975 resultados para Oat bioassay


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Bioorganic and biological chemistry have been found to be highly motivating to undergraduate students and in this context, biochemical blood parameter analysis emerges as highly attractive content. In this proposal, several aspects related to analyses of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides using the enzymatic colorimetric method were involved, and the findings have at least two relevant implications: i) introducing students to connections between organic chemistry and biology based on enzymatic processes, including reactivity and mechanistic aspects; ii) performing a micro scale bioassay analysis. The proposal requires two theoretical classes (2 h per class) and one practical class (4 h).


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Severe epidemics of leaf blotch and black leaf spot of oat (Avena sativa) caused by Drechslera avenae and Drechslera sp., respectively, are frequently observed in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Although some morphological differences between the isolates causing two different symptoms were noticed, the genetic relationship between them was not clear. Twenty-four isolates of D. avenae and Drechslera sp, collected between 1996-98, were assessed for the genetic variability by molecular and pathogenic analyses. The amplification products using primer pair ITS4/ITS5 showed a fragment length of approximately 600 bp for all the isolates except for one black spot isolate, where the fragment length was approximately 550 bp. Restriction enzymes Hinf I and Taq I, that cut in the ITS region, produced similar restriction patterns for all the isolates, whereas four others produced variable restriction patterns. RAPD analysis also showed distinctive patterns for some isolates. No clear difference between the black spot and the leaf blotch isolates was observed either by the molecular or by the pathogenicity analysis. Nonetheless, the rDNA analysis suggests that Drechslera probably comprises at least three distinct taxa. The results indicate that the difference observed between the isolates originating from two types of symptoms is due to intra-specific variants of D. avenae.


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A crude Sohxlet extract from leaves of Syzygium jambos was sequentially fractionated using a silica gel flash column. A bioassay based on the numbers of urediniospores of Puccinia psidii that germinated in 2% water agar detected an active stimulant of germination when the fraction eluted with 100% n-hexane was used. The active fraction induced up to 88% increase in germination when added to a spore suspension in mineral oil. The active fraction was characterized as a hydrocarbon by ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, and infrared analysis. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis indicated that the fraction was a long-chain 436 MW hydrocarbon with corresponding to C31H64, namely hentriacontane. This is the first time such a compound proved to be involved with stimulation of fungal spore germination. These results may contribute to better understanding the infection process of rusts.


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The bioassay-guided fractionation of the ethanol extract from Nectandra grandiflora leaves led to the isolation of two flavonol glycosides which inhibited the bleaching of beta -carotene on the TLC assay. Both compounds had their molecular structures elucidated by means of extensive use of uni- and bidimensional NMR techniques and were identified as 3-O-beta -rhamnosylkaempferol and 3-O-beta -rhamnosylquercetine.


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Fungi of the genus Fusarium cause a variety of difficult to control diseases in different crops, including winter cereals and maize. Among the species of this genus Fusarium graminearum deserves attention. The aim of this work was to develop a semi-selective medium to study this fungus. In several experiments, substrates for fungal growth were tested, including fungicides and antibiotics such as iprodiona, nystatin and triadimenol, and the antibacterial agents streptomycin and neomycin sulfate. Five seed samples of wheat, barley, oat, black beans and soybeans for F. graminearum detection by using the media Nash and Snyder agar (NSA), Segalin & Reis agar (SRA) and one-quarter dextrose agar (1/4PDA; potato 50g; dextrose 5g and agar 20g), either unsupplemented or supplemented with various concentrations of the antimicrobial agents cited above. The selected components and concentrations (g.L-1) of the proposed medium, Segalin & Reis agar (SRA-FG), were: iprodiona 0.05; nystatin 0,025; triadimenol 0.015; neomycin sulfate 0.05; and streptomycin sulfate, 0.3 added of ¼ potato sucrose agar. In the isolation from seeds of cited plant species, the sensitivity of this medium was similar to that of NSA but with de advantage of maintaining the colony morphological aspects similar to those observed in potato-dextrose-agar medium.


