931 resultados para Non line of sight (NLOS)


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The main purpose of this work was the development of procedures for the simulation of atmospheric ows over complex terrain, using OpenFOAM. For this aim, tools and procedures were developed apart from this code for the preprocessing and data extraction, which were thereafter applied in the simulation of a real case. For the generation of the computational domain, a systematic method able to translate the terrain elevation model to a native OpenFOAM format (blockMeshDict) was developed. The outcome was a structured mesh, in which the user has the ability to de ne the number of control volumes and its dimensions. With this procedure, the di culties of case set up and the high computation computational e ort reported in literature associated to the use of snappyHexMesh, the OpenFOAM resource explored until then for the accomplishment of this task, were considered to be overwhelmed. Developed procedures for the generation of boundary conditions allowed for the automatic creation of idealized inlet vertical pro les, de nition of wall functions boundary conditions and the calculation of internal eld rst guesses for the iterative solution process, having as input experimental data supplied by the user. The applicability of the generated boundary conditions was limited to the simulation of turbulent, steady-state, incompressible and neutrally strati ed atmospheric ows, always recurring to RaNS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) models. For the modelling of terrain roughness, the developed procedure allowed to the user the de nition of idealized conditions, like an uniform aerodynamic roughness length or making its value variable as a function of topography characteristic values, or the using of real site data, and it was complemented by the development of techniques for the visual inspection of generated roughness maps. The absence and the non inclusion of a forest canopy model limited the applicability of this procedure to low aerodynamic roughness lengths. The developed tools and procedures were then applied in the simulation of a neutrally strati ed atmospheric ow over the Askervein hill. In the performed simulations was evaluated the solution sensibility to di erent convection schemes, mesh dimensions, ground roughness and formulations of the k - ε and k - ω models. When compared to experimental data, calculated values showed a good agreement of speed-up in hill top and lee side, with a relative error of less than 10% at a height of 10 m above ground level. Turbulent kinetic energy was considered to be well simulated in the hill windward and hill top, and grossly predicted in the lee side, where a zone of ow separation was also identi ed. Despite the need of more work to evaluate the importance of the downstream recirculation zone in the quality of gathered results, the agreement between the calculated and experimental values and the OpenFOAM sensibility to the tested parameters were considered to be generally in line with the simulations presented in the reviewed bibliographic sources.


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Nonlinear Dynamics, chaos, Control, and Their Applications to Engineering Sciences: Vol. 6 - Applications of nonlinear phenomena


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Companies from the motorcycles components branch are dealing with a dynamic environment, resulting from the introduction of new products and the increase of market demand. This dynamic environment requires frequent changes in production lines and requires flexibility in the processes, which can cause reductions in the level of quality and productivity. This paper presents a Lean Six Sigma improvement project performed in a production line of the company's machining sector, in order to eliminate losses that cause low productivity, affecting the fulfillment of the production plan and customer satisfaction. The use of Lean methodology following the DMAIC stages allowed analyzing the factors that influence the line productivity loss. The major problems and causes that contribute to a reduction on productivity and that were identified in this study are the lack of standardization in the setup activities and the excessive stoppages for adjustment of the processes that caused an increase of defects. Control charts, Pareto analysis and cause-and-effect diagrams were used to analyze the problem. On the improvement stage, the changes were based on the reconfiguration of the line layout as well as the modernization of the process. Overall, the project justified an investment in new equipment, the defective product units were reduced by 84% and an increase of 29% of line capacity was noticed.


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Past research has demonstrated that divorced adults show more health problems and psychological distress than married adults. Considering the high prevalence rates of divorce among Western countries, new and robust measures should be developed to measure psychological distress after this specific transition in adulthood. The aim of this study was to adapt and validate a Portuguese version of the Psychological Adjustment to Separation Test-Part A (PAST-A; Sweeper and Halford in J Family Psychol 20(4):632–640, 2006). PAST-A is a self-report measure that assesses two key dimensions of separation adjustment problems: lonely-negativity and former partner attachment. Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of PAST-A were assessed in terms of factor structure, internal consistency, and convergent and divergent validity, in an online convenience sample with divorced adults (N = 460). The PAST-A two-factor structure was confirmed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, with each factor demonstrating very satisfactory internal consistency and good convergence. In terms of discriminant validity, the Portuguese PAST-A reveals a distinct factor from psychological growth after divorce. The results provided support for the use of the Portuguese PAST-A with divorced adults and also suggested that the explicative factors of the psychological adjustment to divorce may be cross-cultural stable. The non-existence of validated divorce-related well-being measures and its implications for divorce research are also discussed.


