976 resultados para Obstetrics and gynecology


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In vitro adipose tissue lipolysis was investigated in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Basal and hormone-stimulated rates of lipolysis were significantly higher in the pregnant group. Human placental lactogen (HPL) was shown to be lipolytic on adipose tissue from both pregnant and non-pregnant women; the response being more marked in the pregnant group. We postulate that HPL is responsible for this increased lipolytic sensitivity in pregnancy, the result of which is the elevation in levels of plasma free fatty acids in the third trimester.


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Adipose tissue has been shown to retain its sensitivity to the antilipolytic effects of insulin during late pregnancy. This suggests that during late pregnancy, increased adipose tissue lipolysis is due to a lipolytic factor rather than insulin resistance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Doppler ultrasound allows the assessment of blood flow and the differentiate vessels according to each spectral pattern, location and organ that irrigate, helping the examinations and disease diagnosis. The main methods used are Pulsed Doppler, Color Doppler and Power Doppler. In Brazil veterinary medicine, it shows progress since 1990, but its use is limited by the equipment high cost, the need for operator experience and patient cooperation. There are studies in obstetrics and reproduction of dogs and cats, such as evaluation of the testicular vasculature, including the use of contrast material, and attempts to evaluate prostate in healthy dogs or pathological conditions (cancer and testicular torsion , orchitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia; estrous cycle monitoring, evaluation of irrigation in follicles and corpus luteum, uterus and breasts (mammary tumors) in bitches; monitoring pregnancy from the assessment of maternal, fetal and placental hemodynamics, both in dogs as in cats, and aspirations for early detection of pregnancy in dogs. However, new studies are still required, given the lack of these species, especially cats


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De senaste åren har antalet kejsarsnitt på humanitär indikation ökat i Sverige. Den vanligaste bidragande orsaken till detta är förlossningsrädsla. Med förlossningsrädsla menas att man känner ångest och fruktan inför sin förlossning. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa faktorer som kan påverka upplevelsen av förlossningsrädsla samt vilket behov av stöd förlossningsrädda kvinnor behöver. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie som omfattade 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Vid granskningen av dessa artiklar bildades två huvudkategorier, dessa var; upplevelser och stöd. Resultatet visade att den vanligaste upplevelsen vid förlossningsrädsla var rädsla för smärta och oron för sin och sitt barns hälsa och välmående. Förlossningsförloppet var också något som orsakade rädsla hos vissa kvinnor. Mest utsatta för förlossningsrädsla var kvinnor som led av dålig självkänsla och tvivlade på sin prestationsförmåga. Kvinnans tidigare erfarenheter spelade en stor roll vid upplevelsen av förlossningen. Den bästa vård förlossningsrädda kvinnor kan få är stöd från sin omgivning och vårdpersonal. Den mest framgångsrika behandlingsmetod enligt denna litteraturstudie var terapi. En slutsats blev att det är viktigt att upptäcka kvinnans förlossningsrädsla i ett tidigt stadium och att omvårdnaden är individualiserad.


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Of the several uterine compression sutures described in more recent years to treat postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), the Hayman suture offers the potential advantages that can be applied faster and easier, avoiding the performance of a lower segment hysterotomy when PPH follows a vaginal delivery. Data on efficacy and safety are limited, and long-term follow-up information are lacking. We report our experience with the Hayman suture in 11 consecutive women with massive PPH. Of these, ten were successfully treated without further interventions. One woman ultimately required a hysterectomy. Postoperative course was uncomplicated in all the cases. The median follow-up time was 11 months (range 1-19). One woman conceived spontaneously 10 months after the procedure. Our results suggest that the Hayman suture is an effective and safe treatment for PPH.


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OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of this study was to determine the desires and wishes of pregnant patients vis-à-vis their external genital anatomy after female genital mutilation (FGM) in the context of antenatal care and delivery in a teaching hospital setting in Switzerland. Our secondary aim was to determine whether women with FGM and non-mutilated women have different fetal and maternal outcomes. DESIGN: A retrospective case-control study. SETTING: A teaching hospital. POPULATION: One hundred and twenty-two patients after FGM who gave consent to participate in this study and who delivered in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the University Hospital of Berne and 110 controls. METHODS: Data for patients' wishes concerning their FGM management, their satisfaction with the postpartum outcome and intrapartum and postpartum maternal and fetal data. As a control group, we used a group of pregnant women without FGM who delivered at the same time and who were matched for maternal age. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Patients' satisfaction after delivery and defibulation after FGM, maternal and fetal delivery data and postpartum outcome measures. RESULTS: Six percent of patients wished to have their FGM defibulated antenatally, 43% requested a defibulation during labour, 34% desired a defibulation during labour only if considered necessary by the medical staff and 17% were unable to express their expectations. There were no differences for FGM patients and controls regarding fetal outcome, maternal blood loss or duration of delivery. FGM patients had significantly more often an emergency Caesarean section and third-degree vaginal tears, and significantly less first-degree and second-degree tears. CONCLUSION: An interdisciplinary approach may support optimal antenatal and intrapartum management and also the prevention of FGM in newborn daughters.


