946 resultados para Old World New World sand flies
Morphological variation among geographic populations of the New World sand fly Lutzomyia quinquefer (Diptera, Phlebotominae) was analyzed and patterns detected that are probably associated with species emergence. This was achieved by examining the relationships of size and shape components of morphological attributes, and their correlation with geographic parameters. Quantitative and qualitative morphological characters are described, showing in both sexes differences among local populations from four Departments of Bolivia. Four arguments are then developed to reject the hypothesis of environment as the unique source of morphological variation: (1) the persistence of differences after removing the allometric consequences of size variation, (2) the association of local metric properties with meristic and qualitative attributes, rather than with altitude, (3) the positive and significant correlation between metric and geographic distances, and (4) the absence of a significant correlation between altitude and general-size of the insects.
A review of the ticks (Acari, Ixodida) of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, was completed as a step towards a definitive list (currently indicated as 12) of such species, their hosts and distribution. The ticks: Argas miniatus (poultry), Ixodes loricatus (opossums), Amblyomma aureolatum (dogs), A. calcaratum (anteaters), A. cooperi (capybaras), A. nodosum (anteaters), A. tigrinum (dogs) (Neotropical) and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (dogs) (introduced, cosmopolitan, Afrotropical) were confirmed as present, in addition to the predominant, Boophilus microplus (cattle) (introduced, pan-tropical, Oriental). Of the further 18 species thus far reported in the literature as present in the state, but unavailable for examination: only Ornithodoros brasiliensis (humans and their habitations) (Neotropical), Ixodes affinis (deer) (Nearctic/Neotropical) and I. auritulus (birds) (Nearctic/Neotropical/Afrotropical/ Australasian) are considered likely; 13 species would benefit from corroborative local data but the majority appear unlikely; reports of A. maculatum (Nearctic/Neotropical, but circum-Caribbean) are considered erroneous; the validity of A. fuscum is in doubt. The very recent, first known report of the tropical Anocentor nitens (horses)(Nearctic/Neotropical), but still apparent absence of the tropical A. cajennense (catholic) (Nearctic/Neotropical) and the sub-tropical/temperate Ixodes pararicinus (cattle) (Neotropical) in Rio Grande do Sul are important for considerations on their current biogeographical distribution and its dynamics in South America. The state has relatively long established, introduced ("exotic"), Old World tick species (B. microplus, R. sanguineus) that continue to represent significant pests and disease vectors to their traditional, introduced domestic animal hosts, cattle and urban dogs. There are also indigenous, New World ticks (A. miniatus, O. brasiliensis, A. aureolatum, A. nitens), as both long established and possibly newly locally introduced species in the state, that should be considered as potential and emergent pests and pathogen vectors to humans and their more recently acquired, introduced domestic animal hosts; rural poultry, dogs and horses.
Lutzomyia naftalekatzi, a new phlebotomine sand fly belonging to the L. aragaoi species group, is described from specimens collected in Zona da Mata region of Pernambuco, Brazil.
The cellular protease subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-1)/site-1 protease (S1P) is implicated in the proteolytic processing of the viral envelope glycoprotein precursor (GPC) of arenaviruses, a step strictly required for production of infectious progeny. The small molecule SKI-1/S1P inhibitor PF-429242 was shown to have anti-viral activity against Old World arenaviruses. Here we extended these studies and show that PF-429242 also inhibits GPC processing and productive infection of New World arenaviruses, making PF-429242 a broadly active anti-arenaviral drug. In combination therapy, PF-429242 potentiated the anti-viral activity of ribavirin, indicating a synergism between the two drugs. A hallmark of arenaviruses is their ability to establish persistent infection in vitro and in vivo. Notably, PF-429242 was able to efficiently and rapidly clear persistent infection by arenaviruses. Interruption of drug treatment did not result in re-emergence of infection, indicating that PF-429242 treatment leads to virus extinction.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) In 1953 the first fascicle of the first volume of the Corpus Christianorum was published. Now, fifty years later, this series has established itself as one of the great scientific enterprises in the field of patristic and medieval studies. We offer this birthday-present to ourselves, our old and new collaborators and our friends as a celebration of what has been achieved, as a survey of where we currently stand and as an insight into our future. The book opens with an essay on fifty years of the Corpus Christianorum. It tells the story of how the enterprise started as an ambitious yet limited project and how it developed into what it is today: a conglomerate of many different research projects located in different places all over the world. The second part presents a florilegium of patristic and medieval texts, all of which have been edited in the series, some only recently, others long ago. The selection has been made by a group of scholars representing the variety of interests reflected in the subseries of the Corpus Christianorum. At the end of the volume an Onomasticon has been added. It gives a complete survey of all the text-editions published to date. This "mini-clavis" will make it easier to find one's way in the library of the Corpus Christianorum.