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BACKGROUND: The synthesis of published research in systematic reviews is essential when providing evidence to inform clinical and health policy decision-making. However, the validity of systematic reviews is threatened if journal publications represent a biased selection of all studies that have been conducted (dissemination bias). To investigate the extent of dissemination bias we conducted a systematic review that determined the proportion of studies published as peer-reviewed journal articles and investigated factors associated with full publication in cohorts of studies (i) approved by research ethics committees (RECs) or (ii) included in trial registries. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Four bibliographic databases were searched for methodological research projects (MRPs) without limitations for publication year, language or study location. The searches were supplemented by handsearching the references of included MRPs. We estimated the proportion of studies published using prediction intervals (PI) and a random effects meta-analysis. Pooled odds ratios (OR) were used to express associations between study characteristics and journal publication. Seventeen MRPs (23 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies approved by RECs; the proportion of published studies had a PI between 22% and 72% and the weighted pooled proportion when combining estimates would be 46.2% (95% CI 40.2%-52.4%, I2 = 94.4%). Twenty-two MRPs (22 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies included in trial registries; the PI of the proportion published ranged from 13% to 90% and the weighted pooled proportion would be 54.2% (95% CI 42.0%-65.9%, I2 = 98.9%). REC-approved studies with statistically significant results (compared with those without statistically significant results) were more likely to be published (pooled OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.2-3.5). Phase-III trials were also more likely to be published than phase II trials (pooled OR 2.0; 95% CI 1.6-2.5). The probability of publication within two years after study completion ranged from 7% to 30%. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial part of the studies approved by RECs or included in trial registries remains unpublished. Due to the large heterogeneity a prediction of the publication probability for a future study is very uncertain. Non-publication of research is not a random process, e.g., it is associated with the direction of study findings. Our findings suggest that the dissemination of research findings is biased.


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PURPOSE: Patients diagnosed with a specific neoplasm tend to have a subsequent excess risk of the same neoplasm. The age incidence of a second neoplasm at the same site is approximately constant with age, and consequently the relative risk is greater at younger age. It is unclear whether such a line of reasoning can be extended from a specific neoplasm to the incidence of all neoplasms in subjects diagnosed with a defined neoplasm. METHODS: We considered the age-specific incidence of all non-hormone-related epithelial neoplasms after a first primary colorectal cancer (n = 9542) in the Vaud Cancer Registry data set. RESULTS: In subjects with a previous colorectal cancer, the incidence rate of all other epithelial non-hormone-related cancers was stable around 800 per 100,000 between age 30 and 60 years, and rose only about twofold to reach 1685 at age 70 to 79 years and 1826 per 100,000 at age 80 years or older. After excluding synchronous cancers, the rise was only about 1.5-fold, that is, from about 700 to 1000. In the general population, the incidence rate of all epithelial non-hormone-related cancers was 29 per 100,000 at age 30 to 39 years, and rose 30-fold to 883 per 100,000 at age 70 to 79 years. Excluding colorectal cancers, the rise of all non-hormone-related cancers was from 360 per 100,000 at age 40 to 49 years to 940 at age 70 to 79 years after colorectal cancer, and from 90 to 636 per 100,000 in the general population (i.e., 2.6- vs. 7.1-fold). CONCLUSIONS: The rise of incidence with age of all epithelial non-hormone-related second cancers after colorectal cancer is much smaller than in the general population. This can possibly be related to the occurrence of a single mutational event in a population of susceptible individuals, although alternative models are plausible within the complexity of the process of carcinogenesis.


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An important activity of mucosal surfaces is the production of antibodies (Abs) referred to as secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) that serve as a first line of defense to repel pathogenic microorganisms and provide a finely tuned balance to guarantee controlled survival of essential commensal bacteria. By excluding bacteria from the epithelial cell, SIgA participates in the cross-talk between the host and its intestinal content, ensuring appropriate homeostasis under normal conditions. Besides the classical view of immune exclusion function, SIgA Abs exhibit the striking feature to adhere to gastrointestinal M cells residing in the follicle-associated epithelium in organized structures called Peyer's patches. Selective binding of SIgA results in transport across the microfold (M) cells, a process that facilitates the association of the Ab with dendritic cells (DCs) located in the underlying subepithelial dome region of Peyer's patches. Limited entry of free SIgA and SIgA-coated bacteria via this pathway is crucial to the modulation of local immune responses in an environment that limits the onset of pro-inflammatory circuits. Such a mechanism would ensure homeostasis by allowing antigen recognition under neutralized conditions and by avoiding tissue dissemination, two features that endow SIgA with non-inflammatory properties in the mucosal environment.


