602 resultados para Nuptial Coloration


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Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de verificar a influência da temperatura de refrigeração e idade do cacho sobre a conservação e qualidade pós-colheita da banana 'Prata Anã', produzida no Norte de Minas Gerais, visando a exportação. Utilizaram-se frutos de bananeira 'Prata Anã' provenientes do município de Nova Porteirinha, MG. A colheita foi realizada na 16ª, 18ª e 20ª semanas após a emissão floral. Dos cachos colhidos, utilizou-se às segundas pencas, separadas em buquês com 5 frutos, lavados e pesados (18 kg). em seguida, os frutos foram revestidos com embalagens de polietileno de baixa densidade, com 50m de espessura, sob vácuo parcial, acondicionados em caixas de papelão e distribuídos em paletes. Depois de embalados e paletizados, os frutos foram transportados para a EPAMIG/CTNM, onde foram armazenados em câmaras de refrigeração (10 e 12ºC) e umidade relativa de 95%, por um período de 35 dias, sendo analisados antes e após a refrigeração. O armazenamento de bananas 'Prata Anã', provenientes de cachos com 16, 18 e 20 semanas, por 35 dias a temperaturas de 10 e 12ºC, não promoveu chilling nos frutos. A temperatura de 10ºC foi mais eficaz em prevenir a evolução da coloração da casca de bananas provenientes de cachos com 18 semanas, que à temperatura de 12ºC, enquanto as temperaturas de 10 e 12ºC foram igualmente eficientes na contenção da mudança de cor de bananas provenientes de cachos com 16 semanas. Frutos provenientes de cachos com 20 semanas amadureceram desuniformemente, ao longo do armazenamento refrigerado.


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Syagrus schizophylla (Mart.) Glass. belongs to the Arecaccae family. This palm is native of Brazil and presents great potential for use in gardens and cultivation in pot. Palms species, with relatively few exceptions, can only be propagated from seeds; even so, there are no reports in the literature about the germination of this palm seeds. The seed maturity is a factor that interferes in the success of the germination process. For some species, studies showed that palm seeds germinated better when the fruits were completely ripe (showing full color) and for other, when they were with green coloration. Several species of the Arecaccae family presents physical dormancy of seeds in varied degrees, demanding treatments for improve germination. The objective of this work was to study the effects of maturation and of the scarification on seed germination of S. schizophylla. The experimental design used was a factorial 3 x 2 (3 maturation stadiums: green, half-ripe - yellow and completely ripe - red; and mechanical scarification: with and without), entirely casualized, with four replications of 15 seeds per plot. The seeds (with 32,43% of humidity) were placed in plastic boxes with sand (60% of humidity, placing water according to weight in each three days), under controlled conditions of alternated temperature of 25-35 degrees C, photoperiod of 12 hours. The percentage of germination and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated until 79 days. It was observed that, so much for germination percentage as for SGI, there was not significant difference for the interaction among the two factors, maturation stadium and scarification, however, there were significant differences among the maturation stadiums and between seeds scarified or not. The seeds from green fruits presented lower germination percentage and slower germination when compared with seeds from yellow or red fruits; the seeds from yellow or red fruits didn't differ statistically to each other. To seeds scarificated, independently of the maturation stadium, presented germination percentage significantly larger and the germination was significantly faster when compared with the seeds without scarification.


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New glass forming systems based on Sb2O3-SbPO4 has been explored. These glasses present higher thermal stability against devitrification and higher refractive index than chalcogenide glasses. Under irradiation, using Ar-laser 350nm wavelength and 50 mW power density, change on the coloration is observed. Structural and electronic modifications around Sb cations induced by such treatment have been characterized by XANES measurements at the L-Sb edges. on the one hand, XANES spectra, at the LJ edge, show a decrease of the coordination number for Sb atoms induced by exposure to light indicating a breaking of Sb-O bonds in the glassy network. on the other hand, XANES spectra, at the Lt edge, suggest a change in the oxidation state of Sb atoms. These modifications associated to the photodarkening of the glass is reversible either after a couple of days or after heating the glass at the glass transition temperature, T-g.


