevation of cells present in G2/M at this time was independent of either p21 expression or MAPK inhibition. Inhibition of the MAPK pathway increased the proportion of irradiated cells in G2/M phase 24–48 h after irradiation and enhanced radiation-induced apoptosis. This correlated with elevated Cdc2 tyrosine 15 phosphorylation, decreased Cdc2 activity, and decreased Cdc25C protein levels. Caffeine treatment or removal of MEK1/2 inhibitors from cells 6 h after irradiation reduced the proportion of cells present in G2/M phase at 24 h and abolished the ability of MAPK inhibition to potentiate radiation-induced apoptosis. These data argue that MAPK signaling plays an important role in the progression/release of cells through G2/M phase after radiation exposure and that an impairment of this progression/release enhances radiation-induced apoptosis. Surprisingly, the ability of irradiation/MAPK inhibition to increase the proportion of cells in G2/M at 24 h was found to be dependent on basal p21 expression. Transient inhibition of basal p21 expression increased the control level of apoptosis as well as the abilities of both radiation and MEK1/2 inhibitors to cause apoptosis. In addition, loss of basal p21 expression significantly reduced the capacity of MAPK inhibition to potentiate radiation-induced apoptosis. Collectively, our data argue that MAPK signaling and p21 can regulate cell cycle checkpoint control in carcinoma cells at the G1/S transition shortly after exposure to radiation. In contrast, inhibition of MAPK increases the proportion of irradiated cells in G2/M, and basal expression of p21 is required to maintain this effect. Our data suggest that basal and radiation-stimulated p21 may play different roles in regulating cell cycle progression that affect cell survival after radiation exposure.


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Telomeres are essential for preserving chromosome integrity during the cell cycle and have been specifically implicated in mitotic progression, but little is known about the signaling molecule(s) involved. The human telomeric repeat binding factor protein (TRF1) is shown to be important in regulating telomere length. However, nothing is known about its function and regulation during the cell cycle. The sequence of PIN2, one of three human genes (PIN1-3) we previously cloned whose products interact with the Aspergillus NIMA cell cycle regulatory protein kinase, reveals that it encodes a protein that is identical in sequence to TRF1 apart from an internal deletion of 20 amino acids; Pin2 and TRF1 may be derived from the same gene, PIN2/TRF1. However, in the cell Pin2 was found to be the major expressed product and to form homo- and heterodimers with TRF1; both dimers were localized at telomeres. Pin2 directly bound the human telomeric repeat DNA in vitro, and was localized to all telomeres uniformly in telomerase-positive cells. In contrast, in several cell lines that contain barely detectable telomerase activity, Pin2 was highly concentrated at only a few telomeres. Interestingly, the protein level of Pin2 was highly regulated during the cell cycle, being strikingly increased in G2+M and decreased in G1 cells. Moreover, overexpression of Pin2 resulted in an accumulation of HeLa cells in G2+M. These results indicate that Pin2 is the major human telomeric protein and is highly regulated during the cell cycle, with a possible role in mitosis. The results also suggest that Pin2/TRF1 may connect mitotic control to the telomere regulatory machinery whose deregulation has been implicated in cancer and aging.


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We present evidence that a bacterial signal transduction cascade that couples morphogenesis with cell cycle progression is regulated by dynamic localization of its components. Previous studies have implicated two histidine kinases, DivJ and PleC, and the response regulator, DivK, in the regulation of morphogenesis in the dimorphic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic response regulator, DivK, exhibits a dynamic, cyclical localization that culminates in asymmetric distribution of DivK within the two cell types that are characteristic of the Caulobacter cell cycle; DivK is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm of the progeny swarmer cell and is localized to the pole of the stalked cell. The membrane-bound DivJ and PleC histidine kinases, which are asymmetrically localized at the opposite poles of the predivisional cell, control the temporal and spatial localization of DivK. DivJ mediates DivK targeting to the poles whereas PleC controls its release from one of the poles at times and places that are consistent with the activities and location of DivJ and PleC in the late predivisional cell. Thus, dynamic changes in subcellular location of multiple components of a signal transduction cascade may constitute a novel mode of prokaryotic regulation to generate and maintain cellular asymmetry.


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In wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings subjected to a mild water stress (water potential of −0.3 MPa), the leaf-elongation rate was reduced by one-half and the mitotic activity of mesophyll cells was reduced to 42% of well-watered controls within 1 d. There was also a reduction in the length of the zone of mesophyll cell division to within 4 mm from the base compared with 8 mm in control leaves. However, the period of division continued longer in the stressed than in the control leaves, and the final cell number in the stressed leaves reached 85% of controls. Cyclin-dependent protein kinase enzymes that are required in vivo for DNA replication and mitosis were recovered from the meristematic zone of leaves by affinity for p13suc1. Water stress caused a reduction in H1 histone kinase activity to one-half of the control level, although amounts of the enzyme were unaffected. Reduced activity was correlated with an increased proportion of the 34-kD Cdc2-like kinase (an enzyme sharing with the Cdc2 protein of other eukaryotes the same size, antigenic sites, affinity for p13suc1, and H1 histone kinase catalytic activity) deactivated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Deactivation to 50% occurred within 3 h of stress imposition in cells at the base of the meristematic zone and was therefore too fast to be explained by a reduction in the rate at which cells reached mitosis because of slowing of growth; rather, stress must have acted more immediately on the enzyme. The operation of controls slowing the exit from the G1 and G2 phases is discussed. We suggest that a water-stress signal acts on Cdc2 kinase by increasing phosphorylation of tyrosine, causing a shift to the inhibited form and slowing cell production.


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Poster presented in the 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 24), Budapest, Hungary, June 15-18, 2014.


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In this work, we analyze the effect of incorporating life cycle inventory (LCI) uncertainty on the multi-objective optimization of chemical supply chains (SC) considering simultaneously their economic and environmental performance. To this end, we present a stochastic multi-scenario mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) coupled with a two-step transformation scenario generation algorithm with the unique feature of providing scenarios where the LCI random variables are correlated and each one of them has the desired lognormal marginal distribution. The environmental performance is quantified following life cycle assessment (LCA) principles, which are represented in the model formulation through standard algebraic equations. The capabilities of our approach are illustrated through a case study of a petrochemical supply chain. We show that the stochastic solution improves the economic performance of the SC in comparison with the deterministic one at any level of the environmental impact, and moreover the correlation among environmental burdens provides more realistic scenarios for the decision making process.