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Fungi require special substrates for their isolation, vegetative growth and sporulation. In experiments conducted in the laboratory, the influence of substrates, light, filter paper and pH on the sporulation of Cercospora sojina conidia, the causal agent of soybean frogeye leaf spot, was assessed. The media potato sucrose agar, V-8 agar, tomato extract agar, soybean leaf extract agar, soybean seed extract agar, soybean meal agar, soybean flour agar and wheat flour agar were tested, added on the surface, with and without filter paper and under two light regimes, with 12 h light at 25°± 2°C and in the dark. A triple factorial 8x2x2 (substrates x light/dark x with/without filter paper) design with four replicates was used. V-8 agar medium was employed and the pH was adjusted with HCl 0.1N or NaOH 0.1N before autoclaving to the values: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, and the pH of V-8 agar medium is 6.7. The evaluation was done on the seventh day of incubation. Data underwent regression analysis. Sporulation was maximized on the agar media V-8, seed extract, oat flour, tomato extract, and potato sucrose in the presence of filter paper and 12h light. On V-8 medium, maximal sporulation was obtained with pH 6.7.


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Imazapyr has been used in Brazilian eucalypt cultivation for the maintenance of clearings and coppicing control in areas undergoing stand reform. However, inquiries have been made as to the final fate of the molecule. Imazapyr root exudation in eucalypt plants was evaluated through a bioassay under greenhouse conditions, by applying different herbicide doses (0.000, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, and 1.500 kg ha-1 a.i.) on Eucalyptus grandis seedlings derived from vegetative propagation, hydroponically cultivated in 2.500 ml vases. Forty-day-old seedlings of the same clone were used as bioindicators, transplanted to the vases two days after herbicide application. After a period of 13 days of coexistence, the sprayed plants were removed and discarded; ten days later, the visual symptoms of toxicity were evaluated and the total dry biomass (aerial part and roots) of the bioindicators were determined. The lowest herbicide dose (0.375 kg ha-1 a.i.) affected the total biomass and growth, being most evident in the aerial part, with larger I50 for root dry biomass. The E. grandis seedlings exuded imazapyr, and/or its metabolites, in concentrations capable of affecting the growth of plants of the same species.


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This work objectified to evaluate the efficiency of two meter mechanism of corn seeds when submitted to different forward speed and soil management system during the non-tillage seeding. It was used a factorial design in randomized blocks. The factors whose effects were examined were related to the seeders with pneumatic and horizontal disk meter mechanisms for the distribution of the seeds, to the set tractor-seeder forward speeds (4.4; 8.0 and 9.8 km h-1), and to the soil management system considering the corn no-tillage seeding over minimum tillage with chisel plow and the no-tillage system for the seeding of oat culture (Avena strigosa Schreb). It was verified that the forward speed didn't influence the initial and final stands of plants but it interfered in the regularity of longitudinal distribution of plants. The smallest speed provided the largest percentile of normal spacing between plants. The pneumatic meter mechanism presented better performance than the horizontal disk perforated in the longitudinal distribution of plants. About corn productivity aspect it's indifferent the recommendation of use for pneumatic and perforated horizontal disk meter mechanism of seeds.