Arenaviruses are enveloped negative strand viruses that cause acute and chronic infections. Several Arenaviruses can cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans. In West Africa Lassa virus causes several hundred thousand infections per year, while Junin, Machupo, Guanarito, and Sabia virus have emerged in South America. So far, only one drug is licensed against arenaviruses, the nucleoside analogue Ribavirin (Rib), which is effective when given early in disease, but shows only minor therapeutic effects in late stages of the infection. Previous works demonstrated that processing of the arenavirus glycoprotein precursor (GPC) by the cellular proprotein convertase site 1 protease (S1P), also known as subtilisin-kexinisozyme 1 (SKI-1), is crucial for cell-to-cell propagation of infectionand production of infectious virus. Recently, the SKI-1/S1P inhibitor PF-429242wasshownto inhibit Old World arenavirusGPCprocessing, cell-to-cell propagation, and infectious virus production. In the present study, we assessed the activity of PF-429242 against processing of the GPCs of the genetically and structurally more distant New World arenaviruses and found potent inhibition of processing of the GPCs of Junin, Machupo, and Guanarito virus. Using the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), we studied the potency of PF-429242 in the context of acute and chronic infection. In line with published data, PF-429242 potently inhibited acute LCMV infection. PF-429242 was also highly active against chronic infection and drug treatment resulted in rapid extinction of the virus without emergence of drug-resistant variants. In a combinatorial drug approach, we found that PF-429242 potentiated the anti-viral effect of Rib in treatment of acute andchronic infection. Taken together, we showed that the SKI-1/S1P inhibitor PF-429242 is broadly active against GPC processing of all major human pathogenic arenaviruses. Apart from being potent in acute infection, the drug is remarkably active in clearing chronic infection and potentiated the anti-arenaviral activity of Rib.
SummaryResearch projects presented in this thesis aimed to investigate two major aspects of the arenaviruses life cycle in the host cell: viral entry and the biosynthesis of the viral envelope glycoprotein.Old World arenaviruses (OWAV), such as Lassa virus (LASV) and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), attach to the cell by binding to their receptor, alpha-dystroglycan. Virions are then internalized by a largely unknown pathway of endocytosis and delivered to the late endosome/lysosome where fusion occurs at low pH. In the major project of my thesis, we sought to identify cellular factors involved in OWAV cell entry. Our work indicates that OWAV cell entry requires microtubular transport and a functional multivesicular body (MVB) compartment. Infection indeed depends on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity and lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), a lipid found in membranes of intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) of the MVB. We further found a requirement of factors that are part of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), involved in the formation of ILVs. This suggests an ESCRT-mediated sorting of virus- receptor complex during the entry process.During viral replication, biosynthesis of viral glycoprotein takes place in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the host cell. When protein load exceeds the folding capacity of the ER, the accumulation of unfolded proteins is sensed by three ER resident proteins, activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) and PKR-like ER kinase (PERK), whose signaling induces the cellular unfolded protein response (UPR). Our results indicate that acute LCMV infection transiently induces the activation of the ATF6 branch of the UPR, whereas the PERK, and IRE1 axis of UPR are neither triggered nor blocked during infection. Our data also demonstrate that activation of ATF6 pathway is required for optimal viral replication during acute infection.The formation of the mature, fusion-active form of arenaviruses glycoproteins requires proteolytic cleavage mediated by the cellular protease subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). We show that targeting the SKI-1/S1P enzymatic activity with specific inhibitors is a powerful strategy to block arenaviruses productive infection. Moreover, characterization of protease function highlights differences in processing between cellular and viral substrates, opening new possibilities in term of drug development against human pathogenic arenaviruses.RésuméLes projets de recherche présentés dans cette thèse visaient à étudier deux aspects du cycle de vie des arenavirus: l'entrée du virus dans la cellule hôte et la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine durant la réplication virale.Les arenavirus du vieux monde (OWAV), tels que le virus de Lassa (LASV) et le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) s'attachent à la cellule hôte en se liant à leur