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This study attempts to investigate the relationship between the hemocytes in the two compartments: circulating peripheral lymph and the connective tissues. The hemocytes are compared with the vertebrate macrophages and constitute the principal line of defense against external aggression. The hemocytes were counted in circulating hemolymph and their phagocytic capability was evaluated in Schistosoma mansoni-infected Biomphalaria glabrata and the results were compared with those obtained from normal intact control snails. Although the number of circulating hemocytes revealed a mild increase in snails at the 6th week of infection, the overall findings were similar and pointed out that the cells in the two compartments are not functionally connected. However, the hemocytes found within the connective tissues of infected snails showed definite ultrastructural differences in the number and disposition of cytoplasmic prolongations and organelles in comparison with the hemocytes from non-infected snails. Histochemically, the staining for acid phosphatase activity served as a marker to hemocytes, sometimes being found in extracellular material at the foci of parasite-hemocyte interactions.


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Introduction The importance of the micromovements in the mechanism of aseptic loosening is clinically difficult to evaluate. To complete the analysis of a series of total knee arthroplasties (TKA), we used a tridimensional numerical model to study the micromovements of the tibial implant.Material and Methods Fifty one patients (with 57 cemented Porous Coated Anatomic TKAs) were reviewed (mean follow-up 4.5 year). Radiolucency at the tibial bone-cement interface was sought on the AP radiographs and divided in 7 areas. The distribution of the radiolucency was then correlated with the axis of the lower limb as measured on the orthoradiograms.The tridimensional numerical model is based on the finite element method. It allowed the measurement of the cemented prosthetic tibial implant's displacements and the microvements generated at bone-ciment interface. A total load (2000 Newton) was applied at first vertically and asymetrically on the tibial plateau, thereby simulating an axial deviation of the lower limbs. The vector's posterior inclination then permitted the addition of a tangential component to the axial load. This type of effort is generated by complex biomechanical phenomena such as knee flexion.Results 81 per cent of the 57 knees had a radiolucent line of at least 1 mm, at one or more of the tibial cement-epiphysis jonctional areas. The distribution of these lucent lines showed that they came out more frequently at the periphery of the implant. The lucent lines appeared most often under the unloaded margin of the tibial plateau, when axial deviation of lower limbs was present.Numerical simulations showed that asymetrical loading on the tibial plateau induced a subsidence of the loaded margin (0-100 microns) and lifting off at the opposite border (0-70 microns). The postero-anterior tangential component induced an anterior displacement of the tibial implant (160-220 microns), and horizontal micromovements with non homogenous distribution at the bone-ciment interface (28-54 microns).Discussion Comparison of clinical and numerical results showed a relation between the development of radiolucent lines and the unloading of the tibial implant's margin. The deleterious effect of lower limbs' axial deviation is thereby proven. The irregular distribution of lucent lines under the tibial plateau was similar of the micromovements' repartition at the bone-cement interface when tangential forces were present. A causative relation between the two phenomenaes could not however be established.Numerical simulation is a truly useful method of study; it permits to calculate micromovements which are relative, non homogenous and of very low amplitude. However, comparative clinical studies remain as essential to ensure the credibility of results.


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Pasture productivity can drop due to soil compaction caused by animal trampling. Physical and mechanical alterations are therefore extremely important indicators for pasture management. The objective of this research was to: draw and evaluate the Mohr failure line of a Red Yellow Latossol under different pasture cycles and natural forest; calculate apparent cohesion; observe possible physical alterations in this soil; and propose a correction factor for stocking rates based on shear strength properties. This study was conducted between March/2006 and March/2007 on the Experimental Farm of Fundação de Ensino Superior de Passos, in Passos, state of Minas Gerais. The total study area covered 6 ha, of which 2 ha were irrigated pasture, 2 ha non-irrigated pasture and 2 ha natural forest. Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG-5 Vitória was used as forage plant. The pasture area was divided into paddocks. The Mohr failure line of samples of a Red Yellow Latossol under irrigated pasture equilibrated at a tension of water content of 6 kPa indicated higher shear strength than under non-irrigated pasture. The shear strength under irrigated pasture and natural forest was higher than under non-irrigated pasture. At a tension of water content of 33 kPa no difference was found in shear strength between management and use. Possible changes in soil structure were caused by apparent cohesion. The values of the correction factor were close to 1, which may indicate a possible soil compaction in prolonged periods of management.