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Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the main causes of maternal deaths even in industrialized countries. It represents an emergency situation which necessitates a rapid decision and in particular an exact diagnosis and root cause analysis in order to initiate the correct therapeutic measures in an interdisciplinary cooperation. In addition to established guidelines, the benefits of standardized therapy algorithms have been demonstrated. A therapy algorithm for the obstetric emergency of postpartum hemorrhage in the German language is not yet available. The establishment of an international (Germany, Austria and Switzerland D-A-CH) "treatment algorithm for postpartum hemorrhage" was an interdisciplinary project based on the guidelines of the corresponding specialist societies (anesthesia and intensive care medicine and obstetrics) in the three countries as well as comparable international algorithms for therapy of PPH.The obstetrics and anesthesiology personnel must possess sufficient expertise for emergency situations despite lower case numbers. The rarity of occurrence for individual patients and the life-threatening situation necessitate a structured approach according to predetermined treatment algorithms. This can then be carried out according to the established algorithm. Furthermore, this algorithm presents the opportunity to train for emergency situations in an interdisciplinary team.


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PRINCIPLES To assess gynaecologists' awareness of bone healthcare in women and the prevalence of application of national recommendations on bone healthcare in Switzerland. METHODS During the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2012, the Swiss Association against Osteoporosis (SVGO) performed standardised interviews with conference participants (n = 210). Questions addressed responsibility for bone healthcare, and whether diagnostic procedures, initiation of bone-specific treatment and follow-up were performed in accordance with SVGO recommendations. RESULTS The majority of respondents were aged 30-50 years (60%), female (70%) and working as board-certified gynaecologists (69%). Ninety-three percent of respondents considered care for bone health as part of the gynaecologist's expertise. As diagnostic procedures, 44% recommended performing bone densitometry (DXA) only, 34% ordered additional laboratory testing. Seventy-two percent of respondents initiated a bone-specific treatment. Predictors for not performing diagnostic procedures and not initiating a bone-specific treatment were physician's age below 30, being a trainee gynaecologist, and working at a university clinic. Particularly, young trainee gynaecologists working at a university clinic were especially unlikely to initiate a bone-specific treatment (regression coefficient = -2.68; odds ratio [OR] 0.069, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.01-0.61; p = 0.16). Follow-ups were performed by 77% of respondents, but were less likely to be by female physicians (OR 0.27, 95% CI 0.09-0.84; p = 0.024). CONCLUSIONS Although the majority of board-certified gynaecologists follow national recommendations on bone healthcare, current medical training in obstetrics and gynaecology does not sufficiently cover the subject of women's health. However, since this is a small study our findings may not reflect the findings in the total population.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of 200 mg of daily vaginal natural progesterone to prevent preterm birth in women with preterm labour. DESIGN Multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING Twenty-nine centres in Switzerland and Argentina. POPULATION A total of 385 women with preterm labour (24(0/7) to 33(6/7) weeks of gestation) treated with acute tocolysis. METHODS Participants were randomly allocated to either 200 mg daily of self-administered vaginal progesterone or placebo within 48 hours of starting acute tocolysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Primary outcome was delivery before 37 weeks of gestation. Secondary outcomes were delivery before 32 and 34 weeks, adverse effects, duration of tocolysis, re-admissions for preterm labour, length of hospital stay, and neonatal morbidity and mortality. The study was ended prematurely based on results of the intermediate analysis. RESULTS Preterm birth occurred in 42.5% of women in the progesterone group versus 35.5% in the placebo group (relative risk [RR] 1.2; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.93-1.5). Delivery at <32 and <34 weeks did not differ between the two groups (12.9 versus 9.7%; [RR 1.3; 95% CI 0.7-2.5] and 19.7 versus 12.9% [RR 1.5; 95% CI 0.9-2.4], respectively). The duration of tocolysis, hospitalisation, and recurrence of preterm labour were comparable between groups. Neonatal morbidity occurred in 44 (22.8%) cases on progesterone versus 35 (18.8%) cases on placebo (RR: 1.2; 95% CI 0.82-1.8), whereas there were 4 (2%) neonatal deaths in each study group. CONCLUSION There is no evidence that the daily administration of 200 mg vaginal progesterone decreases preterm birth or improves neonatal outcome in women with preterm labour.