récepteur, l'alpha-dystroglycane. Les virions sont ensuite intemalisés par une voie d'endocytose inconnue et livrés à l'endosome tardif/lysosome, où le pH acide permet la fusion entre l'enveloppe virale et la membrane du compartiment. Le projet principal de ma thèse consistait à identifier les facteurs cellulaires impliqués dans l'entrée des OWAV dans la cellule hôte. Nos résultats indiquent que l'entrée des OWAV nécessite le transport microtubulaire et la présence d'un corps multivésiculaire (MVB) fonctionnel. L'infection dépend en effet de l'activité de phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) et de lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), un lipide présent dans les membranes des vésicules intraluminales (ILVs) du MVB. Nous avons également trouvé l'implication de facteurs constituant l'endosomal sorting complex required for sorting (ESCRT) qui joue un rôle dans la formation des ILVs. Ces donnés suggèrent l'incorporation du complexe virus-récepteur dans des ILVs durant le processus d'entrée.Lors de la réplication virale, la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine virale a lieu dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER) de la cellule hôte. Lorsque la charge de protéines nouvellement synthétisées excède la capacité de pliage des protéines dans le ER, l'accumulation de protéines mal pliées est détectée par trois facteurs: activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) et PKR-like ER kinase (PERK). Leur signalisation constitue la réponse cellulaire face aux protéines mal pliées (UPR). Nos résultats montrent que l'infection aiguë avec LCMV induit transitoirement l'activation de la voie de signalisation ATF6 alors que les axes PERK et IRE1 de l'UPR ne sont ni induits ni bloqués pendant l'infection. Nos données prouvent également que l'activation de la voie ATF6 est nécessaire à une réplication virale optimale lors de l'infection aiguë avec LCMV.La maturation des glycoprotéines des arenavirus nécessite un clivage protéolytique par la protéase cellulaire subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). Nous avons démontré que le ciblage de l'activité enzymatique de SKI-1/SIΡ avec des inhibiteurs spécifiques est une stratégie prometteuse pour bloquer l'infection par les arenavirus. La caractérisation du mécanisme d'action de la protéase a, par ailleurs, révélé des différences au niveau du clivage entre les substrats cellulaires et viraux, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives en terme de développement de médicaments contre les arenavirus pathogènes pour l'homme.
Sand flies were collected in the central region of the state of Rondônia (W 64º30' to 63º00' and S 10º00'to 11º00') using Shannon and CDC light traps from October 1997 to August 2000. A total of 85,850 specimens representing 78 named species were captured. Of these 14 were new records for Rondônia. The proportion of males/females was 1/1.131. Trypanosomatids, that are presently being identified, were detected in 11 species. Leishmania (Viannia) naiffi was recorded from Psychodopygus davisi and P. hirsutus. In the present study the dominant species was P. davisi (39.6%) followed by Lutzomyia whitmani (13.1%), P. carrerai (11.6%), and P. hirsutus (10.2%). The importance of P. davisi as a vector of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis is discussed.
Psychodid sand flies are blood-sucking fly vectors of several parasitic diseases. The oldest definitive record of this group is from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon (circa -135 to -125 My), but the high diversity within this group supports the idea that the psychodoids originated much earlier in history. The palaeontology demonstrates that the Lower Cretaceous representatives of the different subfamilies of Psychodidae had similar morphology and were blood-feeders, which supports Hennig's hypothesis on the ground plan structure of this family. Historical relationship between sand flies and diseases is unclear up to the present time, but this relationship could be as old as the origin of psychodoids because of the blood-feeding life mode.
Extracts of propolis samples collected in Brazil and Bulgaria were assayed against four Leishmania species - Leishmania amazonensis, L. braziliensis, L. chagasi from the New World, and L. major from the Old World - associated to different clinical forms of leishmaniasis. The composition of the extracts has been previously characterized by high temperature high resolution gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Considering the chemical differences among the extracts and the behavior of the parasites, it was observed significant differences in the leishmanicidal activities with IC50/1 day values in the range of 2.8 to 229.3 µg/ml . An overall analysis showed that for all the species evaluated, Bulgarian extracts were more active than the ethanol Brazilian extract. As the assayed propolis extracts have their chemical composition determined it merits further investigation the effect of individual components or their combinations on each Leishmania species.