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Introduction Swallowing difficulties, or dysphagia, can occur in anyage group, although it is most common among elderly people. It canaffect patients' ability to take solid oral dosage forms, thus compromisingmedication adherence. Although literature is poor, availabledata show that prevalence in the general population ranges from 25 to60%. Prevalence in community pharmacies needs to be explored.Materials & Methods Community pharmacies were recruited from arandom selection in three Swiss states: Basel-Stadt (BS), Basel-Landschaft (BL) and Lausanne (LA). Patients' ability to swallowsolid oral medications was enquired with a semi-structured interview;the interviewer spent 4 h in each included pharmacy. Each consecutivepatient (18 years and older) entering the pharmacy with aprescription for at least 3 different solid oral forms was enrolled.Study was approved by the Lausanne ethics committee.Results Sixty pharmacies took part in the study (20 in BS, 10 in BL,30 in LA) between March and May 2010. Patient inclusion rate was77.8% (410/527). Prevalence of swallowing disorders was 22.4% (92/410). Patients with swallowing disorders were older (mean age: 67.5± 16 years vs. 63.0 ± 14 years, range 19-96; p = 0.03) and moreoften women (69.6% vs. 59.1%; Chi2 = 3.3, p = 0.04) than patientswithout swallowing disorders. They had on average 4.6 ± 2.7 drugswith a mean number of 5.5 ± 3.3 tablets or capsules to take daily,which didn't differ from the number of drugs taken by patientswithout swallowing difficulties (4.9 ± 2.5 drugs and 5.9 ± 3.5 tablets;n.s.). The difficulty was mainly related to the big size (63%) orthe quality of pill coating (rough, sticky, 14%). Twenty-one patients(37.5%) stated that their swallowing disorders resulted in nonadherence, rated as rarely (12 patients), sometimes (6 patients), veryoften (1 patient) or always (2 patients). According to patients, nopharmacist and only 2 physicians enquired about patients' swallowingissue.Discussion & Conclusion Swallowing difficulties are frequent amongpatients in community pharmacies in Switzerland with an estimatedprevalence of 22%. The problem resulted in non adherence or partialadherence in at least 35% of these patients. However, pharmacists andphysicians did not routinely inquire about the disorder. Guidelinesshould be developed for promoting systematic approaches of patientsin community pharmacies.


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INTRODUCTION: The importance of the micromovements in the mechanism of aseptic loosening is clinically difficult to evaluate. To complete the analysis of a series of total knee arthroplasties (TKA), we used a tridimensional numerical model to study the micromovements of the tibial implant. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty one patients (with 57 cemented Porous Coated Anatomic TKAs) were reviewed (mean follow-up 4.5 year). Radiolucency at the tibial bone-cement interface was sought on the AP radiographs and divided in 7 areas. The distribution of the radiolucency was then correlated with the axis of the lower limb as measured on the orthoradiograms. The tridimensional numerical model is based on the finite element method. It allowed the measurement of the cemented prosthetic tibial implant's displacements and the micromovements generated at bone-ciment interface. A total load (2000 Newton) was applied at first vertically and asymetrically on the tibial plateau, thereby simulating an axial deviation of the lower limbs. The vector's posterior inclination then permitted the addition of a tangential component to the axial load. This type of effort is generated by complex biomechanical phenomena such as knee flexion. RESULTS: 81 per cent of the 57 knees had a radiolucent line of at least 1 mm, at one or more of the tibial cement-epiphysis jonctional areas. The distribution of these lucent lines showed that they came out more frequently at the periphery of the implant. The lucent lines appeared most often under the unloaded margin of the tibial plateau, when axial deviation of lower limbs was present. Numerical simulations showed that asymetrical loading on the tibial plateau induced a subsidence of the loaded margin (0-100 microns) and lifting off at the opposite border (0-70 microns). The postero-anterior tangential component induced an anterior displacement of the tibial implant (160-220 microns), and horizontal micromovements with non homogenous distribution at the bone-ciment interface (28-54 microns). DISCUSSION: Comparison of clinical and numerical results showed a relation between the development of radiolucent lines and the unloading of the tibial implant's margin. The deleterious effect of lower limbs' axial deviation is thereby proven. The irregular distribution of lucent lines under the tibial plateau was similar of the micromovements' repartition at the bone-cement interface when tangential forces were present. A causative relation between the two phenomenaes could not however be established. Numerical simulation is a truly useful method of study; it permits to calculate micromovements which are relative, non homogenous and of very low amplitude. However, comparative clinical studies remain as essential to ensure the credibility of results.