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Co-doped alumina powders were synthesized by means of the polymeric precursor method to obtain ceramic pigments. The effect of different contents of Co2+ on phase transition gamma to alpha-Al2O3 and appearing of CoAl2O4 spinel were studied by means of X-ray diffraction. A partial phase diagram of the system CoAl2O3 was proposed from these data by means of determination of the percentages of these phases according to the calcining temperature. Critical particle size to phase transition was determined by means of calculations of crystallite size and determination of superficial area through the BET method. UV-vis spectroscopy of the samples allow to compare the band shift with the phase transition. Besides, a study of thermal stability and intensity of the blue coloration of the synthesized powders with the presence of cobalt in relation to the calcining temperature was accomplished and compared to the phase transition. The results show that the higher blue color intensity was obtained for the powders with Co-doped gamma-Al2O3 closest of phase transition to alpha-Al2O3 + CoAl2O4. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated sex ratio, reproductive period, fecundity, and sexual dimorphism of Pamphorichthys hollandi in southeastern Brazil. Reproductive status was identified according to a female's gonads/embryos development scale. of the 613 collected specimens, 373 (60 %) were females and 240 (40 %) males giving a sex ratio of I male: 1.6 female. Sexual dimorphism was evident in respect to body size, body coloration, and anal and pelvic-fin morphologies. The highest proportion of reproductive females was registered in January and February, which represent wet and hot periods. The simultaneous presence of more than one litter at different stages of development within a single female characterized this species as superfetaceous.


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There are three, not two, sibling antthrushes of the genus Chamaeza (Formicariidae) in eastern Brazil. One is the short-tailed, large, pale-billed, lower montane C. campanisona, with a spotted throat, dark forehead, and a long song ending in several grunts. The second is the long-tailed, small, dark-billed, montane and southern C. ruficauda, with barred undertail coverts and a short upscale song. The third is medium-tailed, small, dark-billed, midmontane, with a long upscale song like that of midmontane so-called ruficauda in Colombia and Venezuela. This northern group is like the third Brazilian species in proportions but not in coloration, so is considered to be the separate species C. turdia. The third Brazilian bird is probably C. meruloides Vigors 1825, based on an 1826 color plate; type specimens were sold at auction and have disappeared. It has a reddish crown and olive-brown back as in C. campanisona but reddish forehead and tail as in C. ruficauda; the throat is unspotted but the rest of the underparts are as in C. campanisona. C. meruloides and C. turdina form a vocally similar superspecies.


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Colletotrichum spp. cause anthracnose in various fruits post-harvest and are a particularly important problem in tropical and subtropical fruits. The disease in fruits of avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit has been reported to be caused by C. gloeosporioides, and in banana by C. musae. In subtropical and temperate crops such apple, grape, peach and kiwi, the disease is caused by C. acutatum. The variation in pathogenic, morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics of Brazilian isolates of Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds and isolates from post-harvest decays of avocado, banana, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit was evaluated. The fruits were inoculated with mycelium of C. acutatum, Colletotrichum spp. and C. musae on a disc of potato dextrose agar. The morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics studied were conidia morphology, colony growth at different temperatures, colony coloration and PCR with primers CaInt2 and ITS4 for C. acutatum and CgInt and ITS4 for C. gloeosporioides. C. acutatum was pathogenic to avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit, but it was not pathogenic to banana. The morphological, cultural and molecular studies indicated that the avocado, papaya, mango and passion fruit isolates were C. gloeosporioides. The natural guava isolate was identified as C. acutatum, which had not been found previously to produce anthracnose symptoms on guava in Brazil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Vitreous samples containing high concentrations of WO3 (above 40% M) have been used as a target to prepare thin films. Such films were deposited using the electron beam evaporation method onto soda-lime glass substrates. These films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), perfilometry, X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS), M-Lines and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. In this work, experimental parameters were established to obtain stable thin films showing a chemical composition close to the glass precursor composition and with a high concentration of WO3. These amorphous thin films of about 4 mu m in thickness exhibit a deep blue coloration but they can be bleached by thermal treatment near the glass transition temperature. Such bleached films show several guided modes in the visible region and have a high refractive index. Controlled crystallization was realized and thus it was possible to obtain WO3 microcrystals in the amorphous phase. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The main objective of this research was to evaluate chemical and physical changes in 'Aurora-1' peach harvested at two maturity stages, packed in different types of packaging and kept under refrigeration. Fruit were harvested at the mature green and ripe stages, packed in four different types of packaging (control, PD-900 (TM), PVC and PET) and stored at 6 degrees C. The following variables were evaluated every eight days: coloration, accumulated fresh mass loss, firmness, appearance, acidity, total soluble solids contents, soluble sugars, and percentage of pectin solubilization. We observed that the postharvest life was influenced by packaging and the mature green fruits showed lower disease occurrence. Fresh mass loss was lower in packed fruits. The peel of mature green fruits developed a characteristic ripe peach color at the end of storage, but PD-900 (TM) provided a delay in color change. Packaging also influenced the firmness, allowing for more firmness retention than for the control fruits at both harvest stages. The organic acid content decreased in the packaged fruits and increased in the control fruits. In the packaged fruit, the amount of sugar increased until the eighth day and then decreased until the end of the storage period. The 'Aurora-1' peaches did not show compromised quality by packaging use and exhibited an increase in harvest life to 24 days (compared to 16 days for the control).