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The Andean area of South America is a very important center for the domestication of food crops. This area is the botanical origin of potato, peanut and tomato. Less well- known crops, such as quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule) and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus), were also domesticated by ancient Andean farmers. These crops have a long history of safe use with the local populations and they have contributed to the nutrition and wellbeing of the people for centuries. Several studies have reported the nutritional value of Andean grains. They contain proteins with a balanced essential amino acid composition that are of high biological value, good quality oil and essential minerals, for example iron, calcium and zinc. They are potential sources of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols and dietary fiber. The main objective of the practical work was to assess the nutritional value of Andean native grains with a special emphasis on the bioactive components and the impact of processing. The compounds studied were phenolic acids, flavonoids, betalains and dietary fiber. The radical scavenging activity was measured as well. Iron, calcium and zinc content and their bioavailability were analyzed as well. The grains were processed by extrusion with the aim to study the effect of processing on the chemical composition. Quinoa, kañiwa and kiwicha are very good sources of dietary fiber, especially of insoluble dietary fiber. The phenolic acid content in Andean crops was low compared with common cereals like wheat and rye, but was similar to levels found in oat, barley, corn and rice. The flavonoid content of quinoa and kañiwa was exceptionally high. Kiwicha did not contain quantifiable amounts of these compounds. Only one variety of kiwicha contained low amounts of betalains. These compounds were not detected in kañiwa or quinoa. Quinoa, kañiwa and kiwicha are good sources of minerals. Their calcium, zinc and iron content are higher than the content of these minerals in common cereals. In general, roasting did not affect significantly mineral bioavailability. On the contrary, in cooked grains, there was an increase in bioavailability of zinc and, in the case of kañiwa, also in iron and calcium bioavailability. In all cases, the contents of total and insoluble dietary fiber decreased during the extrusion process. At the same time, the content of soluble dietary fiber increased. The content of total phenolics, phytic acid and the antioxidant activity decreased in kiwicha varieties during the extrusion process. In the case of quinoa, the content of total phenolic compounds and the radical scavenging activity increased during the extrusion process in all varieties. Taken together, the studies presented here demonstrate that the Andean indigenous crops have excellent potential as sources of minerals, flavonoids and dietary fiber. Further studies should be conducted to characterize the phenolic compound and antioxidant composition in processed grains and end products. Quinoa, kañiwa and kiwicha grains are consumed widely in Andean countries but they also have a significant, worldwide potential as a new cultivated crop species and as an imported commodity from South America. Their inclusion in the diet has the potential to improve the intake of minerals and health-promoting bioactive compounds. They may also be interesting raw materials for special dietary foods and functional foods offering natural sources of specific health-promoting components.


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This study aimed to propose methods to identify croplands cultivated with winter cereals in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Thus, temporal profiles of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from MODIS sensor, from April to December of the 2000 to 2008, were analyzed. Firstly, crop masks were elaborated by subtracting the minimum NDVI image (April to May) from the maximum NDVI image (June to October). Then, an unsupervised classification of NDVI images was carried out (Isodata), considering the crop mask areas. According to the results, crop masks allowed the identification of pixels with greatest green biomass variation. This variation might be associated or not with winter cereals areas established to grain production. The unsupervised classification generated classes in which NDVI temporal profiles were associated with water bodies, pastures, winter cereals for grain production and for soil cover. Temporal NDVI profiles of the class winter cereals for grain production were in agree with crop patterns in the region (developmental stage, management standard and sowing dates). Therefore, unsupervised classification based on crop masks allows distinguishing and monitoring winter cereal crops, which were similar in terms of morphology and phenology.


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Eight reproductive boars were divided into three groups and inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii [GI (n=3) 1.5x10(4) oocysts strain P; GII (n=3) 1.0x10(6) tachyzoites strain RH; and GIII (n=2) non-inoculated control]. Clinical, hematological, parasitemia and serological tests and studies of the parasite in the semen through bioassay and PCR, and in reproductive organs (Bioassay and immunohistochemical analyses) were conducted to evaluate the toxoplasmic infection. Blood and semen were collected on day -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and weekly up to 84 days post-inoculation (DPI). No clinical or hematimetric alteration was observed in the boars. Parasitemia was detected in one boar inoculated with oocysts at the 7th DPI and in another boar infected with tachyzoites (GII) at the 3rd and 49th DPI. Serological tests revealed antibodies against T. gondii in animals inoculated with oocysts or tachyzoites at the 7th DPI with dilutions of 1:256 and 1:64, which reached peaks of 1:4096 at day 11 and 9, respectively. The bioassays revealed the presence of the parasite in semen samples of a boar inoculated with oocysts (GI) at 3, 49 and 56 DPI and from two boars infected with tachyzoites (GII), one animal at 5 and two animals at 49 days DPI. Mice inoculated with semen from the control group (GIII) remained serologically negative. PCR analysis showed T. gondii DNA in the semen of Boar 1 and Boar 3 inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. The immuno-histochemical tests showed T. gondii in the reproductive organs of Boar 1 and Boar 2, inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. These findings suggest the possible occurrence of venereal transmission of T. gondii in swine.