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BACKGROUND: Exposure to particles (PM) induces adverse health effects (cancer, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases). A key-role in these adverse effects seems to be played by oxidative stress, which is an excess of reactive oxygen species relative to the amount of reducing species (including antioxidants), the first line of defense against reactive oxygen species. The aim of this study was to document the oxidative stress caused by exposure to respirable particles in vivo, and to test whether exposed workers presented changes in their urinary levels for reducing species.METHODS: Bus depot workers (n = 32) exposed to particles and pollutants (respirable PM4, organic and elemental carbon, particulate metal content, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, NOx, O3) were surveyed over two consecutive days. We collected urine samples before and after each shift, and quantified an oxidative stress biomarker (8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine), the reducing capacity and a biomarker of PAH exposure (1-hydroxypyrene). We used a linear mixed model to test for associations between the oxidative stress status of the workers and their particle exposure as well as with their urinary level of reducing species.RESULTS: Workers were exposed to low levels of respirable PM4 (range 25-71 μg/m3). However, urinary levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine increased significantly within each shift and between both days for non-smokers. The between-day increase was significantly correlated (p < 0.001) with the concentrations of organic carbon, NOx, and the particulate copper content. The within-shift increase in 8OHdG was highly correlated to an increase of the urinary reducing capacity (Spearman ρ = 0.59, p < 0.0001).CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm that exposure to components associated to respirable particulate matter causes a systemic oxidative stress, as measured with the urinary 8OHdG. The strong association observed between urinary 8OHdG with the reducing capacity is suggestive of protective or other mechanisms, including circadian effects. Additional investigations should be performed to understand these observations.


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En s'inspirant de la littérature récente qui a dépeint l'ambivalence comme étant adaptative et en lien avec des comportements stratégiques, cette thèse examine le versant utile des attitudes ambivalentes. Elle met tout d'abord en évidence que son expression peut-être sciemment contrôlée et mise en avant pour des raisons d'auto-présentation. De plus, elle démontre que les individus peuvent présenter une attitude ambivalente afin de gagner l'approbation sociale sur un objet d'attitude controversé alors que l'inverse a été observé sur des objets consensuels (Première ligne de recherche). Cette thèse a également révélé que l'expression d'attitudes ambivalentes pouvait amener à être valorisé socialement. En effet, contrairement à des attitudes plus tranchées (pro-normatives ou contre-normatives), les attitudes ambivalentes ont été évaluées de façon plus importante sur la dimension de l'utilité sociale (une dimension qui indique la compétence d'autrui ou encore la propension à évoluer dans la hiérarchie sociale). La valorisation de l'ambivalence n'est apparue que sur la dimension de l'utilité sociale et non sur la dimension de la désirabilité sociale (une dimension qui indique la sympathie d'autrui ainsi que la propension à être apprécié socialement). De plus, ce résultat a été observé sur des thèmes controversés et non sur des thèmes consensuels (Seconde ligne de recherche). Dans l'ensemble cette thèse soutient une approche de l'ambivalence comme donnant lieu à des bénéfices. Elle peut également ouvrir la voie à l'étude de l'ambivalence en lien avec la pensée critique. - Drawing on the recent literature that portrayed ambivalence as being adaptive and linked with strategic behaviors, this thesis examines the useful side of ambivalent attitudes. It first revealed that the expression of ambivalent attitudes could be controlled and purposely displayed for self-presentational concerns. Furthermore, it demonstrated that people could put ambivalence forward to gain social approval when expressing it on controversial social issues, whereas the opposite was true on consensual social issues (First line of research). The thesis also revealed that the expression of ambivalent attitudes could lead to be socially valued. Indeed, contrary to clear-cut attitudes (either pro-normative or counter-normative attitudes), ambivalent attitudes have been evaluated the highest on the social utility dimension (a dimension indicating people's competence as well as the extent to which they are likely to climb in social hierarchy). The valorization of ambivalent attitudes only appeared on social utility and not on social desirability (a dimension indicating people's niceness as well as the extent to which they are likely to be socially appreciated). This effect was true on controversial social issues but not on consensual ones (Second line of research). Overall, this thesis provides support for an approach that conceives attitudinal ambivalence as leading to benefits. It also may open avenues for the study of ambivalence in relation with critical thinking.