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Endometriosis is a gynaecological condition with an associated chronic inflammatory response. The ectopic growth of 'lesions', consisting of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity, stimulates an inflammatory response initiating the activation of macrophages, and resulting in increased cytokine and growth factor concentrations in the peritoneal fluid (PF). Endometriosis‑associated inflammation is chronic and long lasting. In patients with endometriosis, the risk of developing ovarian cancer within 10 years, particularly of the endometrioid or clear cell subtype, is increased 2.5‑4 times. Endometriosis creates a peritoneal environment that exposes the affected endometriotic and the normal ovarian surface epithelial cells to agents that have been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of cancer. Concentrations of several cytokines and growth factors were increased in the PF of patients with endometriosis. The ovarian cancer marker, CA125, was one such growth factor; however, this remains to be confirmed. Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) was detected at high concentrations in patients with ovarian cancer and was identified as the best biomarker for the detection of ovarian cancer. The present study determined the levels of HE4 and CA125 in the peritoneal fluid of 258 patients with and 100 control individuals without endometriosis attending the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Berne (Berne, Switzerland) between 2007 and 2014. The cases were subdivided into groups without hormonal treatment (n=107), or treated with combined oral contraceptives (n=45), continuous gestagens (n=56) or GnRH agonists (n=50). Both of these markers were significantly increased in the non‑treated endometriosis samples compared with the control group. Hormone treatment with either of the three agents mentioned resulted in the concentration of CA125 returning to the control levels and the concentration of HE4 decreasing to below the control levels. CA125, however not HE4, significantly differed between the proliferative and secretory cycle phases. Since HE4 is sensitive to hormonal treatment and robust towards menstrual cycle variation, HE4 is potentially superior to CA125 as an endometriosis marker and therefore has greater potential as a marker for the identification of women at risk of developing ovarian cancer.


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Acknowledgements This paper belongs to the studies carried out by Kuopio Birth Cohort consortium (www.KuBiCo.fi). We thank Ms Pirjo Hänninen for expert laboratory assistance at University of Eastern Finland, Ms Margaret Fraser, Dr Panagiotis Filis and the Proteomics Core Facility at the University of Aberdeen for their expert assistance. We also thank the staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Kuopio University Hospital for skilful collection of these specimens. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland [122859/2007], the Helena Vuorenmies Foundation, the Emil Aaltonen Foundation, the University of Eastern Finland Doctoral Programme in Drug Research and the Medical Research Council, UK [MR/L010011/1]. The funders played no roles in study design, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation and/or publication decisions.


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This study explores the curriculum at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges, specifically The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, the Kingston Women’s Medical College, and Queen’s Medical College, from 1881 to 1910, using the textbooks prescribed by these institutions as primary sources. The central question encompasses what factors primarily motivated the curriculum at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges to change. Within the historiographical scholarship on Queen’s College, this question has not yet been addressed and, to my knowledge, this is the first medical education history to specifically address textbooks as part of a medical school curriculum. During this period, these institutions experienced reorganizational shifts, such as the reunification of Queen’s Medical College with The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, as well as the introduction and subsequent exclusion of female students. Within this context, this study examines how the forces of scientific innovation and co-education impacted the curriculum during the period under study, as measured by textbook change, specifically in the courses of obstetrics and gynaecology, the theory and practice of medicine, and surgery. To what degree was curriculum in these courses responsive to scientific inventions and discoveries, changing therapeutic practices, and possible gender biases? From 1881 to 1910, innovations such as x-ray and anaesthesia became commonplace within medical practice. Some technologies gained acceptance in the curriculum, while others fell out of favour. This study tracks these scientific discoveries through the textbooks used at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges in order to demonstrate how the evolving nature of medicine was represented in the curriculum. To address how gender influenced the curriculum, textbooks from the Kingston Women’s Medical College and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, were compared. For two out of the three examined courses, it was found that sections of textbooks discussing various topics at the Kingston Women’s Medical College contained significantly more detail than their corresponding sections within The Royal College’s textbooks. It was speculated that the instructors preferred to teach their female students through textbooks, rather than lectures.