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Eighteen young steers were inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii and randomly distributed into three groups of six animals each: GI, 2.5x10(5) "P" strain oocysts, GII, 5.0x10(6) "RH" strain tachyzoites, and GIII (Control). Clinical, serological and parasitemia exams were realized. Parasite investigation by bioassay and PCR was realized on semen and fragments of skeletal musculature, lymph nodes, brain, retina, spleen, liver, lung, testicle, epididymis and seminal vesicle. Blood and semen samples were collected on days -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 and weekly thereafter, up to postinfection day (PID) 84. The inoculated steers (GI and GII) presented hyperthermia from PID 3 to 16. Antibodies against T. gondii were detected through the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) on PID 5 (1:16) in both inoculated groups (oocysts and tachyzoites), reaching peaks of 1:4096 on PID 7. Parasitemia outbursts occurred in all infected bovines, principally from PID 7 to 28, independent of the strain and inoculate used. Bioassays revealed the presence of parasites in semen samples of animals infected with oocysts (GI) and tachyzoites (GII) on several experimental days between PID 7 and 84. Tissue parasitism by T. gondii was diagnosed by bioassay and the PCR technique in several organ and tissue fragments. These findings suggest the possibility of sexual transmission of T. gondii in the bovine species.


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The paper addresses the epidemiologic data of the death of pigs during the period of 2002 to 2009 following the ingestion of botulinum neurotoxin type C. This neurotoxin was present in food residues originating from restaurant and hotel kitchens, stored in barrels without shelter from the sun and administered in a collective trough without prior thermal treatment. Animals which died at different ages showed clinical signs of botulism characterized by flaccid paralysis, weight loss, anorexia, weakness, lack of coordination, locomotion difficulties with the evolution of lateral recumbency with involuntary urination and defecation. No alterations were observed at postmortem and histological examination. The bioassay with serum neutralization in mice was carried out on samples of intestinal contents from pigs affected and revealed the presence of large quantities of botulinum toxin type C.


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A Petri dish assay was carried out for screening different concentrations of aqueous extracts of fresh and dry leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora on germination and seedling growth of wild oat weed (Avena fatua). Seed germination, root and shoot length of wild oat exhibited different degrees of inhibition according to the concentration of the aqueous extract. Maximum inhibitions of germination percentage, root and shoot length were recorded when using 25% fresh leaf extract. Based on this preliminary work (Petri dish assay), studies were conducted under greenhouse conditions at the National Research Center, Egypt, in the two winter seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 to evaluate the effects of foliar and soil treatments of aqueous extracts of Eucalyptus citriodora fresh and dry leaves on wild oat weed as well as on the growth and flowering of amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum), compared with the recommended dose of the herbicide tralkoxydim. Amaryllis fresh and dry weights as well as flowering increased significantly when treated with the previous extracts, especially the fresh leaf extract. However, the fresh and dry weights of wild oat were significantly reduced by the aqueous extracts, either fresh or dry, indicating phytotoxic effects. Tralkoxydim caused complete inhibition of wild oat as compared with the control. The studies involved estimation of the endogenous contents of total phenols in weed. With all the treatments, the inhibitory effects on weeds were correlated with accumulation of the internal contents of total phenols, compared to their respective controls. The amount of phenols correlated well with the weed's growth performance. This study establishes the effect of the aqueous extracts on the weed wild oat, associated with amaryllis, which may serve as a tool in establishing their herbicidal potential.


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The present study combines the examination of toxins produced by C. cassiicola and the effects of the fungus colonization on L. camara. C. cassiicola was cultivated on solid media and the crude extracts CAE and CE were produced. Both extracts were submitted to a seed germination and growth assay utilizing Physalis ixocarpa, Trifolium alexandrinum, Lolium multiflorum and Amaranthus hypochodriacus. The effect of the extracts on the ATP-synthesis in isolated spinach chloroplasts was also tested. Bioassay guided chromatographic fractionation identified the most active extract (CAE). From this extract ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one (C1) and fatty acids were isolated. The C1 compound reduce ATP synthesis in isolated spinach chloroplasts. The interference of fatty acids with ATP synthesis and also with weed growth provides one explanation of the phytogrowth-inhibitory properties of such fungal extracts. Histological observations involving fungus-plant interaction were made on L. camara plants inoculated with C. cassiicola conidia suspension. After inoculations, fragments of the leaf blades were prepared for observation by light and scanning electron microscopy. Fungal colonization of Lantana camara was typical of a necrotroph and penetration initiated a hypersensitive response. L. camara reacted to the pathogen penetration through thickening of the epidermis walls, cytoplasm granulation and a cicatrisation tissue.