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Les neutrophiles constituent la première ligne de défense contre un grand nombre de pathogènes. Après infection avec Leishmania major, les neutrophiles migrent rapidement et massivement au site d'infection par le parasite. Les neutrophiles sont d'importants acteurs dans l'orchestration de la réponse anti-Leishmania, via la sécrétion de nombreuses cytokines, chimiokines et composés stockés dans leurs granules. De plus, les neutrophiles interagissent avec les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes, telles que les cellules dendritiques et en conséquences contribuent au développement de la réponse adaptative. A ce jour, l'impact des neutrophiles sur 1'activation des cellules dendritiques et les possibles conséquences de l'interaction neutrophiles avec ces dernières sur l'évolution de la maladie suite à l'infection avec L. major reste peu connu. Ainsi, nous avons dans un premier temps investigué l'influence des neutrophiles sur 1'activation des cellules dendritiques in vitro. Suite à cela, nous avons analysé le rôle des neutrophiles sur 1'activation des cellules dendritiques présentes au site d'infection et dans les ganglions drainants in vivo, après inoculation intra-dermale de L. major dans le pavillon auriculaire de souris de souche C57BL/6 et BALB/c, ainsi que les conséquences de la déplétion des neutrophiles sur l'évolution de la maladie. Nous avons pu démontrer que les neutrophiles ont un impact négatif sur l'activation des cellules dendritiques exposées à L. major in vitro, via des mécanismes impliquant la sécrétion de Prostaglandines par les neutrophiles et la séquestration des parasites. La déplétion des neutrophiles dans les souris BALB/c durant les premiers jours après infection avec L. major dans le derme de l'oreille résulte en une augmentation de l'expression de marqueurs d'activation des cellules dendritiques présentes dans les ganglions drainants, mais pas au site d'infection. De plus, les souris BALB/c transitoirement déplétées en neutrophiles développent des lésions significativement plus petites, une réponse de type Th2 diminuée et une charge parasitaire plus faible au site d'infection que les souris non déplétées. La déplétion des neutrophiles dans les souris C57BL/6 n'a pas d'influence détectable sur l'activation des cellules dendritiques que ce soit au niveau des ganglions drainants ou au site d'infection. La progression de la lésion et la charge parasitaire ne sont pas affectées par la déplétion des neutrophiles, malgré le développement d'une réponse Th2 diminuée par rapport aux souris non déplétées. En résumé, dans les premières heures après infection, les neutrophiles ont un effet négatif sur l'activation des cellules dendritiques et sur la réponse anti-Leishmania dans les souris BALB/c tandis que leur rôle paraît moins important dans les souris C57BL/6. Ces résultats peuvent avoir d'importantes implications en terme de développement de nouveaux vaccins contre Leishmania. - Neutrophils constitute the first line of defense against a variety of pathogens. Following Leihmania major infection neutrophils migrate rapidly and massively to the site of parasite inoculation. They are important players in the orchestration of the anti-leishmania response through the release of a plethora of cytokines, chemokines and granular components. In addition, neutrophils interact with antigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells (DCs) and thereby contribute to the development of the adaptive immune response. However, the impact of neutrophils on the activation of DCs and possible consequences on disease progression following L. major infection are poorly understood. Therefore, we first investigated the influence of neutrophils on DC activation in vitro. Next we analyzed the role of neutrophils on the activation of DCs present at the site of infection and in the draining lymph node (dLN) following inoculation of L. major in the ear pinna of C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice and analyzed the consequences of early neutrophil depletion on disease progression. We could demonstrate that neutrophils had a negative impact on the activation of DCs exposed to L. major in vitro through mechanisms involving neutrophil-derived prostaglandins and sequestration of parasites. In BALB/c mice, depletion of neutrophils during the first days of infection with L. major in the ear dermis increased the expression of activation markers on dLN DCs but not on DCs present at the site of infection. In addition, BALB/c mice transiently depleted of neutrophils developed significantly smaller lesions, a decreased Th2 immune response and harbored fewer parasites at the site of infection compared to non-depleted littermates. In C57BL/6, mice early depletion of neutrophils had no detectable impact on the activation of DCs both at the site of infection and in the dLN following L. major inoculation. Furthermore, depletion of neutrophils had no major effect on lesion evolution and parasite loads despite the development of a decreased Th2 immune response compared to non- depleted littermates. In summary, at the onset of infection, neutrophils are detrimental for DC activation and the anti-leishmania response in BALB/c mice while their role appears to be less important in C57BL/6 mice. These findings could have important implications for the design of new vaccination strategies.