Arenaviruses include several causative agents of hemorrhagic fever (HF) disease in humans that are associated with high morbidity and significant mortality. Morbidity and lethality associated with HF arenaviruses are believed to involve the dysregulation of the host innate immune and inflammatory responses that leads to impaired development of protective and efficient immunity. The molecular mechanisms underlying this dysregulation are not completely understood, but it is suggested that viral infection leads to disruption of early host defenses and contributes to arenavirus pathogenesis in humans. We demonstrate in the accompanying paper that the prototype member in the family, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), disables the host innate defense by interfering with type I interferon (IFN-I) production through inhibition of the interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) activation pathway and that the viral nucleoprotein (NP) alone is responsible for this inhibitory effect (C. Pythoud, W. W. Rodrigo, G. Pasqual, S. Rothenberger, L. Martínez-Sobrido, J. C. de la Torre, and S. Kunz, J. Virol. 86:7728-7738, 2012). In this report, we show that LCMV-NP, as well as NPs encoded by representative members of both Old World (OW) and New World (NW) arenaviruses, also inhibits the nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). Similar to the situation previously reported for IRF3, Tacaribe virus NP (TCRV-NP) does not inhibit NF-κB nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity to levels comparable to those seen with other members in the family. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that arenavirus infection inhibits NF-κB-dependent innate immune and inflammatory responses, possibly playing a key role in the pathogenesis and virulence of arenavirus.
The present paper describes a new phlebotomine species, Evandromyia gaucha sp. nov., based on seven females found in the municipality of Caçapava do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species belong to rupicola series and differs from other sand flies of the genus Evandromyia due to the presence of a rounded spermatheca head with its size very close to that of the spermatheca body.
Leishmaniasis causes significant morbidity and mortality, constituting an important global health problem for which there are few effective drugs. Given the urgent need to identify a safe and effective Leishmania vaccine to help prevent the two million new cases of human leishmaniasis worldwide each year, all reasonable efforts to achieve this goal should be made. This includes the use of animal models that are as close to leishmanial infection in humans as is practical and feasible. Old world monkey species (macaques, baboons, mandrills etc.) have the closest evolutionary relatedness to humans among the approachable animal models. The Asian rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) are quite susceptible to leishmanial infection, develop a human-like disease, exhibit antibodies to Leishmania and parasite-specific T-cell mediated immune responses both in vivo and in vitro, and can be protected effectively by vaccination. Results from macaque vaccine studies could also prove useful in guiding the design of human vaccine trials. This review summarizes our current knowledge on this topic and proposes potential approaches that may result in the more effective use of the macaque model to maximize its potential to help the development of an effective vaccine for human leishmaniasis.
Phlebotomine sand flies present great species diversity, especially in Brazil, where there are about 300 known species. This work describes a new species of sand fly found in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, in the Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, municipality of Cariacica. Spermathecae with superficial striations and the common duct longer than the genital fork permit the inclusion of the new species in the subgenus Evandromyia s. str., series rupicola. The new species resemble Ev. rupicola from which it may be distinguished by the aspects of the spermatheca and the length of the genital filament of the male, longer in the new species.
Canine American visceral leishmaniasis and American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) cases have been recorded in Espírito Santo do Pinhal. The aim of this study was to gather knowledge of the sand fly community and its population ecology within the municipality. Captures were made weekly over a period of 15 months in the urban, periurban and rural areas of the municipality, using automatic light traps. A total of 5,562 sand flies were collected, comprising 17 species. The most abundant species were Nyssomyia whitmani and Pintomyia pessoai in the rural area, Lutzomyia longipalpis and Ny. whitmani in the periurban area and Lu. longipalpis in the urban area. The highest species richness and greatest index species diversity were found in the rural area. The similarity index showed that urban and periurban areas were most alike. Lu. longipalpis was found in great numbers during both dry and humid periods. The presence of dogs infected with Leishmania infantum chagasi in the urban area indicates a high risk for the establishment of the disease in the region. A high abundance of Ny. whitmani and Pi. pessoai in the rural and periurban areas indicates the possibility of new cases of ACL occurring in and spreading to the periurban area of Espírito Santo do Pinhal.