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Use of natural products as floral preservatives has helped to reduce the indiscriminate use of chemical products in flower preservation. In this study, we tested the ability of certain natural products to maintain the quality and to increase the commercial durability of 'Vega' cut roses. We employed a randomized factorial design with six post-harvest treatments and four evaluation dates. The following treatments were tested: 1) distilled water; 2) methyl jasmonate (350 mu M) applied in a four-hour pulse; 3) methyl jasmonate (500 mu M) spraying; 4) mint oil (100 ppm); 5) ginger oil (100 ppm); and 6) propolis (0.05%) as a maintenance solution. Flowers were kept at 20+/-2 degrees C and 67+/-3% RH. Physiological and qualitative evaluations were conducted. Natural products had a beneficial effect on the shelf life of the flowers. However, for all evaluated parameters, the methyl jasmonate spray was the most efficient treatment to maintain floral quality, resulting in less fresh-mass loss and a lower flower respiratory rate. Methyl jasmonate spray also improved the maintenance of coloration, relative water content and concentration of reducing sugars, thus extending the shelf life of roses.


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Constrictotermes rupestris, new species, is described from central Brazil, with illustrations of the imago, soldier, worker head, worker mandibles, worker mandibular gland, and nest. The new species lives in a dry forest, on rocky terrain, building its nest always on rocks. In the colonies examined, all castes showed a striking reddish coloration due to something accumulated in the fat tissues. Inquilinitermes microcerus was present in most examined nests. The worker of C. rupestris has an enlarged mandibular gland. Workers also show an aggressive behavior, which suggests that the mandibular glands may produce defensive secretions.


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In Brazil, garden and cut rose bushes are propagated through cuttings or grafting. The rootstocks used in most of the traditional areas of cultivation are not identified, being known just by the vulgar name. There is not any information in the literature on the morphologic characteristics, nor about the productivity of different cultivars on the rootstocks available in Brazil. The objective of this work was to characterize and determine productivity of nine rootstocks (Rosa multiflora 'Paulista'; R. multiflora 'Japones'; R. multiflora 'Iowa'; R. multiflora 'Kopmans'; R. indica 'Mayor'; R. indica x multiflora; R. sp. 'Natual Brier'; R. manetti and R. canina 'Inermis') grafted with 'Versilia' and 'Tineke' scions. Morphologic studies were undertaken to characterize branches of adult plants to determine shape and dimensions of the leaf; number of prickles/15 cm of stem; vigor of the stems; incidence of Diplocarpon rosae (blackspot) and coloration of the leaf. The productivity (number of commercial flowers/plant/month) was evaluated for 6 months (October, 2000 to March, 2001), in the city of Andradas, Minas Gerais State, located at 1251 meters above sea level. Since there was significant difference in just two months for both rootstocks, 'Tineke' and 'Versilia', no rootstocks could be considered inadequate. Nonetheless, in general, the rootstocks that showed a better performance with 'Tineke' were, R. multiflora 'Kopmans' and R. manetti and with 'Versilia', R. multiflora 'Kopmans' and Rosa sp. 'Natual Brier'.


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Fruit of 28 tomato cultivars for industrial processing were characterized to identify cultivars with potential for in natura consumption. The experiment was carried out in Jaboticabal-SP, Brazil (21o15'22'' South, 48o18'58'' West, altitude 595 m), on a Haplorthox soil during June-December. The cultivars used in this study were: H 7155, Hypeel 108, Andino, U 573, H 9036, Ipa 6, H 9494, AG 33, Yuba, RPT 1294, AG 72, Peelmech, Curicó, Hypeel 45, RPT 1478, H 9492, H 9498, H 2710, Hitech 45, Halley, Botu 13, H 9553, U 646, NK 1570, AG 45, RPT 1095, RPT 1570 and PSX 37511. The experimental design was randomized blocks, replicated four times. Ten fruits per plot were analyzed, evaluating the following characteristics: shape (oblong or round); length and diameter (mm); external and internal coloration; presence of fissures; number of loci; pulp thickness (mm); soluble solids content (Brix) and total acidity. Only cultivars Hypeel 108, AG 72, NK 1570, RPT 1570 had oblong fruit. Cultivars which had pulp thicker than 5.5 mm, a characteristic which is directly related to fruit yield for industrial purposes were: Ipa 6, Andino, U 646, H 9553, RPT 1294 and Hypeel 108. Cultivars Ipa 6 and Andino also presented elevated values for length, diameter and pulp thickness, indicating them as quality material for industry or, alternatively, for in natura market. Among the cultivars which presented better values for acidity (higher or equal to 0.3 g citric acid 100 g-1) were RPT 1095, AG 45, H 9553 and Hypeel 45.